In the run for the White House there are always the “Primaries” before the first official Caucuses and Primaries. There is the “Money Primary”, the “DC Beltway Insider Primary”, the “Press Primary”, etc., etc.
The different Parties also have unofficial “Primaries” to build support with key voting blocks. In 2008 Democratic candidates worked hard to win the Netroots, Unions, Environmentalists and the various other groups that make up the “Base” of the Party. Now it is the Republican’s turn.
At this stage in the election cycle, announce, unannounced and poser Republican candidates are trying to win the traditional “unofficial GOP Primaries” by pandering to Right-wing Christians, Glibertain fan boys, deep pocketed Oligarchs, TeaBaggers and the like. And ever since the Neo-Confederates began to take over the Republican Party in the 1960s all GOP Presidential candidates have also taken part in a shadow Primary to appeal to white supremacists. Mostly this GOP “Whites Only” primary has been conducted with codes words, plausible deniability and dirty tricks in the shadows of American politics. Not anymore.
Since a black man was elected President in 2008 the active catering to racism, white fear and appeals to white supremacy have moved more and more into the open. Republicans of almost every stripe has become trapped in cycles of more and more extreme rhetoric. From time to time the racism and fear just explodes. It was a major factor in the 2010 midterms and proved to be the most effective organizing tool the Modern Conservative movement had in their bag of tricks. White anxiety and the fear of a brown planet has led many a fool to join the Tea Party and vote Republican. It has also attracted many grifters to exploit these very gullible people.
And that brings us to Donald Trump.
He may or may not be a racist, but that hardly matters. He is a grifter who uses racism for profit. He exploits the fear of a brown planet and whites becoming a powerless minority. To save the white race, Trump offers himself up as “The Great White Hope”. It is a powerful appeal to fear, racism and the desire for control.
More than any other recent Republican candidate (or pretend Republican candidate), The Donald has brought the racism of the GOP’s “Whites Only” pre-primary into the light of day. It is stunning to watch folks try to push it back into the shadows, but Trump will not let it go. He is forcing the rest of the Republican Party to actively compete with him in a “The Great White Hope” primary. He is pushing the effort to win the support of white racists into the open and making appeals to racism a Republican litmus test.
Trump has added a new unofficial “Primary” on the road to the Republican Presidential Nomination: The “Who can save us from that uppity nigger” primary.
He should be condemned, but it will not happen. Instead he will laugh all the way to the bank. And on the way the rest of Wingnutopia will embrace this racist bullshit even more.
It has been ugly, but it will get worse.
So it goes.
ps: The image is from D.W. Griffith’s extremely racist film, “The Birth of a Nation”. It is from a scene showing how the Confederate Party viewed African Americans as elected officials. It is pretty vile stuff and yet the view of Black folks with power (or even equality) held by Griffith is not that far from the view of President Obama held by many folks who are the “Base” of the GOP. Pandering to these assholes for their votes is what Trump is all about–and the same could be said about almost every other Republican candidate. I’m sure there are exceptions, but I just can’t think of one at the moment.
different church-lady
What the hell is that picture?
Of course, this is only a real fear if, as a non-brown, you think somehow browns will treat you like you’ve treated them. And that’s the greatest fear, right? It’s what makes the merry go round.
But no racism there. It’s just the way things are. And surely there’s no racism in those who exploit those simple, down home, unpretentious, Real Murkin non-racist fears for political advantage. Those guys aren’t racist either. They’re savvy.
Brian R.
The fact that the birthers pivoted on a dime to demanding Obama’s college transcripts is 100% proof that this is, and always has been, pure racism. They don’t think the black guy could legitimately be president, period.
Fuck these assholes.
@different church-lady: The pic is from birth of a nation, when the black people took over the legislatures. The movie shows them eatin’ fried chicken and havin’ a grand ol’ time instead of passing Paul Ryan’s budget.
Dennis G.
