I know that the question of whether there’s any bill that the Republican caucus can pass that doesn’t involve naming a post office or declaring a recess is riveting, but there’s another question I want to ask: what are the Republicans going to do about their gay problem?
Look at Michele Bachmann, who yesterday declared that Marcus and his pray-away-the-gay psychology practice was “off limits”, even though she’s been calling Michelle Obama un-American since 2008.
And how about Scott Brown, the only member of the Massachusetts delegation who wouldn’t appear in an “It Gets Better” video. Brown says that he’s against bullying, and he voted to repeal DADT, but this minor gesture was a bridge too far.
Marcus Bachmann, the federal money he takes to pray away gayness, and even the way he pings people’s gaydar are all going to be campaign issues. (On that last point, remember that Mrs. Bachmann comes from a party where the supposedly sane commentators criticize Mrs. Obama for going barefoot in her own damn house — simple quid pro quo justifies a few questions about Marcus’ sexual history.) And if Elizabeth Warren runs against Scott Brown, she’s not going to let him out of their steel cage death match by splitting on gay rights. The 2012 election is going to be very goddam interesting if our country survives to have it.
I’ve been apologising in advance to all my EU friends for the racist bile that will dribble over the Atlantic in 2012. That being said, I’m kinda looking forward to Obama and his very sharp sense of humour poking a thousand holes in the tenderest bits of the good ship Romney/Bachmann
Are you trying to compete with Cole now for most irrelevant post? If so, you are off to a good start!
Either Michele has not been paying attention to the last few presidential campaigns or she is supremely arrogant to think that she can demand hands off of her family. I think she is about to get a good dose of what is involved in national politics. Welcome to the big leagues, Michele. It couldn’t happen to a nicer person.
Chinn Romney
Harold Camping assures me that there’s no need to worry about the 2012 Elections. Since he upgraded from that buggy version of Microsoft Excel I think he’s going to nail it this time.
Glen Tomkins
“I know that the question of whether there’s any bill that the Republican caucus can pass that doesn’t involve naming a post office or declaring a recess is riveting, but there’s another question I want to ask: what are the Republicans going to do about their gay problem?”
They’re going to name a post office after Liberace. He’s the only gay they know of.
Two birds, one stone, genius.
They won’t do anything about it. They don’t have a problem. YOU have the problem, man!
A little more seriously, they think that way. Attacking them is off-limits, unfair, and infringing on their rights. Attacking an opponent in any way is always ethical or justified. It’s grim and tragic, but narcissistic behavior disorder is a perfect predictive model for the modern conservative movement.
What are you talking about?
Clearly the economic troubles the nation has been facing for 3 years are a result of God’s retribution for gay marriage laws.
I thought this was obvious to every one.
Mark S.
Wait, does Marcus Bachmann get federal money for his “therapy” work? He better fucking not.
Omnes Omnibus
Is is just my perception or are the R-W trolls sounding particularly desperate and almost as though they are on the verge of tears?
Cat Lady
The dilemma for Bachmann is that unlike Palin who would cultivate the victimhood by falsely claiming “the mean libtards are picking on poor Trig!”, declaring Marcusss off limits makes him look squishier than he already is. The more she says that, the more the focus will be on him and then… well, the jokes will write themselves.
@Mark S.:
Apparently he did.
Note to Michelle: My experience has been, when I ask people to STOP PICKING ON ME, it generally stops immediately. If by immediately I mean, double-down blazing noogies with a side of ass whopping. Good move, way to show how all this Marcus is secretly one of teh gay, is in fact, bullshit.
Are you saying that John Boehner is spending his time trolling blogs? Because that would actually explain a lot.
The Moar You Know
The videos are out there. As Savage said, you don’t need gaydar, any two of your ordinary senses will tell you what’s going on immediately.
There will be a lot of Republicans asking tough questions about Marcus and his proclivities during the primary, never mind Democrats.
Well, I don’t know. It’s a wedge issue, so it’s always been true that you’re either fer ’em or agin ’em– and presumably that choice has already been made by anyone who is single-issue about it.
Personally, I think the flat-out incompetence, dishonesty, and truckling to the financial industry of Repubs will be more damaging in 2012, but we shall see.
The Moar You Know
Omnes Omnibus
@ dmsilev:
I am not saying anything. I am just asking a question. But, now that it is out there…. It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t know, but they all seem to really like pie. :)
Mark S.@8: Of course he does. He claims not to do that kind of ‘therapy’ work. He would also be lying when he says that.
I think it’s sad for her husband because while politicians always say their kids are off-limits (rightly, I think), they usually say their spouses are “assets” or some such, which is an ordinary social convention, in addition to being the political norm. As much as Bachmann and Palin attacked Michelle, Obama defended her, and happily and constantly sent her out as a surrogate.
Which makes sense because you can’t reasonably shout “Don’t LOOK at her/him, Good God, are you trying to make me LOSE?”
Poor Marcus. I mean that sincerely. Poor him. She’s not proud of him, and she isn’t even willing to pretend.
The Big Difference between Bachmann and most of the entire history of presidential candidates is that her husband has an actual job at the present time and a long history of said employment. Even Hillary, when Bill was running, hadn’t been inside a law office in years (not that that didn’t stop the wingnuts from digging up Whitewater).
Such a dissonant situation will leave a lot of questions that can’t be ignored with a wave of the “family is off-limits” hand.
Mark S.
If she is in the final two or three next year, Michele and her gay hubby are going to get flayed alive. The only thing saving these two whackos is that most people aren’t following electoral politics right now.
It will be hilarious.
Even in your lame attempt at a taunt, you fail. There is nothing in that post about baker’s racks or naked mopping.
The dilemma for Bachmann is that unlike Palin who would cultivate the victimhood by falsely claiming “the mean libtards are picking on poor Trig!”, declaring Marcus off limits makes him look squishier than he already is.
True. Forgive the gender stereotyping, but in our society, it’s one thing for a man to defend his wife’s honor. When a wife has to step up to defend her husband against the mean bullies picking on him, it starts to look…well…
FYI: Obama to start speaking in a minute or two. Streaming live in various places.
Marcus Bachmann is gay pass it on
Yeah, because when I think “tough,” Mitt and Tim immediately spring to mind.
And Rick Perry going there? Yeah, no.
Paul in KY
Cat Lady, agree with your points up above. Also Mark S.
Her stance will make even precious George Will write a column archly explaining what a maroon she is.
Even Hillary, when Bill was running, hadn’t been inside a law office in years (not that that didn’t stop the wingnuts from digging up Whitewater).
Actually, that’s not true. She was a partner at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas.
The Moar You Know:
Will there be? I can see a bunch of True Believers just shoving fingers in their ears and screaming “Lalalalala! Liberal Media!”
Daniel Craig and Lindsey Graham seem to have made it through all right.
Returning to the debt ceiling, simple question — can Reid really pass a bill before the House does, if it’s a spending bill? My civics is wicked old, so I cant remember. But he appears to want to do that, and I thought that was unpossible.
Also….no way that bill slides thru the House, right?
The whole situation with Michelle, with all the crap coming out, shows how desparately the moneyed interests don’t want to see her anywhere near the nomination. What we have heard so far is just the beginning, specially if she starts picking up steam. Of course, this will just make her supporters even more motivated to get out there and vote for this poor, victimized woman.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
purple monkey dishwasher
None of the big candidates will have to bring up Marcus. Tucker Carlson and maybe Drudge (haven’t looked at that site in years, I don’t know whose water he’s carrying these days) will provide the content and links, Fox will talk vaguely about “scurrilous gossip about the Bachmanns’ marriage”, and google will do the rest.
Culture of Truth
Brown doesn’t think it gets better. He was a jock and a stud in high school and it’s been all downhill from there.
