After last night’s rapture party, things have been a little sedate around Balloon Juice HQ:
I’m going to re-pot some geraniums and begonias, but that is about all that is going to happen today. Then- Preakness!
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That look on Rosie’s face says, “Ahhhh, sunshine and fresh air.”
Why is Lily on a leash and Rosie’s not? Is it because Rosie weighs too much to get far on foot? :-)
Purring mass of kitteh fur laying next to me and zero desire to even get dressed. Yeah, I’m probably gonna get zip done today.
Oh and obligatory PUPPEHS!!
John Cole
@eco2geek: Because they only run off when they are both off the leash. When they outnumber me, they bolt and are off forever. When I have one leashed with me, the other one is not as courageous.
Barb (formerly Gex)
@John Cole: The pack likes to stay together, methinks. Now what this says about how they view you…
Perfect piglets are perfect. Thanks, John.
no rapure here in austria so far. I was testing my luck: i boarded a train at 6pm. thunderstorms yes, earthquakes: none
When is the next rapture scheduled?
You Don't Say
Why is Rosie off leash? You hoping she bolts when you aren’t looking?
Wow…Herman Cain announces he’s running for President…and no one notices.
The girls look happy.
Can we do a Preakness pool? Winner gets to stay off “Red State” for a week.
I’m undecided between Animal Kingdom and Mr. Commons.
Mostly, I want an injury free Preakness.
@John Cole:
Dear John, (always wanted to write that). First of all, from what I’ve read you held your rapture party too early: they still have a chance.
P.S. Previously, little heard from, as Pamela F.
Secondly, I asked my partner about the Preakness (she’ll bet on any sport in a NY minute) and she said she’d look for a horse that she identifies with me. I responded by telling her, bluntly, that if there’s a horse named “Devil’s Spawn”, then we’re over.
Dog escapes yard, runs half-marathon
* check out the youtube link in the article—hilarious.
Ghanima Atreides
Dialed In, and Dance City for my long shot.
I picked Animal Kingdom for the Derby at the post pace (i lieked the trot), but I also knew he got Uncle Mo’s jock when the favorite was pulled for injury.
i guess that was a cheat, cuz that was a brilliant ride.
Technically the Rapture hits at 4 pm eastern. so they still have time.
To: Gen. James Mattoon Scott, USAF
From: VADM Farley C. Barnswell, USN
I will not be participating in your Preakness pool.
@mellowjohn: Love that movie.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Man, goals galore in this Tampa-Boston series. It’s hard to think that Lord Stanley’s Cup won’t reside on the Pacific coast this year.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): From your lips to the FSM’s noodly sound sensors. I honestly can’t wait for that party that will hit just up the road from me should the Canucks win it all.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
There’s a BIG IF attached there. San Jose isn’t exactly a bunch of slouches.
I’m rooting for Vancouver in this round, but I might be rooting against them if they run into Stevie Yzerman’s Lightning in the finals.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Oh I know better than to take anything as a sure thing. But the Canucks so far seem to be owning the Sharks, unless something changed last night while I was at work.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
I think the series will go 7 games. The series against my Wings took a lot out of San Jose, but they’ve got their legs back now.
Splitting Image
My friends’ rapture party is tonight. I spent last night watching Peter Cook and Dudley Moore in “Bedazzled”, followed by “A Night at the Opera”.
Forget about your sin, give the audience a grin. Enjoy it, it’s your last chance anyhow.
I am outside at my son’s soccer game. It’s about 75 and sunny. After all the rain this week it feels great
Corner Stone
“Did you just snow on me?”
“I hope you got a mop in that bucket”
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): At this level of competition every game should go to 7. Anything under 6 and they’re pretty much pikers. YMMV.
Cat Lady
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again):
The Cup belongs with an Original Six. I like the B’s chances.
Doggehs look so beautiful and healthy.
Warren Terra
There’s a story in the New York Times about a fraudulent mortgage broker and how it was permitted to go on doing its part to defraud investors set up the housing bubble and the crash. The story is moderately interesting and is well told, though it doesn’t contain much that will be new to informed readers.
Still, one thing stands out that I thought might amuse people here:
I swear, the man’s involvement in anything is like some sort of official certification of sleaziness and douchebaggery at best and pure evil at the worst.
Cat Lady
Fox carried it live (it was on at the gym) and they couldn’t cut away fast enough. Feel the Cainmentum!
opie jeanne
Dear John, your doggies are delightful.
