The video that ABL posted earlier should fill us all with shame–as the man said it is 2011. And yet, we are still dealing with this crap. The old racism is moving out of the shadows. A lot of white folks are embracing a variety of codes that basically just call the President of the United States a nigger over and over and over again. And all of this code talking is tolerated and even promoted by our so called liberal media.
Case in point is this weekends White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Every media outfit in DC competes to fill their table with celebrities and newsmakers. The Washington Post gossip columnists recently published a list of “stars” on the guest list of different media companies. This item stood out:
Really? What the fuck is wrong with these people! Somehow I do not think “fascinating” is the right word to describe Trump and his endless race-baiting. Giving him yet more free publicity for his racist campaign is not just insulting to the Nation and the readers of the WP, it is also an insult to the staff of the WP.
Earlier today Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post wrote an article titled: Trump insults ‘the blacks,’ again. I read it just before I watched the video in ABL’s post. Like the video, Capehart’s piece is also powerful and sadly strikes all the same notes. Here is a sample:
Years ago at a party, a fete filled with the gorgeous mosaic that is New York City, an African American friend told me a joke. “What do they call a black doctor in the South?” she asked. Before I could respond, she said, “Nigger!” And she said it in that slavemaster-from-“Roots” kinda way for dramatic and comedic effect. We both howled.
The joke was as ugly as the word that is its punchline. But it voiced a truth all black professionals feel deep in their core. No matter how hard we work. No matter how hard we play by the rules. No matter how much we prove through grades, degrees or just plain success, we are less-than. And to be clear: less than white people. No matter what we do, we will never measure up. We will never truly have it made.
What made me — and countless others, blacks and whites, I’ve heard from — so sad yesterday was that even as president of the United States, a job he worked hard to attain and will have to work even harder to keep, Barack Obama was not immune to the reality of my friend’s crude joke.
Donald Trump’s entire (fake or real) Presidential campaign is basically just calling President Obama a nigger over and over again in a variety of code words, winks, nods and catch phrases. And now this long-time racist is the celebrated and honored guest of the Washington Post at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. I wonder if Capehart is suppose to sit at the table with the bastard. I wonder if Pulitzer Prize winner Eugene Robinson is suppose to break bread with the prick who calls into question the accomplishments of any black man in America.
By inviting Trump, the management of the WP is basically supporting Trump’s race-baiting. It is shameful behavior and an insult to their staff and readers.
It is just too disgusting for words.
Tim Connor
Well, you nailed the situation. I wish you weren’t right, but you are.
WaPo contact page:
I’m just sayin’.
I guess David Duke really was a man ahead of his times.
Dennis G.
and I’m sure that today’s media would find him “fascinating” as well. The stupid of it just burns. It just burns…
They should sit Gene and Capehart on either side of that smug son of a bitch.
Villago Delenda Est
Exactly so.
The WaPo was dead to me before, with its constant fellating of a deserting sack of war criminal shit. It’s even deader now.
I’m assuming that Trump calls into question whether Robinson and Capehart actually are capable of writing their own columns, or have to have them penned by some hypertalented white kids who couldn’t get into the right college because of the blacks.
Comrade DougJ
Even the liberal Washington Post thinks Trump deserves to be taken seriously.
Dennis G:
Thank you for this, and your many other wonderful posts. Thank you for not equivocating, not sugar coating, not minimizing, and not deflecting. Some people just don’t get it quite yet, but I am heartened that there are some who do.
Anyone at the dinner who has the guts to stand up and pour their soup over Trump before loudly refusing to eat with a racist would have my undying affection. Yes, even if it were George Will or Andrew Sullivan. Not that either of them has the integrity to speak out against a little thing like racism. It wouldn’t be the journalistic and serious thing to do. Very indecorous.
Incidentally, I’d like to know why none of our serious journalists can write anything as good as this
General Stuck
This is what choosing up sides looks like. Cloaked in clownish entertainment wrapped up in the seeming innocence of celebrity politics. I suspect it is mostly emerging from layers of denial and rationalization, and a casualness of semi humor. It isn’t a joke. It is a country afraid, white fear loss of entitlement. Even liberals are not immune to it’s insidious onset, or germination of past survival seeds of race based class in this country. That at the highest levels of society, trumps economics based class separations.
Obama reached the pinnacle of achievement, and it was all very fun and romantic even, electing the first black president. But the novelty has worn thin, and the black guy is still president, and maybe for another 4 years come 2012.
