Sargent explains how it works:
It’s simple: Keep making noise, regardless of the facts, and hopefully with a big assist from the major news orgs, until the other side caves from sheer exhaustion, in order to make the noise go away.
Conservatives and Tea Partyers have managed to generate a third straight day of outrage about Jimmy Hoffa’s non-call for violence on Labor day. The National Republican Senatorial Committee is now raising money off of Hoffa’s speech, circulating an email with a subject line that says: “Take us out?” It calls on Obama to “condemn this call to violence against Republicans.”
The Tea Party group Americans for Prosperity is also citing Hoffa’s “take these sons of bitches out” line as proof of “hate” from “left wing labor bosses.”
Of course, these folks know that Hoffa didn’t call for violence at all. His quote was actually a call for people to go out and vote. And the Tea Party’s most preeminent spokesperson in Congress, Michele Bachmann, used virtually identical langage about her own political foes — at a Tea Party rally, no less.
And, because our media is for the most part lazy and worthless, or a member of the ruling tribe and eager to peddle the propaganda, it works:
See the entire portion of the Hoffa quote that has to be omitted in order to created the Hoffa quote Fox News hyped? And sure, we’d expect Andrew Breitbart bloggers and Washington Times columnists to push the phony, stitched-together Hoffa quote.
The problem is so did the Los Angeles Times on Tuesday. (In a subsequent article, the Times got the Hoffa quote right.)
And so too, it turns out, did the Washington Post, USA Today and CNN. Even after Media Matter had debunked the Fox News charade, all those news outlets used the doctored, Foxified quote, leaving out the part where Hoffa was clearing referring to voting Republicans out of office. (USA Today at least used an ellipsis to indicate to readers that parts of Hoffa’s quote were skipped over.)
In no instance is it okay for journalists to take a portion of somebody’s quote at the beginning of a paragraph, tie into together with a portion of a quote –mid-sentence– at the bottom of the paragraph, skip everything in between and pretend that person is being accurately quoted.
They simply don’t care.
I blame it on Politico. They set the tone and the story lineup for the day.
Cat Lady
I’ll get my pony tomorrow when Obama uses the bully pulpit to shame the media and the GOPers into not being such lazy lying corrupt pricks, amirite?
Sargent is obviously a liberal JOURNOLISTER, and therefore, we can ignore what he’s saying.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
Sargent has been must read for the past few days, and his last 3 entries have been especially must read.
Too bad it just makes me depressed.
Villago Delenda Est
They are all propaganda organs for the parasite overclass, which is gloriously leading us to a civilization collapse that makes the Mayans look like total amateurs.
The Village Elders are hard wired for Republican control, dontchaknow? I suspect there’s more in the Village Elders closets than we see but who wants to conjecture that?
It’s worse than that: they will do anything to support the meal ticket that is the status quo. They are making out like bandits in this culture and even in this shite economy, and they ain’t boat rocking.
Ah, whatever. Who really cares about this stuff anyway? News is just another form of entertainment and some people find this entertaining.
Hunter Gathers
@Cat Lady: No pony for you. The story the next day will be whatever disrespectful stunt some GOP backbencher pulled while he was speaking, the reason it was justified, and how much money he’ll be able to raise because of it. The speech itself? Too partisan, he didn’t try to reach enough common ground with Boehner and McConnell, it’s nothing more than stimulus that just goes to lazy blacks and union thugs anyway, and why won’t he just go ahead and quit for the good of the country?
“Dog Bites Man”.
Those fucks could “Generate Outrage” about the Make A Wish Foundation.
Hey, we can have fun with this. Take a famous quote, put a part of in ellipses and completely change the meaning. I’ll start with this one:
Jesus of Nazareth: “Again I tell you, it is easier (..) for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Hunter Gathers: My asshole motherfucking representative is not attending. Is that good enough?
I laughed when I saw Ed Henry get on FOX News a second time after his initial report to explain that Hoffa was talking about voting, not meant as a “violent overture” towards GOP/Repubs, but FOXNews still lead with the doctored version of the story.