Here it’s all gloom and drizzle for our Left Behind party, and our Maine coon cat has gone missing.
I heard from someone in NZ earlier today and they say they’re still waiting for the rapture.
For your Rapture pleasure.
h/t Reddit
A vacation idea for your favorite libertarians.
You know, if we survive and all.
South of I-10
We are having my brother and family over for dinner. Between us, we have 5, 6 and 7 year old girls. Forecast calls for loud!
Church Lady
Lil is on a leash and Rosie is not. Looks like someone is hoping that Rosie runs away.
@Warren Terra: Ah, good ‘ol Lanny. That boy gives scumsucking parasites a bad name.
@ Cole from last last week
So I ordered one of those Pur water filters you linked to, but mine came without instructions. Do I need to do anything besides wash all the plastic and run water through the filter before I put the thing together? Is there any trick to getting the filter in place? I just moved it into various positions until it kind of dropped a bit and then shoved it in further.
I have water filtering through it right now, but before I drink, I thought I should ask.
@JRon: Never fly. Too many brown folk. Find a place like Somalia with lily-white skinned inhabitants and they’d be all over it like stink on shit.
Cole wants Rosie to run away, but she cannot take Lily with her!
Mmm…lots of meatloaf leftovers from the pre-rapture hoe down.
Linda Featheringill
@opie jeanne:
I have an orange polydactyl kittie that is AWOL.
Do you think that “they” decided to bypass the humans? I could see the logic in that.
I’m kinda liking Shackleford, Mucho Macho Man, and Dance City as horsies to watch. I note though that with Mucho Macho Man, it’s more because of the funky name than the horse’s past performance.
@John Cole:
An elegant solution! This could almost be an answer to a logic puzzle (John has two dogs, but wants to use only one leash…)
This is actually a picture of Rosie and Lily after their owner has been Raptured. Weird how that works.
Really boring Saturday. So I’m watching “To Wong Foo”…RIP Patrick Swayze. Luv me some Noxema Jackson (Wesley Snipes).
Your doggies look like they’ve found The Rapture.
Rapture whale.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Cat Lady:
I appreciate the O6 sentiment (and I hate typing this, but Toronto really needs to win the Cup soon!), but I just don’t think Boston or Tampa can play D- or have the goaltending- that it will take to beat either of the teams in the
CampbellWestern Conference.Barb (formerly Gex)
Okay, this is the stuff that makes me very angry about religion. I know there are good versions and bad. But it can be very dangerous if the brain it enters isn’t in proper working order…
While Camping Sits Safe with His Millions
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
A song for Cole.
Or, if that doesn’t jibe with your preferences, John, some significant other…Other than the dogs and Tunch.
@TuiMel: Rosie will get raptured but Lily will not. That’s why Rosie is not on a leash.
@Warren Terra:
But what about the poor blacks who forced the widdle bwokers to give them mortgages and therefore crashed the economy with their super black powers? Did the article mention them?
So who’s officially in the lead for the Republicans this week? Newt seems to have crashed and burned, and Huntsman is out stalking, but it seems pretty quite overall. A facebook friend of mine keeps crowing about Herman Cain (who’s twitter hand is
His website reads in part
Now, last I checked, he’s never held office and no one heard of him before a few weeks ago. And, his corporate success was as CEO of a pizza chain. If his political campaign reaches the same level of pinnacles, he should be done in a month.
You partied one day too early, and Iceland is mad.
Dee Loralei
In personal Rapture news, my cousin Stacie said I could have her new Mercedes, but I have to go to Dallas to get it. (And yes, I asked.)
I’ve decided if my sister and her family all get raptured then I get their house and jewelry store. (And no, I didn’t ask, she would be offended.)
In other Rapture news, for those who bet. I have it on good authority that the OKC Wizards will lose tonight because Kevin Durant will be raptured with my cousin Stacie.
I’ll either be eating or at the new Pirates movie, so I’ll report from the field any Rapture related sitings or events.
Reality Check
‘Bam Schooled by BiBi:
So much for trying to throw Israel under the bus–a bus full of suicide bombers, at that. Way to insult an ally, ‘Bam!
@Reality Check: Ummm…Bibi is throwing a snit fit because he’s no longer getting his way. That hardly fits the definition of “schooling” as I understand the kids use the term. Offa my grass also too.