Well scrubbed white citizens, even ones who voted for Obama, are feeling some kind of nagging anxiety for a change back to a familiar color. Obviously, You can’t very well stereotype Obama down into a caricature of poverty in some shithole projects somewhere. So a symbol of white achievement, that is someone like a business tycoon, does it with a snarky run for president, with the race of his opponent as the punchline.
It is very ugly. And it mostly being carried out Unconsciously by people who should know better.
Hill Dweller
The WaPo doesn’t have any standards. Hiatt, who has turned that rag into a charity program for Bush flunkies, climate change deniers and torture apologists, is the editor for fuck’s sake. A racist at their table won’t bother them in the least.
Mark S.
Christ I hate the Correspondents’ Dinner. From Karl Rove rapping to W. making hilarious jokes about not finding WMD’s, it is the creepiest political event outside of something staged by Goebbels back in the day. It’s a big circle jerk for the Villagers to laugh at what a disservice they do to the country.
Rather a nice piece about Trump and what his success says about the GOP de nos jours.
Mark S.
In a way, Fred Phelps is fascinating. Why didn’t the WaPo invite him as well?
Jim Newell
Oh I’d forgotten about this since the certificate came out. There’s no way it can happen now. Meaning it probably will.
But really, there’s no way. I’ll assume Trump has some stake in the Kaplan Education Empire if it happens.
M. Bouffant
@Mark S.:
Perhaps we could arrange for a high-speed head-on collision of the Royal Wedding & the Correspondents Dinner on an otherwise empty road. As long as there are no survivors, seems like a win-win situation.
Capeheart and Robinson can use the night as an opportunity to punch Donny in the grill.
@Jay: Or Richard Cohen could bore him to death.
Mark S.
Here is where future historians will trace the end of the US.
People should stage a circus/carnival themed protest nearby, or maybe work up a youtube re-enactment of the dinner highlights along the same lines.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mark S.: I will drive to your home and punch you in the neck for posting that. Christ, you can’t give a warning?
Canadian Shoggoth
Have the caterers deliver a special plating for Trump: Humble pie with a side of crow. Also inspired by Palin: for dessert Half-Baked Alaska “You’re Fired!”
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
And just a reminder that this is not over…
The Legislative Director for Texas State Rep. Berman, crafter of the state’s Birther Bill, rejects the ‘long form’ Obama showed. Why? Because it says “Certificate of Live Birth”, not “Birth Certificate”.
Satire is futile when reality is infinitely more absurd than humor.
Mark S.
Ha, I often forget about Cohen because nobody ever links him, but he is seriously one of the biggest jackasses in a town full of them. How the hell did he ever get such a plum job?
Jim Newell
@Mark S.: He lives in New York City, is the sad thing. But the Village is a virtual construct.
Oh, but you know, the Correspondents Dinner is all about the attendees and speakers hahahahaha-ing and glad-handing, applauding, or tolerating “foes” (which is why Colbert was such a shockaroonie in the Bush days). No need to be all principled at the WHCD!
Oh, how I wish not this time. (Oh, of course, it will happen again.) But in my dreams, someone, somehow, takes a stand instead of cluppa cluppa cluppa-ing.
This is some of the ugliest shit the pundits have ever been complicit on, rivaling their Iraq War sycophancy.
@Mark S.: Feature, not a bug.
I wish Robinson and Capehart would skip this dinner, regardless of the Trump invitation. Trump is a racebaiting scumbag and fuck the Washington Post for inviting him, but this dinner, along with the Congressional Correspondents, Alfalfa Club, and Gridiron Dinners, has always been a pure, unadulterated crock of shit. No serious journalist should want to be caught dead at any of these nauseating events.
Chuck Butcher
The Orange Man and The Donald at the same table – gads what fun there is to be had.
I don’t know why, but it seems obvious to me that Trump isn’t running. This seems much more like a last gasp attention grab rather than a presidential run. Just a gut feeling.
Suffern ACE
@hilts: And yet they all go, due to a shortage of serious journalists. In the just world, trump would no longer be welcome in polite company. The Village is not polite, and so they find his wealth a depravity desirable traits. It’s why he can be married so many times…they would sell him their daughters if they could. Good luck Ezra…someday they’ll let you come, too.
The Post isn’t racist per se…they just are spooked by the deficit and want the rubes not to notice that their pensions are being stolen while their children are spending a lot to attend online Kaplan schools that deliver very little. Trump helps them do that.
@Canadian Shoggoth:
Don’t forget a tall glass of “Shut The Hell Up.” Or, as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson called it in his pro wrestling days, “Shut Up Juice.”
