Rebekah Brooks is out as CEO of News International, Rupert and James are going to be grilled by a House of Commons committee next Tuesday, and Rupert gave a self-serving interview to the WSJ, where he acknowledged “minor mistakes”. This is all via The Guardian, which is going medieval on News Corp. Those are the highlights, I’m sure you guys will have more in the comments.
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This is from the Guardian
His testimony is going to be interesting. I predict he will suffer from the I don’t know syndrome.
Linda Featheringill
The UK seems to be thoroughly angry with Murdoch & Co. and with justification. I get the impression that Murdoch had way too much influence/power in that country. That’s probably a thing of the past.
It would be very nice if we could bring some of those characters down in this country, too. Very nice. Fox and WSJ and maybe some more.
This just in: James Murdoch has decided to spend more time with Karen Hughes’s family. He won’t actually be IN the room with them, but rather he will listen in on their phone calls.
Brian R.
It reminds me of Miller’s Crossing, when the crime boss who’s been dominating the town suddenly finds himself out of political favor, and all the toadies who’d been kissing his ass start trying to kill him.
I keep expecting Tomasky to weigh in on this at TDB/Newsweek. He used to be a Guardian commentator and appears somewhat familiar with that bank of the pond. Nothing so far. The Beast gig seems to be more politics oriented and less personal blog than his Guardian work.
Brian R
Great movie, too bad Goodfella’s overshadowed it. Byrne, Finney, Harden and Tuturro are awesome.
What does Jake Tapper have to say about his sister network?
@Linda Featheringill:
Please do not make the mistake of equating the execrable editorial and opinion pages of the WSJ with its quality as a business and financial journal. If you want to be informed on business and finacial matters, you need to read the WSJ – unfortunate, perhaps, but that is the way it is.
Brian R.
And worse, that both were overshadowed by Dances with Cliches when it came time to hand out the Academy Award for Best Picture.
OK, I need to catch up on the Guardian’s coverage. Especially if they’re going medieval on News Corp.
(I assume they’ve gotten past the maypole, the country dancing, and land tillage under the three-field system. I’m waiting for them to get to the invention of the -ing horse collar.)
(End obligatory Pratchett reference.)
@BruceK – Unfortunately, I don’t have DougJ’s encylopedic memory of Tarantino movie quotes, so you get the garden-variety references.
Just a schadenfreude note — according to the Guardian, when Brooks was asked how the phone hacking scandal would end, she said,
“It ends with Alan Rusbridger (editor of the Guardian) on his knees, begging for mercy.”
It reminds me of Miller’s Crossing, when the crime boss who’s been dominating the town suddenly finds himself out of political favor, and all the toadies who’d been kissing his ass start trying to kill him.
that is exactly what’s happening now. all those pols rupert used to control and expected to protect him, have instead turned on him…
Dennis SGMM
I don’t know whether the Brits have any different means of handling things but, the “I didn’t know what those guys were doin’!” CEO defense seems to work out quite well on this side of the pond.
Ah, I’m a little slow today, and hadn’t realized James and Rupert caved on appearing before the committee– they initially refused. James’s initial reply was exquisitely snotty, basically saying, “oh, sorry, booked up– will August 10th do?”
I don’t think this initial hearing is under oath– that’s the judicial inquiry, which is in a few weeks– but I could be wrong.
Also, too, the FBI is looking in to the allegations of stateside phone hacking by NOW reporters. Schweet.
In some cases, such a defense can get you elected governor of Florida
Jim C.
Of course it’s via The Guardian. No American news source would ever dare to say something mean about Murdoch.
rupert will prepare for his testimony before parliament by watching tapes of alberto gonzales testifying before congress.
NI is running ads in all UK papers this weekend, apologizing. Too late, I think. They hired a PR firm yesterday, I believe.
Also too — this is a fantastic video of Nick Davies, Guardian reporter who really pushed this story.
“It’s about the power elite … the way they casually assumed that the rules didn’t apply to them.” It makes my heart ache, longing for our press to speak like this.
And then there were two.
Frank to Julia at the end of Hellraiser: “Nothing personal, babe!” *CHOMP*
In the end, it’s down to complicity or incompetence. For the former, you face the law; for the latter, a lot of pissed-off stockholders (including one Saudi prince holding 7% of the stock).