Methinks that Henry thought he’d be ok at Fox News since he was already on Fox News-lite (CNN), but it should be beginning to dawn on him that he’s working for a propaganda machine and there is already one Shep Smith on Fox they ain’t got enough room for another.
Cat Lady
@Hunter Gathers:
It’s all just so ridiculously predictable, innit? It’s tails they win, heads we lose with our FAIL media.
@Calouste: Ask…what your country can do for you…
Why wouldn’t NewsCorp, Viacom, Disney and GE (or Comcast)run with a story that is negative about unions? Truth doesn’t matter, narrative does.
They know who signs their checks. Don’t bite the hand that feeds, etc.
Well, I’m … a crook.
We have . . . to fear . . . .
This shit works because the Republicans go together as a team. When Bachmann says stupid shit about hurricanes and earthquakes meaning we should end the EPA, all the other Republicans nod and smile and say “We all know what she meant and we support her effort to bring jobs back to America.”
When Hoffa puts out a call to arms, all the Republicans join hands and cry bloody murder together in a blissful wingnutlarity of political harmony.
Where are the Democrats, then? Where is the united front behind Hoffa? Where is the “We’re not going to let those Republicans intimidate hard working Americans?” Where is the united, coordinated push back?
No one wants to speak up, because no one thinks anyone else has his back.
The news is so depressing that I’m going to ignore it for awhile and finish reading the book that someone on BJ recommended… In The Garden of Beasts.
Doe’s anyone else remember those halcyon days when distorting a news story like that would probably get the news org. fined by the FCC, and be a ‘career killer’ for the journalist?
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
Well of course no one has Hoffa’s back. He’s a TEAMSTER, for god’s sake. You know those ‘union thugs’. Always demonizing the ‘producers’ in their evil calls to ‘redistribute the wealth’. Do you really want to see ‘Big Labor’ encouraged this way in their ‘Alinsky-ite’ ways?
….hrm…how much more internalized right-wing language to I need to stuff in their to make it more realistic of a response?
Liberal media bias!
The only thing funnier than the Republicans taking offense at the statement is the Democrats pretending they wouldn’t do exactly the same thing upon hearing it from Sarah Palin.
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
Of course I remember hearing about that. I read it in the fiction section once, I think.
@The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik:
Same union that endorsed Republican candidates like Saint Reagan back in the eighties. Huh. Guess some thugs are okay by them…
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Chris: No, we’re talking about the ones who were gung ho on the Vietnam War. You know, the “hardhats” that beat the shit out of demonstrators.
@SFPoet: Those were the glorious paradisaical times before the media learned the magic of “reporting the controversy”: “Hey, I didn’t attribute any quote to Hoffa at all. I just pointed out what other people are saying he was saying, and that they are pretty worked up. To report the facts – what he actually said – would be to take sides, which would be unprofessional.”
Southern Beale
Speaking of RW fauxtrage I just played Tea Party Zombies Must Die. While I’m sure it will stoke more fauxtrage, it’s actually an educational thing, designed to instruct about things like Koch money and astroturfing. Don’t know who is behind it but I like it. Sorry. I’m sure that makes me an awful person. But just remember: the left may make videogames, the right is ACTUALLY KILLING PEOPLE.
Food for thought.
And of course Sargent falls into that same trap by calling these old worn out racists and Birchers “Teapartiers”.
BS! They are BAGGERS! Start making them defend their own self picked name. ONLY when Jim DeMented goes on the floor and denounces Griff Jenkins as an idiot will the TEA BAGGER name go away.
Eff the Baggers!
Actually, Ed had Hoffa on last night to reinforce what a great message he had sent to the Base! No apologies! We have the makings of a Wurlitzer of our own b/c Ed would help; along with Black Radio. Tom Joyner would help; he already does. As soon as Halperin called the prez a Dick, Joyner was alerted & covered it on his radio show %Halperin was suspended before the end of MoJoe. Just 2 examples but you have to let a Corp know “you” in Group form, will make their lives miserable.
@Zifnab has it right. This is just media strategy, and the Democrats don’t have one.
The Dems could nullify this — not shut it down, but nullify it — in a matter of weeks, if every time such a story appeared, a press release came out entitled “Another Fox Lie,” and if every Democratic politician referred to it, or answered questions about it, by calling it “another Fox lie.”