@different church-lady:
As the “ps” explains it is a still from the film, “The Birth of a Nation”. There is an extended scene in the film of the South Carolina government under the control of Black politicians. Griffith shows these black folks eating fried chicken, picking at their bare feet, drinking, fighting and–of course–leering at the white women. The film provided a visual vocabulary for racists in America that is still used to this day.
Linda Featheringill
You may be right about The Donald exploiting racism. I honestly didn’t see that in the Birther nonsense, but that is the only explanation for the Obama-didn’t-deserve-the-fancy-schools nonsense.
Still, the “Great White Hope” idea is interesting. I’ll look out for it.
Trump played the media again today by using his press conference to relentlessly promote his show and its season finale date (reminded me of the SNL sketch “Plug Away” with John Lovitz). Obama nailed him as the carnival barker today though those of us who lived in NYC in the 1980s know what he is. The rest of the country is now finding out.
Did I miss something? I haven’t heard Trump say anything racist. What has he said that was racist??
different church-lady
@MikeJ: Ahh, thank you. makes a lot more sense now.
Odd that I’ve never seen it, seeing as I’ve worked on a number of silent film restoration projects.
The first time I heard about the birth certificate issue was during the presidential campaign. I was at a social function and someone mentioned that it was important to show proof that the candidate was born in the USA. I assumed they were talking about McCain and I mentioned that was sick. McCain was obviously a naturalized citizen and to say otherwise was ridiculous. The person walked away.
@Brian R.: They don’t think the black guy could legitimately be president, period.
The Founders said so.
Dennis G.
Yep, You missed something. Look again.
Holy crap.
Front page on Yahoo: “Birtherist Response Highlights Racist Undertones of ‘Debate'”
First time I’ve seen any major news outlet call this shit for what it is.
The whole point to dropping the long-form birth certificate now is to make it clear, by their jabbering, what birthers really are. This is the moment now when those that weren’t really paying attention suddenly realize what their birther friends and family members really are.
There is that moment when it suddenly hits you that this person that seemed strange is understood to be actually mentally-ill, that they are sick. They are not part of a larger general discussion, they are not operating within reality anymore. Your dad is a tea party sympathizer because he is a racist and doesn’t like having a black President. All the rest of his conservative claptrap is just rationalization and crap off the TV.
Racism here cannot speak openly, but it is the fear and loathing that puts old scared white people out to rallies. Their signs and outfits are just the second part of it all. Take Our Country Back is just the first part of the sentence.
It is sort of like the Ryan budget. The folks that swirl it around to savor it’s aroma and taste and can’t decide one way or another, but think they are discussing something “serious” have done us all a great favor in outing themselves for what they really are. In this case, they are racists. Down to the deepest part of themselves, in many cases a way they would never admit otherwise.
That is a part of what make Donald Trump so gross. He isn’t cunning, he’s just racist scum. He is flashing it around not just because it gets him attention, he really is a racist asshole to his core.
Believe it or not, I would prefer if whites were in the majority. I wouldn’t be happy if the brown were to overtake.. Why?
Because, whites tend to be more open, more liberal, more inclusive than the other races. It might be because they are the majority that they can do that. But if you look around, you don’t see many blacks/asians or indians/asians, or indians/blacks married couples. I think whites are more inquisitive.
Morever, whites themselves are mongrels, they have a diverse racial backgrounds from african to asian…
This is just from empirical observation and from my own interactions with other races and my own race (indian).
different church-lady
@Dennis G.: Thanks for the explain. Did you add the PS later, or have my eyes and reading comprehension collapsed that badly?
@Cain: I have to disagree. What you wrote is a generalization and tried to lump all the people together. What you are discussing has more to do with rearing rather than sect. imo
different church-lady
A general question to all regarding person I will not address directly at binary 1111:
Is it possible for FAIL to be so dense that even light cannot escape its gravitational pull?
Wonder what the life of the actor in the center of that still was like back in 1915.
Dennis G.
@different church-lady:
Sorry to say it, but the ps was in the original post. The image is a shocking one in or out of context.
@Caz: I know, how can people accuse someone who has a “great relationship with the blacks” as a racist.
