Kay beat me to a quick post on the Virginia earthquake. I had written:
Apparently there was a moderate 5.9 earthquake that hit Virginia between Richmond and Charlottesville. I felt the shakes up in Baltimore and TPM reports folks felt something all around the region from NYC to North Carolina (and some reports from pretty far away as well).
Somehow, I’m certain that this is Obama’s fault for being on vacation. The only mystery will be which wanker will blame him first.
And with that let’s have an Open Thread.
But as I went to preview the post I saw Kay had already put one up and decided to stand down.
And then I saw this Diary by Kos and it appears that my joke about folks blaming President Obama was all too real. And which wanker was first out of the gate:
I still look forward to the Politico headline about Michelle Obama feeding her family a dead chicken and using the bones for soup.
I guess we start the news cycle with the media we have and not the media we wish we had.
Let the wankers wank. We don’t have to watch them.
Why hasn’t the president started doing the repairs, HIMSELF!!
And where is my pony?
Dennis, I think you’ve just broken the story that Roger Simon trolls here under the handle “jwest.” Good work.
Politico headline:
Lazy Negro Vacations While East Coast Suffers With Broken Glassware
Mark D
I’d love for someone to go look around, say, late August 2006 to see what Simon had to say about Bush’s response to Katrina.
Not that they’re the same, as people actually died in New Orleans. Today’s quake seems to have done — THANKS TO ALL THAT IS HOLY! (seriously) — very little damage to anything or anyone.
Well, other than to conservatives’ feefees. But doesn’t everything nowadays?
I say LIHOP. Dude flees DC for Martha’s Vineyard – clearly he knew there was going to be an earthquake, if he didn’t actively cause it. What other disasters has BHO been permitting strike this nation that he clearly doesn’t love?
Much as it pains me to defend Roger Simon, if you look at his Twitter timeline, he was doing a bunch of jokey tweets about the earthquake, and I think that was just one of them.
I’m not saying he’s funny, just that he was trying to be.
Carbon Dated
I think the Gateway Dimwit had Roger Simon beat by about 20 minutes. Hoft is your real First Wanker.
Although, to be fair, if President Black and the First Blacks really cared about the suffering of real Americans, they’d put the watermelon down and start sacrificing goats to their voodoo gods or whatever, amirite?
MattT - The Commish
I was just going to post asking, “Who will be the first to blame Obama?” Too late.
The first thing I saw was an FB post blaming it on fracking near the epicenter. Stupidity knows no ideology, as usual.
Wouldn’t feeding them a live chicken be more noteworthy?
Media Matters has a couple more.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
What, exactly, should FEMA be doing? I’m sure they’re preparing for a potentially bad hurricaine, and this quake looks worse to me than to people who know them and experienced this one, but should FEMA be putting up temporary cell phone towers?
Roger Simon used not to be such a dick back when I was reading him the pre-Murdoch Chicago Sun Times
@JenJen: I think the “Seriously” there is announcing that he’s taking a break in the shitty jokes to bring you a shitty deep thought.
I think it’s time we sacrificed a virgin.
Where’s Christine O’Donnell?
With Irene looking to cause major damage to the East Coast, I can’t help but wonder if any emergency funds that might be needed will be blocked by the House GOP unless some kind of trade-off (i.e., off-setting spending cuts) is part of it.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Was anything substantial (a building, a bridge, etc) even damaged in the quake that the President could speak about?
We can do better than that. Check out this amusing post from Yglesias. Apparently, some conservatives are pissy because they think it’s unfair to point out that actions (e.g. cutting funding of government services such as …earthquake monitoring) have consequences (earthquake monitoring becomes less effective).
Obama’s refusal to give up his vacation to open FEMA death camps is an indictment on his presidency.
Villago Delenda Est
The volcano gods get REALLY pissed when you try to full a fast one on them.
Just sayin’.
Supposedly a couple of windows broke in center city Philadelphia. Don’t know if FEMA’s in the glazier business or not.
Warren Terra
Preliminary news reports haven’t mentioned so much as a bumped head, and the only disruption mentioned is that some office towers have been evacuated as a precaution. What the flipping heck is FEMA supposed to do? Distribute bottles of water to people whose municipal water supply is working just fine and whose perfectly functional refrigerators are making ice? Distribute tents and trailers to people sleeping in their own beds tonight?
So, let’s see if I have this right. A minor earthquake strikes the East coast and Obama is supposed to drop everything and run frantically back to DC.