Now you stop that right now. This man tells vulnerable, already bullied teenagers that God hates them the way they are. He has worked nonstop to elevate the political career of a woman who would dismantle the entire safety net and educational system, subject citizens to interrogations about their Americanness (Americanity?), impose religious tests, gleefully attack the environment and you know all the rest.
Just quash that empathy right now, sister, and save it for some gay man of Marcus Bachmann’s generation who denies his sexuality and lives a sad lie but is not trying to ruin everybody else’s lives.
Omnes Omnibus
Shorter Obama: Hey Congressional GOP. Grow up and do your fucking job.
BTW, WTF is Scott Brown’s problem? I can’t recall, but I have some impression of him having been on the wrong side of equal rights before. Does he have some personal issue with homosexuality he can’t get over? That crap ain’t gonna fly in Massachusetts.
Jewish Steel
@Omnes Omnibus: Also: Hey America! The debt ceiling is NOT the budget. Write it on your hand sos you can remember it.
Returning to the debt ceiling, simple question—can Reid really pass a bill before the House does, if it’s a spending bill?
It’s not a spending bill per se — while it cuts spending, it does not raise new revenue, and so does not violate the prohibition on the Senate originating spending bills.
I can already see the headlines now.
“Dems ruthlessly attack Gay Husband of Michelle Bachmann. Why are gays still voting for the Democrats when Dems clearly hate Michelle Bachmann’s Gay Husband so much?”
Culture of Truth
Marcus Bachmann is a welfare king too?
Linda Featheringill
@Punchy: #31
Can the Senate pass a spending bill?
I’ve wondered about that.
Culture of Truth
Obama speaking, carrying a giant butterfly net
Alex S.
Aaand, we have a winner! This is the most irrelevant comment ever because why make a comment on something that’s supposedly irrelevant?
Cat Lady
Scott Brown doesn’t want to revisit some of his choices, methinks.
Culture of Truth
Obama: ” We’re in rough agreement,”
Makes SS, Veterans’ checks threat
My understanding is that the Senate cannot originate this bill. When Reid initiating the legislation is discussed, they mean that he will stick it into some unpassed (by the Senate) House bill that’s sitting around in the Senate.
Not true. HRC worked at the Rose law firm in Arkansas until 1992. Everything the firm had ever done was scrutinized by people trying to find another Whitewater. The harassment of the company was out of line, I thought, but it’s a precedent that makes it open season now on Mr Bachmann’s career and company.
Monkey Business
Michelle Bachmann will make it to South Carolina. Then, some rentboy somewhere is going to start spilling his guts about having an illicit relationship with Marcus Bachmann, and that’ll be the ballgame.
If Michelle is lucky, she’ll spend the rest of her Congressional career being a has-been.
If she’s unlucky, she’s going to get primaried in the next election.
Monkey Business
Michelle Bachmann will make it to South Carolina. Then, some rentboy somewhere is going to start spilling his guts about having an illicit relationship with Marcus Bachmann, and that’ll be the ballgame.
If Michelle is lucky, she’ll spend the rest of her Congressional career being a has-been.
If she’s unlucky, she’s going to get primaried in the next election.
Jewish Steel
Obama’s emphasis on the Senate’s readiness to solve this fake assed crisis I think is a message about Boehner’s House.
Look, the Democratically controlled chamber is ready to get down to business and when they do I’ll sign their solution into law. So, what’s holding us back again? Oh, yeah.
Jeff Flake flips on promise to extort Balanced Budget Amendment.
In case anyone missed it, the advance GDP numbers for Q2 were awful, and both Q1 and Q4 of 2010 were revised down massively.
Clearly, more beatings are required.
Tom in NOLA
Hearing a different tone from the Louisiana GOP delegation’s offices. Called Sen. Vitter and their staff denied that he had ever said he doesn’t want to raise the debt ceiling — which was their official line 2 weeks ago. Reps. Scalise and Landry from New Orleans area sound completely confused and defeated — basically just said they don’t know what they want to do.
@Nutella: I stand corrected.
Other than Hillary, though, my point stands. Maybe Elizabeth Dole would be another example of the phenomenon.
