This is South Carolina Governor NIkki Haley speaking at a Tea Party rally that was supposed to feature Donald Trump. Can we stop pretending this is a real political movement now?
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This post is in: Teabagger Stupidity
This is South Carolina Governor NIkki Haley speaking at a Tea Party rally that was supposed to feature Donald Trump. Can we stop pretending this is a real political movement now?
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Tea who?
OT, but I wish to report that there’s no sign of The Rapture (TM) yet here on the East Coast US. We’ve been constantly scanning the skies here at the Ches Bay Detachment of BJ, and no sign of ascensions yet. But with those blues skies it’s a great day for it!
You can stop pretending all you want, but don’t expect as much from the Village(tm). Reality has nothing to do with it.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Poopyman: Latter Day Saints or Saturday’s Aints?
It’s such an… iconic… sort of picture that I wish I could find others of the same event. Surely there were others in other areas? Mind you, it is a fun pic.
It’s real, it just has/had the lifespan of a Mayfly. I hope.
However, given that Rethuglican Intellectual and All-Around Deep Thinker Paul Ryan’s “budget” “proposal” has actually been getting discussed seriously, I would say the Tea Baggers have a little bit longer shelf life than you’re positing and I’m hoping.
Lokok, the 27-Percenters have power far outside their actual numbers, so thinking the Tea Baggers are gone or not “real” is poor judgment. I wish you were right, but that ain’t the case in this plane of existence, unfortunately.
Davis X. Machina
You can’t expect the truth to be popular.
Austere doctrines and subtle nuances like “F*ck off, I’ve got mine already!” and “You kids get off of my lawn!” will never be caviar for the general.
If you look carefully both members of the audience have copies of The Constitution of Liberty open on their laps, and are following along.
this article says 30 people showed up.
(oh yeah, and so does the one you linked)
Omnes Omnibus
@Davis X. Machina: This part should be everyone’s fav bit: Postscript: Why I am Not a Conservative. Let’s see how that circle gets squared.
Is it the ads for Cialis that feature the couple in separate bathtubs? That’s what this reminds me of.
Picture looks fake. Photoshopped almost. Her dais is too bright and colorful compared to the rest of the image. And god knows republican douchebags aren’t bright and colorful.
They were treated like dirt and they applaud Trump for it:
Columbia Tea Party chairman Allen Olson expected as many as 2,000 would have attended Thursday’s rally had Trump been there. But The Donald, a favorite of many who attended the group’s Tax Day rally with U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., elected to not run and dropped the rally from his schedule.
“It was a kick in the gut, but it gives you a chance to regroup,” said Olson. “He’s a businessman. He showed his worth.”
And freely admit they were only coming to see a carnival barker:
Philip Stanley came to Thursday’s rally from Asheville, N.C., in hopes of seeing Trump but said he was pleased to learn Haley would headline the event instead.
Stanley said he respected Trump for directly questioning President Barack Obama about his birth certificate without fear of being labeled with “the R word” for racist. (Obama subsequently produced his long-form birth certificate, and Stanley said Thursday that he did not dispute the president’s U.S. citizenship.)
“I never thought he was serious,” Stanley said of Trump. “He’s a promoter. … Then, I heard Nikki Haley was here. That’s almost as good.”
I see I’m in moderation. Oh well.
Just Some Fuckhead
Someone tell Walter and Irene this isn’t a real fucking political movement. Because they drove all the way from Beaufort to keep government out of their Medicare, skipping Walter’s normal golf outing. God bless America.
Great Photo! Using Harold Camping’s bible math, I count two thousand tea baggers sitting on two thousand lawn chairs.
Cliff Enz
Almost 2 million attendees and MSM doesn’t cover it and focuses on the ‘whiteness’ of the attendees.
Jon H
They fucked up when they let the puppet show get top billing.
Jay C
What do you mean? That there were even less people at the SC “Tea Party” rally than those shown? Was Nikki Haley talking to herself, then? (Well, she IS a GOP Governor, so that isn’t all that unlikely)
BTW, No Rapture here in NYC this morning, either: I know that Gotham is a pretty big and crowded place, and it would be hard to notice a bunch of folks missing; but I would think that if any appreciable number of people here got translated off to Heaven, you would know it by the crowd of real estate agents swarming in to grab all those empty apartments…
@Jon H: And they shouldn’t have let Nikki Haley improvise “Jazz Odyssey”.