Terrorists fly planes into the WTC and it’s just fine for Bush to sit on his arse and read “The Pet Goat” for a few more minutes and nobody better say anything different.
This was a joke tweet and it’s obvious if you look at his other tweets at the time.
“Ron Paul promises further earthquakes if media continue to ignore him.”
“We wouldn’t be having earthquakes like this if Hillary were president.”
“S&P has downgraded earthquake to a 2.0.”
I can’t tell from Kos post if he is seriously outraged or not. But if he is, it’s pretty lame. If it’s satire, then I’m just confused.
Suffern ACE
I wonder if the prez could get some recess appointments in. Wouldn’t evacuating the Senate finally close down it’s appointment blocking pseudo session long enough to get some judges and ambassadors?
@Villago Delenda Est: OK, how about Lindsay Graham?
He’s gotta be a virgin.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Roger Simon was the one who fantasized about riding around on Mitt Romney’s shoulders, wasn’t he?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Abolishing itself, obviously. Was FEMA there to sell lattes to evacuated office workers? No, Starbucks was. Who’s the real emergency management provider here?
Roger Simon’s Twitter feed is almost entirely jokes.
@dmsilev: it’s also unfair to point out that Obama got Bin Laden and that his Libya policy has been proven a success.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
And some of them are even intentional!
gogol's wife
I can’t believe that tweet. But I’m so glad I saw this. We felt it in Connecticut, but I thought I was losing my mind or having an attack of vertigo.
biff diggerence
Does Rick Perry know of tectonic plate movement?
Suffern ACE
@Warren Terra: Yep. Apparently a nuclear plant has shut down and is running on its backup generators and there aren’t really all that many people, if any, without power. I’d nationalize the banks and call on the guardsmen to put down the rioters.
@The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik: The funniest sort of joke is when people take a joke seriously, get corrected, and then keep struggling to find a way to stay outraged. That never gets old!
@fasteddie9318: No, I still think he was just trying to be funny. Failed, but I don’t think the tweet was intended at all seriously.
I like the explicit acknowledgment that he doesn’t even want the president to do something, he just wants him to “pretend to be doing something.”
For what purpose? None! But at least engaging in a pointless, time-wasting piece of theatre is better than not because, because….oooooh, shiny!
@r€nato: No no no. True (conservative) fairness would require constant repetition of the claim that Obama was just following the policies set up by the Bush administration for the death of bin Laden and for Libya. Of course, if something horrible happens (i.e. zombie bin Laden emerges from the ocean, seeking BRAINS), then fairness requires that Obama be blamed for that.
The DNC should run ads that show the earthquake and hurricane and then Rick Perry saying “as President I’ll keep the federal government out of your daily life.”
Cut to the emergency room then fade to black.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@fasteddie9318: Nicely played, sir, nicely played!
Conservatives are also upset that voters will be reminded that Obama got Bin Laden, right before the election.
@biff diggerence:
I seriously doubt it.
@Warren Terra: From WaPo:
Hardly FEMA-worthy.
Villago Delenda Est
Probably only in the very technical, conventional vaginal intercourse, sense.
Comrade Mary
Washington is broken.
Dennis G.
@Carbon Dated: In no time this will be a new meme and serious people will ask how could he stay on vacation when wine glasses rattled in the china cabinets of Georgetown.
Roger may not have been the first, but he will put the meme into play. It is what he does.
Hey, do you all remember that time Bush staged that “Mission Accomplished” photo op in May 2003, which was entirely intended as pro-administration propaganda for the 2004 election?
General Stuck
No need for a FEMA huddle , if Obama wants to pretend to be doing something, he should join us here on Balloon Juice to do that very thing.
Villago Delenda Est
Yes, and that worked so well for him, too. Especially the part where he said the sailors did that on their own, with absolutely no help from anyone in the WH.
Talking Point Memo’s a bit breathless.
Moderate earthquake? Um it was pretty freaking intense if you live downtown DC with landfill underneath. I’m from CA and have been through quakes and this one ranks really high on the Wesley freak out scale.
From around 3pm…
The GOS is all over this story.
@MTiffany: Have to agree. I much prefer chicken to be dead before I eat it.
I hear they’ve made the Library of Congress into a makeshift refugee center.
People are eating corpses, raping babies and shooting at rescue helicopters.