After a month or two of “another Fox Lie” hitting every medium a dozen or more times a day, from multiple sources, about multiple items, the meme would spread.
Hell, people would start to say it to themselves every time they caught a glimpse of Fox on TV.
But the Democrats can’t — or won’t — do that. That’s why they’re Democrats, and not Republicans.
That precise comment can be seen at least ten times in every comment thread at Politico, without fail.
@Chris: Oh yeah. And Nixon too. Well they’re reaping the fruits of their actions now. If they weren’t taking down tens of thousands of working people with them, I’d have a knowing smile on my face.
Cole, in response to Conservative whining about something or other, you came up with the greatest blog post title in recent memory: “Don’t Sprain Your Arm Nailing Yourself To That Cross.”
You should definitely use it in re this Hoffa business.
The Spy Who Loved Me
Even in the correct context, “sons of bitches” was really inappropriate in a speech made just prior to the President’s. Calling on labor to vote in order to get more Democrats elected to Congress and the Senate, and to get Obama re-elected, is great. Hoffa wasn’t in a closed Union Hall meeting. He was in a public forum, that taxpayer dollars probably were spent on in some way, given the President would be speaking. When the President is going to speak, other speakers should probably have a little decorum. If Hoffa hadn’t said what he did, no one could be raising money off of it.
Now you’ve made Baby Jesus cry.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@The Spy Who Loved Me: Fuck em if they can’t take a joke.
@Chris: That was a great snark comment, but it’s history not fiction. Before the Reagan Administration started to ‘deregulate’ the FCC, standards and practices for news organizations (station ownership, etc) were pretty strict. There was still a lot of bias, but they came down hard on outright distortion and falsehood.
@ppcli: Well said.
OT, but sorta media related…so it’s okay right??
Arkansas weatherman Brett Cummins found in hot tub with naked dead man wearing ‘dog collar’: police
Cat Lady
@The Spy Who Loved Me:
Oh fer fuck’s sake. Your argument is why we’ll never have nice things.
@SFPoet: But at least now you can’t have wardrobe malfunctions because what would the children think.
@Cat Lady:
Nixon tried that once…. um… it backfired.
Hard to get a press to care when their job depends on not caring…
@The Spy Who Loved Me: They would have found something else to take out of context.
In a bombshell move bound to shake up the presidential race, Mitt Romney has legally changed his name to Ronald Reagan.
Former Governor Reagan (R-Massachusetts) promises to balance the budget by increasing spending and cutting taxes.
sorry for his loss… thanks..sometimes it’s okay to ot.
also, too.. by loss .. I mean his job…
What sucks about all this, is that this is all in the open. Media Matters has been doing it’s thing for awhile. There HAS been some pushback, in fixing the doctored quote.
But the truth just DOESN’T MATTER.
Fox will simply ignore the truth, and the Right Wing Wurlitzer will amp up the issue, and because the non-issue is now an issue, then CBS, ABC, etc, treat it as a real story, through the ‘both sides have a point’ lens.
It’s a racket that WILL ALWAYS WORK, irregardless of what the truth is.
Where are the times, that this was beat back?
One example I can think of.
When the President of the United States had to personally take some schmuck named Trump to the woodshed, and make fun of him, for all to see, to put to rest a clear non-issue.
That worked.
But why should the President have to do this? He has MUCH BETTER things to be doing with his time.
And, even sometimes when he does make fools of his opponents, ala his schooling ALL of the House GOP members, at once (so beautiful to behold), the press still didn’t give him a win on the substance, but reported the substance as he said/she said.
Here’s the scary thing about this – in an environment where the truth doesn’t matter, POWER is all that wins.
And that power ‘creates its own reality’, and drives the bus of the nation into the ditch, when TRUE REALITY interferes.
And it’s only when the ditch is hit, that, temporarily, the Democrats are elected to pick up the pieces.
@Southern Beale: Well, as I said on an earlier thread – this time the fauxrage will be justified. Even if the right does things that are a million times worse, every day and as a matter of policy – which they do – video games in which you pretend-kill real people are just not right.
