My Rep is Allen West so it’ll be like arguing with a dried turd. (But at least I’ll feel better after venting.)
I sent a hand-written fax to my whack-job senator Ron Johnson. I’ll try to contain my bile and call the office as well. I’m not sure I can be as diplomatic as I was in my fax. My other senator (Kohl) and my Rep (Baldwin) are sane.
Yes. Called Capito’s office this morning. I asked her (staffer) not to destroy WV’s and the nation’s economy. I also suggested that I did not lump her in with the TP crowd, that I know she knows better. BTW, her staffer already acted tired. Perhaps they are getting a few calls?
Yes – I emailed and called Diana Degette.
I did call, and got through to the switchboard, but the Congressman’s office line was busy. I’ll try back soon. My congressman is John Campbell (R-CA) so I am eager to give his staff an earful.
Mr Stagger Lee
Who Norm Dicks(D-Military Industrial Complex), he doesn’t care. As long the military isn’t touched and he brings more goodies to the various military bases in his district, America can burn for all he cares.
Tom in NOLA
I’ve called Vitter’s office a few times. A few weeks ago they were saying Vitter doesn’t think the debt ceiling should be raised at all. I called this morning and told them that I was disgusted that he’s been telling his constituents that for weeks now and the phone lackey said “No, that’s not his position, the Senator believes we need a plan blah blah blah.” I cut him off and told him he was full of shit, I’d called twice in two weeks and been told that Vitter will not raise the debt ceiling, period. He got snippy and basically hung up on me. Vitter is the most cynical, sleazy bastard in Congress.
Har! Rep Chris Gibson (Moron, NY) has a website down, too!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
To all those who say “my wingnut rep won’t listen anyway!”: Maybe yours is in for life, maybe s/he’s a wingnut troo beleever who doesn’t care what happens in ’12. But most of them want to stay in office, and a lot of them won by far narrow margins than the media histrionics would suggest, and if Representative Halfwit doesn’t know that, the staffers Boehner et al put in charge of their office does. A big pushback that makes news could make a difference in districts other than your own
I’m going to send a fax to Ron Johnson and Paul Ryan (his next opponent is Rob Zerban who is a friend of mine and a better candidate then his previous opponents, but it’ll still be a tall order to beat him) but I don’t expect it’ll do much good.
Brian R.
And for people represented by a Republican who think it’s pointless, remember (1) venting is fun and (2) it ties up the line so a teatard can’t get through and encourage them to kill the hostage.
Culture of Truth
“If you think America should default, Press 1”
“If you think America should pay its bills, Press 2”
“If you think the President is an anti-colonial Muslim witch doctor from Indonesia, Press 3”
Beth in VA
Yes! It felt good. Move-On sent an e-mail saying they want people to meet at his office today.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Don’t forget to call local offices as well, and/or send (ideally handwritten) faxes there too. I suspect that there is quite the impact in a local office (and I am aware the the plural of anecdote is not data, but it’s 5 more minutes).
Dennis will probably do the right thing but I should probably call just to make sure he doesn’t get distracted by some passing butterfly or UFO.
Would you call if your congressman was Louie Gohmert?
All three of them are Repubs. I can’t stomach it yet. More coffee first. Maybe Scotch. Two of them won’t vote for the Debt Ceiling w/o the Amendment Cut/Slash/Burn. Deminted has promised to Filibuster it. The Rep. wants to Default.
Culture of Truth
Would you call if your congressman was Louie Gohmert?
I’d call the looney bin and tell them to come get him
@ martha #3 – what did you use for a fax number for Johnson? I’m trying to do that now and can’t find the DC fax on his site. Or did you fax his Mke/Oshkosh offices?
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
shit, the way they’ve gerrymandered Georgia, fuggettaboutit
And tell them what exactly?
Representative Hinojosa’s line in Washington was busy, so I called the local number and was assured he was on board with the President. I also called and left messages for Cornyn and Hutchison, for all the good it will do.
Just Some Fuckhead
I called my congressperson and told him I wanted a compromise that overwhelmingly favored Republicans, just like Obama. His office seemed impressed.
Would you call if your congressman was Louie Gohmert?
Your local bulk liquor distributer?
General Stuck
The die was cast before this crisis was even created. Boehner was, and is, a lost wingnut soul speaking for firestarter nihilists, and we never had a chance.
J. BOEHNER: It means finding common ground.
STAHL: OK, is that compromising?
J. BOEHNER: I made clear I am not going to compromise on — on my principles, nor am I going to compromise…
STAHL: What are you saying?
J. BOEHNER: … the will of the American people.
Blubbering fool
The only chance for averting a default disaster now, I think, is a last minute voice vote for the Reid plan, or a clean bill. So the coward wingnuts can protect themselves from both the tea tards and the plutocrats that prop them up.
Guess I’ll call ultra tea bagger dumbass Steve Pearce a little later today. Wasted effort, no doubt. But what the hell else we gonna do.
Kenny Marchant’s (TX) line has been busy every time I’ve called. Going to try his local office now.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@keith: I’d still send a handwritten fax to both DC and local offices; at least putting a check in the “raise the ceiling” column will give the interns something to do. And interns gotta intern, after all.
Calling a congressman in the SF Bay area and wanting them to vote for progressive issues is kind of a waste of time. I am surprised the staffers don’t just go “Well, DUH!”.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
Called Todd Platts (PA-19)and told him to pass a clean debt ceiling bill — we’d done it over a dozen times for Reagan and Bush and there was no reason not to do it now. He usually votes the Republican line, with occasional surprises, but he isn’t a teabagger. Yet. This district would vote one in if the option was available.