Seriously, the whole birther thing is based on racism. The only way you can even question the idea that Obama is constitutionally eligible to be president is to start with the assumption that a black person isn’t a full citizen.
Evolved Deep Southerner
@Cain: Cain, oh my. I’m not saying anything else, but I’m sticking around to see what happens to you. God rest your digital soul.
That a journalist, or a blogger, or a politician can ruminate on the BC issue and not explicitly bring up “racism” is their tell.
They’re either right in their with them, or they want those kinds off assholes to think they are. The latter is JUST as deplorable as the former.
different church-lady
@Dennis G.: I vow to stop skimming. I vow to stop skimming. I vow to stop skimming…
I’ve just spent the last 3 days arguing this birther bullshit with a childhood friend–he was my next door neighbor until I was 12 and he was 9 and our families have been lifelong friends–and he is firmly entrenched in Wingnutopia. Gets his “information” from Fox, WND and NewsMax and he’s happy to believe that Obama was born here as long as he can see definitive proof. And by the way, what about his college transcripts?
This is an embarrassing time to be a middle class, middle aged white guy in America. But I supported and voted for Obama in ’08 and if he still wants the job (and I can’t really figure out why he would still want the job), I will support and vote for him in 2012.
One last thing. I want to see Donald Trump’s Kew Forest School transcripts. I used to live across the street from that school and I read that Trump had to leave around the time he was 13 years old because of poor performance or behavioral issues. So his parents sent him to military school. But I want to know the real reason. Because if he really runs for president, this might be vital to the decision making process of people considering his candidacy. What an asshole.
Rightwing Don
Where do all these flaming liberals get off by claiming because I disagree with a black man on the issues, then I must be racist! I’d be happy to vote for Alan West, Alan Keyes, and a host of other black potential candidates, if they espouse a conservative political agenda! Obama is the most left wing, socialist, powerhungry president we have ever elected, and I don’t care what color he is! What I care about is, his policies are destroying this country. Call me right wing, extreme right wing even, but grant me the right to my opinion based on issues, not color!
opie jeanne
@Dennis G.:Those politicians were Black Republicans which is one reason why the south used to be full of white Democrats, or Dixiecrats as we used to call them. I think most of the Dixiecrats are now Republicans.
I don’t have any stills from that movie because my grandfather worked for Griffith later on, when he shot his apologia for “Birth of a Nation”, which received a certain amount of criticism because of the blatant racism. The movie Grandpa worked on is called “Intolerance”, and my family owns a bunch of the stills from it, including the legendary harem scene which was removed from the film. No one seems to know where that footage is, but the stills I have show a couple of ladies engaged in a pillow fight and wearing nothing but a bit of jewelry on their arms. The naughty bits are airbrushed just a little, but nothing is left to the imagination.
Evolved Deep Southerner
Would the obvious comeback to all this bullshit not be to say: “OK, I’ve proven this shit as much as I can. Anybody who says it’s not enough, I challenge them to give more documentary proof of their own birth than I’ve given here.”
Man, think of the funny-ass documents those dumb-ass motherfuckers would be throwing out to meet that challenge.
The smart ones would shut the fuck up. Actually, the smart ones shut the fuck up on this topic many moons ago.
opie jeanne
@FormerSwingVoter: I saw that on Yahoo tonight when I logged on, and it really surprised me to see it there. Yahoo has leaned to the right for a long time.
@Evolved Deep Southerner:
Heh. It’s a Dennis G. thread, he’s not as popular as the other threads! :-)
I’m a non-white, and I understand the culture of both asians and africans, as they are similar to my own. I don’t know the folks from latin countries but they do tend to be pretty conservative.
I did not provide any facts, or numbers so they are just observations that I’ve made and for lack of any other neutral data that’s all I can form my opinion on. I admit that I might be wrong..
@jpl – it’s possible that it is related to “fresh off the boat” vs “several generations here”. It is also a “this is the beast I know” rather than the unknown. I don’t know what the brown will do in place of the whites. I’m hopeful.
