(Ben Sargent via GoComics.com)
Not to step on Cole’s earlier post, but the Texas Observer reminds us that by Texas standards, Louie Gohmert’s only mid-range Crazy:
On September 28, 2009, at 1:40 p.m., God’s messengers visited Rick Perry.
On this day, the Lord’s messengers arrived in the form of two Texas pastors, Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, who called on Perry in the governor’s office inside the state Capitol. Schlueter and Long both oversee small congregations, but they are more than just pastors. They consider themselves modern-day apostles and prophets, blessed with the same gifts as Old Testament prophets or New Testament apostles.
The pastors told Perry of God’s grand plan for Texas. A chain of powerful prophecies had proclaimed that Texas was “The Prophet State,” anointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government. And the governor would have a special role.
The day before the meeting, Schlueter had received a prophetic message from Chuck Pierce, an influential prophet from Denton, Texas. God had apparently commanded Schlueter—through Pierce—to “pray by lifting the hand of the one I show you that is in the place of civil rule.”
Gov. Perry, it seemed.
Schlueter had prayed before his congregation: “Lord Jesus I bring to you today Gov. Perry. … I am just bringing you his hand and I pray Lord that he will grasp ahold of it. For if he does you will use him mightily.”
And grasp ahold the governor did…
So, back here in the ungodsly world, to what does everyone intend to lift their hands this evening?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I thought Rick Perry had good hair? I looked at the post title and the cartoon and tried to figure out what the hell Rod Blagojevich (yeah, enjoy that, spell check) had to do with Texas and what he was running for.
My Yankee secular elitist self is having trouble processing that sentence. I wonder if Charlie Pierce of Boston ever gets his mail?
My Truth Hurts
Can someone tell me why these Pastors run tax exempt churches? Will the IRS be investigating their political activities or will it just keep shaking me down for the $1,753 I owe them?
Why doesn’t it ever occur to these god-botherers that God is pissed at these gooper governors and that’s why s/he’s burning up their states?
Just saw Elizabeth Warren on the Rachel Maddow Show. I’m listening to Ms Warren and the IMHO, some in the liberal activist community don’t deserve her. From the interview, Ms Warren, like Van Jones before her, said she understand about the hard place President Obama seems to have been put in, vis a vis appointments and she seems to think that if anyone wants a fight, then it should be taken to the real enemy…Republicans. She said as much during the last part of the interview.
IMHO, anyone listening to Warren after this interview who thinks that the POTUS, didn’t really want Warren in the position, or who doesn’t see that Warren is okay with the choice that the POTUS made and isn’t just “covering” for the POTUS, then they were just looking for “a reason”… as and my grandma would say…
ETA: After this interview, I think that if she does run for Mass Senate, she would be much more formidable than Coakley.
fleeting expletive
Did GWB ever hire anyone from FOX news to work for him? I can’t remember.
Mr Stagger Lee
Those guys who produce The Atheist Experience in Austin, better watch their backs, If Texas becomes “The Prophet State”
Mike Kay (Chief of Staff)
Do we really need Rick Perry, when Marcus Bachmann has cornered the closeted holly roller vote.
Greetings from The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!
If I was a quad-ped I would have lifted up one of my hind legs
Linda Featheringill
Are you saying that Elizabeth Warren wanted the nomination or that she did not?
Is it just my librul frame of reference on this or is every single potential GOP candidate a freak and/or a loony?
General Stuck
I wake up every day thinking I am blessed to not live in Texas. And don’t know how anyone can live there without going bugfuck crazy, if they aren’t that already, is beyond me. Yea, yea, I know, don’t mess with Texas, but I already did.
Davis X. Machina
Rick Perry’s ooching up to the starting line….
Left Coast Tom
100-degree heat every day of the summer must make it pretty difficult to maintain one’s grip on reality.
@Linda F,
Ms Warren said that she was happy to setup the org and that the new appt is a “good man” and even if she isn’t over the org, she will still be in the fight.
Rachel tried to in a round-about way tried to ask her in what capacity she would stay in the fight, but Ms Warren I think knew what Rachel was getting at, i.e. Mass Senate, and she didn’t make any news .
I’d suggest seeing the video whenever MSNBC has it up.
@Left Coast Tom: It’s been over 80° here in Seattle for 70 minutes this year. Every day I thank FSM I don’t live in Texas.
Reading that just gave me a headache. And I second Nellcote above: If God has chosen Texas as the new land of milk and honey flowing with hot and cold running prophets why is he burning the state to a crisp?
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Honestly, I think everyone here should just trust President Obama in every decision he makes and should just support that, you know, and be faithful in what happens.
On a more superficial note, any TruBlood fans out there?
