Justin Beaver ain’t got nothin’ on this 5 year old.
Never fear, dear. If the Teabillies have their way, you’ll be working in a sweatshop by the age of 8, pregnant by age 12, forced birth by age 12.9 (give or take), after which the Teabillies won’t even look you in the eye. Why? Because they’re hypocrites.
Obama, on the other hand, ensured that when you get that job, girl, you have a shot at making just as much as the boys.
Then again, if the Teabillies proceed on their current crash course to crazytown, you’re going to be nothing but a womb with a head.
You’re welcome.
(H/T HumboldtBlue!)
I don’t understand why the GOP gets votes outside the straight white Christian male demographic.
Love me some TLC. Haven’t heard that song in a while. Thanks, ABL.
Felanius Kootea (formerly Salt and freshly ground black people)
Love the five year old’s intensity/vehemence – she’s really cute. Wonder how that topic even came up.
That TLC video brings back memories. RIP Left Eye.
Roger Moore
Because stupidity is not restricted straight white Christian males.
Earl Butz
I love “No Scrubs”. It makes the ultimate statement of equality: that just as a woman is good for nothing more than her vagina, a man is good for nothing more than the contents of his wallet.
I thought Justin Beaver was a porn name, but it’s much worse
Seconded, gex. I’m an able-bodied employed straight white cis Christian-cultured male. I understand why someone like me (not me, personally; I was raised better than that) would be a Republican. I can’t understand why anyone at all who isn’t all of that would be.
General Stuck
Me neither, but they are once again fast at it kicking sand in the face of another POC minority in this country.
Of course, Liu has never been a judge, so Coburn had to query his magic wingnut crystal ball to know what Liu would do on the court, and maybe go to his written testimony.
What a horrible different kind of American, not letting gawd fearin’ cops gun down unarmed boy purse snatchers. and not condemning big scary black guys.
My running checklist of minority American voting blocks
Alienated blacks – check
Alienated hispanics – check
Alienated Asians – check
Alienated Muslims – check
In the non minority groups alienated
Okay, who did I leave off?
@Roger Moore: Please know that I did not mean to imply that all SWCMs are into the GOPs racism, sexism, and homophobia.
I see what you are saying. But it seems like the most basic function of any living organism when attacked is to defend itself. So yeah, what you said.
@General Stuck: Gays? It’s kinda one of their big battles right now.
General Stuck
Damn, a thousand apologies to our gay Americans I left off the list. Thanks for fixing my oversight!
So ABL, which of those ladies is you?
edit: meant in the most complimentary way. a lady can sing and be a lawyer too.
@gex: The GOP has always been at war with thegheysia.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
And if they didn’t hate science so much they’d find a way to get rid of the head. Perhaps mandatory lobotomies will be the wave of the future.
@General Stuck: Come the revolution you are in deep santorum, mister.
The southern plantation plutocrats got johnny reb to charge into the industial might of the union army on the off chance they might get a plantation in baja mexico or cuba after the south won the war. They were even warned by a fellow southerner.
David Hunt
Sentient beings with souls?
All teabillies where ever they reside are unreconstructed confederates at heart.
Because lots of folks don’t give a shit about anything except paying slightly lower taxes.
Poor Alito. Down to defeat for the SCOTUS job because Goodwin Liu didn’t like him.
Wait, that didn’t happen?
O/T: Sully’s link in the sidebar still goes to the Atlantic website, not the Daily Beast’s.
The kicker on the Liu filibuster: Cornyn is blaming it on the Dems. (TPM link)
@Earl Butz:
You apparently don’t know what “scrubs” refers to nor does the song say women don’t want men without cash.
/rolling eyes
A scrub is a guy that thinks he’s fly
And is also known as a buster
Always talkin’ about what he wants
And just sits on his broke ass
Sounds more to me like a guy that thinks he’s all that and a pack of gum but is a lazy ass with no prospects. If women don’t find that attractive, it’s not specifically about the cash but the hubris and laziness and entitlement of some males. But it’s so much easier to make it about the cash, isn’t it? You know, those gold digging bitches, right?