If people do call, what are they supposed to say? I hope it’s not to support what Obama wants, which is compromise, which is another way of saying you want SS and Medicare cut. I think I’ll pass on that.
Gibson (NY20) is my Congressman too, alas. I called his NY office and spoke with a very sincere young man who was trying to convince me that Gibson was in favor of raising revenue and was very reasonable, although that doesn’t match his public statements and votes. After about 7 minutes, I had to get off the phone. I did suggest that if that was Gibson’s view, he should tell his press staff, since that’s not the message getting out there. :-)
I sent an email to Mark Kirk. The auto reply says he’ll respond to every email from Illinois. So we’ll see.
My Rep is Jan Shakowsky. She seems to know her ass from a hole in the ground so I won’t bother to call.
I just posted the fax and phone numbers of the entire Arkansas delegation at the Arkansas times blog with an exhortation to send a fax or call or BOTH.
The only chance for averting a default disaster now, I think, is a last minute voice vote for the Reid plan, or a clean bill.
Personally I think it ends with a clean bill that does nothing but raise the debt ceiling passed in the House via voice vote at the last minute. This occurs after Boehner and Cantor get together and Boehner agrees to step down from the Speaker chair in exchange for Cantor not denouncing this approach (not even endorsing it – just shutting up about it and letting it pass in the dead of night). Then Boehner announces his retirement to spend more time with his family and takes a sinecure with a Wall Street firm as payback for taking the dive.
And then Jim DeMint or Rand Paul puts one of those gentlemanly “holds” on the House bill when it gets to the Senate – because the House waited too long to pass it and stuck it in that window where you can do that – and we all plunge into chaos because of arcane Senate procedural rules that are more sacred than anything to the Senators.
Called Judy Biggert’s local office. No trouble getting through (majority GOP district, so maybe not enough motivation out there). The staffer was very polite and took down all my remarks. Am going to send faxes to DC now.
I assume you encouraged them to continue being irresponsible on our behalf. Good work, keep it up!
FYI – we still have a spending problem, and we still don’t have a revenue problem.
I’m an expat. Does that mean I should call my ambassador?
Brian R.
Would you call if your congressman was Louie Gohmert?
Yep. I’d tell him the Mexicans want us to default, so he’d better vote for a clean bill unless he wants to be outed as part of the secret Reconquistador Conspiracy.
I called Michael Burgess’ office this morning. It took a few calls to get through. The secretary asked me what cuts I’d want to approve raising the debt ceiling, and I said I didn’t care, just raise the debt ceiling. And then I thanked her for her time. I was nice and polite.
He’s a Republican, and I’m not expecting much from him, but I called anyway. I also sent a letter this morning, and I’ll probably send several more in the coming weeks.
Brian R.
we still have a spending problem, and we still don’t have a revenue problem.
Next time, just write “DURR HURR!” It’ll save us all the trouble of reading it.
My teahadist Congressman – Scott DeJarlais – voted against Cut, Cap, and Balance. Not because he suddenly understood economics and basic math, and realized that CCB is a recipe for economic destruction. No. He agrees with cutting, capping, and balancing, but CCB includes an increase in the debt ceiling, and he can’t support giving more borrowing authority to the shiftless near in the White House.
So no, I won’t be calling him. I have my blood pressure to think about.
Since I receive multiple messages from OfA and the local Dems pretty much every day, it’s very curious that I haven’t received anything from them yet today urging me to contact my congresscritters.
Madeline @20
I used 202-228-6965. That’s the number on the Contacting the Congress site. Interestingly, his web page doesn’t list a fax number and wants you to do it via email, probably so they can delete them!
I called my rep and it’s really bad for my blood pressure. The staffers are little wingnut robots. ‘Obama hasn’t come forth with a plan, blah, blah.
elmo: if your blood pressure can’t take talking to them, write up a short fax and send that. The congresscritters and their staffs talk to one another and the bigger and wider the wave of support appears, the better the effect.
Felanius Kootea
My congresswoman is the recently elected Janice Hahn. I sent her an email and sent a handwritten fax to her El Segundo office as well as her DC office. I asked her to support either a clean debt ceiling raise or a bill that involves a compromise between raising revenue and cutting spending, so that the burden is not disproportionately on the elderly and middle class. I don’t have a Republican rep but I figure the Democrats also need to hear from us.
bemused: sounds to me like they are crouched in a defensive shell. That’s good.
House telephone lines are still jammed this morning after President Barack Obama urged the public in his speech last night to contact their members of Congress on the debt-ceiling gridlock.
An e-mail from the House Call Center shortly before 10 a.m. says House phone lines are near capacity, leading callers to sometimes get a busy signal.
Last night, several House and Senate websites crashed after Obama’s prime-time speech had concluded. Many lawmakers urged constituents to contact them via Twitter because of downed websites.”
Looks like the prez’ scheme is working. Thank you, President Reagan. Someone said he used to do this.
See the prez’ speech is just like American Idol!
Since I receive multiple messages from OfA and the local Dems pretty much every day, it’s very curious that I haven’t received anything from them yet today urging me to contact my congresscritters.
I don’t think this particular pitch was aimed at us.
jwb – he voted AGAINST CCB because he’s that strongly against ANY increase in the debt ceiling. Really? Fax him anyway?