Evolved Deep Southerner
Hell, you think that’s bad. Trying being a middle class, middle aged white guy right in the heart of the Confederacy. And imagine you’ve got a pretty pronounced Southern accent on top of it.
It’s embarrassing as all fuck, I can tell you.
Actually, this has been a good few weeks of true assholes utterly outing themselves and parading about with no clothes on.
All the morons that think the Ryan Budget is anything but class warfare and groveling at the feet of the Captains of Industry are the easily-fooled conservative libertarian retards, or their sycophantic self-loathing wannabes.
The ones that still think there is something to this Birther issue are just racists. nothing else. A Black man can’t be my president. There is nothing underneath the jabbering but that.
put it on a billboard.
opie jeanne
@hhex65: Well, D.W. actually used a black man for the part, which is something that didn’t always happen. I ordered a movie my grandpa worked on and was really annoyed that the cook was a white man in blackface, probably because he had a lot of lines. The only AfAm in the film was the hired driver of one vehicle and he didn’t get any lines.
Dennis SGMM
When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed I was a sophomore in High School. I was under no illusion that its passage meant the end of racism in America because I could remember the fallout from the integration of schools in the mid-Fifties. It does, however, make me feel sad and ashamed that there are still so many racist fucks in this country nearly fifty years on. Maybe it’s time to just face facts and admit that we are a hopelessly divided nation rather than pretending that the better angels of our nature will somehow prevail.
Trump is now ineligible according to the new birther talking point that a natural-born US citizen requires their parents were born in the US. Trump’s mom was born in Scotland.
Evolved Deep Southerner
@Cain: All points well taken. I think it was me being narrowminded more than you. And, yeah, if you can’t talk race honestly on one of Dennis’ threads, where else could you possibly talk it? I guess I should have read twice and hit “send” once rather than the other way around. Peace.
Evolved Deep Southerner
@Dennis SGMM:
God damn, are you THAT old?
ETA: Well, yeah, I just counted up and that’s about right. I forget how old I am sometimes. Mother Nature and Father Time. Still undefeated.
I’m starting to think that the GOP nomination will go to the first candidate who calls Obama a nigger in public.
Birth of a Nation was just on TV the other night. TCM, probably. Would have watched it with the kids but there was work to do.
Omnes Omnibus
@Evolved Deep Southerner: It was enacted about a month before I was born.
opie jeanne
@Evolved Deep Southerner: He’s about 2 years older than I am. I thought I was old. ;-)
@Dennis SGMM:
@Evolved Deep Southerner: That’s just what I was thinking.
Damn, I may be embarrassed but at least I’m not THAT old!
(Sorry Dennis)
Dennis SGMM
No worries: considering the life I’ve led I revel in being a fugitive from the law of averages. Besides, growing old beats the hell out of the alternative.
@Evolved Deep Southerner: Hell, my family still owns our plantation farm.
opie jeanne
@hhex65: I take it back. If that actor is who I think he is, he’s a white man in blackface.
Evolved Deep Southerner
No, please don’t misunderstand about the “Are you that old?” question. I was talking to Dennis kind of personally. He presided over a really neat magazine in Athens, Ga., ‘Flagpole,’ when I was an undergraduate at the University of Georgia. He was a guest speaker to a class of mine back in 1992, so I’ve met him once.
But, shit, that’s 19 years ago now, though it doesn’t seem like it.
I’m personally of the opinion that Trump made a colossal mistake making the pivot to criticizing Obama’s college record. The birther nonsense he could cloak in the “respectable” veneer that that crowd’s tried to drape itself with for years, that it’s all about “the law” and whatnot. But bitching about Obama’s college record and saying he didn’t deserve to go to Harvard is nothing but blatant racism and everyone can see it. It’s saying “this uppity n___er didn’t deserve to get into Harvard instead of white men like me.” It’s race-baiting at its most naked, short of saying Obama spends his days eathing watermelon in his bare feet and asking “Where’re all the white women at?”