No kidding! CNN and MSNBC are going way overboard with their coverage too. I guess we’re finding out that when an earthquake hits the actual Village, the Villagers get pretty excited and go on TV for hours to talk about what they felt. It’s growing more annoying by the minute.
First news of damage I heard was to the National Cathedral in Washington. (EDIT: more specifically, three pinnacles suffered damage) Just further proof that Obama is a secret Muslim.
Well, that last post of mine was stupid. Fuck.
@General Stuck:
Stuck: I was enjoying your flickr feed this morning. Beautiful pics of birds and Charlie, enchanting in any weather.
What kind of camera do you use?
The birds were amazing, caught in mid-flight, so clean and clear. Not even a bird-watcher, and I was mesmerized.
Villago Delenda Est
Republican congressional staffers. The veneer of civilization comes off them faster than a prom dress hits the floor.
Obama: “I’m declaring a national emergency and sending legislation to Congress that will free up ten million dollars to help clean up the mess.”
Obama: “‘eff it then, I’m going back to golf.”
Bush: “Miss me yet? Heh heh.”
All the more reason to not have cable.
General Stuck
Thanks. I use a Canon Rebel XT with a sigma zoom lens.
@jwest: LOL Not quite that bad. My SeaMonkies escaped undamaged so all is good.
Villago Delenda Est
Well, you know, it’s on the EAST COAST, which is serious country, unlike those fruits and nuts out there in LA-LA-land.
Warren Terra
The way I heard it, people are raping rescue helicopters and shooting babies at corpses.
Bristol Palin’s revirginized herself.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Was it Virginia Foxx adn Patrick McHenry? ’cause that’s just their usual mid-afternoon snack
Enhanced Voting Techniques
If Obama was a REAL president who cared about real Mitt Rommeny kind of people Obama would be on the Capital Mall RIGHT now PERSONALLY handing out bottled mineral water and high threat count Egyptian cotton towels to those poor distressed real people! We’re looking at broken windows, fallen ceiling titles and even spilled beers! WE NEED ACTION NOW!
The DJIA was up 300 points today, so clearly the market approves of the President’s handling of this emergency.
Villago Delenda Est
Geeze, no kidding. Minor shakeup and the entire universe is collapsing on itself.
Yawn. Wake me up when a volcano erupts in Maryland, will you?
It really is annoying. It reminds me of when the weather gets hot in NYC and they spend half the day talking about the “heatwave the country is experiencing.” Uh, dumbasses, NYC is not “the country” and it’s hot as hell in the south for most of the summer, so why not report on that every year?
They’re so provincial it’s pathetic. Idiots.
@Violet: Is that what happens when enough people tell you to go fuck yourself?
I’ll say this though, you put a Palin down a volcano, the volcano stays dead.
The news media would have a much better story if those damn building codes didn’t make buildings so sturdy. Maybe if they fluff fiscal conservatives and glibertarians more this will change.
General Stuck
Obama used his bully pulpit, and the earth moved.
Seriously, Roger Simon should abandon his twitter account and stop pretending to be a journalist. Or at least make it look like is is trying to be one.
@Elizabelle: They’re all a bit breathless. This coverage is reaching the level of absurdity. These people have waaaay too much time on their hands.
They’re just lucky there’s nothing else going on in the United States today that could use some reporting.
Duckest Fuckingway: Ask not for whom the Duck Fucks. . .
People here in DC are really struggling to turn this into something scary.
Personally, there have been F-15 flybys that are scarier.
Meanwhile, FDL is asking:
“Did Obama order the Earthquake?”
@Stefan: It all makes sense if you understand how they view the President as Daddy. We all know there’s no bogeyman in the closet. But children feel better if Dad checks it out and gives the all clear.
Oh cool, can we just move the White House to California to save the president the trouble of flying out here every time we have an earthquake?
The Dangerman
Sounds like the ones that rushed back to their buildings were the Beltway Media, so is it wrong for me to hope that this was just a precursor to a bigger quake?
Pure win.
@General Stuck:
Noted. Thank you. Gonna get me a real camera one of these days. Researching that one now.
Would bet my nature and pet pics won’t come out as well as yours for a lonnnng time, though.
Bush and FEMA ignored Katrina for the first few days after it struck. The Republicans just want to draw a parallel to that event using the earthquake even though there was hardly any damage anywhere which requires federal intervention. They (the Republicans and the Villagers) want to be able to say “both sides ignored a natural disaster”, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
Flooding at the Pentagon, fire in one of the Congressional buildings. If the Supreme Court gets hit by a freak wind we’ll have a complete set.
@jwest: Just another day on Capitol Hill.
Chilling, but this could be a foreshock. One never knows.
Duckest Fuckingway: Ask not for whom the Duck Fucks. . .
OTOH, I can now say that if you ride Metro, in a real emergency you will die in a silver and brown metal box!
There have been – count’em – 341 earthquakes in the last 7 days in California and Nevada, according to the US Geological Survey.
341 in 7 days, that’s almost 50 per day.
The Village really needs to grow a pair.
I thought we had the East Coast circumcised years ago.
Anne Laurie
This is no time for amateur grifters — an earthquake in Our Nation’s Capital calls for the very public sacrifice of a serious, professional virgin!
Any minute now some God botherers are going claim God is punishing us for NY passing SSM.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Heterosexually speaking, you betcha.
@Warren Terra: But are the helicopters laughing?
@Anne Laurie: Correction accepted, though I think Santorum would also be a good pick.
We might have to enlarge the volcano hole if we use Ross.
/yes, “volcano hole” is a technical term
A local church puts up messages and today’s was judgment day is near, are you ready? What does that even mean? It reminds me of my youth in the confessional spouting about disobeying my parents. No matter what I did I always got the same three Hail Mary’s.
Amir Khalid
The reporting is all about people being surprised, maybe a little alarmed; but no actual damage or casualties anywhere.
Just saw video of the ABC News report. Meh. They were straining hard to make the story bigger than it actually was. I sense they were disappointed that there wasn’t any cool video they could show of actual damage or casualties. That would have been good for ratings. Newsfolk live for that kind of thing.
@fasteddie9318: LOL. Seriously, isn’t Roger Simon supposed to be nominally non-partisan or neutral or something? Sheesh, I’ve known for sometime that he reminds me of “oiliness”, but this tweet is proof. Then again, I make it a point never to click on Politico. Nothing there for me.
The helicopters were obviously asking for it.
Ever watch them tilting their tails up?
Bachmann and Perry call on Americans to fast and to pray away the earthquates.
@JenJen: oops. me bad for my earlier post. Still and all, he’s not one of my journalistic heroes. Not by a long shot.
Alex Perene tweeted
“Chris Christie has jumped into the presidential race”
A 5.8 earthquake relatively near Cole’s house and no one makes a fat joke about Tunch?! Or Cole?!
For fuck’s sake.
@Loneoak: I doubt anyone here would ever be that rude.
@Loneoak: I did!
Obama’s non reaction to the earthquake has nothing to do with the fact that he is a horrible one term president.
@PopeRatzy: That would be way bigger than a 5.8 quake.
The Dangerman
Tunch was a (rather large) target before the rumbling stopped. Along with Governor Christie (have Christie and Tunch ever been photographed together; I thought not).
I am amused by how many Balloon Juicers will admit to having been in the loo when the quake hit.
Starting to rival last night’s drapes and curtains thread, but not there yet.
licensed to kill time
@Loneoak: Cole tweeted about it himself:
Chyron HR
Also if he was in DC he’d be looting, because every Republican knows that’s what those people do.
The Dangerman
Missed it; link please?
During a Big One (around a 7, IIRC) a while back, I was standing in the restroom facility, doing my, um, business, when it hit; it’s rather disconcerting when the target is swaying (other than when highly Juiced, of course, in which case, one doesn’t care).
Huffpo is reporting “National Cathedral damaged in quake!”
gogol's wife
God’s wrath is truly upon us. Reality Check, jwest, and now makewi.
@Chyron HR: Don’t feed the trolls.
@Loneoak: @licensed to kill time: Don’t be so quick to discount Tunch as a factor. He is roughly the equivalent of 17 middle age South Koreans, right? I linked the story somewhere earlier, but here is a nice excerpt
Dude knows how to pick a winner:
Good man. You posted while I was composing my comment, apparently.
@The Dangerman:
Carpet and drapes thread is this one.
LOL. Seen on twitter:
This gives me a very bad feeling…
@Chyron HR:
I love it how often you folks drop racist tropes around here, pretending that’s what other people must be thinking. Unfortunately for you, that sort of thinking is pretty rare these days. Which, sadly for you, just makes your use all the more obvious.
Even so, Obama is a horrible president.
Dennis SGMM
Dozens almost might have been injured! ABC correspondent Tawny Hairdryer races to scene!