I’m moving to Virginia next month; I was considering calling my new congressman, Frank Wolf, instead. He’s a Repub, but not irredeemably crazy.
don’t just call your own reps, fer chrissake! call boehner and cantor!! if they can orchestrate this insanity that will take down the country (when the goal is to take down this presidency), then by god, we should let them know how we feel about it.
i’m committing to making calls to their respective districts on behalf of the dems in those states from now till 2013 to do my part to kick them both out of office!
do it NOW!!
hell, do it several times today, and for the next few days. i can think of few actions that will bring more satisfaction than to vent directly to these idiots.
I Called Steve Chabot’s office. I can’t stand talking to those wormy staffers. He kept blabbering on about Cut, Cap, and Balance.
I literally said, “Sen. Burr and the republicans need to stop dicking around with the debt ceiling.”
My congressman and my other senator are on the good side.
Joe Bauers
My rep is Todd Rokita, the Stupidest Man in Indiana (TM). I faxed him last week. I’m sure my voice was drowned in the cacophony of my wingnut neighbors encouraging him to BLARGH CUT SPENDING ON LAZY BLACKS BLARGH MEXICANS TAKING OVER BLARGH, but I tried.
Jesus wept.
I am writing the letters to fax to the local and Washington offices of my senators and reps. The letters I’m writing to Senator Durbin and my rep Luis Gutierrez are much different than what Mark Kirk is getting, that’s for sure.
been waiting to get a direct line to boehner for over ten minutes, but it’s worth it. i can already taste the glee i’ll experience when i am able to unload to a real person.
Yes, I called Marcy Kaptur, and I called my Repub Senator Portman. When I told his aide that I thought the Repubs were deliberately destroying the country, and why, he sounded like he swallowed his tongue.
I tried 12 times to get through to Sen. Burr’s DC number but couldn’t get through. Just one call to his local office in NC was picked up right away.
Does one office have more effect than the other?
@ martha #45 – thanks.
Irony Abounds
My congresswoman is Gabby Giffords. What the hell am I supposed to do?
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Just got through to the local office of Jim Renacci (R-Asshole), and his minion says that he agrees with Michele Bachmann that the debt ceiling must be raised.
Bear in mind that your Congressman gets called by truly crazy people – folks who want him or her to do something about the UFO landing pad in their neighbor’s back yard.
Try not to sound like a crazy person when you call.
El Tiburon
Sure, as soon as you tell me what I am telling my representative.
Are we looking for how many trillion in cuts with no revenue increases? Do I ask them to go full teatard or just phone it in?
El Tiburon @ 65 – I asked my Congressman for a clean debt ceiling vote and something that would last past this election.
elmo: Yes, fax him anyway. There is also the psychological cumulative effect, that certainly registers with the staff even if not the pol directly, when everyone is getting bombarded. Alone, your fax (or call) probably means little, but coordinated with all the other congresscritters receiving tens of thousands or more contacts each, it has a marked effect.
Rabble Arouser
@Stagger Lee
I lived in Bremerton for seven years, and although I found Mr. Dicks to be a bit of a blue dog on most issues, his office staff are quite receptive to constituents, and have been known to bend his ear vigorously when warranted. It might be worth your time to make the call. FWIW, I now live in the 5th CD, with Adam Smith as my Congresscritter. He’s kinda like Dicks, but with less personality. I’m off to call him right now.
Felanius Kootea
@elmo: Send him a handwritten fax if you can’t bear to call (believe me, I understand not wanting to talk to a lunatic). His staffers will notice the calls and faxes though.
1. Increase in the debt ceiling so we don’t default.
2. If it’s not a clean increase and it’s attached to some kind of deficit reduction deal, revenue has to be part of that. The people who have been making out like bandits while the rest of us have floundered for the last 10 years can and need to pay a little more.
Just got through to the local office of Jim Renacci (R-Asshole), and his minion says that he agrees with Michele Bachmann that the debt ceiling must be raised.
Michele Bachmann? What? I’ve called Renacci a few times the past couple weeks and when they told me Renacci knew the debt ceiling had to be raised, that gave me a bit of hope that he’d be open to a compromise. This, however, isn’t good. I’ve already called this morning but I think I’ll call again this afternoon.
Ton in NOLA : “Vitter is the most cynical, sleazy bastard in Congress.”
Flattery will get you nowhere. Plus, there is a lot of competition. Darrell Issa is in the running.
Felanius Kootea
@Librarian: Then call your congressperson and outline your progressive ideas and desires for the debt ceiling deal. Even better if he or she is a Republican; about time they heard from people who aren’t teatards and who don’t even care for the President’s willingness to compromise but want a straight raise of the debt ceiling. The Republicans have forgotten that such people exist.
I just called my rep, Danny Burton (embarrassment). My call was answered on the second ring, so I’m guessing not much going on there. After I gave my little speil, the receptionist said he would pass along my message. I’ve got to stop paying so much attention to these political matters; it’s just making me depressed.
Culture of Truth
Boehner says his own plan may not pass the House. Genius at work there.
Called Erick Cantor’s office. He’s my rep. Basically, I said what was in #73.
@Culture of Truth: It’s not funny, but I can’t stop laughing at that. Jesus, he is bad at his job.
Culture of Truth
Via JM’s TPM:
“We’re going to have some work to do to get it passed,” Boehner said at a brief press conference in the lobby of RNC Headquarters. “But I think we can.”
If Boehner is forced out, and Cantor takes over his job, and the teahadists successfully assassinate Obama and Biden both, Cantor will be President.
He’s not going to listen to you telling him he’s an idiot.
But I hope like hell the Secret Service are doing their keyword scans and have found and read this little reminder, because this. is. serious. I am now glad Obama has been so terrible at rolling back the counter-terrorism-state stuff Bush made, because I want his people spying on all the potential assassins, and being really aggressive about it.
