Mary Shannon Johnstone is a talented photographer who is working on a documentary series called Breeding Ignorance, which is a four-part piece about where unwanted pets come from, how they are euthanized, life in a shelter, and the practice of spaying and neutering. Fair warning: some of the images are quite disturbing, and others are pretty graphic depictions of surgical procedures on cats and dogs. One thing I learned from the series is that some shelters have a spaying program for feral cats, which is awesome.
ED Kain has the story of Steven Seagal, who accompanied Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s excursion into a Phoenix neighborhood with an armored vehicle, all to arrest a suspected cockfighter. During that arrest, a puppy was killed after the tank Segal was riding in crashed into the house. Seagal is being sued for $100,000 and is being asked for a written apology.
Update: In unrelated news, a regular commenter reminds me that EDK also has a good post on climate change at the League of Ordinary Gentlemen that’s well worth a read.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
We’re pretty sure our Lil Bit was a puppy mill reject. Two eye operations, anemic, bladder stones and dumped in a box on our vets door step. One the upside she is such a sweetie.
I’m pretty sure it’s Seagal, unless he was adopted by George Segal.
Arrakis as planetary model.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
We work in a shelter. We live in Misery, the Puppy Mill Capital of (un)Real ‘Murka.
Look up Alley Cat Allies. They do great work helping deal with feral cats.
In PA along the turnpike outside of Philly heading east, some purchased some billboard space that is brutal on the PA puppy mill industry.
In a previous life, I worked as a vet tech. We did euthanasia “services” for a shelter in WV. It wasn’t pretty. The current shelter we volunteer for has a fairly high kill rate. We always haz a sad.
This documentary is important and hopefully will get seen.
Samara Morgan
you link your glibertarian rent boi at forbes, i’ll link what he really thinks at LoOG.
bring it mistermix.
Beyond Unions
mistermix NEVER links Kain at the LoOG, even tho that is Kain’s blog.
Wonder why, juicers?
Kain only gets PAID for pageclicks at Forbes.
WTF does the Kain story have to do with puppymill documentaries?
I probably got my Smokepuff kitty from a “backyard breeder” somewhere, when he was brought to me with one of those “it’s you or the shelter” ultimatums; because he wouldn’t cuddle.
A lovely example of the rare Chantilly/Tiffany breed, who was a total sweetheart once he bonded. Lifelong difficulties with understanding how the world worked, emergency dental surgery when renegade canine teeth caused a life-threatening infection, and had to be euthanized at 13 because of uncontrollable seizures.
And he is one of the lucky ones. In another kind of home (the kind of home that buys bargain purebreds) he might have been thrown out into the cruel world when the kittenhood ended or lurked behind sofas until his undetected difficulties led to his demise.
Hillary Rettig
a regular Politics of Pets category would be AWESOME
schlemizel - was Alwhite
In a useless dick competition Seagal would finish just behind Sheriff Joe so thats a race I’d avoid watching.
When I lived in FLA I worked with a woman that picked up every feral cat she found, took it to the vet for cleaning, shots & neutering. She sometimes tried to find homes for them but often they were just not social so she turned them loose again. I guess it was better than nothing.
I have a friend in MN that works at a shelter & he gets quite irate about people who carelessly let their pets breed. He got fired from one place because he asked a guy why he let his cat breed when he didn’t want the litter. The guys said “I wanted my kids to see the miracle of life” to which my friend replied “Have them come in back and they can witness the miracle of death!”
@norbizness: Thanks, fixed.
The first thing that jumped out at me on the Seagal/Arpaio story was the photograph. Specifically, the 4-star insignia that Arpaio was wearing on his shoulder. What, does he think he’s Patton or something?
another vote for “Alley Cat Allies”!!!!! Cat, Neuter, & Release for ferals. The colony I look after is now at 5 (it’s pretty small) but all seem to be doing well and are healthy.
I found out two days ago that one of our three cats has cancer. The older, wise one who is the queen of the house. They estimate she has a few weeks left, and is not in any pain yet. I am not looking forward to how this is going to all play out, but in the end I’ll be holding her at the very end. So very tired of crying.
schlemizel - was Alwhite
I am so sorry for your pain & your poor kitties. losing one this way is awful, I hope the other two can ease the ordeal a bit.
@blackfrancis: I’m so sorry to hear. My sympathies.
Thanks. Here she is:
Any man who sports a greased-back ponytail, graduates from the School of Somnambulist Kung-Fu, and cannot make any kind of facial expression is bound to one day end up crashing into someone’s house with a tank. Am I the only one who knows this?
Tanks to confiscate someone’s rooster. Obviously an appropriate use of equipment. I know they’re hard to catch, but it seems some simple body armor to protect against the expected flogging might have made more sense.
Cops protect the citizenry. The military fights our foreign enemies. It’s a simple fact that if the two are combined, the citizenry will be attacked like an enemy.
I’m proud of the shelter where I volunteer. We have people monitoring at least three feral cat colonies and TNR as many cats as possible. Some of the kittens, if we get them young enough, are able to get adopted.
Samara Morgan
does one “good” post on climate change wipe out ganking teachers unions as soon he got a paying gig?
not for me, but i guess it does for mistermix.
Let us review the last exchange Trollmaster DougJ had with the LoOGies on climate change.
Look! a “reasonable conservative” sighting!
A friend who lives in Florida had found a family of feral cats behind a warehouse. She spoke to her vet about them and the vet told her that if she could bring in the babies, she (the vet) would fix the kittens, gratis. Over several years my friend brought in many litters but never was able to catch the mother cat. My friend also put out food for them, not just as a way to catch them.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@blackfrancis: I’m so sorry. They leave such big paw prints on our hearts.
@blackfrancis: What a beautiful cat Bella is.
Paul in KY
@blackfrancis: Very sorry to hear that. My condolences to you & your family.
@blackfrancis: What a beauty. I’m sorry.
Joe Bauers
@dmsilev: Me too! I’ve never seen a sheriff appoint himself General before. He’s a tool for many better reasons than this, but this alone would make him a giant tool.
Watching my daughter trying to get started in the dying profession of teaching, I too am concerned with cheap shot attacks at teachers unions. The current reform program is to strip funding, increase class size, and re-direct teacher salaries and benefits to the management of privatized reform firms. That’s a big win for our kids.
The man with the crushed puppy should be suing for $25 million. Get more press that way.
Wow. I think I lost the last miniscule bit of respect I had for Segal when I read he was palling around with white rage nutjob “Sherrif” Joe Arapio.
Man, fuck everything about him.
@dmsilev: Yeah, he’s been flaunting the bananna dictator brass for a while, among his many nicknames here in AZ is ‘4-Star Joe’. Another is ‘Attention Whore Joe’.
@blackfrancis: So very tired of crying. That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it. I am so sorry.
Edit: I was unable to see the photo because I am not on Facebook. I am imagining a beautiful kitty who is well loved.
@WaterGirl: Does this link (Picasa, I think) work for you:
Shannon Johnstone
Thanks for the plug and thanks for bringing awareness to this sad injustice of unwanted pets.