@Poopyman: What do you mean, no sign of the rapture? Where do you think happened to all of those people who were supposed to be at the tea party rally?
From the article:
Seriously? That seems wrong. If a Democrat governor formed the “Governor’s Soshulist Coalition” and ran it from his or her office, people would go ballistic. IOKIYAR, I guess.
dr. bloor
Nikki Haley: almost as good as a narcissistic snake oil peddler. Sounds about right.
Glad to see that pantsing was in a SC newspaper.
mr. whipple
You win the internets!
Davis X. Machina
@honus: In that case, there would be piles of clothes everywhere. The only time it’s permissible to get nekkid, if you’re a tighty-whitey, is when you’re being Raptured.
And empty mobility scooters.
I don’t think the tea party was even intended to be a long-term tool of the masters of the universe. They saw it as a temporary way to take control of the conversation after the Democrats took control of the government. It worked very well.
They should start rolling out the next diversion this winter. I have no idea what that will be but it will keep 27% of the country anxious, outraged and hopped up to vote until mid November.
El Cid
I dunno. Maybe it still could be all faked-launched again if the same groups behind it start rolling in the cash and the hired local leaders and the internal media and the death-painted buses and such.
Then they could get their angry crowds of 50 to 300 and it would be once again declared by the media a movement, a “TeaTard Spring”.
Ash Can
@Violet: This struck me as well. Since the Tea Party is nothing more than a GOP astroturf organization, doesn’t this run afoul of campaign laws, even in SC?
There were 2000, but OMG THE REST WERE RAPTURED!
Davis X. Machina
@Ash Can: The organs of the State exist to serve the Party, and not the other way round, because it is the Party, and not the State, that is the Vanguard of the Revolution. The State in fact is destined, after the success of the Revolution, to wither away. The Party will always be with us, however.
The GOP is the last major Leninist parliamentary party in the West.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
so, they spin it as this: see america, there aren’t nearly as many racist americans as you thought. boom, done and done. and the kochs lather up a new “movement”.
@Poopyman: The Rapture according to Camping was to be at 6 p.m (local time). No reports of anything from New Zealand and the Far East…
Sorry, JC, no looting parties tomorrow.
DXM: absolutely. LIterally. WIthout snark. That is the vision the Rethuglican leadership has.
Steve M.
Well, this is the real Tea Party, and I’m sure next year’s gathering will be as well attended as this year’s.
Just Some Fuckhead
Oh shit. I took advantage of the imminent rapture to disappear a few folks.
Davis X. Machina
@wonkie: All power to the soviets of preachers and hedge-fund managers!
Ash Can
@Davis X. Machina:
I lived through the Cold War and studied Soviet history, politics and government in college. No matter how often the GOP demonstrates that what you say is true, it never fails to gobsmack me when they do it. The GOP really has become what it purported for decades to hate the most.
@Emma: here
Odie Hugh Manatee
There’s a pickup truck parked on the main drag in our little town here on the south Oregon coast that has poorly lettered and colored signs on each side of the pickup bed announcing a local Teabagger rally. If I can remember to grab my camera I’ll snap as shot of it for posterity.
That’s if the cops haven’t ordered it moved…lol
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Didn’t you watch the video by somegreybloke which ABL posted? He warned everyone not to use the Rapture as an excuse to off anyone.
Cat Lady
So it looks like Jeebus went Galt. I didn’t expect to see anything from my perch here in
SodomMassachusetts anyway, but there’s a fundie church in the next town I’ll check out tomorrow, to see if there are any cars in the parking lot.How to keep your believers all hepped up on Rapturing Jeebus is the same challenge that the Kochs and Armeys have now – how to distract the teatards from focusing on Ryan’s Plan To Destroy Medicare?
@Jay C:
And you KNOW the NYC real estate agents would get left behind.
Just Some Fuckhead
Omnes Omnibus
@Just Some Fuckhead: Do you really think that this little incident is the thing that is going to keep you from being Raptured? I am betting that you might have a couple of other peccadilloes in your past that might interfere.