How many people are prepared to die to put in place President Cantor? Heck with Palin etc: shit just got a lot more real. Boehner goes, and then no election is necessary at all anymore.
I would not accept the legitimacy of such a situation.
Bill F
Both my wife and I e-mailed Rep. Joe Pitts after the speech. Not expecting much. I e-mailed him 2 weeks ago to say that unemployment and not the deficit is the biggest crisis facing our nation and got a fairly moronic e-mail (even by the tea party’s admittedly low standards) that read: “Short of hiring more postal workers and park rangers, the government cannot simply “create” new jobs.” It also, in part, blamed the Cap and Trade bill that didn’t pass for high unemployment. We can only hope that the instinct to preserve one’s own job can cut through such stupidity.
Boehner says his own plan may not pass the House. Genius at work there.
That is some pretty awesome.
I finally got thru via the Congressional switchboard number (202-224-3121)kindly provided to me in an email from Common Cause. Also, my newly minted Congressperson, Austin Scott,may not publicly assert that he’s a teaparty type, but he votes with them. His staffer wanted to write down my street address, as if he didn’t believe that I was a constituent from the city that is definitely in his district. Not the first time I’ve called Rep. Scott, and not the first time I’ve been asked that. I think I might try faxing a bit later today and get more specific, although I was very respectful in my request that he reach out for a resolution to the debt ceiling fiasco.
Boehner said at a brief press conference in the lobby of RNC Headquarters.
Huh. A summons from the true Overlords?
Sure did. Asked them not to vote for anything but a clean increase. Everything else is abysmally stupid.
Pretty easy one today. Called all three CongressCritters; Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand and Congresswoman Hochul. After I expressed my thanks for their service, I told the staffers that my preference is for a balanced approach to this legislation. All three are onboard with this balanced approach.
I’m in the district of James Sensenbrenner. I know what happens to people that piss into the wind.
I’ll stay dry, thanks.
Yes, by all means call your congressperson and tell them to vote for the “balanced approach” (translation: 85-15 for the TeaGOP on an issue they manufactured in the first place).
I don’t know about you, but I can hardly wait to pick up that phone and support 85% of the Tea Party position on an issue they manufactured. Here are a few more you might want to consider:
Tell your congressperson to vote for the bill that declares Jesus Christ to be 85% Lord and Saviour of the United States.
Tell your Congressperson to vote for the bill that only outlaws 85% of Sharia law.
Call the White House and urge the President to only bomb 85% of the targets in Iran.
Call the President and ask him to seize Elian Gonzalez, slice off 85% of him, and return it to the U.S.
Call Congress and support the Terry Schiavo bill that puts her back on life support Mondays through Thursdays.
If only if the President hadn’t hurt their fee-fees.
Also, too, Congress Is In Charge Around Here!
Good times.
I called my congressman’s district office; got through on first attempt. Very pleasant young woman.
Who works for a Republican.
Told her that I’d be fine with Rohrabacher voting for a clean debt ceiling bill too, if supporting Obama’s plan is a bridge too far.
I wish I had someone to call whose vote matters but I live in DC.
Called the local offices of Senator Durbin, and Rep Gutierrez. Quick friendly, and they are getting a lot of support calls in IL and Chicago. Still need to call Senator Kirk, but I think I might wait until tomorrow to call. Already faxed hand written letters to local and DC offices of all three. Basically I said I want a clean debt ceiling increase. And don’t cut Fed entitlements.
Yay democracy!
Told Lacy’s office that I was offering them “moral support” and they said thank you.
Told McCaskill’s office that you couldn’t hold out, because failing to raise the debt ceiling would be an utter disaster. Staffer appeared to think I was a space cadet. Have no idea why ;)
Told Blunt’s office that they owe Boehner nothing because Blunt would have been speaker if it wasn’t for him. Staffer patiently explained that Blunt is a cosponsor of Cut, Cap, and Balance and is concerned about the overspending.
I’m glad people are talking up a clean bill. To my mind, it’s the only way out.
Excerpts from my letter to Howard Coble:
Despite what Rep. Boehner claims, an increase in the debt limit is not a giving the President a “blank check”. No President has independent spending authority. Congress must appropriate all funds. Rep. Boehner should know this.
Even more to the point, raising the debt limit is more like putting money into an account in order to cover the checks we have already written. If Congress does not want to honor these commitments, then Congress should not have made them in the first place.
The current farce over the debt limit is a distraction from the real issues we expect the government to deal with. I note that many in this Congress ran on a platform of job creation, yet I have yet to see anything from the House that looks even remotely like a jobs bill.
The only responsible course of action is a clean debt limit bill. It is not too late to raise a call for sanity. At this point, no “compromise” measure is satisfactory. Let budget fights take place in the budget process. Hijacking what should be a simple housekeeping measure to try to extort concessions is unworthy of the United States. This must end.
The Washington fax never connected. I was able to get through to the local office.
Not much hope, but maybe if enough people start talking up a clean bill we can end the madness.
Called Boxer, Feinstein and my (R) Rep, but I sure as hell didn’t tell them that I support the President’s position. I’ve been calling and faxing every day for weeks saying I don’t support any approach to deficit reduction until the jobs situation is addressed. The “Balanced approach” is dead, and Obama supports Reid’s plan. If you call up your representatives and tell them you support the President’s position, you’re telling them you support the Reid plan with its $40 billion of “waste and fraud” cut from a category that includes SSI, disability and unemployment, its inclusion of the same SS/Medicare-cut-fast tracking SuperCongress that’s in the Boehner bill, etc.