@Loneoak: Don’t worry, they were there. Your view of them was blocked by a large whitish object.
Mike Goetz
This is OT, but somehow spiritually related to the current thread. A quote from Harold Bloom:
“We have this horrible contemporary phenomenon in the Tea Party – a real menace not only to America but to the world. Because if it goes on like this, they will destroy our economy and they will destroy America. They have no democratic vision, and I don’t mean with a capital “D”, I mean with a small “d”. They frighten me. They’re like the early followers of Adolf Hitler, and I’m willing to be quoted on that. They are a sickening phenomenon. That is because they have not read deeply and widely enough.”
gogol's wife
“Omen,” right? Milo O’Shea.
All in the last thread. First few posts, too.
On a slightly more serious note: jgabriel, who I usually think is pretty sharp, pointed out on the Kay earthquake thread that Colorado and Virginia have both had once in a century earthquakes within hours of each other.
I would put this down to coincidence, but anyone seen any good scientific reporting on any possibility quakes are linked?
jgabriel mused that we just don’t know the explanation yet.
licensed to kill time
Makewank is such a buzzkill. And concerned, so very concerned.
General Stuck
But he passed Obamacare on yer happy ass, dint he Scarlet?
@gogol’s wife: Yeah, sounds right, though there are several in that vein that run together in my memory.
@The Dangerman: Happened to me in an airplane. I was standing there minding my own business and the “fasten seat belt” light went on. It was like Luke Skywalker during his light saber training. I did my best during the turbulence, but…
@General Stuck:
Use of the term Obamacare is racist sweetie.
@Makewi: Racists tell me all the time how non-racists they area.
You and m-chan are pretty similar in that regard.
@gogol’s wife:
The third seal was broken and behold, three horse
menshitters.Yup, we’re doomed.
They are now reporting that the depth was 3.7 miles.
It’s OK that you forgive the assumed ironic use of racism around here. Your seizing of the mental moral high-ground gives you that right. Hero.
Original Lee
@Martin: Umm, Hurricane Irene?
Dennis SGMM
The Reagan Revolution, Bush Tax Cuts, the Clinton Health Care Plan…
Those damned dirty racists are everywhere I tells ya!
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Conservatives should expect us to wonder about statements like these considering how many times they have lapped the Onion.
General Stuck
haven’t you heard,
I remember when you first arrived here Scarlet, all full of
Bullshitfight and so sure that no health care reform would evah get passed. And look at you know, trolling again, with nuthin’ but dashed wingnut dreams. Won’t even matter if Obama loses the election, cuz VIVA LA OBAMACAREhahahahahahahhhahhahhhah!!
Oh, who the fuck invited make wee back?
Politico Headline:
GOP Presidential Field Commits Suicide, Anticipates End Times, Realizes God is Going To Smite Them If They Don’t Get Out Now
@General Stuck:
Later, when it’s not the great fix that you hope it will be – when you are busy finding the right people to blame for why it just didn’t work out the way you had hoped, at least we will have this moment to look back on. The time when you won one and all the world was magic.
Quake sensors removed around Virginia nuke plant due to budget cuts
Clearly this has been part of Barry’s plan to destroy monuments erected to honor our founders – first weaken them with secret underground seismic activity, and then topple them with a powerful manufactured hurricane.
You know where hurricanes come from? Africa, that’s where.
I especially admire his sneakiness-in-chief’s ability to apparently get two shield earthquakes to go off at once. Talk about stealth powers . . .
Since the day he took office, they’ve been itching for Obama’s 9/11, Obama’s Iraq, Obama’s No WMD, Obama’s Katrina, Obama Still Hasn’t Gotten Osama (oops), Obama’s {insert Dubya fail here} …
General Stuck
Isn’t like a spaceship, or something supposed to come fetch the Mormons when it all turns to shit. Or is that the Scientologists?
Dennis SGMM
As opposed to doing nothing and then looking back on the good ol’ days when healthcare spending was only 16% of GDP.
@Dennis SGMM:
Oh, I don’t ever do nothing. OTOH sitting around and complaining that other people have shit that you don’t is kind of like doing something, so I guess that’s something.
actually, thinking about how many bottled water bottles and lattes might have been spilled in the panic, has anyone checked for tsunami warnings?
@General Stuck: I can’t keep track either.
@Elizabelle: Or the world even.
Davis X. Machina
@Dennis SGMM: It’ll be a righteous trainwreck. And that’s what matters.