I like this little bit from Rupe’s Sept 2007 chat with some Lords committee inquiring into media ownership and the news.
First he blathers on about how hands-on and exercising of editorial control on major issues he is. Then
That just might play better behind closed doors in 2007 than now in 2011 in a windier setting. (Guard live, 1:05)
On Rebekah Brooks’ abrupt resignation: Zandar had a great catch last night from Agence France-Presse.
Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talid, a major shareholder in NewsCorporation, asserted in a BBC interview yesterday, “For sure she has to go, you bet she has to go!” And at the snap of those fingers little Rupert trotted to attention.
These object lessons in how the world actually works are a necessary colonic. David Cameron can yap away all he wants on the subject on the floor of Parliament, but once again that proverb on money and bullsh*t reveals the true lever.
(Zandar seems to have disappeared from the BJ front page or perhaps I missed his farewell note. His blog “Zandar versus the stupid” is a real gem, if you don’t know it already.)
I think another Tarantino quote is in order here: “Let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks just yet.”
Once again, money always wins.
handsmile: interesting. Because I was just reading her letter of resignation and was taking this little bit
to be a slight attempt at a “I wanted to resign all along (like simply everyone else) but they made me stay” polish to her reputation. But they may be more to it. very nice.
Another slight giggle if Rupe thinks this is competent handling of a crisis. The Repubs are handling their little situation equally well. Competency in stereo.
Treating the disease instead of just the individual symptoms (from the UK House of Lords debate):
From the Guardian “Medieval” Live Blogging
eemom. Probably. But we all die in the end so what the hell. I’m just enjoying the quick peek into the actual debris and churning mechanics of a gut-shot pseudo-god as he’s wheeled by to the hospital. I’m also so foolish as to think knowing what’s actually going on behind the fake six-pack abs of the golden boys and girls might prove useful later on. Even if I didn’t believe in the idiots before or after: I like knowledge and I’m an empiricist.
I’m just going to keep posting links to Steve Bell cartoons. This is from last week, after she said that it was inconceivable she knew about the Milly Dowler phone hack:
Love the little journalist snakes!
I posted this in an open-thread yesterday, but for those who missed it, I think it’s perfect:
Must admit, I’m also hoping for some tech details to start oozing through all the personal will-she-or-won’t she details. Bit here. Pinging would be my personal tech of choice, but hey, I’m a geographer. Minor bit of detail. This triangulation using cell-phone towers is the live use of what was/is being carried around, unencrypted, on all those iphones and snoopy gits are as often interested in where targets have been as where they are now.
Because I am contractually obligated to link to a Guardian story at least once a day, this (mostly because of the headline. N.B. put down your beverage before linking):
And to reference Brad DeLong’s frequent plaint, “why oh why can’t we have a better press corps?”, I just learned why the excreable Graham Norton was on my TV this morning rather than BBC World News. BBC journalists are on strike today!!
It’s well beyond my feeble powers to imagine the powdered and pomaded members of our Fourth Estate engaging in such a distasteful work action. The Village bordello must never be closed!
Is it wrong to think Rebekah Brooks is smokin’ hot?
And finally, while I suspect that many/most here either watch his program or check in daily at TPM, here’s how the Jonathan Swift of our time does it:
The last time the White House ‘picked on’ a news organization the other news orgs joined ranks about how ‘unfair’ that was. That doesn’t seem to be the case in the UK with the Guardian “going medieval” on Murdoch. Will the US news organizations again join ranks to defend a ‘fellow’ or will they be gleefully attacking them as well this time?
I really really hope that the Guardian goes for the chainsaw!
@Linda Featheringill:
Too bad Murdoch has power and influence over so many more people in this country.
On Steve Bell: A friend of mine sent me a report of a talk Bell gave on Wednesday, including this gem:
@adolphus (32) — Fair warning:
Dream On
Totally worthwhile exploration of Murdoch’s sinister dealings.
Is it? Can’t you get better coverage from a combo of Bloomberg, Reuters, Financial Times, The NY Times Business Section, and The Economist?
Rebekah Brooks is a dead ringer for my ex-wife. Just sayin’.
Retweeted from @DRoseTimes
And it seemed like such a slow day.
Royston Vasey
From The Guardian:
Royston Vasey
More news: Les Hinton, CEO of Dow Jones, has resigned.