Apparently, I carelessly left an unmade bed, and we’ve had disastrous results:
I knew this would happen one of these days if I was not careful.
BTW- this is pretty awesome- Palin dead-enders caught redhanded attempting to edit the wikipedia page so that it more resembles Palin’s version of “history.”
Look at that sugar beet!
Too bad that wasn’t
resident evilRosie. Or better yet, Tunch.Love that Lilidog.
Someone put Lily’s head in John’s bed! What is this, Godfather IV?
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
Tunch made John an offer he shouldn’t have refused.
Comrade Mary
Awww. And on zoom, you can see all the shed hairs from the menagerie on the bedding. I miss my pets. I miss the pet hairs. (Well, the former more than the latter.)
That wiki talk would be hilarious if not so sad.
Any news yet on Ruemara’s little one and his bladder problem? What about chipping in for his treatment?
Awww Lily looks so snug and comfy.
ETA: Editing a Wiki page so it will conform to Palin’s version of history? WTH is wrong with people?
Uncle Clarence Thomas
If only President Obama had such single-minded apologist dead-enders.
Corner Stone
You wear PJ’s to bed and make your bed? What are you, in the 5th grade?
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
Mark my words, 6 months out, even if Palin is fully discredited and drops off the face of the earth, her account of Paul Revere will end up ‘common knowledge’ that public school is trying to lie about.
Just wow. How do people like that get through life without dying of starvation while living in a cardboard box addicted to gas fumes shortly after beeing unleased on the world from their parental cocoons.
I just can’t see how someone that backasswards can even hold a job.
John R
@The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik:
6 months? Are you insane? It already is.
gogol's wife
That is so adorable. (Lily, not Palin’s fans.)
Tampering with Wikipedia to make your heroine look good? It must be awesome to inspire that kind of devotion in one’s followers. But Sarah Palin’s devotees don’t seem to have been successful. Which makes them not only liars, but also ineffectual ones.
@Uncle Clarence Thomas:
oh, I get it — you mean US. bwaaahaaahaaahaaaa. Didn’t see THAT coming.
Yer a sly one, Uncle, regular snake in the grass.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Oh, I get it now. He is ever so clever.
Doghead. That bed is lost for evah!
Only a str8 man would ask why women find Bradley Cooper speaking French sexy! He easy on the eyes, he doesn’t seem gay, he has a high paying job and he speaks 5 languages…sign me up!
Bradley Cooper speaks French. The Internet swoons. What’s the big deal?
Don’t be jealous fellas, just step up your own game…lol
@The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik: I checked Conservapedia, which is usually a reliable source for weapons-grade wingnut revisionism, but their Paul Revere page says, in toto,
So, at least as of right now, even the nuts of Conservapedia aren’t biting on this one.
quaint irene
But geez, I thought that was what Conservapedia was for-to counteract all that nasty liberal bias. Stay on your own side of the fence, kids!
So today class, we’re going to read about the history of Gettysburg, uhm, which according to Sarah is now called “Bonerville”, and… happy thoughts… happy thoughts….
Yes Sarah, it’s good that you turned that sentence into a grotesque monster, now wish it into the cornfield, okay?
R. Porrofatto
This guy seems to be the one adding Palin’s Revere idiocy to the Wikipedia article. Are we surprised?
Lily is utterly adorable. What a sweetie.
Palin’s apologists…it figures. They’ll do anything. ANYTHING for their Grifter Queen. As a reminder #PalinHistory on Twitter is still a fun read.
Lilly is sweet.
I’m clearly not an Obot as it’s never crossed my mind to try and revise Wiki and History for him.
This has changed my mind about a Palin run for prez though. It was “Nah”…..revised to “Good Chance!”
@Omnes Omnibus: It must be too subtle for me because I r not grokking. Oh well. My brain isn’t much in engagement right now.
And not for nothing, but I came across an amazingly sick deal for a Saab convertible that is just screaming at me to go buy. Except I only have about half the money for it. I thought of you when I stumbled across it however. I hope your financial situation is improving.
Does anyone else find it odd now that we source LGF as reasoned points of view? I mean, Charles has come to terms with some dirty untruths on that side of the coin. And he’s still a conservative, just more honestly libertarian rather than the usual sold my soul libertarian we see for the most part.
Re. the Saab ‘vert–just do it. It’s convertible weather, well, in most places anyway.
