Erickson & Trump. One on One.
By RedState on May 11, 2011
Yes, it is true. On Tuesday, I will be going one on one with Donald Trump in his office in New York.
He has agreed to sit down and have an unfiltered conversation with no topic off limits. Thus I will ask him those questions many of you have wanted to ask him and flesh out why he thinks he is a conservative, why he might run, etc.
You can watch the interview live and for free. But you must register by going here.
H/t: Spaghetti Lee
Post missing obvious tag. You’re welcome.
I must admit, I’m at a loss as to what burning questions these half-wits at Red State have had for captain combover.
Is he popular there? Or is he anathema, being too historically “liberal” (hasn’t advocated executing gays) for them?
Hopefully some poor sap will stomach that and report back.
Sarah Proud and Tall
@Sarah Proud and Tall: Hee. You indulge me so.
Damn another appointment tomorrow. Must sleep.
Love the picture. Don’t think I’ll be able to watch. Also–does Eric son of Eric not know Trump is like totally last week?
And OT–fuck David Brooks. His newest piece is the most disgusting piece of smarmy deficit crap ever written.
Spaghetti Lee
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
Thing is, each one works.
A Humble Lurker
Good God that’s a lot of tags.
I hate clowns. Why must you keep doing this to me? And, Yutsy’s not even awake any more to hold me. Harrumph.
Oh, and I will pay you good monies to register and live-blog the trainwreck.
Sarah Proud and Tall
@Spaghetti Lee:
Frighteningly, yes.
Sarah Proud and Tall
Clowns are scary, unfunny and tragic. Hence, the perfect metaphor for the Republicans.
A friend of mine once dated a clown. He had a full sized gilt sarcophagus in his bedroom and liked to wear his makeup during sex.
I’ll blog on the Trump thing if my stomach can stand it.
In the inevitable HBO docudrama, this scene should be played by Holt McCallany as Trump and Peter Dinklage as Erick Erickson.
The Emmy speeches write themselves.
Sarah Proud and Tall
How are you, dearie?
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
@Sarah Proud and Tall: Whoa. That’s two clownblogs in one day.
@asiangrrlMN: Congratulations!
why the name change, i wonder. does it read too much like baloney?
Joey Maloney
@Sarah Proud and Tall: You know who else liked to wear his clown makeup during sex?
Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel)
Oh, moderated, schmoderated. FYWP
Too many links, I know, I know.
Why no comment boxes on the next thread?
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
I realize it was a request, but I can hardly see the point. A waste of perfectly good energy. Unlike some of the other asshats who are actually interested in running, Teh Donald is only interested in self-promotion. And Eric gives the Pavlovian response.
@stuckinred: Probably operator error by ABL.
Related: Blogger bloggers are probably a bit irate right now. It looks like teh Goog lost about 36 hours of posts.
@PeakVT: Here’s what Google is saying about the issue.
ETA: I have no idea why I’m not actively trying to go back to sleep at this unFSMly hour.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Clowns. I iz skeert of them.
I love how the sign up sheet has a imaginary checkbox so you will automatically receive new and conservative mailings from Redstate.
All this clownishness is a distraction for what will be going on in the main ring if they can just find the dickish tri-partate invisible ringmasters (Murdoch and Koch Bros).
As it has been said, one picture is truly worth a thousand words.
Awesome as always SP&T.
I know the commodities markets have been a bit crazy, but if there’s a way to go long on popcorn futures, I’m doing it.
“He has agreed to sit down and have an unfiltered conversation with no topic off limits. Thus I will ask him those questions many of you have wanted to ask him…”
to: ‘perfesser’ Ericksson
from: bob_is_boring
re: words are important
Hey, moron: “thus” is not a fancy word for “therefore.”
Who the fuck pays you good money to use words?
One on one, I wanna play that game tonight
One on one, I know – I wanna play that
One on one, I wanna play that game tonight
One on one, so slow
Ooh ooh…
good photo. looks like trump got a better rug.
@Sarah Proud and Tall: Better now that you’ve addressed me! My adoration for you continues unabashed, despite your alarming fondness for posting pictures of clowns. If you ever need someone to break you out of the Home for the Violently Senile, I’m your grrl.
@Parallel 5ths (Jewish Steel): Speaking of, YAY. World domination is in my grasp. Bwahahahahhaha!
@freelancer: No. Peter Dinklage is too sexy to play Erick, the son of Erick.