USGS said right after the quake there was no danger of a tsunami.
Part of the problem is that Presidents indulge this kind of stupidity. Bush got hammered by the press right after Katrina and so tried to appease them with the “heckuva job Brownie” moment, the AF1 overflight, the speech in New Orleans. Ditto Obama with those ridiculous photo ops on the Gulf Coast. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I don’t blame Bush a bit for looking detached during the Katrina crisis, I blame him for his cronyism and ineffectual government. What a President looks like is for pea brains in the mass media, what he concretely does is for the rest of us.
I don’t much expect it from Obama or anybody else but one of these years I’d like to see a President simply ignore the Roger Simons of the world.
gogol's wife
I think it was a joke (lattes and spring water)
Paging Bobby Jindal….
Earthquake monitoring isn’t far removed from volcano monitoring.
and this just in.
Mark Knoller blames Obama for todays earthquake.
GOP pre-emptively blames Obama’s slow response to the Hurricane that may hit the US soon. Karl Rove saying “it’s Obama’s Katrina” yet again like the last 100 times he said that.
Bachmann was quoted as saying all these things are clearly signs god is angry with REAL Americans for letting Obama get elected…and gay marriage..yea that too….of course!
Yeah, what’s the country in northern Africa where stuff is happening? Starts with an “L”? I think it might have a many-decades-ruling crazy dictator who’s being overthrown by his people? Something? Sound familiar?
No? Oh, well, back to the latte-jostling earthquake that traumatized the Village, then! I hear Luke Russert’s penny loafers had a bit of bottled water spilled on them! He’s being checked out by medics right now!
@Poopyman: your sure that wasn’t a commentator on Crooks and Liars???
“theamazinghubs: RT @LouBrutus: #ICanHonestly say a 5.8 earthquake in DC is the biggest shakedown the city has had since Marion Barry was Mayor.”
@gogol’s wife: I did rather hope the inclusion of a caffeinated product would be a dead give-away. . .
@Violet: I think this says it all
It’s only a matter of time before “progressives” pick up that same drum beat.
Dennis SGMM
I likely have a much better health care plan than you do. What I want is the now-hidden costs that we all pay for the emergency room care that is the only recourse for the uninsured to be replaced by regular medicine. If you’re so stupid that you ignore the fact that slowing health care cost increases by doing that will result in more money in your pocket then you’re probably wearing a helmet full time.
Herbal Infusion Bagger
If only we had lowered marginal tax rates on the rich and abolished the EPA, this earthquake would never have happened.
O/T Dear lord, the balls on these people.
As if Halliburton et al. couldn’t get any more evil.
@Dennis SGMM:
Hero. Bravely having conversations with himself where he comes across as heroic and smart – and with better health insurance to boot! Thank God for you dood!
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: The case went to a jury. It was not frivolous. End of story.
Dennis SGMM
Yep, that’s me; heroic and smart. I’m also damned good looking for my age.
Your reply might have been a bit more effective though if you’d answered my point rather than resorting to schoolyard banter.
gogol's wife
I really need to know how Tunch, Lily, and Rosie are. This is getting ridiculous. I don’t even know what John Cole had for dinner last night.
Dennis SGMM
Maybe Qaddafi forgot to buy the batteries for the launchers. As I recall there has been only one shoot-down of a NATO aircraft.
General Stuck
Both sad, and funny at once
via TPM
@gogol’s wife:
John was tweeting. Seems to be fine.
Kd bart
It’s obvious that Obama ignored the memo regarding Earthquake’s desire to strike the East Coast of the US.
gogol's wife
I was being (somewhat) facetious. But I see that his avatar isn’t Tunch any more, but an Obama-logo-colored alien or something.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dennis SGMM:
Why bring age into it?
Libby's Person
I used to be a geologist, and I spent 10 years in Los Angeles, so here are my “factoids of the day”, if anyone is interested. (Sorry for the lack of humor!)
— Small to moderate earthquakes can and do happen pretty much anywhere. Big suckers only happen in certain lucky places, mostly (but not exclusively) at plate boundaries, particularly ones where one plate is being shoved under another. California, where the plates are moving sideways past each other, experiences small earthquakes all the time, and pretty big ones every 100-200 years. Seattle, where one plate is getting shoved under another, gets a smattering of small ones, and will experience a very large earthquake some time in the next few hundred years or so. The east coast and central US get occasional quakes that we don’t really understand, but most probably represent small stress adjustments in response to things happening at far-off plate boundaries.
— Shaking from earthquakes in the central and eastern US is felt much further from the epicenter than on the west coast. The western US, which is a plate boundary, is chopped into little pieces by young faults, which allows chunks of ground to go up and down without dragging neighboring chunks of rock all the way up and down. The center and eastern part of the country, which are in the center of a plate, has very few young faults, so it acts like an intact sheet rather than like a bunch of blocks, and the shaking is transmitted much further laterally.
— A 5.8 earthquake is huge for the eastern US (or any place in the middle of a plate), and so this is unlikely to be just a foreshock. That said, it is true that there has been at least one enormous quake in the eastern US, the 1812 New Madrid earthquake. This cluster of quakes (magnitudes estimated as ranging from 7.0 to 8.1) was felt strongly over a 50,000 square mile area, and moderately over a 1 million square mile area. Geologists still don’t completely understand why this quake occurred, but it was within the failed rift zone under the Mississippi River valley, it’s assumed to have something to do with crustal weakness associated with that ancient system of faults. Virginia is not within this zone.
Class dismissed.
Dennis SGMM
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m only 63 but I’m high mileage. I’ll take any excuse I can get.
licensed to kill time
@Kd bart: Dude, Cole just tweeted that an hour ago:
eta: or dudette, sorry if…
Dennis SGMM
@Libby’s Person:
Thank you, teacher! Now I must ask,what did you take up in favor of geology?
Kd bart
Sorry. I don’t follow Cole on Twitter.
licensed to kill time
@Kd bart: Well then, it’s a case of Great Minds…. :)
@Libby’s Person:
Thank you, Libby’s Person. Quite informative.
Now, has Libby snacked and been played with very recently? Libby suggested I ask you that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Libby’s Person: So are we all going to die or what?
@Libby’s Person: Ditto to @Dennis SGMM, only I’d argue that if you can give a lecture like that, it’s more a case of stratigraphy of career choices rather than used-to-be status. Granted, I do rather expect to be doing the other geoscience (graphy, not ology) well into the decomposition phase of my existence but I may be non-standard. I assume this will be on the test but will it be multiple guess or essay and is there a lab?
Omnes Omnibus
@scav: Lab? What the fuck is a lab?
@Dennis SGMM:
My reply was effective. Guess you’re not as smart as you thought you are.
Dennis SGMM
A lab? On noes! The only mineral with which I’ve had extensive experience is Leaverite. As in “That’s not gold, you dummy. Leaverite were you found ‘er.”
@General Stuck:
the Preying Mantis is my fave — WOW — Fierce assed MF. Glad I’m not his/her size.
Was watching a cool special on Natl Geo on bugs… watched a standoff betw a Mantis and a Katydid…Mantis jumped first but it didnt work and he ended up Katydid dinner. Oh well.
I love Mantises and watching them turn their little heads (thank god littler than me) to look at me when I find one in the garden. Its wild to see an insect contemplate you! They let me know by their presence that my garden is in balance. I never use any insectiside shit… (slug beer and traps being the exception). wish we had more butterflies, but my neighbors love ChemLawn too much — sigh. My cross the street neighbor is a potato farmer and believes in nuclear herb and insectisides…
Dennis SGMM
Your reply was about as effective as a wooden watch. Make sure that you don’t strain your shoulder while patting yourself on the back.
@Libby’s Person:
Very appreciated. thanks
Being on the West Coast and 90 miles north of Seattle at that, I am preparing for THE BIG ONE. No — not really and hope not in my lifetime since I would be kissing my ass goodbye being right on the coastline.
Framing this politically, the East Coasters always think that every little shaky thing is a Big Deal — so it doesnt surprise me that medium is amplified to huge out there…
@Omnes Omnibus: well, in the present instance, there might be some fieldwork and you might have to chew on a few rocks (although I have forgotten which exact instance that was useful and whether or not it involved feldspar). Wasn’t really a physnoid myself.
There is some argument upstring betw Makewi (oh no, surfacing again!) and Dennis SGMM. I have not a fucking clue what they are talking about. Is geology or geography involved? Are surfaces rubbing against each other? Do we need a lubricant?
Gogol’s wife — you are so right! We have no idea what John Cole had for dinner and that is much more interesting..
Dennis SGMM
We live in the foothills of the San Gabriels so even the Whittier and Northridge quakes didn’t cause much damage. OTOH, we’re surrounded by faults and if the Big One ever hits we’re going to lose gas, electricity, water and road communication with the outside world. This isn’t my imagination; I had a long talk with our town’s Disaster Manager about it. He said that if you don’t have at least two weeks’ worth of food and water you will suffer.
@Dennis SGMM:
On the other hand, if you are on the Big ZIP quake (big subduction ) between Seattle and Vancouver BC, who cares?
I feel your pain. Were you arguing that you should or should not keep said food and water stocks?
I know that we should and its one of those things that I will get to some day but figure that running from the tsunami is probably going to be more important so have a “plan” for grabbing the cat, my purse with all the cards,id and such, and my sneakers and heading up the bluff as fast as my knobby knees will carry me.
Can any East Coasters watching cable tell us if Dr. Kate has been interviewed yet? It’s not a real earthquake until she’s on your teevee.
Marginalized for stating documented facts
Yes, Obama should use his magical powers to prevent earthquakes.
(rolls eyes.)
@Marginalized for stating documented facts: Silly goose. All’s we ask is that he teleports to the epicenter within minutes and starts clearin brush or somethin…..ya know. But wes alls knows he is too much of an elistist chicago thug who is soft on terrissts an such an a commie socialist facist.
@Marginalized for stating documented facts:
Well he can make the earth stop turning on its axis, so why not?
I wish he did. If he did, maybe he could stick some of your little pointy heads into some of the open faults — kinda like little shims. There must be something you are good for.
BillinGlendaleCA (aka 10amla)
@Omnes Omnibus:
If you have to ask what a lab is, you are, what we would have referred to in college, a “north campus person”.
So the earthquake is Obama’s fault but the fall of Tripoli had nothing to do with him.
Got it.
Gotta love how the media lets the right wing twist reality and trip over its own tongue without calling them on it.
Guess the next thing they’ll gush about is how Rick Perry held the earth on his broad shoulders and ended the earthquake and saved the world.
Yes it’s facetious and ridiculous but in a world where a Dem tweeting pictures of his junk is worse than a GOPper advertising in Craig’s List as a temporary sugar daddy, emails 18 year old boys and refuses to resign (and oddly, the main street media says fuck all about it) and the main street media says NOTHING about Perry’s desire to secede from the US government a year ago, I can easily believe that if McCain had become President instead of Obama and Sarah Palin shot him dead and became the new President, the media would not say. A. Fucking. Word.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA (aka 10amla): My classes tended to be in Main Hall; probably the same concept.
Ed Gillespie tweeted earlier: ” POTUS on the golf course when quake hit. What are the odds of that?”
Libby's Person
@Dennis SGMM:
It’s probably too late now for this to get to you (I ran off to play with my dog), but I now do something called “sustainability science.” Basically, fear-driven research on how the hell we ever can make any progress on any big problem in this screwed-up world.
As an Angeleno I’m falling down laughing at the idea that a 5.9 quake means ANYTHING. OK, maybe since it’s far from a plate boundary it’s a little more shaky than the ones we get out here. Hell, the floor shakes more than that when my cat jumps down from the table. Yawn….
Dennis SGMM
A little late here. We have food, water, battery radio, candles, heavy gloves, leaf bags, duct tape, bailing wire, paracord, flashlights, tarps, kitchen matches, a bottle of brandy, and many batteries stored in a new 55gal trash can out back where we (Hope) nothing will fall on it. Along side it are a shovel, crosscut saw, six foot pinchbar (Tool used in the old days for moving freight cars by “pinching” the wheels), a sledge hammer, and an axe, wrapped in a tarp sealed with duct tape. We also have smaller three-day kits in each of the cars. They include food, water, hiking boots (w/two extra pairs of socks), glow sticks, flashlight, battery AM-FM radio, sheath knife, heavy gloves, food and water.
If the house falls down on us in our sleep at least the neighbors will be jubilant.
Southern Beale
This has probably already been posted but for the first wingnut blogger to trash Obama post-earthquake was apparently Jim Hoft:
Yes, if only Obama had rolled up his sleeves! Cancelled his vacation! Got a FEMA war room ready!
Getting worked up over a 5.9 quake?
Easterners are so precious.
I could belch a 5.9
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Thank you! You don’t know how much that means to me. Seriously.
Now the beltway media might be able to grasp the proposal of addressing the need to repair and rebuild America’s infrastructure.