@trollhattan: It’s $8700 for a 2007 where the only problem is some damage to the front end that doesn’t look too severe at least in the pictures. So about $2000-3000 for repairs and I have a late model Saab convertible for about less than half the price of a normal used one. It’s worth doing I’m just trying to figure out how to come up with the remaining scratch.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Solving thing here. Stuff just takes time. I say buy it if you can figure out how to swing it. Saab verts are quite good in the cold and wet as convertibles go. Well, must run. Mme Omnibus and I are going for a walk.
@lamh34: although he does gay for pay pretty damn well. See: youtube (NSFW!).
@dmsilev: Although “managed to escape” is a bit of a stretch. The Brits needed his horse and simply left him behind when they took it.
Zounds, that was an over $40k car just four years ago, and it’s one sweet looking car in convertible form. Be really cautious about the front-end work. I had a front-end crunch in my Saab 9^5 and the insurer’s field estimate was off (low) by several thousand. A good thing in my case, because the final bill would have meant their totaling the car and I wanted to keep it, not replace it.
Good luck!
I never tire of Lily in bedding pictures.
Canadian Shoggoth
Needs more word salad: Revere(nd) Paul, a member of the revolutionary army of God rode out to shine the truth that America was founded as a Christian nation of guns.
(wow that sounds plausibly palin)
And right on cue, Chris Wallace leaps in to plumb even deeper depths of shamelessness:
Spaghetti Lee
I wonder if Chris Wallace, Hannity, et al. are going to be thinking on their death beds “I was blessed with the opportunity to share my opinions on national TV and have people accept it as news, and I squandered it trying to defend the non-existent honor of the biggest goddamn hack on the planet.”
Mary G
Lily looks so cozy I think I will go take a nap.
That image at LGF of the colonial silversmith doing a faceplant is too funny.
Tu es fou, ma chere. M. Cooper n’a rien.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
if i ask who he plays for, would you believe me that it isn’t a double entendre?
/str8 men
Lolz. So predictable. I was going to check the edits last night but I was distracted by a guitar.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Wallace, possibly; Hannity, feature, not bug. He may be the only person on teevee who, when paired with Palin drops the average IQ in the room.
From the same source as the wiki editing story, Wisconsin Republicans trying to recruit spoiler Democrats for recall elections.
@burnspbesq: Well, mon chum, I’ll say this much in defence of M. Cooper. I bet he would know that “Tu es folle, ma chère” is what you ought to have written. Unless lamh34 [Chu désolé, moé là, for my ignorance] is a man, in which case it would be “Tu es fou, mon cher”.
@burnspbesq: How was the show?
This is an open thread so I guess not O/T. But Balloon Juice has burned into my head this whole “both sides do it” thing. I was asking my son how he managed to get a B in geometry. His answers were unsatisfying to say the least. In fact they were so passive that I launched into a speech. Imitating my son “Dad, mistakes were made! While it may be true that I possibly managed to not provide the number of correct answers which would have resulted in me receiving a 93, one must not discount the possibility that there were some grading deficiencies. Hooocoodanode??” Think I might be reading too much Balloon Juice?
What are you doing talking to your kid, when there is more Balloon Juice to be read?
re Palin and wikipedia – According to their logic, the fact that Hillary Clinton said that she had to deal with sniper fire in Bosnia means that a reliable source said it and therefore it needs to be considered true.
@chris: That is funny.
It’s official: Sarah Palin’s minions are flying monkeys. For its faults, I like Wikipedia because its most active editors don’t give a rat’s ass if angry wingnuts accuse them of not being “objective” enough to satisfy them.
Citations or GTFO.
Lily is such a sweet girl. What a beautiful dog.
Ha! Just saw them called The Paliban. Good stuff.
Ok, that kinda made him hotter, IMHO! Funny enough I saw that movie and I didn’t realize that was Bradley Cooper!! That scene is interesting because in Valentine’s Day, he played the gay partner to Eric Dane’s (Gray’s Anatamoy’s “McSteamy”) gay football star, and in that movie, he just kisses Dane on the forehead. Now I’d pay to see Dane and Cooper act out that other scene…lol.
Does that make me a perv??? If so I freely admit to being one…lol
@burnspbesq: @ppcli:
Yeppers, I’m a Lady
I’d run the VIN through a site like carfax or so. It costs you $20 or so, but at least you’ll know that you’re not buying a superficially patched insurance write off.
A Humble Lurker
@Spaghetti Lee:
We can only hope.
And Lily’s too cute.
