Laugh all you want, Mayan 2012 is right around the corner, bitches:
No quitsies this time.
by John Cole| 33 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Religion, Blatant Liars and the Lies They Tell
Laugh all you want, Mayan 2012 is right around the corner, bitches:
No quitsies this time.
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Villago Delenda Est
As I mentioned one of the previous thematic threads, 2012 is not a problem, I’ve been assured, because the numerology involved is not biblically based.
It’s therefore bunk.
Seeing how full the rapture is of Lulz, I look forward to 2012 lulz.
Watch out for 2038 when 32bit time rolls over.
I can just see the thread title here when 2012 comes around: The Final Countdown.
Along with the obligatory Europe YouTube vid.
It’s the end of the world as we know it as george bush sings it
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
that is beyond excellent.
West of the Cascades
As a Christian, the imminent rapture makes me kind of nervous. For one thing, if there really is a rapture, heaven seems like it would be kind of boring if it’s filled with people like Sarah Palin (maybe “boring” isn’t the word so much as “essentially equivalent to eternal damnation but with fluffy clouds”). Also, it would really suck to learn that the socialist hippie Jesus I believe in actually IS the right-wing thug much of the GOP seems to believe in. Even worse to learn that while burning in a pit of hot molten lava being poked with pitchforks.
This is another reason I hope I’m right that most of the Bible is metaphorical. On the other hand, getting raptured (or boiled in a pit) would save me from working the rest of the weekend for a Monday deadline. There’s always a silver lining.
Run for the hills! (And don’t bring along your cell phone…or your toaster for that matter).
I wrote this on the last post, but it fits here too
Roger Moore
Come on. We’ll all be using 64 bit processors by then, so it’s no big deal.
joel hanes
@West of the Cascades:
If the Rapture actually comes, and if the words of Jesus can be trusted, there will be a great many fervent “Christians” enduring the tribulation — including all the famous “Christians”, the prominent “Christians”, the wealthy “Christians”, celebrity “Christians”, powerful “Christians” — and Heaven will be a delightful village populated by unassuming people that no one’s ever heard of — people who quietly loved the world and asked no more of life than to live and love and make it better.
Hunter Gathers
I don’t worry ’bout no stupid rapture.
Like most of America’s Cultural Elite, I worship Pan the Goat God.
@joel hanes:
Nah, it’ll look more like this.
Roger Moore
@Hunter Gathers:
Is that what Mickey Kaus is calling it now? And are you sure that America’s elite doesn’t worship Mammon? It seems closer to their observed behavior.
Spaghetti Lee
I can picture Quetzalocotl bitching out Jehovah as we speak: “No fair, you big meanie! You said I could destroy the world! You promised!“
Remember when Y2K was going to be the end of civilization? Well, we won’t be able to code our way out of this one.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Wag: Fan-fucking-tastic. Thanks for the link. I’m just going to play that continuously until the world ends, at least in New Zealand. I may take a break to make popcorn.
No enough people are going to get raptured in my neighborhood (heavily ethnic in ways unlikely to be evangelical Christian) to make looting a real sport, so I need some entertainment. On the other hand, if Glen Tomkins in the previous thread is correct about the Rapture being a 12-tribes, Jews-only affair, I could be outta here (hey, somebody’s got to represent Ephraim and half of Manasseh).
@Spaghetti Lee:
Now I am become Death, Destroyer of worlds
In my Jewish neighborhood the only change the Rapture would bring is the Witnesses with their Watchtower handouts missing from my doorstep on Sunday morning. Lovely people, and I’m sure deserving of a heavenly reward. But I like it here, thanks.
Oh yeah? See how much you’ll like it after all the fundamentalist Christian loudmouth busybodies are gone! Bet you’ll see things differently then, won’t you?
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
bumper sticker:”moshiach is coming!”
me: “what about the rest of the sweathogs?”
20 minutes to 6 pm in Suva, Fiji (I believe the Rapture happens at 6 pm local time, wherever you are).
What should I make for last breakfast, guys? Cornbread or cheese scones?
Jewish Steel
Gettin’ the Led out. Righteous.
Barb (formerly Gex)
@Wag: Awwwww. I would miss Jimmy. But he seems worthy.
I’d almost rather the jerk Christians be right and get called up, and leave the heathens like me with Christians like Jimmy.
Cliff in NH
Cornbread Muffins w/butter on top.
Cheese scones. You probably can’t do proper (Southern) cornbread. (If only because you probably can’t get Martha White cornmeal in England.)
Roger Moore
Aren’t you supposed to be more worried about the Last Supper?
Dream On
I was promised a Rapture of a biblical nature. Why is humanity raining on my parade?
I haven’t seen this here yet
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
The Chambers Brothers
Time Has Come Today
@Steeplejack: Good point. We went with the cheese scones. Fabulous.
@Roger Moore: Yeah, but who wants a rushed last supper? With the Rapture at 6, we wouldn’t have time to wash up before Jesus returns even if we sat down to dinner at 5 PM.