Things are pretty nuts in NY-26. Third party candidate Jack Davis is picking up a lot of teatard votes and hurting the Republican candidate, Jane Corwin. Davis can be a loose cannon, so the Corwin campaign had a staffer pretend to get beat up by Davis on camera. This is one of the most amateur performances I’ve ever seen.
<div align = “center”><iframe width=”425″ height=”349″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> </div>
Citizen Alan
That is hilarious!
That is pretty funny. And yes, Jack Davis is a complete loon.
Phil Perspective
What do you expect from people who consider James O’Keefe III as a hero?
Looks as if Hochul should just stay out of the way, smile a lot and let the crazies savage each other.
Sarah Proud and Tall
No, it’s real. I was there and I saw Jack Davis hold that guy down and carve a backwards “B” into his cheek.
@fhtagn: I think that’s pretty much what’s happening.
God, is this a precursor the 2012 Republican primary? If so, please pass the popcorn and let the clown show/train wreck commence*. More please!
* I always want to caveat this position with the proverbial “be careful what you wish for” caution because even though the chances of Republican/Teabag crazy getting all the way through and winning the Presidential election in 2012 might be small, but if things are tough all over, you never know.
But seriously, this was hysterical.
I loved the bit where Jack Davis extended a 12 foot tentacle, bitch-slapped the camera-man, and then shot his accomplice in the head with a pearl-handled Glock.
Mark S.
Can anyone tell me what the hell’s going on?
@Mark S.:
Heavily edited tape, with Davis obviously out of arm’s reach of the camera-man, who fakes being hit while Davis watches in amused amazement.
James E. Powell
I watched it several times and still cannot quite figure out what was really going on there. Is this something that people in NY26 are seeing?
Amanda in the South Bay
I’m too embarrassed to watch it.
Suffern ACE
OK, but didn’t Davis’ suited goon actually kick the rude little pissant with the camera?
@Suffern ACE:
Not as far as anyone can see. Camera boy just waves the camera around, does a fake grunt, and miraculously recovers to ask the same question two seconds later.
Chris Wolf
I don’t know much about him, but he has a nice laugh.
Tom Q
Hate to tell you this, but Chris Matthews seemed to totally buy into “he hit the guy” tonight.
Suffern ACE
@fhtagn: If I were a Republican living there I might write in “that shirtless guy who trolls for sex”. He had to have had a bit more class than this.
Jim Newell
The tracker’s exaggerated squeals of pain may — just may — make this the best Political YouTube of the year. Much like all those shitty “union thug ASSAULT” videos, with their fake screams of pain, that were coming out about every three hours during the whole Wisconsin thing. But none of them could fake-moan like this guy. Listen to him. He’s going places in Washington.
Also: “You want punched out?” This is an incredible clip.
That a once-removed Dirty Work reference, Doug? If so, you’re my kind of man. Talk about unjustly hated albums…
@Tom Q: Exxxx-celent. Now Corwin’s folks can get all riled up, Davis’ folks get all riled up, they spend the rest of the cycle fighting about “Did he hit or didn’t he?”, and Hochul slides quietly by.
@Suffern ACE:
Hmm.. of course, there might be a problem when they elect Andrew Sullivan by mistake….
Spaghetti Lee
Did I miss the moment when Republicans decided they were all going to start acting like flopping soccer players? Is that suddenly attractive to their gun-toting, meat-eating base? Jesus.
Suffern ACE
@fhtagn: That is true. 5 million men might show up to be sworn in.
Hilarious. The video had everything but those screen captions (KA-BOOM, BANG, BIFF, BOOM) they used to use in the old Batman fight scenes.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Give it 24 hours and James “The Love Boat” O’Keefe will no doubt show up with Andrew “The Blimp” Breitbart in tow, to show them how it’s done.
Mouse Tolliver
Sounds like cameraboy took acting lessons from Histrionic Paper Smack Lady.
dr. luba
Best reaction to a minor assault in a political video since this one:
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
Hang on; why did he back out of the debate? Aaaaagh!
Suffern ACE
@cbear: It could have used a Wilhelm scream to make it more professional.
The funny thing is the whole Village bought it. How could they?
[30] that’s not funny. It’s very sad and frightening.
@Valdivia: Because the Village gave up reality checking a while back, and then stuff like this happens.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Here is the problem: They want more than anything to elect someone exactly like themselves. They think they are gun toting he men. So they pick someone like themselves to represent them. Shockingly, this person turns out to whine nonstop!
Doug Harlan J
How could they be fooled by the fake grunts and moans? They’re not even borderline credible.
Hey, it’s spring in the northeast, as we can occasionally get some VERY STIFF BREEZES that can whip around, knocking pencil necked GOP operatives to the ground.
Thank FSM Jane Corwin wasn’t there, too. She’s such a lightweight, she’d be blown all the way to the Hudson river.
Is Jay Leno holding the camera?
This is pretty good local entertainment. Not quite as good as the black bear cub running around in our neighborhood Wednesday night, but this will do.
@Doug Harlan J:
That’s what she said.
Juicetard (FKA Liberty60)
I love the fact that the manly men he-men macho men are running with the story that one of their guys was punched out by a 78 year old geezer.
Next up- “Betty White, Far-left Thug!”
Pure Win!
I’m not even sure what that was.
Anyone in the media getting the joke here? ‘Cause that’s a little nugget of comedy gold right there.
My money’s on “They’re all dumber than dirt.”