It is almost as unusual to have a presidential candidate with an employed spouse as it is to have a presidential candidate who’s a woman.
Bachmann sent me a fund-raising letter yesterday which almost all about ‘ObamaCare’ and says in the heading:
Michelle Bachmann
For President
Conservative * Republican
So apparently her Republican allegiance is not as important as ‘Conservative’.
TPM reporting that Teatards will not vote for another increase until their consty amendment has passed both chambers of Congress (that needs 2/3rds from each chamber, right?).
Also, rumor has it they will insist on hookers and blow be legalized for DC Republicans.
Herbal Infusion Bagger
“This man [Marcus Bachman] tells vulnerable, already bullied teenagers that God hates them the way they are.”
I’ll give a 60% probability that a former patient comes forth and reveals that ‘ol Marcus tried to practically show them how Awful Teh Gheysex was in a ‘special wide stance therapy’ session.
For God’s sake, you could stand next to a Pride march and not have your gaydar go off as strongly as when Mr. Bachman is on the TV.
They want to amend this bill to say that the next debt ceiling vote after this one won’t pass unless both chambers pass a BBA. Um, yep. And if Boehner is on his knees giving this to them, that answers my question about whether he understands that his speakership is finished (whether or not this new bill gets through the House) and that his best bet at this point is to secure big business rewards for his post-politics career by declining to let the U.S. default now.
He really is going to go down in history as the guy who fantasized that he could keep his job and crashed the world economy as a result. He’s as crazy as the baggers.
On the Michelle Bachmann score–how long before someone starts to dig up the “foster kids” they took in? If I were a journalist that’s what I’d do. Michelle brought them into the political conversation by bragging about them and what they mean–but what do they mean? Without a serious discussion and investigation of who, what, where, for how long and with what effect how can Michelle’s maternal bona fides be examined? Its ugly but this whole thing is like a court case–she brought it up and made it relevant. Not investigating–not offering those foster kids a chance to say what they think about that household–is practically journalistic malfeasance.
As for Scott Brown he definitely has issues with “siding” with gays publicly partly *because* MA has gay marriage. It would be one thing to appear in one of those videos in a state where gay kids had no options but quite another to appear to endorse MA’s liberal way of life. He simply can’t afford to appear in a video with Barney Frank and agree with Barney that a better world would be one in which everybody was entitled to live freely and openly as who they are. Also, Brown recently confessed in his tell some book that he was sexually molested as a teen by a male family friend and never told and was nearly suicidal over it and yet he can’t bring himself to work with any of the groups combatting church pedophilia or doing anti bullying work.
Does it really matter to them? The kleptocrats and the forced-birth-anti-gay crowds are so strongly bound by their reading of Leviticus that taxes on the rich must be reduced to zero.
I could see this if he were running for national office and had to prove his GOP bona fides, but he has only Massachusetts voters to answer to. I can’t believe this thinly veiled anti-gay attitude is going to win over the scads of Democratic voters he’s going to need to keep his seat (that is, if the Dems run someone decent this time). I know he’s not being asked to weigh in on the marriage issue, since that’s been resolved in MA, but the larger issue of equal rights is so high-profile right now–and may be so nationwide during the 2012 campaign season– that he’s going to be expected to state his position.
He’s thinking of future runs for national office. Or he’s a jerk. Or both.
I’m thinking it would be kind of fun if the House Democrats all stood up at a predesignated moment and chanted “Air Ball, Air Ball” at the Speaker today…
Hey, don’t leave Tod out. Productive, upstanding, hard-grifting citizen throughout Sarah’s “career.”
Zifnab @ 40 It is Michele with one L. You can remember because it is just like Mengele with one L.
Michelle Obama has two L’s – like Give ’em Hell Harry.
As long as we have enough electricity to run these internet machines and TV sets, we can be entertained by spectacles like this one. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha….
It goes on and on and on….
The Other Chuck
Has that “Leave my family out of this!” demand ever worked for anyone? If the media didn’t smell blood in the water before, she just threw in a fresh bucket of chum. We’re likely to know more about Marcus than Michelle by the time the year is through.