@eemom: No worries, with people like John Galt Cole fake progressive (or maybe just thinks he is because he’s not into punching hippies) there is no danger of that happening around here.
Is there a video clip anywhere of Palin promising to “make history”? Just wonderin’.
Are you for real? If so, that is some lame trollery. If not, the humor is a bit thin.
There in a nutshell is Palin’s defense of every completely erroneous, ignorant thing she will say over the next year and a half. Gotcha media. God I hope she’s the nominee.
@Hal: She just can’t help doubling down on the stupid can she?
@Svensker: I’m here all week and please remember to tip your waitress.
question for the computer gurus here. New laptop, win7. i’ll touch the touchpad and start moving my finger, and 1 out of maybe 20 timesthe mouse pointer will start to move and freeze and be replaced with this tiny white slider bar looking thing 1/2 inch across. I have to jiggle a bit for the pointer to return and move. This is really fucking annoying and i can’t find anything in the control panel about it.
What in bieber’s name is this awful crap?
possibly. can’t be sure though. If that’s true?
@Hal: I’m certain that I’m better educated and more well-read* than Snowbilly, particularly in the area of American History, and what I know is there sooo much I really don’t know.
*Understanding that this is relative. There are houseplants that are more well-read than Sarah.
A lot of laptops will use a chunk of the touch-pad on the right hand side as the equivalent of the scroll-wheel on the mouse. It’s useful when you get used to it, but a pain otherwise.
Linda Featheringill
Report on Mojii, the cat.
He’s home!
Postop Mojii:
Mojii in a more peaceful time:
Mojii has had a rough day. They shaved the lower spine, they shaved the base of his tail, they shaved his junk, they attached a button to his back [as an anchor for something], they put a couple of drains in, and they placed those yucky stitches.
Now if the world will just leave him alone for a while. He is settled into the bathtub, which he likes anyway.
And yes, I am very, very happy. :-) [smiles of joy]
@Linda Featheringill: Nice.
@kindness: I was just gonna say the same thing.
@Calouste: Yeah there’s a ton of background work that needs to happen before I’d shell out for it. And this assumes it’s still there and available, I can’t imagine a sweet car like that just sitting there for long. And if it is that would make me wonder as well. I’ll keep my ears to the ground though.
Link to the car. Any Portland BJers are welcome to weigh in if they’ve heard anything about these guys.
Rico would like to introduce you to your new car.
Having seen the pics, including the discharged airbag, I’d speculate repair by a competent shop will be in the $5 to $10k range–maybe even more since some insurance co. decided to total it rather than repair. I’d offer less than they’re asking and look around to see what an ’08 to ’09 fetches. I don’t doubt this one can be brought back to like-new, but it’s going to take some effort and money.
Still, gorgeous car!
Also, too, running carfax is a good idea, since it would be nice to know where this car came from.
@trollhattan: the Carfax will tell me rather definitively why the former owners decided to scuttle the vehicle rather than repair it. And I winced at the discharged airbag since I have a feeling that will be the most expensive piece to replace. I’m not sure, but there are some airbags that can’t be just repaired, you have to replace the whole unit, which will most likely have to come direct from Sverige. The body damage itself I’ll estimate shop for. What’s funny is that same dealership also does car repairs. Why they didn’t just fix this beaut up and re-sell it is an interesting point as well. But even if the repairs run into $10K that’s STILL less than what a used one with that mileage is going for.
If it’s like mine the airbag module is an easy swap and they just have to wind the clockspring gizmo behind it. The good news: it’s a tiny bit of labor and hey, at least only one went off. :-)
That front damage and all the associated bits will tally up quickly and in my experience, until they dismantle the whole front clip they won’t know how much needs replacement and how much needs bending back into shape. FWD cars have a lot of bits up there, plus there’s the intercooler, oil cooler, radiator and all that. If those are HID headlights that will be another round of pieces.
But repeating myself, it’s convertible weather!
Awwwww. Look at the adorable Lily snuggled in her comforter. She is such a sweet, gentle girl.
@Linda Featheringill: I’m glad Mojii is home. I’m sending positive vibes that he will heal quickly.
Comrade Mary
@Linda Featheringill: Yay that he’s back! But man, if he ever finds out that you posted the bathtub picture, he’s gonna crap in your favourite shoes.
Anne Laurie
@Comrade Mary: Anybody else here old enough to remember Fat Freddy’s Cat? Specifically, the four-panel that ended with FFC purring in Freddy’s lap and thinking “Wait’ll he puts on his stereo headphones“…