Some of you may recall that I foolishly committed to live blogging Erick Erickson’s interview with Donald Trump.
Today I received an email cancelling the interview:
Dear Webcast Registrant,
As you may have heard, our webcast with Donald Trump was canceled. On Monday, Trump announced he is not seeking the Republican nomination for the presidential race in 2012.
We plan to host a series of webcasts in the coming months with presidential candidates. So stay tuned and we’ll inform you as soon as we lock in the dates.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Erick Erickson
which makes me feel a bit like this:
Mike Kay (Team America)
I wonder how Romney is gonna deal with the Ryan debacle.
There really is no way out.
He either says no, he wouldn’t support it, and he’s a branded trader of the teaparty and get Newtered.
Or he embraces it to win the nomination, and he loses the senior vote by 20 pts. in the general election.
Mike Kay (Team America)
In fact, Mittster should step back and quit, and run in 2016.
He can’t win in this environment.
The problem is, while he doesn’t look it, he’s old. Mittens will turn 65 in 10 months. If he waits until 2016, then his age becomes a big issue. People don’t want to elect a 70 year old president.
I really like how all of the R’s have adopted the Ryan position as their own as a makeshift purity test, like you have to be THIS insane to be in the party. Good luck running a serious campaign against a government program that works for your largest constituency and try convincing them that a coupon is in their best interests. Might as well legislate forced euthanasia for all non AKC puppies while you’re at it.
Oh, Ms. Sarah. I am so deeply saddened that you will not be live-blogging that debacle for all of us to point and snicker. On the plus side, you’ll have more time to make your laxative-ladened goodies and dole them out to unsuspecting Republicans!
ETA: I firmly support Paul Ryan’s kill off the old people budget plan. There. I can haz Republican nomination now?
Mike Kay (Team America)
The other suicidal Litmus test, though on a smaller scale, is whether they renounce evolution.
Gawd, this is worst than communist indoctrination. Even that fat slob Rush looks like Mao.
Frankensteinbeck (The ex-Uloborus)
Open thread?
‘Yay, my first book is on Amazon!’
Please resume your discussion of the collapse of the Republican Party now. I will go to bed knowing that the news just gets more hilarious.
@Mike Kay (Team America): part of me really wants Romney to just be honest with himself and the voters. But I’m not sure he even knows who he is now. I think on some level he actually believes in good government, but he can’t get there because the base believes government=bad.
@Frankensteinbeck (The ex-Uloborus): Congrats! Linky?
That’s not fair. It’s not a ‘kill off the old people’ plan. It’s a ‘Coupon entitles the recipient to 20% off a life of dignity. Offer may not be combined with other specials. Not redeemable for cash.’ plan.
Frankensteinbeck (The ex-Uloborus)
Caught me seconds before turning in. Got links on my web page, but a direct one is, um… here!
@Martin: You will be my spinmeister. You do it very well.
@Frankensteinbeck (The ex-Uloborus): It looks tres cool. Night!
Suffern ACE
@Mike Kay (Team America): Rush could be wearing a Mao jacket for all we know. The double chin covers up the collar. It’s hard to tell.
JMC in the ATL
Have any of you all seen where Gov Douchebag R-WI wants to take away the right of gay people to have their partners visit them in the hospital?
@asiangrrlMN: Thank you. Remember, everyone loves coupons. See, people say “Wow, I’m getting a deal here!’ not “These fuckers have been overcharging me by 20% all this time!”
Somehow business has turned that into a winning marketing strategy.
@JMC in the ATL: Yep. Someone in WI should set up a website documenting how much it costs the taxpayers to enforce his law, and the gay community should do everything they can to make that number as large as possible.
@JMC in the ATL: Yep. He was thinking, “I’m not being ENOUGH of an asshole. How can I change that?”
@Martin: That’s true. I have to keep that in mind for my ads.
1)Obama’s sponsor, Goldman-Sach’s own, Treasury Sec.Timothy Geithner, is ripping off the federal employees’ pension fund, thus explaining wall-to-wall Newt/Trump coverage on MSNBC today. (Where’s Waldo. I mean, Ed Schultz?)
Let’s do a Madison on their ass! Free Hat!
2)Old Liberal (and somewhat lovable, now) Jimmy Carter is blackballed by Obama’s warmongering Secretary of State (and possible Power Behind the Throne) Hillary Clinton from even entering the State Department building. If only he were GHW Bush, he would get some courtesy-love.
bryanD –
Gotta lay off the Owsley, man.
I mean, I realize that within the confines of your “brain”, you think you’re being lucid. But out here in the real world, not so much.
@Frankensteinbeck (The ex-Uloborus): Congrats!
I know how you feel.
Yesterday, I wound up behind a dilapidated van with huge “Judgement May 21” plastered on it’s sides. I don’t know why I thought living in a college town would make this unlikely. Needless to say, as soon as I got behind the van and saw the signs I began LMAO. Felt kind of bad cause I assumed the van driver could see me laughing hysterically. To top it off, a few blocks away I saw two Mormons walking down the street who mistook my hand flapping out the rolled down window as a friendly gesture and waved back. Good times…
Paul in KY
@Frankensteinbeck (The ex-Uloborus): Congrats, sir! Kudos to anyone who can write for a living. I have always thought you had a way with words, from the first time you cleaned my clock in a thread.
Once again, RedState acts like its a power-player in the world of politics and ends up with nothing a 7 year old couldn’t do.
It’s hilarious how serious they take themselves as they promote Trump as a legitimate candidate.