I just watched last night’s TruBlood!!! One word, one scene: Alcide!
SPOILER WARNING!!! This is a clip from last night’s TruBlood. If u didn’t watch the show, then don’t watch this video, it’s not really a spoiler, but still.
Now this is how I like my men, just like I like my fried chicken…”big and country-fried
ETA: Also wanted to add that I love “Drop Dead Diva” too….that it all.
@fleeting expletive #5:
You’re just funning us now, aren’t you?
Look at what He did to the Jews. It takes what Michele Bachman would call “chootspaw” to read what some call the old testament and come away with the idea the god likes jewish people.
Will somebody please explain to me what Krugman is going on about in this clip? I’m getting bombarded with messages from Republican “friends” who are howling that the “death panel” scare is warranted and that Krugman is admitting as much to Amanpour here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fZTntL13ZY
Just Some Fuckhead
Prolly the usual faggotry. Regardless of God’s Other Promises, the War on Faggotry must go on.
Not too good at this here internet are ya?
whoo hooo, now let’s see if you get any action!
Obviously God is punishing those who live in Texas with the weather they are having. Can’t they see that? And they thought they were good Christians. Proof is in the weather.
General Stuck
It’s perfectly legal, unless the president is near.
It’s just amazing how God calls these people to do just exactly what they wanted to do anyway.
What the fuck, that’s 9 months old.
And now, on the lighter side of the news….Puppeh Le Pew does the old soft shoe.
MikeJ @21: Yeah, but I think we are past the 40 days and 40 nights limit on fasting, burning and starving in the desert. Even the OT Yaweh would have burned up a bush or something to signal that the pain was over.
Hey, come to think of it, “burning a Bush in Texas” has a nice ring to it…
Just Some Fuckhead
Agreed. If God didn’t let me eat bacon, I’d be getting a clue.
Look at that lil dude!
More superfical…this time movies.
My youngest sister (20) is a big Harry Potter fan. She’s seen all the movies, and she’s read all the books, a couple of them she read 2X. She saw the final HP film and she said it was okay, but she was “underwhelmed” and gave it a B. I have friends who have seen the movie who have NOT read the books and they love it. Though my own un-scientific poll, it seems that people who have read the books are not as impressed with the final film as those who have not. I know, I know, stupid question, but has anyone noticed that?
Also, anyone looking forward to seeing “Captain America”? Is there any other movie coming out this summer that ya’ll are interested in?
General Stuck
Mr. Le Pew is a doll. Just what I needed to look at.
You all seem like smart people, even if I don’t always agree with everyone, so can you give me some advice? Because of a medical emergency I was forced to put over $3K on my credit card. I have money saved in a separate rainy day account from my regular checking account that gets a little more in interest than my regular savings account that’s connected to my checking account (two separate banks). On Rachel Maddow she was mentioning how interest rates on loans will skyrocket if we default. Should I just use my rainy day fund and pay off my big credit card bill in one payment instead of month by month to avoid chances of crippling interest or do you think the default won’t happen and this wouldn’t be rainy day fund necessary?
I’d be hangin on to that cash if I were you.
Try 40 years upon leaving Egypt. And then being taken to Babylon as slaves. and then having bears eat you children for making fun of bald guys. Etc, etc, etc.
Check out Barney’s Version, Giamatti and Dustin Hoffman kill it.
Mike J.:
We in Washington state have had the opposite problem of everyone else; it’s been abnormally cold and wet for months. (Yes, even for Seattle and environs.) I’ll take that over drought/killing heat any day, but it’s still a problem for farmers.
Mitch Guthman
I am no theologian but perhaps someone who is could answer this question: Could God get a verified Twitter account?
I mention this only because it seems peculiar that a missive from Paris Hilton is rigorously scrutinized for authenticity but one from God is not.
@Karen: So what you’re asking is should I pay 19-25% interest on borrowed money that will take me several months to pay off, or should I forgo the .5% interest I’m earning on saved money in order not to pay that high interest rate on my credit card.
Yes, I’m new to these tubes. Glad to hear that’s an old clip. But, jeebus, not once but three times that clip made it into my inbox today from crowing righties. Makes me wonder if some high-visibility site (Drudge, et. al.) posted it today.
Ah well. Nothing to see here. Carry on.
Uh, factor in “the world comes in an end” in that please.
Davis X. Machina
@Karen: The carried interest on the credit card is always going to be many, many times the interest the savings earns. Pay the credit card off. If it has an interest rate keyed to LIBOR, watch out. LIBOR spiked in the fall of 2008.
Well, the smart people have spoken.