We’re getting austerity either way, but I’ll be damned if I’m putting my voice behind it.
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I’ve tried calling Burr 3 times this morning. Busy every time.
My Rep is Allen West so it’ll be like arguing with a dried turd. (But at least I’ll feel better after venting.)
I sent a hand-written fax to my whack-job senator Ron Johnson. I’ll try to contain my bile and call the office as well. I’m not sure I can be as diplomatic as I was in my fax. My other senator (Kohl) and my Rep (Baldwin) are sane.
Yes. Called Capito’s office this morning. I asked her (staffer) not to destroy WV’s and the nation’s economy. I also suggested that I did not lump her in with the TP crowd, that I know she knows better. BTW, her staffer already acted tired. Perhaps they are getting a few calls?
Yes – I emailed and called Diana Degette.
I did call, and got through to the switchboard, but the Congressman’s office line was busy. I’ll try back soon. My congressman is John Campbell (R-CA) so I am eager to give his staff an earful.
Mr Stagger Lee
Who Norm Dicks(D-Military Industrial Complex), he doesn’t care. As long the military isn’t touched and he brings more goodies to the various military bases in his district, America can burn for all he cares.
Tom in NOLA
I’ve called Vitter’s office a few times. A few weeks ago they were saying Vitter doesn’t think the debt ceiling should be raised at all. I called this morning and told them that I was disgusted that he’s been telling his constituents that for weeks now and the phone lackey said “No, that’s not his position, the Senator believes we need a plan blah blah blah.” I cut him off and told him he was full of shit, I’d called twice in two weeks and been told that Vitter will not raise the debt ceiling, period. He got snippy and basically hung up on me. Vitter is the most cynical, sleazy bastard in Congress.
Har! Rep Chris Gibson (Moron, NY) has a website down, too!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
To all those who say “my wingnut rep won’t listen anyway!”: Maybe yours is in for life, maybe s/he’s a wingnut troo beleever who doesn’t care what happens in ’12. But most of them want to stay in office, and a lot of them won by far narrow margins than the media histrionics would suggest, and if Representative Halfwit doesn’t know that, the staffers Boehner et al put in charge of their office does. A big pushback that makes news could make a difference in districts other than your own
I’m going to send a fax to Ron Johnson and Paul Ryan (his next opponent is Rob Zerban who is a friend of mine and a better candidate then his previous opponents, but it’ll still be a tall order to beat him) but I don’t expect it’ll do much good.
Brian R.
And for people represented by a Republican who think it’s pointless, remember (1) venting is fun and (2) it ties up the line so a teatard can’t get through and encourage them to kill the hostage.
Culture of Truth
“If you think America should default, Press 1”
“If you think America should pay its bills, Press 2”
“If you think the President is an anti-colonial Muslim witch doctor from Indonesia, Press 3”
Beth in VA
Yes! It felt good. Move-On sent an e-mail saying they want people to meet at his office today.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Don’t forget to call local offices as well, and/or send (ideally handwritten) faxes there too. I suspect that there is quite the impact in a local office (and I am aware the the plural of anecdote is not data, but it’s 5 more minutes).
Dennis will probably do the right thing but I should probably call just to make sure he doesn’t get distracted by some passing butterfly or UFO.
Would you call if your congressman was Louie Gohmert?
All three of them are Repubs. I can’t stomach it yet. More coffee first. Maybe Scotch. Two of them won’t vote for the Debt Ceiling w/o the Amendment Cut/Slash/Burn. Deminted has promised to Filibuster it. The Rep. wants to Default.
Culture of Truth
I’d call the looney bin and tell them to come get him
@ martha #3 – what did you use for a fax number for Johnson? I’m trying to do that now and can’t find the DC fax on his site. Or did you fax his Mke/Oshkosh offices?
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
shit, the way they’ve gerrymandered Georgia, fuggettaboutit
And tell them what exactly?
Representative Hinojosa’s line in Washington was busy, so I called the local number and was assured he was on board with the President. I also called and left messages for Cornyn and Hutchison, for all the good it will do.
Just Some Fuckhead
I called my congressperson and told him I wanted a compromise that overwhelmingly favored Republicans, just like Obama. His office seemed impressed.
Your local bulk liquor distributer?
General Stuck
The die was cast before this crisis was even created. Boehner was, and is, a lost wingnut soul speaking for firestarter nihilists, and we never had a chance.
J. BOEHNER: It means finding common ground.
STAHL: OK, is that compromising?
J. BOEHNER: I made clear I am not going to compromise on — on my principles, nor am I going to compromise…
STAHL: What are you saying?
J. BOEHNER: … the will of the American people.
Blubbering fool
The only chance for averting a default disaster now, I think, is a last minute voice vote for the Reid plan, or a clean bill. So the coward wingnuts can protect themselves from both the tea tards and the plutocrats that prop them up.
Guess I’ll call ultra tea bagger dumbass Steve Pearce a little later today. Wasted effort, no doubt. But what the hell else we gonna do.
Kenny Marchant’s (TX) line has been busy every time I’ve called. Going to try his local office now.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@keith: I’d still send a handwritten fax to both DC and local offices; at least putting a check in the “raise the ceiling” column will give the interns something to do. And interns gotta intern, after all.
Calling a congressman in the SF Bay area and wanting them to vote for progressive issues is kind of a waste of time. I am surprised the staffers don’t just go “Well, DUH!”.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
Called Todd Platts (PA-19)and told him to pass a clean debt ceiling bill — we’d done it over a dozen times for Reagan and Bush and there was no reason not to do it now. He usually votes the Republican line, with occasional surprises, but he isn’t a teabagger. Yet. This district would vote one in if the option was available.