TG Chicago
Frum didn’t criticize Mrs. Obama for going barefoot. He asked why the picture was released. That’s different.
Granted, I’m not saying his question is all that interesting. I don’t know why they released it and I don’t much care. But turning it into “Frum hates Michelle’s feet!” is silly.
Years of imagining gay men masturbating over his Cosmo spread have given him a complex.
The Other Chuck
@Culture of Truth:
You didn’t need to change the noun.
David Frum is prissy, IMHO.
Say, what’s happening with Bachmann’s district in this round of redistricting? Seat still safe or what? (My presumption is all of Minnesota’s mental institutions are in her district, not that there’s anything wrong with being insane, but I don’t know how else to explain her being a several term congresswoman.)
Also, too, doesn’t Familia Bachmann sail on the good ship federal ag subsidy?
So many daggers to twist, one has a hard time choosing.
Yes, when someone uses indirect speech acts like “Is there any butter in the refrigerator?” while you are standing in front of the refrigerator they never intend for you to look for the butter and even to bring it over to them.
To make that argument is to entirely fail to grasp the nature of language itself, as well as the nature of blogging. Frum’s entire point, since he’s not a fashion commenter, was to draw opprobrious attention to a picture which he told his viewers represented inappropriate use of the White House by people without decorum. He went so far as to misrepresent the picture by telling his readers that it showed glasses on the floor and to comment unfavorably on the tablewear, the choice of table, the first lady’s choice of footgear and etc…
In addition, in case you missed it, this kind of “they trashed the place/and it wasn’t their place” is standard issue right wing trash talk since the Clintons were in the WH when they were also accused of not knowing how to deal with servants, or having good enough taste, to occupy the WH.
Howlin Wolfe
LOL! James Bond is gay!
Roger Moore
@Howlin Wolfe:
And this is news?
The Other Chuck
@Howlin Wolfe:
Craig’s been married twice and had a couple affairs. If he’s doing it for a beard, he’s Rasputin.
Tony J
Daniel Craig isn’t gay. He’s English.
Fekking colonials…
A rose, by any name, would be as hot.
Tone In DC
To make that argument is to entirely fail to grasp the nature of language itself, as well as the nature of blogging. Frum’s entire point, since he’s not a fashion commenter, was to draw opprobrious attention to a picture which he told his viewers represented inappropriate use of the White House by people without decorum. He went so far as to misrepresent the picture by telling his readers that it showed glasses on the floor and to comment unfavorably on the tablewear, the choice of table, the first lady’s choice of footgear and etc…
In addition, in case you missed it, this kind of “they trashed the place/and it wasn’t their place” is standard issue right wing trash talk since the Clintons were in the WH when they were also accused of not knowing how to deal with servants, or having good enough taste, to occupy the WH.
The last two years have been worse than the Clinton Administration, regarding the press’ treatment of the president and his family. I don’t read Frum, but to me this is no better than Gingrich calling Obama the “Food Stamp president” a few months ago.
aimai @ 74
Actually, it goes back to since the Carters were in the WH.
TG Chicago
@aimai and Tone in DC:
So what was the purpose of releasing that photo? Even if you think Frum wasn’t actually asking that question, what’s the answer?
If it had been the Bushes lounging around, wouldn’t you ask “Why do I need to see this? Who cares?”?
AAA Bonds
It’s an ongoing concern among Republicans: what if the presidential spouse has too much influence over the President?
In this case, the presidential candidate has admitted that she chose her profession as an IRS lawyer because her husband told her to do it and she believes his orders are divine. There’s no question of the huge influence Mr. Bachmann has over Mrs. Bachmann.
TPM is spot on: Mrs. Bachmann considers Mrs. Obama fair game. Mr. Bachmann is thus fair game by her standards.
Simple as that.
BD of MN
this may be a dead thread, but has anyone linked to this yet? Marcus may end up with more problems than just his, um, sparkly personality…