@stuckinred: What, do you work for Visa or Mastercard? I would never keep debt I could pay off when yields are so terrible. After she pays off the card, she can save again for her rainy day fund. After all, isn’t this medical emergency what the rainy day fund is for?
Mike Kay (Chief of Staff)
deerturtle caught in the headlights.http://talkingpointsmemo.com/assets_c/2011/07/McConnell-Latest-Debt-Negotiations-cropped-proto-custom_24.jpg
i know it’s just speculation right now, but what does/would it mean if Murdoch is stepping down from News Corps. Is that a big deal or no?
@Davis X. Machina
I saw the chart but I’m not sure what LIBOR is.
it would be a big deal if The Evil One stepped down, but I don’t think it will satisfy or stop this train. it’s chugging now, gaining more speed everyday.
Yeah, I don’t think it would matter if Rupert renounced everything, climbed a tree and chanted psalms for the rest of his life. It’s the past he’s got to be afraid of, not the present.
stuckinred, I have a friend who watched it and cried. This is not a friend who cries.. It’s next on my Netflix list and I’m a tad concerned because I cried at UP…
BTW..No way does Rupert resign..It’s a tight knit organization and I think (which means nothing) his son will be arrested but he’ll try to redeem his name until he dies. Personally, I find that ironic because his name was built on smut.
Another thing, also, too, I am waiting until tomorrows edition of the Washington Post to see what they tell me to think.
Suffern ACE
I’m watching It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, realizing that if we elected these five buffoons to Congress, they probably wouldn’t even be in the top 20 buffooniest buffoons in that institution.
Murdoch ‘stepping down’ means he has more time to be mischievous. Or play golf. Or both.
It also means the pool of available “blame candidates” is running dry.
JPL: Murdoch’s investors or his bank will push him out of NI. Not sure if that will happen before or after he is arrested. The real question is whether NI is forced to break up and, on this side of the pond, who takes over the operation of Fox News after Ailes falls.
Cathyx, Davis X. Machina and Stuckinred, thank you for giving me your advice. I’m going to look at the bank and put it into an account that I can have access to instead of the online bank I have it in now.
jwb..correct me if I’m wrong, but News Corp is mainly family owner. Sure they have the Saudi’s here and other investors there but the controlling interest is Murdoch and Murdoch. That was their problem.
Corner Stone
It’s a special bank where PUMAs control the paid interest rate.
The LIBOR is the amount of orgasms induced by cunnilingus between hardcore PUMA supporters.
So, Orgasms/licks per hour.
Suffern ACE
We used to have a CPA or two comment on this site. Just a question. How does one account for illegal payments to police department informants using generally accepted accounting principles or with properly functioning internal controls?
JPL: As I understand it, the Murdochs have controlling shares of NI (and very favorable voting rights), but it’s not privately held.
“Are we poor, Atticus?”
Atticus nodded. “We are indeed.”
Jem’s nose wrinkled. “Are we as poor as the Cunninghams?”
“Not exactly. The Cunninghams are country folks, farmers, and the crash hit them hardest.”
Suffern ACE
@jwb – Yep. Public and SEC registered. Like Adelphia was before it. Must be something in the water of media empires.
Corner Stone: Being helpful as usual, I see.
Some corporate environments favor sociopaths. They have exactly the skills set needed to succeed.
I think we’re looking at one of those here.
In response to #5 about Bush and any Fox News appointments: YES! don’t you remember Tony Snow? He was Bush’s Press Secretary…
Corner Stone
@jwb: Always. I live to serve.
@Zastrozzi: Shorter: it’s just wingnuts hyperventilating.
Longer: Krugman is being a little too clever for our collective good there. He’s right that we will eventually have to set some limits on end-of-life care, but using the phrase “death panels” in a semi-joking manner isn’t helpful given the audience of the Sunday shows. And there is nothing in the ACA that addresses the issue, and no mainstream politician is going to bring the issue up anytime in the next 5 years, so he wasn’t “confirming” anything.
@Corner Stone
It’s so nice to know that even when I’m not being political and I’m asking a sincere question that a darling like you cannot even let politics go.
I hope to G-d that I never have to depend on you for anything life threatening because you’d gleefully let me die laughing that you’re doing it for PUMA.
All you’ve proven is how selfish and self-centered you are. You’re not PUMA, you’re Galtian.
General Stuck
eeeOuch! Bullseye.
Suffern ACE
What is Line 14 and what has it done with my memory when I open pages on this site?
Corner Stone
@Karen: Well, I’m certainly not some paranoid’s mythical creation sometimes known as PUMA.
I may be a Gryffin, however. Or a Centaur.