If people do call, what are they supposed to say? I hope it’s not to support what Obama wants, which is compromise, which is another way of saying you want SS and Medicare cut. I think I’ll pass on that.
Mary Jane Leach
@ WereBear
Gibson (NY20) is my Congressman too, alas. I called his NY office and spoke with a very sincere young man who was trying to convince me that Gibson was in favor of raising revenue and was very reasonable, although that doesn’t match his public statements and votes. After about 7 minutes, I had to get off the phone. I did suggest that if that was Gibson’s view, he should tell his press staff, since that’s not the message getting out there. :-)
I sent an email to Mark Kirk. The auto reply says he’ll respond to every email from Illinois. So we’ll see.
My Rep is Jan Shakowsky. She seems to know her ass from a hole in the ground so I won’t bother to call.
I just posted the fax and phone numbers of the entire Arkansas delegation at the Arkansas times blog with an exhortation to send a fax or call or BOTH.
@general stuck
Personally I think it ends with a clean bill that does nothing but raise the debt ceiling passed in the House via voice vote at the last minute. This occurs after Boehner and Cantor get together and Boehner agrees to step down from the Speaker chair in exchange for Cantor not denouncing this approach (not even endorsing it – just shutting up about it and letting it pass in the dead of night). Then Boehner announces his retirement to spend more time with his family and takes a sinecure with a Wall Street firm as payback for taking the dive.
And then Jim DeMint or Rand Paul puts one of those gentlemanly “holds” on the House bill when it gets to the Senate – because the House waited too long to pass it and stuck it in that window where you can do that – and we all plunge into chaos because of arcane Senate procedural rules that are more sacred than anything to the Senators.
Called Judy Biggert’s local office. No trouble getting through (majority GOP district, so maybe not enough motivation out there). The staffer was very polite and took down all my remarks. Am going to send faxes to DC now.
I assume you encouraged them to continue being irresponsible on our behalf. Good work, keep it up!
FYI – we still have a spending problem, and we still don’t have a revenue problem.
I’m an expat. Does that mean I should call my ambassador?
Brian R.
Yep. I’d tell him the Mexicans want us to default, so he’d better vote for a clean bill unless he wants to be outed as part of the secret Reconquistador Conspiracy.
See, you just have to speak their language.
Yes, I faxed my congressperson, Marcy Kaptur.
I called Michael Burgess’ office this morning. It took a few calls to get through. The secretary asked me what cuts I’d want to approve raising the debt ceiling, and I said I didn’t care, just raise the debt ceiling. And then I thanked her for her time. I was nice and polite.
He’s a Republican, and I’m not expecting much from him, but I called anyway. I also sent a letter this morning, and I’ll probably send several more in the coming weeks.
Brian R.
Next time, just write “DURR HURR!” It’ll save us all the trouble of reading it.
My teahadist Congressman – Scott DeJarlais – voted against Cut, Cap, and Balance. Not because he suddenly understood economics and basic math, and realized that CCB is a recipe for economic destruction. No. He agrees with cutting, capping, and balancing, but CCB includes an increase in the debt ceiling, and he can’t support giving more borrowing authority to the shiftless near in the White House.
So no, I won’t be calling him. I have my blood pressure to think about.
Since I receive multiple messages from OfA and the local Dems pretty much every day, it’s very curious that I haven’t received anything from them yet today urging me to contact my congresscritters.
Madeline @20
I used 202-228-6965. That’s the number on the Contacting the Congress site. Interestingly, his web page doesn’t list a fax number and wants you to do it via email, probably so they can delete them!
I called my rep and it’s really bad for my blood pressure. The staffers are little wingnut robots. ‘Obama hasn’t come forth with a plan, blah, blah.
elmo: if your blood pressure can’t take talking to them, write up a short fax and send that. The congresscritters and their staffs talk to one another and the bigger and wider the wave of support appears, the better the effect.
Felanius Kootea
My congresswoman is the recently elected Janice Hahn. I sent her an email and sent a handwritten fax to her El Segundo office as well as her DC office. I asked her to support either a clean debt ceiling raise or a bill that involves a compromise between raising revenue and cutting spending, so that the burden is not disproportionately on the elderly and middle class. I don’t have a Republican rep but I figure the Democrats also need to hear from us.
bemused: sounds to me like they are crouched in a defensive shell. That’s good.
Just Some Fuckhead
I don’t think this particular pitch was aimed at us.
jwb – he voted AGAINST CCB because he’s that strongly against ANY increase in the debt ceiling. Really? Fax him anyway?
I’m moving to Virginia next month; I was considering calling my new congressman, Frank Wolf, instead. He’s a Repub, but not irredeemably crazy.
don’t just call your own reps, fer chrissake! call boehner and cantor!! if they can orchestrate this insanity that will take down the country (when the goal is to take down this presidency), then by god, we should let them know how we feel about it.
i’m committing to making calls to their respective districts on behalf of the dems in those states from now till 2013 to do my part to kick them both out of office!
boehner: (202) 225-6205 (202) 225-0704 fax
cantor: (804) 358-6160
do it NOW!!
hell, do it several times today, and for the next few days. i can think of few actions that will bring more satisfaction than to vent directly to these idiots.
I Called Steve Chabot’s office. I can’t stand talking to those wormy staffers. He kept blabbering on about Cut, Cap, and Balance.
I literally said, “Sen. Burr and the republicans need to stop dicking around with the debt ceiling.”
My congressman and my other senator are on the good side.
Joe Bauers
My rep is Todd Rokita, the Stupidest Man in Indiana (TM). I faxed him last week. I’m sure my voice was drowned in the cacophony of my wingnut neighbors encouraging him to BLARGH CUT SPENDING ON LAZY BLACKS BLARGH MEXICANS TAKING OVER BLARGH, but I tried.
Jesus wept.
I am writing the letters to fax to the local and Washington offices of my senators and reps. The letters I’m writing to Senator Durbin and my rep Luis Gutierrez are much different than what Mark Kirk is getting, that’s for sure.
boehner: (202) 225-6205 (202) 225-0704 fax
cantor: (804) 358-6160
been waiting to get a direct line to boehner for over ten minutes, but it’s worth it. i can already taste the glee i’ll experience when i am able to unload to a real person.
Yes, I called Marcy Kaptur, and I called my Repub Senator Portman. When I told his aide that I thought the Repubs were deliberately destroying the country, and why, he sounded like he swallowed his tongue.
I tried 12 times to get through to Sen. Burr’s DC number but couldn’t get through. Just one call to his local office in NC was picked up right away.
Does one office have more effect than the other?
@ martha #45 – thanks.
Irony Abounds
My congresswoman is Gabby Giffords. What the hell am I supposed to do?
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Just got through to the local office of Jim Renacci (R-Asshole), and his minion says that he agrees with Michele Bachmann that the debt ceiling must be raised.
Chris Gerrib
Bear in mind that your Congressman gets called by truly crazy people – folks who want him or her to do something about the UFO landing pad in their neighbor’s back yard.
Try not to sound like a crazy person when you call.
El Tiburon
Sure, as soon as you tell me what I am telling my representative.
Are we looking for how many trillion in cuts with no revenue increases? Do I ask them to go full teatard or just phone it in?
Seriously, what are we calling for?
Chris Gerrib
Irony Abounds @ 62 – call your Senators and the guy in the nearby district.
Chris Gerrib
El Tiburon @ 65 – I asked my Congressman for a clean debt ceiling vote and something that would last past this election.
elmo: Yes, fax him anyway. There is also the psychological cumulative effect, that certainly registers with the staff even if not the pol directly, when everyone is getting bombarded. Alone, your fax (or call) probably means little, but coordinated with all the other congresscritters receiving tens of thousands or more contacts each, it has a marked effect.
Rabble Arouser
@Stagger Lee
I lived in Bremerton for seven years, and although I found Mr. Dicks to be a bit of a blue dog on most issues, his office staff are quite receptive to constituents, and have been known to bend his ear vigorously when warranted. It might be worth your time to make the call. FWIW, I now live in the 5th CD, with Adam Smith as my Congresscritter. He’s kinda like Dicks, but with less personality. I’m off to call him right now.
Felanius Kootea
@elmo: Send him a handwritten fax if you can’t bear to call (believe me, I understand not wanting to talk to a lunatic). His staffers will notice the calls and faxes though.
His DC fax number: (202) 226-5172
Columbia, TN Fax: (931) 381-9945
Crossville, TN Fax: (931) 707-9100
Would love to hear what those of you who are calling your Rep’s office are saying.
Rabble Arouser
What, no edit? Meant to say 9th CD in WA. That is all.
@El Tiburon:
1. Increase in the debt ceiling so we don’t default.
2. If it’s not a clean increase and it’s attached to some kind of deficit reduction deal, revenue has to be part of that. The people who have been making out like bandits while the rest of us have floundered for the last 10 years can and need to pay a little more.
Michele Bachmann? What? I’ve called Renacci a few times the past couple weeks and when they told me Renacci knew the debt ceiling had to be raised, that gave me a bit of hope that he’d be open to a compromise. This, however, isn’t good. I’ve already called this morning but I think I’ll call again this afternoon.
Ton in NOLA : “Vitter is the most cynical, sleazy bastard in Congress.”
Flattery will get you nowhere. Plus, there is a lot of competition. Darrell Issa is in the running.
Felanius Kootea
@Librarian: Then call your congressperson and outline your progressive ideas and desires for the debt ceiling deal. Even better if he or she is a Republican; about time they heard from people who aren’t teatards and who don’t even care for the President’s willingness to compromise but want a straight raise of the debt ceiling. The Republicans have forgotten that such people exist.
Linda M
I just called my rep, Danny Burton (embarrassment). My call was answered on the second ring, so I’m guessing not much going on there. After I gave my little speil, the receptionist said he would pass along my message. I’ve got to stop paying so much attention to these political matters; it’s just making me depressed.
Culture of Truth
Boehner says his own plan may not pass the House. Genius at work there.
Called Erick Cantor’s office. He’s my rep. Basically, I said what was in #73.
That’s Eric, not Erick.
@Culture of Truth: It’s not funny, but I can’t stop laughing at that. Jesus, he is bad at his job.
Culture of Truth
Via JM’s TPM:
“We’re going to have some work to do to get it passed,” Boehner said at a brief press conference in the lobby of RNC Headquarters. “But I think we can.”
If Boehner is forced out, and Cantor takes over his job, and the teahadists successfully assassinate Obama and Biden both, Cantor will be President.
He’s not going to listen to you telling him he’s an idiot.
But I hope like hell the Secret Service are doing their keyword scans and have found and read this little reminder, because this. is. serious. I am now glad Obama has been so terrible at rolling back the counter-terrorism-state stuff Bush made, because I want his people spying on all the potential assassins, and being really aggressive about it.
