Here’s a classic from Harry the Hipster Gibson, written back when “hipster” meant something a bit different than it does today.
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Here’s a classic from Harry the Hipster Gibson, written back when “hipster” meant something a bit different than it does today.
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For some reason my computer does not want to show me the permalink, but for a good laugh go to Weigal’s blog and check out the post Tea and Pancakes and the 3rd picture and its caption.
gogol's wife
Fabulous cartoon! But was the sound track added by the YouTube person? Betty Boop is my hero. Was this the original cartoon, or messed with?
Mark S.
Why do we care if the Postal Service runs in the black? We don’t care if any other federal department does. Will our Teabilly Congress really let the Postal Service close its doors, especially right before Christmas?
For Labor Day, here’s an Elvis Costello lyric:
@ gogol’s wife — Here’s the original. LOVED Betty Boop as a little girl, and still do !! Betty Boop – 1938 – Sally Swing
@Mark S.: It won’t be the teabilly congress who shuts the doors to the post office. It will be the President because he refused to privatize and cut medicare benefits to pay for the postal service. Get with the program Mark.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
dropkick murphys
workers song
Dennis SGMM
After hearing the author give a brief interview on NPR I picked up Benjamin Black’s Christine Falls.
Benjamin Black is the pseudonym of prize-winning Irish author John Banville. Banville is a prolific novelist and screenwriter. Christine Falls is his first crime novel. I find it to be one hell of a good read because of Black’s superb prose, well-drawn characters, and a plot that has me turning pages far into the night.
Highly recommended.
gogol's wife
@Dennis SGMM:
Thanks for the recommendation. I’ve been wondering if he’s any good. He wrote a hilarious (negative) review of one of Ian MacEwan’s books in the NY Review of Books, and I’ve been curious about him ever since.
I watched “Inspector Lewis” last night on masterpiece theatre. As far as I could tell there were great big holes in the plot.
I will not post all the spoilers, but did anyone else watch and think the same thing.
For instance: Why was the girl on the motorcycle killed?
How was the killer inside the college at 1am when she lives in a house off campus? How did she know to meet the girl on the motorcycle, outside, at 1am?
2. How lucky was the killer to find an ex-policewoman drunk at 3am and walking about her boatyard? An ex-policewoman who knows – or likely suspects here involvement in the old murder?
There are others. One does not quite notice these things during the show, but five minutes after, I come up with all these ‘what the heck? questions.
Fantasy Football update!
The Elitist Meritocracy Conference of the BJFL is full up with top performers from last year’s 4 conferences. I am too lazy to run more than one conference, but other juicers have stepped into the breach. The Wingnut Welfare Conference of the BJFL is now open for signup on Yahoo; the password to join is alsotoo:
Another B-J regular has set up a third league on He’s going to use an auction draft system – I’ve never played that way but it sounds interesting. Some other fine points of rules and scoring may be different too, but top finishers in this league will also be invited to the Elitist Conference in 2012:
Opening Day is Thursday and fantasy drafts are going down Tuesday-Wednesday of this week….don’t be late!
karen marie
Gibson is great, but have you kids seen this? Oh, my word …
NPR just informed me that Obama’s support from organized labor is eroding because unions are under attack in some states. WTF?
Dennis SGMM
@Mark S.:
After years of being the only top-tier industrialized nation not to have some form of UHC we may also gain the distinction of being the only top-tier industrialized nation without a Postal Service. We’re Number One!
Any fix for the USPS seems to involve laying off hundreds of thousands of workers in an already moribund labor market. That will not work out well at all.
You can bet that the Republicans are already preparing to swamp the media with their version of why people who are still reliant on postal mail won’t be getting their government checks, Christmas packages, etc. That version will follow the tried and true “This is the Democrats’ fault because they wouldn’t compromise with our common sense plan to make the long-term unemployed into pet food.” The media will nod sagely at whatever Dickensian plan that the R’s do come up with while the Beltway pundits will praise the R’s seriousness and their bold initiative.
Which hard liquor goes best with popcorn?
@Dennis SGMM:
Glad to see your recommendation. I heard that interview and mentally put Christine Falls on my TBR list. I like what I’ve read by Banville so far and have high expectations for this.
Rick Perry bails on DeMint’s Forum!
What are the odds he also bails on the debate scheduled for Wednesday? Given Perry’s track record — he’s not gonna show. And then what to make of all the nonsense last week over scheduling.
It’d be laughable if it weren’t so depressing. . .
Jewish Steel
Wow. Harry Gibson is a fascinating character. His life begs for a film biography.
@clayton: Perry scares the hell out of me because he doesn’t believe in the United States but I think he had no choice but return because of the wildfires and devastation near Austin.
gogol's wife
I hope you look back here, because I spend every night after “Lewis” trying to figure things like this out. I think the girl was killed because she found the body and the killer thought maybe she had seen something. The killer would have had access to the college since she was another of the myriad murderous professors they have at Oxford. The part about the policewoman puzzled me too. I guess she just lay in wait for her all night long. Didn’t she have those two girls over that night too?
@JPL: Texas has been burning all spring and summer. That didn’t stop him from hawking his book across the country in the spring or running for president.
In other words, why today?
Reading a NYT article on Republican optimism, one comment a voter makes about Perry caught my eye:
A lot of ability to do what needs to be done? What the hell does that even mean? The article is full of unchallened statements like:
What was job creation in MA under Romney? Weren’t they 47th during his term?
Oh, and my fave:
Really NYT? And if Obama hadn’t capitulated, you would be cheering his bold leadership, or would Modo write another article slamming the President for being a big baby whose ego wouldn’t let him reschedule a speech.
The meaning hipster hasn’t move that far away from the original has it?
gogol's wife
I just steer away from any article written by Jeff Zeleny. His name means “green.”
Seriously, it’s very, very depressing how they frame everything. And they’re the “liberal” press.
@karen marie:
Yeesh, never heard of them. I imagine back in the day, dating a Ross sister was a goal shared by many. Tres flexible.
A little Youtubing led me to this, which pushes back the first use of “homie” I’ve heard by decades. I know “House of Blue Lights” from Commander Cody, too bad there’s no film to go with this version.
gogol's wife
Thanks! The original is even better!
I can see that I never really understood what Miss Boop did for a living. Live and learn.
gogol's wife
Miss Boop did whatever she had to do.
Stan of the Sawgrass
Nice one! I mostly hate the later Boops, the long dress, etc., but this one’s pretty good. At least there’s no “Grampy.”
@clayton: You might be right. My thinking had to do with not acting like a governor after three hundred homes burned and the wildfire is not contained. He’ll make a nice speech at the State House and then take a nap. He’s hoping the fires aren’t contained on Wednesday.
karen marie
@trollhattan: I’ll have mine blue, please.
@JPL: Now he’s cancelled his Tuesday schedule in California and supposedly tried to participate in DeMint’s forum remotely, but those guys conveniently said no, he couldn’t.
One thing Perry won’t do is ask for budget off-sets for the money he’s surely going to try to shake the administration down for.
@gogol’s wife: I agree on the reason the motorcycle girl was killed.
It was Diana’s wrap that Hoppy went to fetch. Presumably because Diana was busy in conversation with her old students.
But then she sneaks off and meets her at the top of the stairs. Nobody notices that she snuck off from a party in her honor to kill Hoppy.
She was out all night waiting for the motorcycle girl to climb the fence, then out all the next night waiting for the policewoman. And also entertaining her houseguests.
Busy beaver.
Here’s another good one: St James Infirmary Blues
They don’t make cartoons, or songs, like they used to.