*ehem* Uncle Billy was NOT a southerner. He was born and raised in Lancaster, Ohio.
He did spend quite a lot of his early military career serving in the south where he became acquainted with the geography and resources of the southern states.
I do love that quote, though…
Mr. Kasich would do well to acquaint himself with ‘Cump’s assessment of what happens when you piss off teh Buckeyes.
Brian S
@Linkmeister: Shhh. The less attention anyone pays to Sully, the better.
@Linkmeister: They’re doing you a kindness.
@Mattminus: Yeah. Sigh. I think I was asking more in the “Why oh why is it this way?” sort of fashion. But you and Roger Moore pretty much covered it.
El Cid
The Arab Spring protests for democracy arrived in Spain in its anti-austeritarian form.
Governments, and this Soshullist one, like all say ‘Fuck you, peasants — the real estate bubble deflates, especially in the wealthier ‘burbs and vacation havens, banks gamble & take the loot, so we need you fuckers to pay with your programs and benefits, we all got to tighten our belts and so forth.’
Once again, the focus is on the budget and bailouts, and Franco-era unemployment rates are, well, unfortunate.
Not much mention here. It’s not like Spain’s a tiny country. But protests nationwide aren’t rare, so it will be seen how different these are. They seem different to me already than what I’ve watched over the years. Don’t ask me exactly how yet.
Puerta del Sol is a small and pretty square in the center of Madrid around the corner from the main large city square (plaza), a convergence of bars, restaurants, and shopping centers.
[PS: this is awesome.]
Southern Beale
OT but I have a new blog, I switched from Blogger to WordPress. Let me know what you think.
While I think WordPress looks nice I find it confusing as hell, as someone who used Blogger for years. It’s very left-brain. Or maybe right-brain. Either way it’s completely illogical to me. Who needs five menus?
Uncle Billy was also the first Superintendent of the Louisiana State Seminary of Learning & Military Academy and then resigned when the war broke out. Sherman’s portrait remains on the campus of what we now know as Louisiana State University.
After the end of the Civil War, in April 1865, the seminary was again reopened on October 2, 1865, with Col. David F. Boyd as superintendent. Following the war, General Sherman donated two cannons to the institution. These cannons had been captured from Confederate forces and had been used to start the war when fired at Fort Sumter, SC. They are still currently on display in front of LSU’s Military Science building.[1]
On October 15, 1869, the college’s building was lost in a fire. On November 1, 1869, classes were resumed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, sharing the campus of the Institute for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. In March 1870 the school’s name was changed to The Louisiana State University (l’Universite’ de l’Etat de la Louisiane)
Just ask Joe Johnston.
@Southern Beale: Looks good to me. We just did an extensive needs assessment for our new learning management system and when we finally settle on one everyone will freak out just like everyone does when they have to learn something new.
Southern Beale
Yeah I should advertise it as “the new Southern Beale: now with more titties!”
@El Cid: 45% unemployment among young people is a recipe for upheaval if not outright revolution. That’s why this feels different to you, because it is different.
Roger Moore
And if I were a SWCM rather than a SWAM, I might have taken offense. My point is that the Republicans are bad for everyone except grifters/rent seekers and possibly the extremely wealthy, so the only reason that just about anyone would vote for them is ignorance or stupidity. SWCM are most likely to vote for them just because they’re the main target of the Republican propaganda machine, but a few other people get swept up, too. The closer you are to the target SWCM demographic, the more likely you are to go for the lies, but the common feature is gullibility.
@DonkeyKong: I think the crackers in the Tea Party movement and the modern Southern-based GOP would be best served to remember that in the ongoing efforts to take us back to the 19th century. They may have failed utterly to stand up to their overlords, but us up North didn’t – we got us our Unions, and we then got us our equal rights, and we even got us our gay marriages in some places. We’ll chase a cracker out of the Castro quicker than you can tell a fag joke. We may put up with a lot for a while and sit around singing folk songs, but push us hard enough and folks will remember their Irish and trade their love beads for brickbats.
@Southern Beale: The new site looks good here too. WP has its issues, but I’ll take it over blogger any day (having used blogger when it used to go down on a weekly basis, it seemed).
General Stuck
@Southern Beale:
It worked on me.
you saw what I did there!
Roger Moore
@Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen:
In the short term, they’re trying to make sure that the head is useless by preventing it from being educated, or even better, guaranteeing that it’s filled with lies and misinformation.
@Roger Moore: They do hate them some Title IX. It isn’t just pigmented people they want out of their schools.
@Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen:
Sucker Punch 2016?
Yankee pride FTW.
I’m usually just a post reader, and rarely venture into the comments here at Balloon Juice, let alone post.
That said, thank you ABL for bringing your perspective to this fine blog. I enjoy reading your posts, and they usually make me think. I hope you’ll contribute your thoughts here for the foreseeable future…
Back on topic, what you said about the little girl is spot on, and scarier than hell. There seem to be a lot of Americans who are unable to see the virulent forces of repression represented by the Teabagging Morons and their Reichwing politics. They are cultural Neanderthals. There is no limit to how far they would go to roll back the last 150-years of progress in this country.
I don’t know if the Republic of Gilead lies in the future of America, but they’re doing everything they can to get us there, step-by-fascist-step…
@General Stuck: Yeah, I’m not too proud to admit that I clicked through.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
So true. For example, they castigate President Obama for his unconstitutional Unitary Executive policies even as they laud former president Bush for the very same thing.
@Southern Beale: More, like 3? Is this a trap to get my ass in a trick-bag on gender issues again today?
Earl Butz
@geg6: I know exactly what a “scrub” is and let’s allow the song to speak for itself:
Class snobbery:
How about if you’re environmentally conscious?
Fucking losers take the bus. You mentioned money?
Again, and there is no possible way to arrive at any other interpretation that doesn’t involve massive self-delusion, in the world of this song, a man is good for nothing more than the contents of his wallet.
As I said, it’s one of my favorites. For once, the woman isn’t lying about what she thinks is important.
@Chris: I thought about mentioning that out of the last 10 Super Bowls, 3 were won by New England, 2 by Pittsburgh, and 1 by New York, 1 by Green Bay and 1 by Indianapolis*.
Meanwhile, South of the Mason Dixon, they’ve only got 2 Lombardi trophies – 1 for N.O. and 1 for Tampa Bay.
* I might be willing to consider Indianapolis semi-cracker. OTOH, its countered by NOLA having sissy bounce music and jazz, so its not really full-cracker.
Here is the latest out of Kansas. I am scared for my daughter. http://www.care2.com/causes/womens-rights/blog/lawmaker-says-women-should-plan-ahead-in-case-of-rape-since-he-carries-a-spare-tire/
And blogger censors you and takes down yer posts if yer not a liberty lib liberal, no whatum sayin?
General Stuck
Really? did not know that. I’ve had blogger for 4 years and never had a problem with them in any way. Except for a few outages, the blog has run like a charm with few issues, like the kind that seem daily with WP and it’s bugginess. Got any links for them censoring people for ideological reasons?
Citizen Alan
@General Stuck:
Stuck, I’ll go out on a limb and say Svensker is referring to the recent fooferall in which Ann Althouse’s Blogger service went down for a few days and, being a deluded right wing freak, she naturally concluded that it was deliberate censorship against her and other deluded right wing freaks. I assume he’s making fun of Althouse unless he believes her idiotic claims, in which case he too is a deluded right wing freak.
@Mattminus: QFT. Also, the human tendencies towards tribalism, authoritarianism, and fundamentalist God-bothering are by no means restricted to SWCMs.