How many people are prepared to die to put in place President Cantor? Heck with Palin etc: shit just got a lot more real. Boehner goes, and then no election is necessary at all anymore.
I would not accept the legitimacy of such a situation.
Bill F
Both my wife and I e-mailed Rep. Joe Pitts after the speech. Not expecting much. I e-mailed him 2 weeks ago to say that unemployment and not the deficit is the biggest crisis facing our nation and got a fairly moronic e-mail (even by the tea party’s admittedly low standards) that read: “Short of hiring more postal workers and park rangers, the government cannot simply “create” new jobs.” It also, in part, blamed the Cap and Trade bill that didn’t pass for high unemployment. We can only hope that the instinct to preserve one’s own job can cut through such stupidity.
That is some pretty awesome.
I finally got thru via the Congressional switchboard number (202-224-3121)kindly provided to me in an email from Common Cause. Also, my newly minted Congressperson, Austin Scott,may not publicly assert that he’s a teaparty type, but he votes with them. His staffer wanted to write down my street address, as if he didn’t believe that I was a constituent from the city that is definitely in his district. Not the first time I’ve called Rep. Scott, and not the first time I’ve been asked that. I think I might try faxing a bit later today and get more specific, although I was very respectful in my request that he reach out for a resolution to the debt ceiling fiasco.
AAA Bonds
@El Tiburon:
Ask for “Balanced Approach & Compromise!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Huh. A summons from the true Overlords?
Sure did. Asked them not to vote for anything but a clean increase. Everything else is abysmally stupid.
Pretty easy one today. Called all three CongressCritters; Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand and Congresswoman Hochul. After I expressed my thanks for their service, I told the staffers that my preference is for a balanced approach to this legislation. All three are onboard with this balanced approach.
I’m in the district of James Sensenbrenner. I know what happens to people that piss into the wind.
I’ll stay dry, thanks.
Yes, by all means call your congressperson and tell them to vote for the “balanced approach” (translation: 85-15 for the TeaGOP on an issue they manufactured in the first place).
I don’t know about you, but I can hardly wait to pick up that phone and support 85% of the Tea Party position on an issue they manufactured. Here are a few more you might want to consider:
Tell your congressperson to vote for the bill that declares Jesus Christ to be 85% Lord and Saviour of the United States.
Tell your Congressperson to vote for the bill that only outlaws 85% of Sharia law.
Call the White House and urge the President to only bomb 85% of the targets in Iran.
Call the President and ask him to seize Elian Gonzalez, slice off 85% of him, and return it to the U.S.
Call Congress and support the Terry Schiavo bill that puts her back on life support Mondays through Thursdays.
If only if the President hadn’t hurt their fee-fees.
Also, too, Congress Is In Charge Around Here!
Good times.
I called my congressman’s district office; got through on first attempt. Very pleasant young woman.
Who works for a Republican.
Told her that I’d be fine with Rohrabacher voting for a clean debt ceiling bill too, if supporting Obama’s plan is a bridge too far.
I wish I had someone to call whose vote matters but I live in DC.
Called the local offices of Senator Durbin, and Rep Gutierrez. Quick friendly, and they are getting a lot of support calls in IL and Chicago. Still need to call Senator Kirk, but I think I might wait until tomorrow to call. Already faxed hand written letters to local and DC offices of all three. Basically I said I want a clean debt ceiling increase. And don’t cut Fed entitlements.
Yay democracy!
Told Lacy’s office that I was offering them “moral support” and they said thank you.
Told McCaskill’s office that you couldn’t hold out, because failing to raise the debt ceiling would be an utter disaster. Staffer appeared to think I was a space cadet. Have no idea why ;)
Told Blunt’s office that they owe Boehner nothing because Blunt would have been speaker if it wasn’t for him. Staffer patiently explained that Blunt is a cosponsor of Cut, Cap, and Balance and is concerned about the overspending.
I’m glad people are talking up a clean bill. To my mind, it’s the only way out.
Excerpts from my letter to Howard Coble:
Despite what Rep. Boehner claims, an increase in the debt limit is not a giving the President a “blank check”. No President has independent spending authority. Congress must appropriate all funds. Rep. Boehner should know this.
Even more to the point, raising the debt limit is more like putting money into an account in order to cover the checks we have already written. If Congress does not want to honor these commitments, then Congress should not have made them in the first place.
The current farce over the debt limit is a distraction from the real issues we expect the government to deal with. I note that many in this Congress ran on a platform of job creation, yet I have yet to see anything from the House that looks even remotely like a jobs bill.
The only responsible course of action is a clean debt limit bill. It is not too late to raise a call for sanity. At this point, no “compromise” measure is satisfactory. Let budget fights take place in the budget process. Hijacking what should be a simple housekeeping measure to try to extort concessions is unworthy of the United States. This must end.
The Washington fax never connected. I was able to get through to the local office.
Not much hope, but maybe if enough people start talking up a clean bill we can end the madness.
Called Boxer, Feinstein and my (R) Rep, but I sure as hell didn’t tell them that I support the President’s position. I’ve been calling and faxing every day for weeks saying I don’t support any approach to deficit reduction until the jobs situation is addressed. The “Balanced approach” is dead, and Obama supports Reid’s plan. If you call up your representatives and tell them you support the President’s position, you’re telling them you support the Reid plan with its $40 billion of “waste and fraud” cut from a category that includes SSI, disability and unemployment, its inclusion of the same SS/Medicare-cut-fast tracking SuperCongress that’s in the Boehner bill, etc.
We’re getting austerity either way, but I’ll be damned if I’m putting my voice behind it.