I’m still getting used to our new banana republic status:
Michael Isikoff finds an even more extreme case today: A Delaware corporation that formed itself gave $1 million to a pro-Mitt Romney super PAC and then dissolved. The PAC says it’s fulfilled its disclosure requirements — with the FEC, not the much toothier IRS. And that seems to be that.
This is more or less how money moves around Russian politics. For all we know, the Delaware corporation is owned by another corporation, registered in the Cayman Islands, with its directors another set of anonymous lawyers. Its money could come from, say, the government of Pakistan, which has recently shown an interest in illegal contributions to American pols.
Comrade Luke
It’s like a flash mob – a flash PAC!
Great, now we are going to get shirtless pics of politicians a la Putin.
Jack Bauer
I want to +1 this on google.
Title is great.
Villago Delenda Est
The total lack of any governmental controls over business that prevailed in post Soviet Russia is precisely what our Galtian Overlords want. The ability to exploit without any restraints, legal, moral, or otherwise, on their rapacious greed.
Comrade Luke
I look forward to McMegan using this example when a PAC does something similar for a Democrat 24 years from now.
Suffern ACE
@Villago Delenda Est: I’ve thought that what they want is China, where there is one party who claims to be for the workers, but who’ll decide who gets to be a billionaire and crush anyone who says otherwise.
Watchdog Calls for Investigation into Delaware Mystery Corporation’s Million Dollar PAC Donation
h/t http://www.campaignmoney.org/press-room/2011/08/04/watchdog-calls-investigation-delaware-mystery-corporation
Comrade Kevin
No, no, the phrase should start with “In Soviet Russia”
this is what CU hath wrought.
it could be Al Queda giving Mittens money…and we wouldn’t know.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Silent cash used to prop up Mittster is the new definition of “RomneyCare”.
Jewish Steel
Whata kantry!
Dennis SGMM
Now friends, in an era of globalization why should Americans be the only ones who can buy American politicians? I’d say take it to SCOTUS but this court would decide 5-4 that cash, no matter what its source, has an inalienable right to find its way to politicians pockets.
I love the idea of a corporation that wills itself into existence and then selflessly dissolves back into oblivion for the love of Mittens and, presumably, the greater good.
Omnes Omnibus
@Paul: I wonder what the purpose of this corporation was listed as in its charter.
Anne Laurie
I thought AQ saved their donations for successful terrorists… like Eric Cantor.
Meme fail. Should be “In Soviet Russia”.
i don’t know what you wankers are so upset about, this just means that a couple of hedge fundy/lawyer types are too embarrassed to have their names attached to the ol’ mittster.
feel the mormentum!
I mean conceptually, it’s the Galtian Godhead.
I bet he doesn’t want his wife to know he’s self-financing another campaign.
Joseph Nobles
Maybe I should stay off of Twitter for a few hours. I’m starting to get thin-skinned.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Just discovered the rely button, per comment #18:
I mean conceptually, it’s the Galtian Godhead.
In Soviet America, collapse coming soon.
When the corruption gets this deep, the political system is no longer viable.
Same shit that happened in Soviet Union, where the system was corrupt and useless and nobody had any respect for it anymore, then it was over.
We have become a Mafia state.
Villago Delenda Est
Bush Crime Family, at your service…or actually, you are at ours!
Awesome Headline, really says it all:
US media concerned over rating downgrade
Someone should ask Mitt Romney about the $1 million donation his SuperPAC received from Pakistani nationals.
@PanAmerican: This. Or perhaps it’s $1M drop shipped from Joseph Smith himself.
Please, someone stop Cole @ the Twitter. He’s hogging all the bandwidth.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Delaware is fine with an “any lawful purpose” clause in the CofI.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Unfortunately, I figured that. One had hopes though.
@Comrade Luke:
It is a flash mob: ten thousand Benjamins.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It is a Delaware corporation. Is it even possible to look that up?
Edit – nevermind. Del apparently does not even ask for anything beyond meaningless boilerplate. Gad I hate Delaware.
Delaware is far from unique in that regard.
Now that the race to the bottom is complete, sure, Delaware has a lot of company.
Did you say somewhere you were opening a new business?
The entire crew at The Reality-Based Community is en fuego these days. Well worth checking out.
Opening my own practice on 9/1. Will continue to specialize in international tax planning, transfer pricing, and tax controversies.
@burnspbesq: Good luck!
I was going to mention that a big biglaw here in Luxembourg is quietly but desperately trying to hire in your specialty, and you might want to think about being paid in Euros. But it sounds like you are getting what you want where you are.
Christine Lagarde’s old firm, out of Chicago. In my household, they are the competition.
Someone should get the anti-money laundering police interested in this.
Dr. Wu
So Mittens is taking laundered money from the Pakistani government now. Nice.
I kind of wonder if it wasn’t the Mormon church.
Eli Rabett
It’s Mittens old company, Baine or however they spell it.