(Even if you kill just the zombified versions (which, in the case of at least Michele Bachmann, doesn’t seem that different from the real thing).)
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
and joke em if they can’t take a fuck
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Gibbs just said Tweety was spouting “crazy ideas” and Mathews about had a stroke!
If contributions to the Make-a-Wish Foundation weren’t tax-deductible, your Galtian overlords wouldn’t have to pay tax on dividends and capital gains at the confiscatory rate of 15 percent. And that’s an outrage.
Three lies that the Republicans have convinced the public are true:
1. There is massive voter fraud.
2. The deficit is an existential crisis for this country.
3. The media has a liberal bias.
Note that in order for the first two to be believed, number three had to take hold. Any statements in the media that contradict 1 and 2 is are automatically evidence of number 3 and can therefore be discarded. BTW, that rule also applies to any othr lies they want to throw out there, and of course the media bends over backwards (or forwards, depending on your point of view) to also convince the public that number three is not true. But since, as Colbert so forcefully pointed out, the facts have a liberal bias, so, as to not appear biased, the media must report lies as facts, or at least as having equal value to facts.
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
good. someone needs to curb Tweety’s BS. Tweety has said so much of the most “priveleged” sounding BS while still try to mask it in the guise of his brothers and his father who “vote Republican”.
I still remember him responding to a reporter who said that the POTUS re-election would also try to focus/reach Hispanic voters who are also “working-class” voters. Tweety nearly had a fit and basically said the POTUS should not forget “those that brought him” i.e. working-class whites.
Really Tweety, really…such an ass.
ETA: I guess Gibbs won’t be on Hardball anymore
j low
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive (..) the people(..) seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): Forget it
JakeRaven, it’sChinatownMorningInAmerica™.Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Jenny: Where’d ya get the midget?
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): God I hope there’s video maybe some enterprising videologist will include head or heart exploding graffics
How is this quote cutting not outright libel? Why isn’t Hoffa suing Fox News into the stone age?
Hungry Joe
Futurist never get it right. Not even Philip K. Dick foresaw the the press’ shattering into shiny shards of distorted, corporate-lickspittling infotainment. But then, no one predicted that we’d go to the moon a few times and never go back, either. Or that we’d have to take off our shoes prior to being crammed into airplanes. Or that the scales would fall from American eyes and we’d demand, and get, good beer.
@The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik: Whoops, I hit the wrong reply button (I’m still new to posting here, though I’ve been reading since John Cole was a Republican). This was for you not Chris: That was a great snark comment, but it’s history not fiction. Before the Reagan Administration started to ‘deregulate’ the FCC, standards and practices for news organizations (station ownership, etc) were pretty strict. There was still a lot of bias, but they came down hard on outright distortion and falsehood.
@JPL: Too funny! Yeah, god forbid that a child see a breast for a microsecond! Thankfully, we can avoid that decadence by watching slasher flicks or endless ‘reality’ shows of people acting like neurotic shallow morons on the TV for our family entertainment!
Jay B.
@The Spy Who Loved Me:
Fuck you.
How’s that for decorum you pearl-clutching fuck?
Spoof, concern troll or real person, you have masterfully captured the feckless droning that passes for Democratic centrism. Tone, not content, is what rules your airless, soulless world. Maybe you’re the new sockpuppet Nick sewed on to his prick, it’s got the same rank essence. Who knows? Who cares?
Right now, today, in the here and now, Hoffa is right. He has absolutely nothing to apologize for and if nothing else, people should start fearing a union movement that has its back up against the wall. Plainly, the Democrats are willing to sell them out, the GOP tuned them out long ago and has looked to crush even the Teamsters under their Serfdom Now Plan.
Labor should take things in their own hands. The Democrats are obviously chickenshits who have been terrorized by mean ol’ Republicans — someone else might be able to scare them into supporting better policies. Because plainly, asking them to support the obviously correct policy doesn’t work for a vast number of Democratic politicians. Threatening to withhold your vote gets you branded selfish by the braying commentariat here. Being marginalized as the Professional Left wins you exactly no votes either. So, what’s left? It’s an existential reality for Labor. And I’ll take their side over the Void offered by people worried about how Republicans will respond to Labor Day speeches.
boss bitch
uhm no. This is a nontroversy and we should let it die. There are much bigger lies and issues the Democrats should unite on. This is not one of them.
