Derived from an odd chain of web meanderings originating from within DougJs Stevie Wonder homage below, this seems to me to be a pretty fair anticipation of what Rick Perry will do to Mitt Romney in the debates:
<div align=”center”><iframe width=”420″ height=”345″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
You may consider this yet more open thread.
I think the only way to deal with the GOP these days is scotch.
Southern Beale
I’m sure this will shock no one …
I cannot believe you’ve besmirched Animal’s good name like this.
Sam Houston
@Southern Beale: Yeah I’ve been on top of this via Black Box Voting.
I recall 2 of the 3 “private computer firms” hired to manage the electronic voting data were run by repthug associates of Ken Blackwell.
Southern Beale
@Sam Houston:
But ACORN registered Daffy Duck to vote! IMPEACH OBAMA!
Gah. I’ve just about given up.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Southern Beale: Projection, projection, projection. That’s all you need to know about these guys.
Southern Beale
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason:
Projection. And mirrors. They do it with mirrors.
In other news, husband is attempting to open a bottle of wine with my Swiss army knife corkscrew. He’s been really accident prone lately. Let’s hope he doesn’t slice off his thumb.
Southern Beale
Here’s a funny story if anyone missed it. A local Fox News weather reporter got drenched in raw sewage while covering Hurricane Irene. Schadenfreude, it’s what’s for dinner.
Yay! I have electricity! Oh TV, internet, phone, I love you. And yes it has only been two days.
And yes, the info on the BradBlog about Ohio is truly disturbing.
There are “liburl” bloggers who are saying Obama’s choice for Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers is irrelevant because according to them, the post has no power, yet these very same people where decrying Austin Goolsbee’s selection only a year ago.
Translation: minimize anything good, amplify anything bad (even when it contradicts prior positions).
Is Perry actually going to debate?
Linda Featheringill
Congratulations, Dear. Welcome back to the land of the living. :-)
Samara Morgan
@Ron: or cote de rhone and absinthe.
c’mon Dr. Levenson….time travel to the past is impossible.
acuz of closed form timecurves.
@Linda Featheringill: Thanks. Glad that I don’t have to spend another night sitting on my living room rug with my flashlight and book for entertainment.
Originally we were told that we wouldn’t have power until Thursday. I actually realized that it was back on when I heard cheers from my neighbors. Having turned everything off or unplugged, my apartment was still dark. :-)
@waratah: Good lord, I hope so. I hope they all do. I look forward to Bachmann, Perry, and Romney playing Can You Top This, presenting escalating visions of ignorance, stupidity, and bloody-minded insanity.
That’s entertainment we can believe in.
Spaghetti Lee
Well, let’s not get carried away here.
Read today that Mittens plans to attack Perry on Social Security and Medicare, so,yeah, the GOP primary looks like its going to become more entertaining.
Interesting conundrum for Romney because he’d be attacking Perry from the left, which might feed into any Perry attacks on Plastic Man’s bona fides as a dyed-in-the-wool, tea sippin’, Galtian worthy of polishing Ronaldus Magnus’ rotting gonads. But he has no choice–attack or perish. And he can’t count on New Hampshire (remember–in the ’96 GOP primary, they went with Pat Buchanan, so it’s perfectly reasonable that Perry could win it, especially with today’s GOP voters).
Of course, being the icon-of-the-moment for the Teabaggers isn’t exactly the political standard one wants to carry in a national election, especially if Pews’ numbers on the negative view of the “movement” (ie, bowel, because they’ve got shit for brains and run at the mouth) are accurate. And I don’t see how a Perry candidacy could tack to the center from “Social Security is unconstitutional” in a general.
Right now its obviously Romney vs. Perry. And in that contest, I’d take Perry, who has the gifts of a tent revival charlatan, over Romney, who looks like he isn’t quite comfortable being human. One is much better suited to lead the cult of Randian loonies–that’s your GOP nominee.
@efgoldman: Perry passed on debating in the last Governors election. I was amazed he was able to get by with this.
@Southern Beale: Whatever might have happened in 2004, the real question now is what’s being done to make sure that vote stealing can’t happen in the future. I’ve heard nothing on that front.
@waratah: According to the local paper today, Perry’s agreed to participate in at least two upcoming debates.
@waratah: IIRC, he did debate in the Republican primary for governor. It’s Texas, so he knew there no need to debate in the general election.
@jwb: For my part I am going to stop procrastinating and volunteer as an election worker. One of the reasons that I switched from independent to democrat was that in NY you must be registered with a party to work as an election volunteer. We just changed machines from the old mechanical ones where you flipped levers, to optical scanners. And in NY it may not be as critical, but getting involved in the system at least gives us the ability to see the process up close.
Mornington Crescent
The stretched twig of peace is at melting point. People here are literally bursting with war. This is very much a country that’s going to blow up in its face.
@21 jwb:
Sorry, there is nothing that can be done. If you want to win as badly as they do, you’ll steal more & better than they do. It ain’t bean bag and they are never going to play by Queensberry Rules.
The Dangerman
Even if it was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that 2004 was stolen, the Right (and Media; duh) would just say both sides do it (see 1960, Kennedy).
Perry is participating in the next debate according to this.