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@General Stuck:
I don’t get it. Some of my ancestors settled Long Island in 1655. Others were pioneers who moved on to Mississippi because Carolina was too crowded. I’m as white and privileged as you can get. How come I worked for Obama, I read Ann Dunham’s Wikipedia page tonight, and I’m proud of my country for moving beyond race and electing someone with such a diverse, international background?
I don’t feel any damned anxiety. I look at white people older than me, my age, and younger than me, and they’re all fucked up. I just don’t get it.
Maybe you just have to start out not feeling entitled. How the fuck do you teach that?
@Jim Newell: I’d like to think you’re right about it not happening now. But if it were to happen, could it be arranged for him to sit in the service quarters? Although that’d still be too good for him. Actually getting to hobnob with those real Americans and all.
Yeah. Pretty much.
I say, let’s find out who advertises with Celebrity Apprentice and organize a boycott. Then boycott any advertiser on NBC. It’s obvious that NBC News and MSNBC are two different entities and the advertisers on shows that refuse to get into the racial gutter with Trump or even have people on those shows like LOD or Bob Schieffer.
It’s obvious that NBC the network is terrified of alienating Trump but what I don’t understand is, GE owns NBC. GE has Imelt, who supposedly is friends with Obama. Does anyone else see a disconnect?
I don’t think he’s running either. I think Lawrence O’Donnell has been spot on in his assessment of Trump’s bullshit. That very fact makes it worse: NBC is essentially putting its own interest in promoting Trump and his stupid fucking show over the feelings of its viewers. Many black people I’ve talked to feel personally insulted as do other minorities. Many white viewers are disgusted. I have made several calls to NBC to voice my feelings and know others have to. Last I checked, we haven’t heard a peep from the NBC execs.
If we knew that he was not running, he would not have three more weeks to spew his racist bullshit and further poison an already toxic atmosphere. He would cease to be newsworthy.
And I could go back to watching Parks & Rec and 30 Rock, because really, that’s what’s important. Andy & April’s honeymoon, dammit!
I’m just tired. I bawled last night. I felt stupid about it, but I just couldn’t help it.
And tomorrow I head to my 10 year reunion in Charlottesville where, 12 years ago, upon finding out that I was one of the few who had written on to law review, one of my classmates/study group friend said “that’s awesome that there’s a diversity component.”
There *was* a diversity component — in addition to doing the writing assignment, students could, if they chose, write a diversity essay and explain what somethin’-somethin’ extra they had going on for them that would make them a good addition to the editorial board (LGBTQ, minority, disabled, whatever). I chose not to do the diversity essay. I simply did the writing assignment. I was stone-cold shocked and proud when I was chosen. It was, of course, assumed that I had because certainly I couldn’t have written on to law review without that extra edge. I’m sure many people thought it. This person was the only one who said it. And just like that, I was deflated.
That’s how I feel now. Deflated.
Fuck everything.
I shit you not.
Personally, I think hanging Trump around Boehner’s neck as they did with the seating is remarkably appropriate. I’d love to listen in to THAT conversation – just to learn how much of a wingnut Boehner really is.
The only thing really stopping a Trump run is the fact that he would have to disclose his finances. He knows that any sunlight on that aspect of his life will ruin his popular image. But at the same time he might trap himself so he has no choice but to run. That’s when things get delicious.
Thanks for this. I just said.
And I didn’t include a single dirty word, which I thought showed some real restraint. Assholes! Actually, that’s not bad enough. Fucking no-class, worthless assholes!
I guess I see Trump as being like Palin. Both of them are more interested in the spotlight than actually doing anything. It’s not like Trump does anything – his entire real estate business is about his name, not about anything really special in his properties. When push comes to shove, they’ll realize that being out there as kingmakers is easier than actually eating strained beets at lunch events in Iowa for a year with cranky 83 year-old caucusgoers.
Villago Delenda Est
It would also subject him to creditors finally being able to go over those records with a fine tooth comb.
The Donald would find himself in a world of litigious hurt.
Which would cause my Schadenfreude meter to explode into atoms.
It’s moments like this that I feel like Mother’s Younger Brother in Ragtime when he is brought to meet with Coalhouse Walker.
I know how to blow things up.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@ABL: Oh. fuck.
Thanks for the moment of clarity.
Being an old bald fat white guy and all, I generally figure that on the rare occasions that I succeed, somebody somewhere thought I did something well.
To have that feeling of accomplishment stolen away from you just because you’re not an old bald fat white guy … ugh.
I also filled out the contact us page at the White House Correspondents Association website, to indicate how disgusting it is that WaPo is bringing Trump to breathe the same air as our president and other decent people.
I believe my comment included the phrases “loathsome racist whoremonger” and “vomitous urinal cake”.