Reality Check
Re, Cain:
Being the successful CEO of a multi-million dollar business is a hell of a lot more accomplished in life than what ‘Bam did by the time he ran for President (‘Bam never even *tried* to succeed in the private sector creating jobs and wealth like Cain did, and it shows!)
@Reality Check: Weren’t you supposed to be taken up in the Rapture? Why are you still here?
Reality Check
I’m not particularly religious.
@Baud: Sshh. You’ll make teh bebeh Jeebus cry by announcing the failure of his followers.
Reality Check
I’m not religious, though they are my fellow allies in the conservative movement. So I’m happy they weren’t raptured, more trouble for ‘Bam.
Watching Julie & Julia. I recommend it especially for the parts where Meryl Streep plays Julia Child. The movie would have been much better if it was truly about Julia Child only. The extra storyline is ok, but entirely unecessary.
Reality Check raptured? Why, does Jesus need a rodeo clown?
Yeah, that whole community organizing, teaching and State and Federal Senator thing just doesn’t compare to being the proprietor of dead end, minimum wage jobs.
Jobs and wealth? Tell me, how many of Herman’s Cain’s former employees were/are on welfare, receive food stamps and have no health insurance?
@Reality Check: I have never understood the perceived correlation between small-business success and government success. The situations and required skill sets are not equivalent. Herman Caine has made a go out of reorganizing a chain of mediocre strip mall pizza shops. He is the boss- his word is law. How does that prepare him to cope with a multitude of competing interests, all with equal standing? If one of Herman Caine’s purveyors of mediocre food-like substance loses money, he is able to close it down and open another shop in a previously Godfather-naive neighborhood, which stays open until the customers catch on- repeat cycle almost indefinitely. If Texas can’t supply it’s volunteer firefighters despite millions of dollars of federal tax payer support, should we let Texas burn? That’s the private-sector solution. In short, your argument is full of crap.
Reality Check
Basically, he was leeching off the taxpayer his entire career. Cain was not.
@Reality Check: Lucky us.
@Yutsano: If Jesus is crying, it’s probably because of the political success of his so-called followers.
Reality Check
Mediocre? It tastes pretty good to me! Pepperoni and sausage with extra cheese, and breadsticks, mmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmm…
Maybe he/she/it means “home-schooled” in that special the-world-is-six-thousand-years-old Patriot(tm) way.
Weakend troll.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Reality Check:
Right. Because being the CEO of a multi-million dollar business gives you the skills you need to hammer out legislation with people who fiercely oppose your policies.
Fuck that shit. Look at all of those successful CEOs running banks and oil companies. Their credo is “Do it now, apologize later”. It’s all they know. When they govern that way- and if you didn’t notice, that’s how Bushco operated for 8 years- we all end up shoulder-deep in shit.
@trollhattan: There’s a strain of Bible literalists among Israeli Jewish extremists as well. Ironic in a society renowned for its scientific acumen.
@Reality Check: Mediocre pizza, man. You like your food like you like your reality- greasy and unrecognizable
@Bmaccnm: Not that this is a positive remark in Cain’s favor, but pizza is like sex: even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good.
I’m still waiting for folks to find out who the hell Herman Cain actually is.
Reality Check
If they took the same pizza, charged you twice as much, located the shop downtown, and claimed it was made with “organic and local” ingredients you’d be raving about how great it is.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Reality Check:
And your proof of that is where?
@Yutsano: Sex is good when you have to sop up the grease with a napkin. Pizza, not so much.
@Reality Check: Sigh. It’s so sad to watch a troll fail before he barely gets started. Your point there, and I’m using the term loosely, doesn’t make a lick of sense. People actually research marketing claims now you know. Idiot.
@Bmaccnm: Point taken.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Mediocre for a chain pizza company, which rates pretty fucking low to begin with.
We used to have some of their stores here in Grand Rapids. Did a search in a 200-mile radius, and came up with a whopping 11 stores in that area, which includes both Detroit and Chicago. 11. Within 200 miles. Meh.
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): That’s kind of what they are looking for. Imagine if Obama even jokingly wished he was a dictator like Bush did. It is just fine with them if an R President is a dictator.
BD of MN
@WaterGirl: use the first pitcher after any new filter cartridge to water your plants or something other than drinking… that’s pretty much it…
Jewish Steel
So, conservatives misunderstand what government does? How businesses work? Both?