PUMAs are a sad lot. It’s been 3 and 1/2 years since Hillary lost Iowa and they still can’t get over it. People like Hamsher will spend the next 30 years grinding their teeth over the loss, the same way the “Rolling Thunder” burn-outs still go on about losing Vietnam.
Corner Stone
@Karen: And no. If you’re depending on some loon on the internets to save you, you’re even fucking crazier than I thought.
Don’t fall in your bathtub honey.
Comrade Mary
Karen, if you’re being hit with 19-25% interest (!!!), I’d recommend paying off all or most of the credit card ASAP. However, I get twitchy if I have absolutely no cash in my rainy day fund. If you have at least $1000 left after the credit card is zeroed out, that sounds like decent breathing space to me.
Wikipedia on LIBOR
Short answer: the almightiest of interest rates.
Suffern ACE
@Karen – Preserve the rainy day fund but don’t add to it while you pay down the CC. Focus on cutting expenses elsewhere if you can to pay off the CC as soon as possible. Strangely, illness does count as a rainy day, but even if interest rates go through the roof, you might be facing an even rainier day. It’s not the most efficient use of money, but you can always adjust payments to CCs to make up for cash flow difficulties.
Also, wait to see what happens to interest rates. If they do jump to 30% or so, you always have the rainy day fund to pay it off in one fell swoop then.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@lamh34: I read all the Potter books and saw all the movies and I thought the final one was as good or better than the others. I think it explained Snape better than the book. ‘Course now I’ll have to reread the book to verify that.
Anyways, a good finish. Amazin’ how they made those kids look 19 years older for the final scene. I swear they gave Ron a beer gut.
PS. Don’t bother with 3D, it didn’t add enough to be worth the extra $$.
PPS. MonkeyBoy’s Reply hack is Da Bomb.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
PPPZ. No interest whatsoever in Captain America. My wife wants to see Cowboys and Aliens, but my reaction is “Wha?”
Seems like Snakes on a Plane to me. Somebody pitched a title and got a movie greenlighted, and then it’s … oh, shit, now we need a script!
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Suffern ACE: I believe someone on another thread describe this as “Flowers for the models.”
Fucking expense reports. How do they work?
@Corner Stone
I’m not crazy. I just recognize that there are people from all walks of life that read and comment in this blog and it never hurts to listen to any advice they may have from their own experiences and knowledge.
Fall in my bathtub? Is that supposed to insult me?
Or is it another inappropriate sexual joke?
HP7B, the movie, Hollywoodized the book in some really egregious ways. And it couldn’t do the Battle of Hogwarts as it deserved because they didn’t have enough effects budget or time. It almost spoiled the book for me. Now, my husband says it made more sense than the book. So you have two opinions.
Corner Stone
@Karen: No, you’re right. You’re probably just stupid as the day is long. Sometimes I conflate people who don’t know any better with people who’re off on their own tangent and just proximate not knowing any better.
But generally anyone who is as continually obsessed with 1/100th of 1/100th of the voting population (if that) to the degree you are, seem to strike me as crazy. But I guess if you want to go with obtuse, obdurate or just unimaginably dumb I can agree with that for you.
Corner Stone
It’s a failing on my part. Mainly because I’d prefer to believe there’s a hidden mental defect somewhere than just agree that a nominally functional adult could be so fucking densely stupid.
Sorry Corner Stone, not stupid either. And I’ve calmed down with a lot of the PUMA stuff, mostly because I have a life and don’t want to waste my energy. If you want to be ugly that’s your business.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Karen: Pay no attention to the other replies. Sheesh.
I believe the “falling in a bathtub” reference was a non-offensive reference our bloghost’s clumsiness at household maintenance, although my memory could be impaired at this point (+4)
In any case, I see no reason to refer to another commenter as “fecking intensely stupid.” WTF? If you don’t like what someone said, explain it nicely or just STFU.
Fecking trolls. How do they work?
I lifted my hands to play Jam City Rollergirls on the Wii. I wish that they would push an update or expansion pack or something, sheesh.
No one of Importance
Karen, these links may help you make a decision:
Personally I believe that unless you have an incredible interest rate on your savings, you should reduce your credit card debt as rapidly as possible. If necessary, sit down and work out how much interest you’ll be paying on that debt if you don’t pay it off as fast as possible. I think you’ll be shocked how much you’re losing. The paid off debt can still act as a ‘reserve’ if another emergency comes up, which, with a bit of luck, it won’t. THen you can start saving again, and have the CC limit as a reserve as well.
Movies to see? Well, theres Hobo With a Shotgun, which eerily copies my retirement plan, and THIS: Cubas first horror film, Juan of the Dead. The Government tries to paint them as US backed dissidents, but folks suspect otherwise……