@Villago Delenda Est: I’d lurve to see him try to get out of the reporting requirement. Maybe he thinks he can schmooze the FEC into just taking his word for it that he really is a billionaire, that all his money is on the up and up, and hey I’m not gonna subject myself o bribery just to enrich myself! I just hope he gets stuck in a loop where ego and megalomania override his business acumen. His mouth has gotten him into tight spots before.
(edited for clarity. and FYWP.)
mai naem
I wish Eugene Robinson grabs a rolled up WP and smacks The Donald on the head with it.
Chuck Butcher
Some people are clods, as someone who has practiced law I’m pretty sure noticed. A hell of a lot of us are proud that this country could manage to elect President Obama. A hell of a lot of us are proud of his story. The polling puts the birthers back at that always reliable 27%, pretty much a standard number for cretinism it seems.
Do you think I should take these cretins personally as a white male? Is there a reason I should take ownership of their … fuckwittedness? I suppose it’s easy to say you shouldn’t either – I do wish you wouldn’t.
Spaghetti Lee
I’m just hoping for Trump to get stinking drunk and say out loud what he and all his groupies are thinking. Bury him once and for all.
I guess I’ll be boycotting WaPo for the next few weeks, minimum. Not really a problem, as WaPo is no where near a primary news site for me — I go there maybe twice to four times a week via linked stories from other sites.
Not anymore, though. Ditto NBC. I just don’t want to be giving clicks, eyeballs, or any kind of business to these assholes who continue to associate with Trump.
Chuck Butcher
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason:
As an older white guy who beats nails for a living I’ve pretty much given up on the idea that preconceptions will put me any farther up than a trained monkey. Still doesn’t make me a minority.
Citizen Alan
After reading that the Washington Post will be bringing racist animal Donald Trump to the Correspondents Dinner, I will now say publicly what I have thought privately for the better part of ten years:
If Al-Qaeda had flown one of those planes into the Washington Post Building and killed every single person who worked there, America would owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude.
@Citizen Alan: Really? I understand that people tend to overstate things for dramatic effect, but you’re comfortable being on Anne Coulter’s side?
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason:
F. Scott Fitzgerald had a notion:
I wish I could say I don’t know how you feel about that “diversity component” bs, but I know it hard, fast and in my face. Sorry that happened.
And I just shut off TDS, because Stewart decided the outrage on MSNBC was a huge part of the joke and that Bill Clinton had it bad too, so we shouldn’t be so upset. There’s too many people I’d like to slap some sense into, but that could require a millennium and I like bathroom breaks.
Thanks, dengre. You’re spot on. This whole thing is just fucking dispiriting.
@ABL: Fuck her/him with my rusty pitchfork. You say the word, and I’ll do a bit of poking with my trusty friend. You hold your head high as you march into that reunion. None of those clowns have ANYTHING on you.
@asiangrrlMN: A-to-the-fucking-men on that wifey of mine. And I find myself at a loss about what to say to ABL to help her get through this personal crisis without making it sound like I’m telling her how she should feel. The fact is every single fucking emotion she’s having right now is VALID. I can’t even empathize, I can only listen. I have to pray that’s enough.
@Yutsano: Hi, hon. How you be? I’m pretty wrung out. Sleep all fucked up, more than usual. How’s fed life?
Citizen Alan
Hiatt, Broder, Krauthammer, Milbank, Marcus, Cilizza, Cohen, Millbank. Mark FUCKING Thiessen. Name someone writing at the Post right now who any of us would have missed if they’d died screaming in a fire ten years ago. Filthy evil people who have devoted themselves to disgracing journalism and making America a worse place than it would otherwise be.
You want to talk about Ann Coulter? Honestly, I’m surprised she’s not writing for the Post. She’d fit right in.
We all know the patented retort anti-Semites spew reflexively, “some of my best friends…………….”
Trump, when asked to respond to charges of racism: “Those people love me.”
robinson should hawk a big yellow lugey in Trump’s salad.
@asiangrrlMN: Epidurals are teh fucking awesome. I now understand pregnant women on a much deeper level now. And I will be the first male to say fuck natural childbirth. GET. THE. FUCKING. SHOT.
(shorter me: back feels MUCH bettah.)
Other than that all I gotta do now is get through Friday and the week is done. And I’m thinking I indulge in massive amounts of laziness. Although now that I can move semi-decently…
@Yutsano: You are hilarious. I’m glad you’re feeling better and can move without wincing in pain. I think you deserve a weekend of laziness!
joel hanes
@Citizen Alan:
Name someone writing at the Post right now who any of us would have missed
Walter Pincus
Eugene Robinson
that’s all I got.
Spaghetti Lee
@Citizen Alan:
Well, you know, even if you’re willing to say that all those people deserve to die in hellfire, there’s still the matter of the beat reporters, pages, office workers, janitors, secretaries, etc. at the building, and you know, stuff like that is why I find such arguments problematic.
@Yutsano: I’m pretty much in the same place. ABL has every right to be pissed, and here I am very nearly the definition of the average white male, and there’s just nothing I can offer. Eventually we’ll get past all of this, and I’m working damn hard to get us there, but it’s going to be a long time yet and it’s not going to stop hurting until we do.
On the broader diversity front, 55% of children born in California are Latino. The GOP is chasing a dying demographic, which would be bad enough, but they’re doing it by pissing off the growing demographics. It cannot last long.
Hiatt, Will, Krauthammer, Milbank, Marcus, Cilizza, Cohen, Mark FUCKING Thiessen = A Confederacy of Dunces
@asiangrrlMN: I just realized as I stood up a little bit ago that I WASN’T HUNCHING OVER. I actually can manage to get my spine into a normal bipedal position. It really is amazing how quickly the body can forget things like that when it compensates for a painful area. Now I REALLY wanna get the hips done!
@Martin: We start with the kids. And they’re already light years ahead of us. Even those of us who are supposedly enlightened on these issues.
I finally finished my second post on this subject. Yesterday was a rant on the fury I felt about this bullshit. Today, I wrote about the pain and the grief.
@Yutsano: Soon, you’ll be a cyborg! Neat.
@hilts: Hiatt, Will, Krauthammer, Milbank, Marcus, Cilizza, Cohen, Mark FUCKING Thiessen = A Confederacy of
@asiangrrlMN: don’t get me wrong, i loved law school and i’m sure i’ll have a blast.
yesterday just sucked ass.
life could be worse, so you know — stiff upper lip, old chap!
(ok sue me, i’m watching BBC. i see a lot of jaunty hats.)
Joseph Nobles
@ruemara: Ah, crap. I’m in the middle of a move, I just programmed the new DVR, and my first Daily Show is going to be that false equivalence BS? Thanks, Jon.
We’ll just agree here and now to never speak of this again. Deal?
And hugz to both you and wifey. All I can tell you is I’m here and I support you both, as insufficient as that is.
@asiangrrlMN: On your second piece: I work with a Viet Namese man named Vu. Vu is an American citizen. Vu served his country in Iraq in the Army with distinction. Vu is happily married and makes a good living working for the United States Government. Vu gets shit from taxpayers for having a very slight accent. I’m hoping to at least understand the inner rage he must feel at that. You just pushed me a big step forward.
(PS Vu is adorable too. I just thought that merited mentioning. :)
Anne Laurie
@joel hanes: Harold Meyerson:
He wrote this before the Great Long-Form Release, but nobody ever quotes boring ol’ sensible Harold. If only the poor busterd looked like an Anderson Cooper, or even a Sean Hannity, instead of… a Harold Meyerson, he might even get invited to be sensible on the teevee. (Naah, probly not.)
Sarah Proud and Tall
I’m with the others here. I know very little that isn’t white and privileged, but I try my best to understand, for what that’s worth.
I was trying to come up with a joke involving “The Bells! The Bells!” but I decided that would be unnecessarily cruel.
I’m glad you’re feeling better.
/rare sincerity
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
I’m devastated. I was hoping to be on the receiving end of the point of your rapier sharp wit. Or something.
(that typoed as whip. I almost left it.)
Sarah Proud and Tall
I’m waiting in line at Westminster Abbey, being frisked by a nice Pakistani policeman. I’m a little distracted.
@Sarah Proud and Tall: Looks like a nice day.
Sarah Proud and Tall
The entire city seems to have gone mad in a frightfully charmingly British kind of way.
@Sarah Proud and Tall: And it gives lot’s of other people something to complain and pontificate about. Seems to me like they are nice people.
England swings like a pendulum do
Bobbies on bicycles, two by two
Westminster Abbey, the tower of Big Ben
The rosy red cheeks of the little children
England Swings
@ABL: I know there’s lots of assholes in the world, but I hope most of your party attendees were not.
I try to “consider the source.” Jerks and assholes are not happy people. Sorta explains it.
Triassic Sands
You’re all being grossly unfair to the Washington Post. Donald Trump may be president someday, and if he is, the Washington Post will have to expend unlimited amounts of time and energy supporting any wars The Donald gets us into, largely as a result of his gigantic mouth and tiny brain. It just doesn’t make any sense for the WaPo to dis Trump now, and then turn around and fall all over themselves supporting his wars. I mean, if they did that, they’d look like hypocrites, and anyone who follows the WaPo Editorial Page knows that Fred Hiatt will do anything to avoid looking like a hypocrite.
