From commentor DeeLoralei:
I’m in desperate need of someone to rescue a great Border Collie, a three year old female, her name is Elliot and she’s a super terrific dog who needs a new loving home. She keeps picking fights with a female pit bull she lives with and she keeps losing those fights. Tonight for at least the third time in the last year she has picked a fight and has had to go to the ER Vets to get stitches. My friend can’t afford any more vet bills. And she’s not really a dog person. (The three dogs in her household are her daughter’s pets. She’s a cat person and they have 8 cats, also.) I’d take Elliot, but I already have two dogs and two cats. Everyone I know locally who loves dogs already has at least two.
We’re in Memphis, and I’d be willing to drive say 700 miles to deliver this dog to a good, loving home. Can anyone here help? She’s a super dog. She just seems to pick fights with other female dogs. She’s mostly white with some liver-colored spots and ears, and one nice gray/black eye. And she’s smart as a whip, mostly trained and mostly mellow.But she picks fights with the other female dog in her pack. She needs to be an only dog, or at least an only female.
Please Balloon Juice people, come through for this great dog, find her a new forever home. I know most of you are dog lovers.
If you want to help but don’t want to ‘go public’, send me an email (click my name near the top of the right-hand column) and I’ll forward it to DeeLorelai — Anne Laurie
Border Collie Rescue. If the dog were Colorado I could tell DeeLoralei precisely who to contact. She might get some help finding a contact in her area from Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue. In my experience, there is a fair amount of collaboration among the various groups. Some Border Collies can be aggressive, but a Border Collie Pit Bull combination isn’t one I’d consider. Not sure I could tell you why, but having included 10 Border Collies in my life over the years, intuitively, that just isn’t something I’d try. Good Luck, DeeLoralei. And, blessings on you and your household for trying to intervene.
Southern Beale
Since I’m in Nashville and that is close by let me reach out to my peeps …
have friends who have one and absolutely love her … will pass along the info — but chances are they are already aware of this group.
and, ot, but omg — just flipped thru abc and caught the image of mitch daniels being interviewed — with a HUGE friggin bandage right smack in the middle of his forehead. not a good visual for a potential candidate. i’m sure it will be going viral 3…2…1…
quaint irene
Candidate? Thought he bowed out.
@quaint irene: yeah … but, still.
@bkny: Daniels could ride his bike to the rescue. The later he jumps into the race, the less time to delve into his past.
I hope the pup finds a nice home.
Tom Levenson
@JPL: Don’t think so. Iowa is now barely 8 months away. It takes organization on the ground and money from backers to get geared up for the first hit of primary season, and the longer Daniels stays out, the more all those resources evade him.
He’s no Palin, who could money bomb 8 figures in a hurry. If he’s not in now, he’s not in, say I, with my extensive knowledge of GOP political process. (I.e., everything I say is almost certainly wrong.)
Uncle Glenny
You don’t step on superman’s cape, you don’t pick fights with pit bulls…
I had a male, unneutered pit bull who used to go to the office with me. As did the female, unspayed border collie of another employee. Hilarity ensued.
I’m beginning to think of getting another pet, but Tunch is more my speed.
@Tom Levenson:
Can Palin really “money bomb 8 figures in a hurry”? People say that, but she’s lost a lot of support. She may still have fans among the average citizens, but in the big money crowd? Not so sure…
I am SO tempted to take this dog. Our mixed breed Dog Named Boo is getting old though and given that he’s already intimidated by female dogs, I’m not sure if this would cause him more stress. We also have five prima donna felines who would not tolerate being herded. Don’t border collies try to herd anything that moves or am I thinking of Shelties?
I am in Baltimore, and I need to find a new home for my cat because the baby is allergic. The cat is seven, and he enjoys bossing people around, putting other cats in their place, and catching mice and birds.
We like the cat, but the cat allergies make the eczema worse for the baby.
@merrinc: Border collies will try to herd anything and everything that moves. My parents’ BC will try to herd chickens. Hilarity ensues.
Libby's Person
DeeLoralei, I second the idea of contacting a BC Rescue group. I just googled “border collie rescue tennessee” and it looks like there are a couple of them. If you can’t find a foster home in Tenessee, check with the surrounding states -I know that the BC rescue groups in NC are very active and do a great job of placing dogs like this.
Thank you for helping out in this situation – bystander is right, the current situation is bad, and will inevitably escalate until the BC gets herself killed. Neither dog is at ‘fault’, it’s just a bad mix of instincts.
merrinc, yes BCs will herd anything obsessively. Emphasis on the ‘obsessively’. They are obsessive-compulsive workaholic super-athletes who need an active job to keep from going crazy. They are my favorite breed, but I’m not able to give one the stimulation it would need, so I’ve gone with a less intense mix.
@Yutsano: Video or it didn’t happen.
I’m sure Mitt Romney will drive the dog where ever it needs to go, but I don’t think you should let him.