I’m thinking both.
@Jewish Steel: The evidence would indicate they misunderstand both.
Yevgraf (fka Michael)
Six O’Clock EDT, and no ascending bodies visible yet.
I guess I gotta unload and store the shotgun – it was going to be a fun night of skeet, but I’m completely screwed….
@WaterGirl: I’m not John, but what I do is
1. soak new filter for 20 minutes
2. rinse pitcher
3. insert filter
4. filter one pitcher/dispenser; dispose (water plants, etc) – first water thru will be slightly colored from first flush of carbon thru filter.
5. Enjoy.
It is important to keep enough water in the pitcher so that the filter always touches water and stays wet. If it dries out, it isn’t effective.
I tried to find instructions on the web, but wasn’t successful.
Cat Lady
Newt’s cell phone ring tone is Dancing Queen. If he’s going to do ABBA, shouldn’t it be Waterloo?
Aren’t we due for a troll upgrade soon?
Isn’t Rosie watching some of the Elect ascend to heaven, up top?
…well, shit. Some rapture this turned out to be.
Michael D.
Best comment on the supposed rapture ever: “Jesus has to work one day out of the past 2,000 years and he doesn’t show up. This is why the Chinese are beating us.”
Michael D.
Best comment on the supposed rapture ever: “Jesus has to work one day out of the past 2,000 years and he doesn’t show up. This is why the Chinese are beating us.”
Since all the snide comments were taken, I guess I’ll just say they are truly the prettiest dogs evah//
Johnny Coelacanth
Reality Check would like you to forget that conservatives drove this country into a ditch during the last administration. Fortunately, the Republican party seems trapped in the wreckage. We can only hope that a rivulet of escaped fuel finds a piece of hot metal in the debris.
Reality Check would also appreciate it if you did not notice that President Obama, whatever his qualifications, is infinitely more suited to the Oval Office than the strutting, grinning, faux-cowboy, frat rat who occupied it before him.
Hungry Joe
President Lyman thanks you.
@Reality Check:
There’s good pizza and there’s chain store pizza. You can’t tell the difference so you pretend there is no difference and claim those of us with functional taste buds are lying.
Then there’s reality and there’s winger reality. You’re pretending there’s no difference there, either, and that those of us who can see what the hell is going are lying.
You’re wrong on both counts, R.C. Try again.
Ozymandias, King of Ants
@mellowjohn: Win.
@Svensker: Thank you. I typed out a response along these lines, but I forgot the correct spelling for “just because you’re ignorant doesn’t mean every one is ignorant.” You are way politer than me.
She’s already going full-blown Canuckistani on us and she just moved up there!
@BD of MN: @wormtown: Big thanks to both of you! I will be watering my plants tomorrow. :-)
Two upsets in the NCAA men’s lax quarterfinals. Denver makes the final four for the first time ever, beating Hopkins. Virginia rides a zone defense to a win over Cornell.
Two more potentially great games tomorrow. Top seed Syracuse faces Maryland, an extremely talented team which has finally gotten its act together, and Duke meets Notre Dame in a reprise of last year’s championship game.
thanks for cute sunny mid spring pet pic.
It looks a little more impersonal that most of Cole’s pics. Did Tunch take it?
@Linda Featheringill: I have been joking that Tommy was raptured and we were left behind. I’m hoping that he’s just off on an adventure but we do live in an area where there are coyotes sometimes. We do not let him out after about 6pm but he must have gotten out somehow.
I had to suck it up and go talk to the lady next door, see if he was shut up in a shed or garage. She always wants to talk about how awful the Democrats are. This is an area to the east of Seattle.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
you forgot the cultural stereotyping, what i remember of godfather’s pizza, before the free market decided they were not able to compete in this market, was that they laid it on a bit heavy with the cosa nostra thing, and i’m not sure americans of italian descent will let that go unchallenged, if he gets that far, or relies on his business career, to perpetuate the vapid notion that it somehow qualifies him.
Rita R.
Yep, as an American of Italian descent I did find the whole “Godfather’s” thing stereotypically insulting and also thought it might come up in the race. Although, with the acceptance of the way Italian-Americans are portrayed in “reality shows” like Jersey Shore, Mob Wives, Real Housewives of NJ, etc., maybe not. But it doesn’t really matter, Cain’s never getting closer to the presidency than the Inauguration Day fantasy he plays in a loop in his head.