I think we can recognize now that the real Tea
PartiersBaggers are the financiers and media promoters. Now that the uberrich are going after Medicare and Medicaid I doubt the retirees they’d scared into their rallies last year are gonna want to show anymore.Either that or they’d been Raptured already.
Mike in NC
While SC continues to have one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation, the governor and GOP-controlled legislature are busy with one of those bills designed to prevent non-existent election fraud. It will supposedly cost the state millions to create new photo ID cards for voters who lack a driver’s license.
Can’t we all just assume that the rapture took all the people who planned on attending the rally?
Here’s hoping the bloom is coming off the tea rose.
Linda Featheringill
@Davis X. Machina:
The Right Wing does want the state to wither away. I’ll bet a penny they have no idea about the historical antecedents.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mike in NC:
Mike, the election fraud isn’t non-existent. It’s real. Some African Americans are still able to vote in SC, I’m sure, and that has to be taken care of!
Southern Beale
My thoughts on the Rapture.
I’m going to hell. See y’all at the par-tay!
Wow! So this is what heaven is like! Hey, I can see my house from up here. And there’s free high speed internet.
Pardon me a minute. My harp class starts in a minute and the instrument needs tuning.
Southern Beale
From the link:
Really? Seriously? This assclowns STILL like Donald Trump? WHY? What utter morons.
Southern Beale
I meant “these” assclowns but judging by the number of people who showed up for the S.C. rally, “this” might be more appropriate.
Davis X. Machina
@Southern Beale:
He’s not bankrupt again, is he? The outward signs of the Lord’s election are abundant with him. That’s enough for them.
All together now!
(The rapture song)
Cat Lady
@Southern Beale:
The comments to that article are interesting – most of them are anti-Tea Party, and there’s a commenter there named Michael Gass. He didn’t mention laughing helicopters though.
That poor couple, trying to have a pleasant picnic on the capitol steps and then that weird foreigner lady shows up and ruins everything…
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
day drinkers at a bar around the corner, they were promised a tab by the owner.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Jay C: NYC wouldn’t be a place for the rapture, you and San Francisco are Sodom and Gammorrah. Await for God’s judgement you sinners!!
The Teapocalypse is nigh.
I’m preparing meatloaf and mac n cheese for the rapture party. Open bar.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
Well you can tell
by the way I use my walk
I’m a woman’s man
no time to talk
Music loud and women warm
I’ve been kicked around
since I was born
And now it’s all right, it’s ok
and you may look the other way
We can try to understand
The New York Times’ effect on man
Whether you’re a brother
or whether you’re a mother
you’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive
Feel the city breakin
and everybody shakin’
and were stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive
Joey Maloney
Stay classy, right-wingers…
@Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal: That’s the song I hear when I look at this kitteh pic.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
the kitteh has the ‘tude for it.
schrodinger's cat
@jeffreyw: You has pretty kittehs. BTW how is our boy Homer?
Cat Lady
Governor Forehead won’t be announcing anything this week. What a bunch of lame assclowns the entire GOP is.
@jeffreyw: Toby has the look of a stealthy hunter. Does he bring you gifts?
I heard Daniels took something like 30 stitches? That’s like one for every Teanut that showed up for the sitting Gov. of South Carolina.
Face it, when you’re a guy like Daniels – and your natural charisma is all you have going for you to win the Presidency.. you need time for the plastic surgeons to do their magic before you make a big announcement like that.
@Davis X. Machina: Well, the comrades responsible for ensuring sufficient turnout by the
Komsomols and shock workersBible Campers and retirees at this spontaneous rally are going to have some explaining to do.harlana
being from SC, this photo, to me is priceless
trumped, chumped
@jeffreyw: ooh, Toby, you is effin’ gorgeous! mom and dad taking good care of you!
Uh, isn’t Nikki Haley governor? Aren’t there Tea Party people in Congress?
That the Tea Party is losing its sizzle does not automatically translate into a victory for Democrats. Snark and mockery don’t win elections.
Did they mention it was the top of a dutch door that got him in the forehead?
What! The Rapture isn’t working?
I was so looking forward to all the milk carton pics and bios.
@schrodinger’s cat: Homer is fine, sorry no recent pics. Homer is a real mouse catcher, he has several notches on his ..claw?
@Josie: In the last two days he’s brought me a chipmunk and a field mouse. Both alive. Released back into the wild in our version of “catch and release”.
Jewish Steel
When the audience to band member ratio approaches 1:1, you know you’ll be lucky to get free beer that night.
Homer, back by popular demand.
Ash Can
@Cat Lady: From that linked article:
I was unaware that the duties of the governor of the State of Indiana included going to the gym and shoveling snow. You learn something new from Politico every day, I guess.
@jeffreyw: My goodness, our little Homer looks so grown up!
Wow i have had just a blast perusing this blog by GOP Rep Kimble. He wrote a challenge to a 14 year old, and an old lady broke his nose. He also thinks foster care kids have it too easy, and he wants to tell them where they can buy their food. Good stuff.
upadte (check out the blog you will get it)
He looks fantastic in that christmas sweater
Davis X. Machina
@TOP123: It’s times like these, you feel the need for a good zampolit or two.
@TrevorB: Just read the letter to Amy at your link. Ick. What a repulsive, condescending asshole prick. Unbelievable.
I hope whoever runs against him next time uses that letter in a million ads against him.
There is no 54th district in California.
Somebody check the kerning of those lawn chairs–I say Photochop! Anywhere there’s a statue and flag, there are Patriots.
This rapture thang had better get with the program, I haz my eye on looting a neighbor’s Aston Martin.
When your challenge starts out fundamentally wrong, I reserve the right to mock you mercilessly Rep. Kimble.
@Linda Featheringill: just connecting dots here, wasn’t the Koch family fortunes founded on huge construction contracts in Soviet Russia? Kids are simply following the examples of what worked…. libertarianism as a conduit to control of the party elite. I guess that would make these hapless Progressives nothing more than patsy Mencheviks. ;-)
Villago Delenda Est
So, Rep. Jack Kimble is the Stephen Colbert of the GOP caucus?
Jack Kimble seems to be a veteran of Balloon Juice threads:
Villago Delenda Est
It was, and the reason it was is that their father actually came up with a very innovative drill bit that was cheaper and more efficient than any that were available at the time. So the incumbent drill bit oligarchs set out to prevent him from marketing his technology.
They succeeded, but in the process drove him into the arms of Joe Stalin, who knew a good deal when one was available to him.
I’m just repeating something I heard last night on TRMS.
Sorry Rachel, but I just couldn’t hold it back. (OOOPS)
The Tea Party was the Republican Party astroturfed and rebranded for 2009-2010. They all voted for Bush twice and most voted for McCain. They’ll be back with a new name in 2012 (and probably less successful.) The influence of the Fox/Drudge/WSJ/Limbaugh right shouldn’t be underestimated no amtter what they call themselves.
Corner Stone
@WaterGirl: Kimble is a spoof.
@Corner Stone: Well, he got my heart beating faster, guess I can skip the gym today?. I would say well played, Mr. Kimble, but when so many of them are repulsive, condescending asshole pricks, how’s a girl to know it’s a spoof?
Corner Stone
@WaterGirl: That’s why I’ll always be here for you. To help out where I can.
You made me laugh!
Turf Toe
Meanwhile, today in Centennial Park in Atlanta, Herman Cain officially announced his candidacy for President. During his speech, he bragged about there being 15,000 at the event, which caused the people to look around to find the alleged 15,000. There were about 1200 people there, tops. Yes, can we stop pretending the Tea Party is a real movement?
And apparently, pizza was being sold at the event. Papa John’s.
Read the comments on that Kimble blog…it’s proof either that there’s a lot of people out there who don’t know spoof when they see it, or that the GOP really has gone so totally batshit that Kimble seems like the real thing.
@fasteddie9318: I’ll have to go with door #2 since I got caught on this one myself. As i said upthread, when so many of these are repulsive, condescending asshole pricks, how are we to know it’s a spoof?
If it’s not a real political movement, why do you post so many blogs about it? When millions and millions of people consider themselves aligned with the tea party ideology, it’s a real movement, regardless of whether or not you can find a misleading photo for a cute caption.
If it’s not real, don’t write about it.
A Humble Lurker
Because maybe some posters here think that professional (using the term loosely here) news organizations shouldn’t be wasting their time on fake political movements when they could be spending that time on real political movements. (coughWisconsincough)
If him writing about it makes your butt hurt, fucking go somewhere else. You’ll not be missed.