I checked in at Andrew’s after taking a couple weeks off, and Sullivan, noting the political wreckage for Republicans for supporting the Ryan Plan that Andrew himself fluffed for weeks as bold, serious, and every other glowing term he could think of, states:
Good news for the Democrats. But until the Dems propose a serious alternative to rein in Medicare’s costs, bad news for the country.
The Ryan plan did nothing to rein in Medicare costs. NOTHING. All the Ryan plan did was STOP PAYING FOR THEM and pretend that the elderly could use free market voodoo and get better plans with vouchers. That isn’t reining in the costs, that’s just not paying them and telling the elderly to piss off. I suppose we could also abolish the military and that would “rein in” our defense spending costs. I’ve got a serious alternative to rein in educations costs. I’m going to burn all the schools and then cut taxes by 4 trillion! See how easy this is? We can have the budget balanced in no time.
I’m sorry to keep doing this to you. I should probably just start cutting myself instead of reading him, but I can’t stop.