Poor form, Donald, poor form. Now we know you’re race-baiting and there’s nothing you can do to hide it.
@opie jeanne: oh,– I forgot about that. I have to admit I’ve never seen the film.
Jay C
@hhex65: @opie jeanne:
IIRC from my film-school hash-over of Birth of a Nation, I think Griffith did use some actual African-American actors for some small parts; but had a lot of trouble casting – even in 1915 the property was notoriously prejudicial. I do recall, though, that the main “black” part in BoaN – the villain who is virtuously lynched by the KKK near the end – was a white actor in blackface; the guy in Dennis’s still may be a similar case.
Omnes Omnibus
@Evolved Deep Southerner: Too late. That ship already sailed.
Does anyone know if Caz is a spoof? It shows up regularly to declare that (no pun intended) black is white. Hardly any obvious attempts to make people mad, just says something that is in blatant defiance of reality and then moves on.
Omnes Omnibus
@Uloborus: Who can tell these days? The real trolls suck and the spoofs mirror them so they suck too.
opie jeanne
@Jay C: Tom Wilson is the actor I’m thinking of. He plays the servant of Elsie (Lillian Gish). I’m not sure if he’s the guy in the middle of the So Carolina state house scene.
I really need to watch this movie. It was shown by the museum in Riverside, CA when I lived there but I couldn’t get tickets. They had to postpone the showing for a couple of days because the NAACP misunderstood the reason it was being shown, and threatened to picket. When it was explained why, they were more than happy to support the showing. I think it was then that some KKK members threatened to picket it but they never showed up. Exciting times!
opie jeanne
The entire film appears to be here:
People should watch Birth of a Nation and Reifenstahl’s Triumph of the Will to get a good understand of how image can manipulate emotion to influence Decision Making.
The same techniques and tricks are widely used in advertising, especially political advertising, today.
What is with the drive-bys on this thread? Do these people have Google Alerts set up for “Birth of a Nation”, or what?
Comrade Mary
Huh. Strangely enough, in a single extended family I know who started off in Guyana before they came to Canada, I’ve seen all those combos, as well as some white plus indian/asian, and black plus indian/asian. Maybe you don’t know enough people from the Caribbean and South America.
@Evolved Deep Southerner:
We all need to admit when we’re being racist. I know I do. The saving grace is that I am able to rationalize and overcome my own racism against others. Upbringing counts. You’re sense of righteousness and justice should be able to counter the racism or stereotypes you feel when you look at someone.
So when I say that perhaps I rather have a white majority, I have to admit to myself that there might be some racism involved. If I don’t admit to myself, I can’t change it. But in any case, what I don’t to see is some large majority that grew up behind walled environments. The indian commun itselity for instance, hardly ever involves itself in anything. No charitable works, no donating time to help society, essentially worthless other than for people to be around other people of their own background. While I agree it would be nice to tell the jokes, speak the language.. they need to also interact with others outside their society.
Yes, a Dennis G is a great place to have a nice thread about this stuff, because the usual fire breathers don’t usually end up here. :-)
@Comrade Mary:
I’m from the midwest, we don’t get much mixing over there. My high school was pretty liberal, being in a college town. But I never really saw much dating of other races in college, and even here in portland oregon I don’t see much interracial couples between black/asian or others. My friend who is Nigerian is dating an Thai fairly steadily.
Comrade Mary
I’m not denying what you observe, nor would I think to lecture you on race given that I’m privileged by virtue of my pallid skin and probably blind to a lot of the stuff you deal with every day. But what you may be seeing in places like the midwest, and to a lesser extent on the coast, are just so damn few people of colour compared to places like Toronto that it would be rare for certain combos to be common.
There was a show on the CBC a while back, produced by someone whose family had gone through the World War II internment camps in B.C, where they noted that every single person in their Japanese-Canadian family married a white person. Not a single one married another Japanese-Canadian. There’s some discussion of the documentary in this blog post.
