Not that this has any connection to me or anything, but does anyone have experience with cleaning pudding out of the docking port of an iPhone?
Of course this is purely a hypothetical. If you feel compelled to ask any uncomfortable questions, here is a pic of my dog. Talk about that.
You want to dry it out. Carefully. No guarantees, but something like this may work: 1) Put it in a ziplock bag. 2) Stick it in the freezer. 3) Let the pudding get nice and hard. 4) Quickly remove it from the bag, hope the stuff flakes off before it thaws out.
Try to do this in a room with low humidity. If you’re on the east coast, good luck with that…
HTH a little. Good luck!
gogol's wife
Max spilled pudding on your iPhone?
Call Bill Cosby?
The drying out sounds like a good idea. When my son spilled coffee on his computer, he was told to let it dry out for 10 days and then try to start it up again. It worked. I didn’t know dogs liked pudding.
Linda Featheringill
I suspect that it wasn’t Max who did the terrible deed.
Electrical contact cleaner is probably your best bet. Your only concern will be how it reacts with the plastic around the case, so test first with a Q-tip. But it’s totally safe for the electrical components.
Q tips and Denatured alcholol.
good luck
Q tips may leave fuzz; you may want to try a tool with soft bristles.
I would use a soft bristle toothbrush to get out the majority of the pudding, especially deep in the connection. I dint think a q-tip will cut it for the deep cleaning, although for final polish wood be a great idea.
Disgruntled Lurker
I suggest buying one of these.
This is not iphone specific but a friend had problems with a phone and brought it in and the clerk cleaned it out. Maybe you could give the apple store a try.
NOT RECOMMENDED! A year or two ago I ran my new phone through the washer. I figured it was a goner but I removed the battery opened all covers and port plugs and placed it in a bowl of rice for several days. Then I put the battery back in fully charged it and it was as good as new. Used it for 2 years and never had a problem.
Leave it plugged in.
Tell Michelle Bachmann that it is Freedom Pudding and must be licked out by the Tongue of Liberty.
General Stuck
Charlie says, Whassup! Max?
14 pounds of Make My Day
Many years ago, a friend’s tape deck went on the blink. Took it into the shop, where she was informed that someone had inserted a lemon-lime popsicle instead of the cassette.
Hope your outcome is better.
Han's Solo
@Hawes: So you want Michelle
Bachman to have her husband lick out the pudding?
He hasn’t done that since he “prayed his gay away.”
Tell Steve Jobs you have a new unauthorized peripheral. A team from Apple will be right out.
do you have toddlers… lol
Have you tried submersing your phone in whole milk? You should definitely do that. Leave it there for an hour, and pudding is no longer your problem.
Get it super dry (ziplock baggie of uncooked rice will adsorb, science FTW) and then blow it with canned air. Worked for me.
Don’t float it in 2cm pool of icy cold Diet DP at the bottom of a leather messenger bag, though. That was NOT recoverable.
From experience, use toothpicks to removed as much as possible (be careful). You can qet quite a bit out this way. Let the remainder dry out, preferably in a dry hot place. I used the air vents for the fan on my computer. Use cyber clean to remove the traces. Or you can go directly to cyber clean and skip the drying out. I got my cyber clean at target. It is wondrous stuff.
Sorry. I only know how to clean cat puke out of a keyboard (and where to find a cheap keyboard). Anyone know how to get the cat hair out of the inside of my monitor screen?
Before I put anything into the slot and before any drying (probably too late), I’d use suction to get the stuff out, otherwise the toothpick, Q-tip, whatever’s going to push it into the circuits. Buy or fabricate a small suction tip for a Shop Vac or whatever. I’d avoid any sort of liquid, which will probably make the problem worse, until you’ve sucked most of it out. The connector itself isn’t going to be hurt by the pudding, but the circuits behind it might be.
Binky the perspicacious bear
Disconnected from electric power, it should be top shelf dishwasher safe (works for keyboards as well). Run it through once if the pudding is deeply infiltrated, then blow it dry with canned or compressed air. For belt and suspenders people a day or two in a ziploc bag of rice will dessicate it.
licensed to kill time
@shep: Try this fabulous screen cleaner! Works from the inside!