Go easy on the Post, guys, it isn’t easy surviving on the fame generated by two reporters almost forty years ago.
Jim McBride has sent you an invitation to ‘Tell Washington
Post to NOT INVITE Trump to WH Correspondents Dinner!’ —
click here to view the invitation and submit your
Tell the Washington Post to cancel their invitation for purveyor or ignorant propaganda Donald Trump to attend the White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday @ [email protected] or call 202-334-7582 (VM probably full)
Yesterday was one of the saddest moments in American political history. Our legitimately American-born President having to explain two years into office that he is a legitimately American-born President….and that we have more important things to worry about.
VIDEO: Obama Press Conference
Please join me in ending this game that is sending America backward not forward.
Let’s remind “The Donald” that our biggest weakness against China is not just related to trade or manufacturing…’s wasting our time on ignorance.
Jim McBride
Network For Progress
As of February 10, 2011, the fourth anniversary of the Obama For America campaign, Network For Progress is serving as a permanent 24/7/365 interactive and creative online/offline political, civic, professional and personally-enriching “open source” COMMUNITY, ADVOCATE & RESOURCE for the millions of supporters that comprised the Mainstream Majority of American voters in the “Yes We Can” Movement of Hope, Change and Progress interested in a New Kind of Politics by promoting the use of Silicon Valley-inspired 21st Century “bottom up” COMMUNICATION, OUTREACH & LEADERSHIP / DEVELOPMENT grassroots messaging and organizing techniques that can create an honest dialogue to provide the necessary Personal Relationships & Viral Buzz to build a Movement through the use of SOCIAL, SOCIAL MEDIA & MEDIA initiatives that can empower us to become our own “Obama” to support Organizing For America’s effort to “Protect Our Progress” but also expand on it to improve our professiona
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Dennis G.
@JGabriel: There is a lot of great reporting and work being done at the Washington Post. The paper suffers from some rot at the top.
The new Publisher, Katharine Graham’s grand daughter, does not seem to share her Grandmother’s spine or integrity. That is sad. She keeps in place assholes like Hiatt who hires and publishes a gaggle of assholes on the WP’s editorial pages. She also keeps in place the group of assholes who thought inviting a race-baiter like Trump was a good idea. I’ve spoken with some WP writers and staffers and to a one they are embarrassed by it.
And yet, despite bat shit crazy management there is still great work being done by the staff of the paper. Seeing that work compromised and shamed by the actions of owners and management adds another level of sadness to all of this.
@Citizen Alan: Really? Perhaps it was said out of anger, but calls for mass murder cross a line in my book. Even in jest, it is not clever. It is only stupid. It puts you on an equivalent level to the worst the TeaBaggers have to offer. You can not solve stupid with even more stupid.
Linda Featheringill
BTW, like a bunch of other folks, I sent email messages to the sponsors of Donald’s TV show. This morning my in box had a set of defensive replies from these companies.
I am proud. I am honored.
This is just more evidence that I need to cancel my WaPo subscription. That paper has gone so far downhill there is no going back.
I don’t know who to blame but I find the situation incredibly sad and the paper increasingly pathetic.
Couldn’t possibly figure out why the Dems have problems messaging.
Thank you, Dennis.
Throwing out the old “race-baiting” canard doesn’t do shit these days.
Hill Dweller
@ruemara: The Daily Show bit on this was very disappointing.
I’ve seen the Clinton-had-it-bad-too stuff elsewhere, which is true by the way, but that doesn’t change the fact that the right has been using race against Obama from the start.
I’d love someone to ask Stewart(or Wilmore) what the right is playing at when they pretend Obama can’t speak without a teleprompter. Or claiming he couldn’t possibly have written his first book. What does Stewart think Trump is implying when he questions Obama’s academic credentials?
And what does ‘MSNBC took a victory lap’ even mean? Maddow did no such thing. In fact, her breaking down the different motives of the birthers was probably the best take I’ve seen on the entire situation. LOD didn’t take a victory lap. I didn’t see the Ed show, so can’t speak to that.
Stewart, once again, used the pretense of ‘balance’ that is so prevalent in the beltway press. Instead of rightly hammering Fox, who has stoked this stuff mercilessly, he had to lump MSNBC in with them, and pretend they’re different sides of the same coin. Instead of pointing out the racism, Stewart turns the bit into a critique of the people calling it racism. That is the sort of jujitsu bullshit that is regularly used on Fox and right wing radio. Wilmore, sadly, did his best Juan Williams impression, but he wasn’t being ironic.
The entire piece was essentially an affectation. It was seemingly done just to be able to say, “Look, we criticize both sides; we’re objective; we’re balanced”. It reeked of the careerism so prevalent in today’s media.
That’s not to say the Obama admin and/or the Dems don’t deserve criticism. They certainly do. But criticize them on the merits, not as part of a ‘both sides do it’ piece that is just motivated by self-interest and promoting an image.
Benjamin Cisco
Take that rubber chicken, shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways….
can’t help but notice the statement wapo is making with that announcement – in code of course – the race-baiting clown and the tear- and tea-stained speaker whose racism is as thinly veiled as donald’s bald head.
republicans. both of them. they list no one else.
He must be doing something right. Even you juicetards can’t stop talking about him. I think you’re obsessed with The Donald.
I hope he runs – he’s got my vote! And believe me, there is a large percentage of the population that will vote for him if we ultimately end up with Obama v. Trump.
If you want Obama re-elected, you better start pushing Huckabee or Romney, because Trump is Obama’s worst nightmare.
President Trump. I like the sound of it!
Troll out!
@caz (99)
You don’t get it. I hope he does run. I hope he wins the nomination because he’s saying openly what the republican base thinks, what Huckabee and Palin think, and he’s doing it in plain English. It will be a great discussion to have. And when it’s over, you won’t see an R president for at least another 12 years. Minimum.
I think Comcast owns more of NBC now, but that’s irrelevant…in America, businessmen would send their mothers to a whorehouse if it made them a buck
Rumpole, I think Obama’s camp may disagree with you. I think Obama wants to go up against some lame RINO like Huckabee or Romney. Trump has no political baggage for one thing – he doesn’t have years and years of political decisions and policy moves to attack like Obama does. And even when his finances are disclosed, Trump will present as a successful businessman, not a corrupt career politician. People are tired of the same old thing in Washington, so a dynamic, tell it like it is, businessman draws voters.
I love to see the media so fixated on Trump, because they are basically helping him campaign for free. The liberal media would be well advised to start pushing Romney or some other RINO.
Unless the R’s roll out some total lame ass, I don’t see how Obama can win reelection. He has simply engaged in far too much damaging conduct as president, which is why his approval rating is piss poor.
@Caz: And believe me, there is a large percentage of the population that will vote for him if we ultimately end up with Obama v. Trump.
Well, we know that at least 27% would …
Paul in KY
@Canadian Shoggoth: I’m hoping some servers hock a big loogie on his food. I know I would.
balconesfault, where are you getting the 27% from? Is that from a recent poll on Trump or something?
Paul in KY
@ABL: You are way too strong & accomplished to let a group of low life shits get to you.
Even though some of them get on TV, their opinions are worth nothing. They lie to try & get you (and me) upset. Don’t give them the pleasure. Laugh at them, deride them, that’s all they are good for.
Stride into your reunion as the winner you are.
Paul in KY
@Citizen Alan: I just read that & it is an equal mix of stupid & evil. There would be many absolutely innocent people in there (visitors, janitors, kids visiting their parents at work, people not named Fred Hiatt or Charles Krauthammer).
You need to disavow this.
forked tongue
To: [email protected]
Dear Ms. Coratti:
You are quoted in tthe Washington Post’s “Reliable Sources” column that your newspaper has invited Donald Trump to be its guest at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner because he is “a fascinating figure to Washington.” I assume you mean Washington media circles (since I have a feeling that in political circles the response to Trump ranges from contempt on the left to stark, raving fear on the right), and I’d like to thank you for summing up in a single sentence all that is decadent, corrupt, and disgraceful about our national media culture.
That this vulgar man has become “fascinating” to you and your cronies through a campaign of flagrant appeals to the ignorance and race-hatred of the very worst citizens huddled in the murk at the bottom of America’s barrel is a devastating comment on where your values lie. It is a disgrace, a thorough failure of decency, that the Washington Post chooses to honor this amoral hustler and to seat him in the same room with the President he has insulted and dishonored in the most vicious of ways. Perhaps the Post could dial up the Wayback Machine and invite Bull Connor to a dinner featuring Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr..
It would be a great step forward if Donald Trump were now permanently shunned by polite society. Unfortunately, the permanently impolite, uncouth, and dishonorable now make up such a large part of society that he will never feel truly isolated. We now see on which side of that divide the Washington Post enlists itself.
With no respect whatever,
forked tongue
Paul in KY
@forked tongue: Very nice. Well played!
you obviously don’t live in New York City
I sent a letter, too. Thanks for the link.