Felanius Kootea (formerly Salt and freshly ground black people)
@BerkeleyMom: No, he nailed the media as the carnival barkers. Trump is just one of the clowns they want us to see.
@Comrade Mary: Japanese Americans outmarry the most of all ethnic groups.
Outside of that, you’ll see more outmarriage in SF, LA and NY; I think the Northwest is less so because there are simply fewer blacks and Hispanics to mix.
I think a lot of that is a function of being a recent immigrant group, frankly. Most of the Indian-Americans I know who are my age (early 40s) are second generation immigrants at best, and many of them are naturalized citizens who primarily grew up in the US. And, yes, they received heavy pressure from their parents to date and marry within their community … but their children aren’t getting the same pressure.
Assimilation takes time. There’s a similar dynamic to the one you describe at work in the city I live in now, where the majority of the population is immigrants from Armenia. First generation immigrants tend to form tight little enclaves, and it really isn’t until the second or even third generation that people start to assimilate.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Rightwing Don: I’m probably late to the party …
Right. He’s about as left wing soc1al1st and power hungry as Dwight Eisenhower. Go back and read your history, learn what those words really mean, and get a grip. In my DFH left-wing dreams, the US doesn’t come anywhere near the buzzwords you fear. Because fear is what it is. It sure ain’t rational thought.
BSoSR + 6
@Cain: Heh, you don’t have to be white to be a white supremacist. Good to know.
ETA: Although I suppose Dave Chapelle covered that already.
ETA2: Your personal observations count as anecdotes and not actual social or political science.
@Cain: Oh, and my German-Chinese brother is having a kid with his Irish-Jamaican girlfriend. (ETA: here in the midwest. could it be that when you look at me or my bro you *only* see Asian and don’t realize that we’ve mixed? Is this the one drop rule?)
I wonder if you have considered that whites are more mixed because they’ve been here longer and that more recent immigrants would necessarily have a tendency to not be mixed race? ETA: Or that you can’t personally tell by looking at a white person if they are mixed?
Oh my god, so much fail.
bob h
Although Obama is doing just fine and will be getting my contributions and vote in ’12, I would not bet against his replacement by an inferior white man in what would be one of the most disgraceful episodes in American history.
billy rae valentine
@Cain: like you said, your evidence is basically what you feel u’ve seen.
here is A RELEVANT FACT: In 2007, 4.6% of all married Blacks in the United States were wed to a White partner, and 0.4% of all Whites were married to a Black partner
so you’re wrong. whites are not more “open”. and even if they are, who cares that you want the country to stay majority white? how was that even relevant to the discussion? how random and suspect. i’d be more polite to you but it’s been a rough, racial day i ain’t got no more nice left in me.
nterracial marriage rates by gender and ethnic group in 2008.
14.7 all men
14.4 all women
9.0 White men
8.8 White women
25.5 Hispanic men
25.2 Hispanic women
22.0 Black men
9.0 Black women
19.5 Asian men
39.5 Asian women
pew research center. your gut feeling is wrong. whites are the least likely to marry interracially.
billy rae valentine
@Cacti: today was a day with tears and very few laughs.
this got a good laugh outta me. so i thank u.
Bobby Thomson
@billy rae valentine: I thought you were pretty polite to Cain. Much more polite than I would have been.
Paul in KY
@Evolved Deep Southerner: I think it would be a bit better than having a Joisey accent in the middle of Deep South ;-)
Paul in KY
@Mnemosyne: Most of my Indian coworkers are from India & those who don’t arrive already married, soon return to India for an arranged marriage. Have only met one Indian female who was not married when she arrived here & she was fairly young & returned to India last year & was married (to another Indian gentleman who works here). I try to be amused
When I followed the link the headline had the word “Racial”, not “Racist”. But yes, it’s impressive.
@68: A lot of that is a function of there being so many more white people. It’s mathematically impossible for whites to have a comparable intermarriage rate given how many of us there are in the US.
Google for the OKCupid blog’s article “What if there weren’t so many white people?” It has a lot of interesting insights into what things look like in a dating world with more equal sized groups.
I think that a problem is that american have hardwired the concept of “race”. There are no races, people. There are etnical groups, that are defined due cultural, language and social standing in a society. Let phenotypes out of this; that the skin color is related to any societal difference is XIX century bullshit, the kind of bulshit that allowed Auterslitz and KKK.
I propose to abandon the term racial, and use the term “etnical”.
@Caz: Trump: Not racist, but number one with racists.
(Yes, a Simpsons lift.)
(And that’s if one generoulsy demotes his recent remarks to mere gaffeness.)
@BSoSR – I’m pretty sure that guy was a spoof. If not, he’s mentally marooned and not capable of rescue. Either way, the tell for me was his feeling that making the “it’s about issues and policies, man, not skin color” argument was somehow germane to a conversation about the birther nontroversy, which is, charitably, not exactly about issues and policies.
The further we get into this thing, the more I find myself entertaining the notion that this is high-level performance art from Donald Trump, and he’s trying to do Democrats a favor.
read above, I admit to the fact they are my personal observation and are not construed as a science. A single person’s observation is not considered reality by any means. But when there is a lack of data, it is a fallback and it is natural until evidence shows otherwise. If I see a study that says otherwise, I’ll change my opinion.
Regarding the white supremacist comment – you’re taking a literal translation of that word and dumping all the negative connotations. A white supremacists is defined as someone who believes in the superiority of the white race. The background of what I discussed is that a white is a ‘mongrel’ race, it has a little of everyone in it.. (eg it’s not really white) allows it to be more accepting of new people and cultures. That’s completely different than what we know is a white supremacist. Obviously, I don’t hold any one race above the other. I don’t even say white is really white.
@billy rae valentine:
That’s pretty interesting.. and counter-intuitive to me based on my personal experience. I’ll have to think over that. I must not be living in areas where that occurs a lot. Did it have a distribution across the United States on where they most likely occur?
@Paul in KY:
I did that too, despite being completely integrated in American society. You’ll find me no different than a pasty white midwestern. :-)
That said, I do have an indian identity and the purpose of the arranged marriage is to continue to maintain it and to have ties with my former homeland.
Of course that works for you you are a non-white. The fact is the commies want to see every single white dead or mixed into oblivion (a face worse then death).
@Cain: Uh, yeah, those Tea Parties were just loaded up with open-minded white folk, weren’t they?
Cain, you’re just baiting us, right? Surely you realize that economic privilege and education are the drivers here, not race. Right?
@gf120581: He doesn’t care. He thinks he sees an opportunity that all the others are too lily-livered to fully embrace. He knows damned well that the heart of opposition to Obama is race-based. So why code it anymore? Everyone already knows he’s a sleazebag, so what’s the difference? He’s got his already.
Capn America
@billy rae valentine: I don’t get it, why is it 4.6% and 0.4% in 2007 and then in the 20% and 9% range in 2008? The 2007 numbers are BS, a quick back of the envelope calculation on the relative proportions of blacks and whites in the US will prove that so.
As for what Cain is saying, I’m sorry, I have to agree just a bit. I don’t want the xenophobic Tea Party types running the country, but I don’t think non-assimilating Hispanics or East Asians or Indians will be any better. To be a bit more controversial, anyone who has spent time in a school with a significant Asian population (say, over 10%) knows they really tend to stick together. Blacks do the same, although that makes a bit more sense to me given that most of them came from all-black neighborhoods, while the Asian kids have been going to majority-white schools their whole lives.
Absolutely they are a factor.
Paul in KY
@Cain: To me, the good thing about the arranged marriage is that you don’t have to worry about dating & navigating ‘the scene’, etc. etc.
It also ensures that those males (and females, I guess) who don’t have ‘any game’, can get a partner.
Paul in KY
@AngryMan9000: ‘The commies’! Did you just time warp in a hot tub from 1986?
Paul in KY
@Capn America: Well, I’m sure after 12 years of being laughed at by asshole white jocks they are just dying to assimilate.