@JPL: I just started that today, too. Only through the prologue, because I had a happily short wait at the doctor’s office this morning, but I’m hooked, and looking forward to continuing this evening. I love the book & music recs here.
boss bitch
Why in a discussion about the right wing and their effectiveness, does the responsibility of pushing back always get placed on the shoulders of the Dem party? Where are all the liberal groups who can afford to use Hoffa language and not have to worry about the sensitivities of voters/constituents? Step up or stop complaining.
Democrats aren’t running to repeat Hoffa’s words, but they aren’t apologizing for him nor are they asking him to apologize.
@Jay B.:
I hope that lowered your blood pressure, because it certainly didn’t do anything else constructive. Alienating people who are on your side is not a winning strategy.
Because his lawyers have told him it would be a waste of time and money. There is nothing actionable in what the various media actors did.
@Jay B.:
Would you prefer that we called it narcissistic? Or stupid? How about self-destructive? All of those are just as accurate as selfish.
That is my question. Why is blatant quote splicing not an instance of libel?
I’ve always found that quote fascinatingly revealing.
Their economic theory’s based on the fact that if the government tries to interfere in the economy in any way, things will backfire and it’ll end up worse than before. You’d think these guys of all people would understand that there are limits to what the government can do and that “creating your own reality” is an impossible fantasy.
But, they’re Republicans. I doubt if they even think the laws of physics apply to them. God’s on their side, doncha know?
@Walker: Yes, indeed!
Creating a pseudo-quote from bits of a real quote and using it to create a false impression is not only a civil tort, it is in many circumstances criminal fraud.
These people are seeking to steal something of value by fraudulently creating false quotes and attacking those whose words are being distorted. They are attempting to inspire mentally deficient loons to take violent action against Democratic office holders, office seekers, and Democratic party supporters.
They want to create an atmosphere of fear where upstanding citizens are afraid to participate publicly in the political process. They execute bogus arrests on peaceful citizens trying to participate in the political process. They lie about political proposals with unbelievable memes like “death panels”!
None of this is legitimate news reporting or political activity. It is exactly the process that was followed in Europe in the 1930s, and there is nothing proper or legal about it.
These folks should be indicted for fomenting violence, falsifying their descriptions of legislation, promulgating false quotes ascribed to leaders of the nations only patriotic political party, and put out of business until the court proceedings are complete.
The owners of Faux Noize, Rupert Murdock and his gangsters, should have their broadcast licenses revoked by court action for not fulfilling the terms of their licenses. They should be tied up in grand juries investigating their illegal use of phone tappingt, which seems like fertile ground to me.
I’m sick of treasonous bastards polluting our political process!
Hoffa said everything that Fox says he said. Which means that what they reported isn’t “false,” in a legally meaningful sense.
Got cites?
Jay B.
Well, you’ve managed to do it to me, so who gives a shit what you say? Or don’t you see the preening irony in stating that its other people who are the ones who alienate people? I’d call it hypocritical, but you’re above such petty concerns as consistency or having any kind of political intelligence.
Here’s another hint: Having exactly zero principles you aren’t willing to eat off the floor while getting all whiny about the shameful emotions of others who give a shit isn’t exactly a winning strategy either.
Fuck it, just whack the Righties for real already.
There is no problem in America that can’t be solved by throwing a lot of Dead Republicans at it.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
Hoffa said everything that Fox says he said. Which means that what they reported isn’t “false,” in a legally meaningful sense.
The Ten Commandments (according to Fox News)
i, I am the God who brought you Egypt. You shall have gods before me.
ii, You shall make yourself an idol. Bow down to them! Worship them!
iii, You shall not make use of the name of anyone.
iv, Remember, for six days you shall labour and do all your work; the seventh day do your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns.
v, Honour the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
vi, You shall murder.
vii, You shall commit adultery.
viii, You shall steal.
ix, You shall not bear your neighbour.
x, You shall covet your neighbour’s female slave.
(Not technically false in a legally meaningful sense, either…)