Having company for dinner again- on the menu, cajun seasoned Swai, chilled black eyed pea salad with lemon, onion, and cilantro, the usual tomato/cuke/onion salad, and surprise- steamed kale with a little spinach mixed in. Also too, a bottle of Nobilo.
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John, you’re turning into such a social butterfly!
What is Swai? And what are you having for dessert?
Yeah, I had to google swai just now and the salad from yesterday or the day before. Elitist!
I just looked it up. It is a form of farm raised catfish. Here in Texas they market it as pangasius. It’s good, quite mild. I had never heard the name Swai.
Did Tunch catch the Swai?
Just one?
You keep having parties, you’re going to have to turn in your curmudgeon merit badge.
Whenever you post about it, it takes me back to when parents “entertained.” It was the ’70s and my dad would wear his green velvet Nehru jacket and they would serve rumaki and fancy cocktails like Pink Squirrels and Grasshoppers. It all seemed very chic when I was seven.
If he had, do you really think there’d be any left for anyone else?
What’s her name?
You know, you don’t have to eat that crap to be on Team (D), that’s just what Republicans say to rile up their base.
I mean, I’m Liberal-Elitist, Obama-hatin Lefty Left from Cali, and I had a bacon cheeseburger for lunch, though it did have arugala and garlic aioli, so…. hmm, maybe not the best example…
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
Chez Shotgun:
She: We have chicken thawed.
He: Do you have any ideas what to make with it?
He: Nope. How about ordering out?
He: We’re a little short of money this week.
She: Tuna noodle casserole?
He: OK, how about chicken noodle casserole?
She: Nah, I don’t feel like cooking the chicken.
He: Tuna it is then!
The Dangerman
Are Swai not swift?
Note to everybody:
You’re completely wrong.
About everything.
So there.
PS: Go look it up. I don’t need to provide a link.
Nobody participating in the Steam sale??!
Jade Jordan
John is a liberal elite socialist. Next week he’ll be eating arugula.
Linda Featheringill
Please report back on the steamed kale and spinach. I’m pulling stuff together to plant a fall garden and kale and spinach will be part of it.
Tom Hilton
What, no Miracle Day?
James K. Polk, Esq.
Icon. Icon. Icon.
Tom Hilton
And our dinner tonight is takeout (again), because we’re painting the kitchen. And by ‘we’, I mean Jody.
Amanda in the South Bay
Arrgh, a friend is saying I should go to BM this year, but tickets are 360 bucks, and well, IDK. I really, really want to go, but probably need to be somewhat fiscally responsible.
Holy smokes! Balloon Juice mentioned in major on-line trade publication. Congratulations.
Southern Beale
What is “swai”?
“Black eyed pea salad”
Hang on. Will.i.am is a Black Eyed Pea…and is a huge Obama supporter. This menu is clearly just another example of Cole’s O-Bot tendencies.
Got to work at 7:30.
Wife calls at 10:00: “I think there are mice in the shed. Where should I unload everything?”
Me: “Put it in the garage.”
Wife calls at 3:00: “I tore the shed down. Got a guy to haul the wood away. You were going to build a new one, right?”
Me: “Of course, dear.”
I guess I’ve got my weekend plans settled.
When it’s farmed and you buy it at the store it’s called “swai”…..
When you drag it out of the shitty Tug River it’s called “catfish”….
Specifically, it’s a type of smallish, mild Asian catfish. Also sold as ‘Basa’ in addition to the ‘pangasius’ mentioned above. Not my favorite seafood by a long-shot, but it’s reasonably sustainable for farmed fish.
Still don’t have a clue what I’m fixing for dinner myself. Someone post something irresistibly interesting.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
DarrenG @25
What? You didn’t like my Tuna Noodle Casserole suggestion? Only made the grade at resistibly interesting, eh? Or {{shudder}} resistibly uninteresting.
I’m enjoying it, though.
Just made cajun swai 2 days ago. It was delicious. I served it with lemon buttered asparagus, and grilled sweet potatoes.
I’m making chicken thighs in the oven. Brush olive oil and seasoned salt all over them, bake at 425 for 50 minutes and you have the crispiest skinned chicken thighs you ever had. Moist and delicious inside.
Southern Beale
You are shitting me! Here in Tennessee it’s catfish no matter where you get it!
1. I love swai.
2. Azeroth, here I come! Otherwise, I’ll just hang out and apply for jobs all evening.
3. I’m sure the blame for this will go right where it belongs.
Southern Beale
@jacy –
Your dad wore a green Nehru jacket? My, my, weren’t we the hipsters!
I need more recipes for Swai. You should have a little side thing for recipes (not that you don’t have enough to do already!)
“Swai” and “Nobilo.” Dang Cole making me googles his goddamn menu, also, too. “Sway” is an excellent Stones song and nebbilio
iscan be excellent wine, so there’s that.Runaway pet fish and wine from two hemispheres distant. Life in WV must be tough to negotiate, day to day.
Cat Lady
“Company”, hmmmmm? Does she have a name? No man cooks like that for just anyone. Don’t be a Stu, be a Steve, and be excellent in her presence.
@33 trollhattan: I eventually saw your rec for Nevada County fair. Thanks. I will check it out.
By that time BJ will be the ‘what are we eating today?’ blog and I can rave about the NV County Fair corn dogs.
Cole might be engaged by then, with this mystery company, and he might tell us who is really cooking all this good sounding food he is eating.
Cole: no more food pics? Oh well, hard to top the vistas of endless home made pasta drying in the exotic WV sunshine, I guess.
Cat Lady:
That’s what I asked upthread. Company doesn’t have to be plural.
Cat Lady
Company doesn’t have to be “she” either. ;->
Could be an invisible six foot rabbit.
Edit: No, never mind. Tunch and Rosie would eat that all up in no time.
Cat Lady:
I don’t think John is a homosexual. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Since only one bottle of wine is involved, I’m thinking it’s not several people.
BD of MN
we got kale from our CSA a couple of weeks ago, cleaned it, ripped it off the stems and into bite sized chunks, sprayed with a little bit of olive oil and salt, baked for 20 minutes… made absolutely delicious chips, crunchy and light.
of course, no more kale in the box the past two weeks. gonna have to go buy more kale, something I never, ever thought I would say…
I am Jordan Miles.
Promises of cheezburgers got the old man off to fill the propane tank.
Jes simpul ‘Merican fud.
Reality Check
Ready for President Perry?
Cheeseburger with sweet potato fries.
Dennis SGMM
I’m making quesadillas with boiled-then-sauteed flank steak carne, refried beans, and grated cheese garnished with home made tomatillo/jalapeno salsa. the family and I love ’em and other than the time it takes to prepare the carne they cook in minutes.
If I wanted to shit you I’d offer up some carp from Tug.
Really, it’s that nasty nowadays.
Maybe without that gross gloppy sauce. Not very appetizing looking.
Chris Wolf
Don’t you ever just order a pizza? That’ll test a friendship…
I just took the last of the tomatoes off of the dying (from the heat) tomato plants and made fried green tomatoes. Kind of sad, but also kind of delicious.
@48 cathyx: what gloppy looking sauce? I’ll take it if no one else wants it. Thnx in advance, Jeffreyw.
Southern Beale
I’m sorry. Welcome to the South, America’s Liver.
John was more blog fun when he lived in the apartment and naked mopped. IMO
That would be the Swiss cheese? Or are you speaking of the whole grain New Orleans Creole mustard?
max hats
So, apparently Andrew Sullivan is on vacation, and in his place he left us a racist piece of shit:
Post after post about how we should restrict Islamic integration, because this guy in Toronto said something offensive once, and, you know, they’re all the same.
Cat Lady
Reality Check:
Weren’t you here pimping for Pawlenty not long ago? How’s that working out? You’re awfully fickle, but he seems more your type.
No cheese would ever be described by me as gloppy sauce. I am a self described cheese-aholic.
max hats The important question is were they raised in a two parent family… Michele Bachmann wants to know.
Dennis SGMM
Just for you; Monty Python’s Cheese Shop sketch.
@cathyx: LOL! Now you got some Cajuns pissed at ya.
Well, here is Michelle Bachmann’s answer to those on welfare.
You’d support a gay President? How progressive of you!
It’s not the cajun part that I have a problem with. It’s the mustard. Yuck!
I know one thing that won’t be on John Galt Cole’s dinner menu. Humble pie.
Are you always a party pooper?
Here’s a hummer for ya just to show there’s no hard feelings.
cathyx…hahahaha..this is coming from the woman who took stimulus money..
Speaking of Humble Pie, i’m gonna see Peter Frampton on sunday @ Bluesfest.
Am very excited.
Dennis SGMM
I’m so old that I saw Frampton around the time of the “Frampton Comes Alive” album. Good stuff. I’d love to see where his playing has evolved to these days.
Do they taste like chicken?
Mrs inD and I walked Doglius up to the Frosty Freeze for ‘dinner’. It’s a mile away so we each worked off 1/2 oz of ice cream. We arrived just behind two little league teams so there was lots of petting during the wait. Little white dogs make friends wherever they go.
Dennis SGMM, you lucky bum…
He’s an amazing guitar player which was something that wasn’t commonly known during that time.
The shirtless pics and flowy hair didn’t help his serious musician image but there was (and still is)more to him than that.
You should check out Fingerprints, an instrumental album he released a few years ago….it’s highly enjoyable.
Dennis SGMM
Will do. Thanks for the tip. I’m 63 and back in the day I made a point of seeing everyone whom I even remotely liked – no matter how long the drive. The result was that among others I was able to see Jimi Hendrix several times, John Cipollina (Quicksilver Messenger Service), Jeff Beck, Jeff Airplane with Jorma Kaukonen and later Craig Chaquico, Mike Bloomfield, Stephen Stills, and a number of other folks who never hit it big (Anyone else ever catch Shiva’s Headband, from Austin, Texas?). These are the memories that make me a wealthy soul.
Wow, i envy you.
What was it like seeing a young Jeff Beck?
@Dennis SGMM
Well jeez, what does that make me because I was at one of the shows (SF Cow Palace) recorded for the live album. And I listened to him with Humble Pie before he went solo, also, too. Dude can actually play, hair or no.
Nurse, I need my “special bedtime massage” now!
Dennis SGMM
I saw him when he was playing with Tim Bogart and Carlos Appice in the short lived “Beck, Bogart, and Appice” band. He was extraordinary as were the other members of the band. I particularly remember his rapid and seamless changes from melodic, evocative riffs to foot-stomping rock and roll.
Of all the bands I’ve seen, the most memorable was the original Mahavishnu Orchestra; John Mclaughlin on guiter, Jan Hammer on keyboards, Billy Cobham on drums, Rick Laird on bass, and Jerry Goodman on violin. The band was just like Damn! I later saw McLaughlin with Jean Luc Ponty playing electric and again when both played acoustic, backed by a string sextet.
Dennis SGMM
It makes you lucky. Humble Pie is still in my rotation; “Thirty Days in the Hole,” and the long version of “Walk on Gilded Splinters.”