Forked Tongue: Bravo!
@Hill Dweller:
Stewart got the ACORN story wrong too.
@Caz: Another fascinating insight into the tortured grey matter of a rw genius.
Caz may love trump, since both espouse racists beliefs, but trust me. We fear not trump as a serious candidate. Yes, he would most certainly receive, say, about 27% of the vote automatically, seeing that he isnt a Dem. And the notion of trump being successful in the South is laughable.
Caz appears here just to disrupt, so I fell for his antics.
We need a better troll. Caz is boring.
forked tongue
This is a thing of beauty. In the first sentence, Caz actually gets something right; although it is blazingly obvious, it’s not that common to see reality penetrate a wingnut’s dome. Then in the second sentence, perhaps sensing that he’s closing in on an uncomfortable truth, he does a 180 back into the safe illusion that the media are “liberal.”
I may be boring, but I seem to be the only troll you have!
@Caz: Yet more evidence, as if any was needed, that reality just whizzes by over your head.
@Caz: Yeah. Thanks for you effort, I appreciate that.
Citizen Alan
@Paul in KY:
And in the harsh light of day, I do see that I let bitterness get the best of me. It was wrong of me to wish for death to come to Fred Hiatt and his cabal of soulless carnival freaks in a manner that would lead to the collateral deaths of innocent human beings.
To the extent that my words were construed to wish misery and destruction on anyone other than the aforementioned Hiatt, Krauthammer, Marcus, Thiessen and all the rest of the blood-sucking ticks masquerading as WaPo “journalists,” consider them disavowed.
You’re welcome! I’m happy to provide the only differing view on the various topics that juicetard nation discusses.
And as a libertarian, I am not married to either the R’s or the D’s, so my views are unbiased and I think both parties are corrupt and lack the vision needed to get this country back on track.
But you will probably notice that most of the politicians I support are registered republicans, because those politicians that most closely fall in line with my libertarian views are republicans. Libertarianism isn’t popular enough for politicians to register under, so they often masquerade as republicans. Which I’m not particularly fond of, becuase I don’t like having to support “republicans” all the time. But I’ve yet to see any democrats that are essentially libertarians.
I do support Manchin though, and a few other blue dog dems.
Paul in KY
@Citizen Alan: Understand how you can get there. I have on occasion thought similar thoughts. Good on you that you manned up & publically disavowed them.
Those evil freaks can drive a saint to swear!
Paul in KY
@Caz: That’s because a ‘lbertarian’ is a Republican who is too chickenshit to self identify as a Republican.
Faux-“independent” conservatives are the dullest political cliche.
@Paul in KY: Exactly. The talk radio set seem to not understand that they’re exactly the same as any other republican, no matter how tainted and corrupt they find the GOP to be. Of *course* the GOP is corrupt, it’s by design.
@Caz: To paraphrase Fred from the other night…
Back to school, troll. You’re not worthy.
Actually, reality whizzes on Caz’s pointy little head.
Sufficiently cognitively challenged to find Megan McArdle insightful.
Sufficiently morally challenged to find Ayn Rand convincing.
The President should mock Donald Trump…endlessly
“I’m glad Donald could make it here tonight; I know that bankruptcies take up a lot of his time…”
“And Donald, you really look great…uh, waiter, could you please give that muskrat on Donald’s head some water; he really looks parched…”
Republicans aren’t very socially liberal, whereas I am, because I’m a libertarian.
Democrats aren’t very fiscally responsible, whereas I am, because I’m a libertarian.
I would legalize drugs, use the death penalty more, permit online gambling, withdraw from all 3 wars, close military bases around the world, balance the budget, eliminate the departments of education and agriculture, withdraw from the U.N., cease all quantitative easing, defund NPR and Planned Parenthood, get rid of the income tax and have only a national sales tax, build a wall along the entire U.S.-Mexico border, permit abortion, and a partridge in a pear tree.
How is that in any way, shape or form republican or democrat?
But I’m willing to make both republicans’ and democrats’ lives better by putting Gary Johnson or Ron Paul in the White House. Or Trump, lol.
Troll out!
Message to the Washington Post Ombudsman:
Subject: Your organization is on the verge of being a disgrace to journalism and all Americans
Just to be clear, if you allow racist Donald Trump to be present at your table during the White House Correspondents dinner this evening you have permanently and totally tarnished the Washington Post and not only will I find every way possible to dissuade people from any form of contact with your paper, your online presence, but will also find and support those organizing to boycott the products of those whom advertise in any of your publications.
Rescind the invitation and do it publicly.