The next debate is being moderated by Brian Williams of NBC. For moderates and independents, he’s pretty much the Nation’s News Anchor. CBS and ABC keep musical-chairing their news anchors and the cable networks can’t decide who’s in charge when a story breaks. NBC rules in that department. Which means that any debate Brian Williams moderates is inherently going to be seen as more reasonable because, for better or worse, he’s the dependable, most trustworthy news hair model going.
Actually, holding out works to his benefit, because it lowers expectations. Then all Parry has to do is not trip on stage to be declared the winner.
The early debates are over rated.
When you have 8 participates and only 90 minutes, each individual only gets 7 to 9 minutes of face time.
I think there would be absolutely nothing better in the entire universe than Perry tripping out on national TV.
Which means they have to be extra concentrated wingnutty to command attention. Should be comedy one-upmanship at it’s finest.
How would you tell the difference?
Edited to Add: I mean, seriously, is there anything Perry on acid could say that would top threatening the Fed Chairman?
Villago Delenda Est
There is.
He could do what Rush Limbaugh longs to do.
Call the President of the United States the N word.
Spaghetti Lee
@Villago Delenda Est:
@The Dangerman:
God, how many times does that myth need to be debunked?
Here’s the 1960 election. Kennedy won 303 electoral votes, out of 537.
269 votes were needed to win. Illinois represented 27 votes.
303 – 27 = 276.
So even if Kennedy LOST Illinois, he still would have won the election.
There was no nobility in Nixon’s decision not to contest Illinois, it was simple math. Even with Illinois, Nixon still would have lost.
Kind of off-topic, but…. separated at birth?
The 90s were kind of a weird time in their own way.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Incoherent Dennis SGMM
It doesn’t seem to me that Republican voters determine the winners or losers in a debate the same way that we would. We judge debates as, well, debates; factual discussions of the question being debated with carefully constructed rebuttals. Republicans view them more like Monty Python’s “Argument” sketch.
Incoherent Dennis SGMM
@Villago Delenda Est:
A Rick Parry is a maneuver that can be done simultaneously with a Rick Roll.
Bill Murray
@jwb: have you looked? there are whole countries that have figured this out. First, you don’t let private companies collect the votes with trade secret software. Second, you need to store and, if necessary, count the verified by the voter ballot — not just re-add up electrically stored votes. Third, you could make the precincts small enough that votes can be on paper and counted in an open and public manner. None of these will ever happen because the republicans count on fraud to win
@JGabriel: Shepard.
@Bill Murray: Well, of course, but that’s not the sort of country we live in, now, is it? My question is more mundane: what’s the status of the voting machines these days? How many of the machines remain fundamentally unauditable? Does the code remain proprietary? Have the dems done anything to improve the systematic reliability of the machines or are we just relying on the kindness of strangers?
Steve Crickmore
It wasn´t only Illinois, though that was the most pivotal example,”In Texas,(Landslide Lyndon’s state) where Kennedy won the 24 electoral votes by a margin of 46,000 ballots, the GOP took to the courts. But its suits were thrown out by a federal judge who claimed he had no jurisdiction.”
Also, Kennedy won New Jersey, 16 electoral votes by just over 22,000 ballots and New Mexico, 4 electoral votes by
just over two thousand ballots. Nixon won some close state contests, such as California 32 electoral votes, margin just under 36,000 votes as well.
Spaghetti Lee
Is there also a “Rick Thrust” WAIT OH GOD OH GOD BAD THOUGHTS
OK, I guess I have to be the Doctor Who pedant who points out that the word is spelled TARDIS because it’s an acronym. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.
@JGabriel: From what I’ve read, there were also irregularities in Texas and Florida as well as Illinois in 1960. And, as I recall there was also an issue with Hawaii possibly sending two sets of certified electoral votes to Washington. But it’s been a very long time since I’ve read up on it
@Spaghetti Lee: You need mad props for that.
A little good hair of the dog.
Triassic Sands
Sorry, but everyone in that video is much too intelligent and articulate to pass as a stand-in for either Rick “Evolution is Out There” Perry or Mitt “Who the Hell Am I Really?” Romney.
Amir Khalid
Today in Malaysia we are celebrating Eid al-Fitri. I can eat lunch again!
@Amir Khalid: NOM! I recommend these for something a little bit different.
@Amir Khalid: How nice for you (not sure how to congratulate you for completion of the fasting for Ramadan? It always strikes me as a mark of character and determination to fast during the day for that long).
I didn’t realize that’s where you were; we ate lunch with a Malaysian friend today.
@opie_jeanne: Has the meeses been eliminated yet? I have a cat you can borrow…
@Amir Khalid: Eid Mubarak! Selamat Hari Raya!
(I knew the first one; thank Wikipedia for the second.)
“Old Man Frog”
@Southern Beale: I will never forget reading a comment from the guy who provides those machines. He was a huge George W. Bush supporter from Texas. He flat out stated Bush “would not lose”. I wish I remembered more but that particular statement has haunted me ever since the 2000 election
scamdebacle.Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: Happy thoughts to you on completion of Ramadan.
”I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year,”
Walden W. O’Dell CEO, Diebold
Monkey Business
So, Animal is Michele Bachmann, and the other Muppet is Perry, and Dudley is Romney?
@Yutsano: You’d have to ship the kitty to Southern California, and we’ll be back home in a couple of days.
The Mouse War is still ongoing. Today we are closing up an opening that the mouse showed us, in the living room ceiling, against the front of the fireplace chimney (this is a tiny mountain cabin).
Photos here: