TPM has footage of the applause for the death penalty:
That’s who the Republican base is. They are who we thought they were.
They may not even be kill-crazy maniacs at heart, they just like tough talk from a cowboy. Steve M. got it right, the base wants I’m the kind of winger who’s built to last, you fuck with me I put my foot in your ass. That’s what this primary is about.
licensed to kill time
because of wow is such a great tag.
Reality Check
Boy, I can only imagine how many posters here got steamed by that! Get ready for eight long years, losers.
Cat Lady
Can we talk about death panels again?
ETA: If I’m a cornfed motherfucker with no money, I’ll take my chances with an Obama death panel then with the kill now ask later Perry death panel. WTF?!
Reality Check
I’ve heard liberals sound like they’re getting boners when they make internet posts about giving the death penalty to Cheney, so piss off with your self-righteousness.
boss bitch
What the base doesn’t understand is that Perry will put his foot up their ass if he needs to. No one without major green is exempt.
Spaghetti Lee
There was a quote from some old Neal Stephenson novel, “Every man, until the age of 25, occasionally thinks that under the right circumstances, he could become the baddest motherfucker in the world.” For teabaggers, I guess that feeling lasts till age 90 or so.
wasabi gasp
Are you sure someone didn’t walk in with a box of donuts?
boss bitch
@Reality Check:
you heard their boners over the internet? eewww!
NWA reference for teh win! Love it DougJ!
Big Baby DougJ
@Reality Check:
What does that sound like?
Reality Check
@Big Baby DougJ:
Sounds like what the Democrats know best: losing.
What craven little monsters. Willing to let innocents die to make themselves feel safe in their beds. Circles of hell for people like these.
Hey, it takes balls to execute an innocent man.
It’s not about a salary it’s all about reality.
@wasabi gasp: the Dennis Green quote still applies.
The Dangerman
That applause sequence was some weird shit; free counseling services should have been offered as people left the building.
My last call was its Perry or Palin; I don’t see any reason to change that prediction. Neither is electable in the General unless the economy craters. Shit, maybe not even if it craters; Perry has a Henry Winkler problem (the Ponz).
Hunter Gathers
@Reality Check: I know that Homer Simpson can hear pudding but that is fucking ridiculous.
That is some cold chilling shit right there. Cheering for 200 or so dead? Even if they did deserve it… I guess plenty of people in the crowd have never heard of common human decency.
Spaghetti Lee
Weren’t there some people complaining about how this place is getting overrun with trolls? Maybe if you all stopped stepping over each other to feed them every time they showed up? Just a thought.
Comrade Kevin
About the audience, Karoli on the twitter: “Ventura County strikes again. Bloodthirsty bastards.”.
The GOP is fighting a war.
Lincoln: “Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us. You will rule or ruin in all events.”
Are we going to continue to try to negotiate with them or are we going to fight?
If Hunter Thompson were alive to see this, he might off himself a second time.
@Reality Check: Define “murder”, please
@Spaghetti Lee: I so agree with that. You’re not even feeding an entertaining troll so why waste any time on it?
@Spaghetti Lee:
Hunter Gathers
@Spaghetti Lee: Sorry, it can’t be helped. Especially when said troll can hear boners through his broadband connection. I can hear the air conditioning on Beatles records but that dude’s aural capacity exceeds normal human parameters.
boss bitch
@Reality Check:
like capital punishment?
@Reality Check:
What? Getting an erection sounds like losing?
You know, I, uh, think you’re doing sex wrong….
@Reality Check:
Don’t you have Town Hall to go to scream about ACORN, death panels, and the government putting its hands on your Medicare?
Comrade Kevin
@Hunter Gathers:
@Spaghetti Lee:
On the other hand it is instructive to see just exactly which topics bring the trolls out in force. My theory is that the more aggressively they troll the blog the more sore and sensitive is the point in question, hence the urgency with which they try to derail the conversation. From a tactical standpoint these folks shouldn’t be tipping their hands that way, but I guess they just can’t help themselves. Like the Lord, anxiety, fear and insecurity work in mysterious ways.
Hunter Gathers
@Comrade Kevin: After the last note on A Day In The Life , I can hear the Abbey Road air conditioning (or heating) system and someone in the booth moving around in their chair. They had the mics turned up real high that day.
@Reality Check: Close, so close… But wrong. You were really close up to the comma, but then lost it. Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. Even if one were to believe that a fetus were a person, because abortion is constitutionally protected (at least pre-viability), it would not be unlawful. So, by definition, abortion is not murder.
Comrade Kevin
Bloody hell, the local news (KTVU) started off with a story about a murder suspect being arrested, then jumped right into how local Republicans were using Twitter to cheerlead the GOP candidates at the clown car debate.
Here’s Perry’s problem with the Willingham case in a general election: Perry killed an innocent white guy. It’s very, very easy for most teabaggers to shrug off the executions of black men — they must have been guilty of something, amirite? — but Willingham was not the Scary Other. He was a middle-aged redneck just like them. And Perry was in such a rush to kill the guy that he obstructed the state’s own investigation.
But apparently in Reality Check’s world, if we allow 1/2 inch long embryos to be aborted, we have to let the state kill full grown adults who committed no crime because anthrax and tire rims are tasty.
I want to rewind to the part where Rick Perry said, “I will always err on the side of saving lives,” and ask him why he didn’t err on the side of saving Cameron Todd Willingham’s life, or those of all those other people.
God. GOD.
Cat Lady
Ron Paul won the Republican debate so it will be fun to watch the Paultards go after Fox again for not being fair and balanced. Oh wait….
OT, but there’s an ad on the site for a shyster – it’s the “turn your idea into a product” ad, and the guy behind it lost a $26 million judgement with the FTC back in 2005; when I saw the ad, I went and looked at their BBB rating to see if they had changed their ways…only 286 complaints against them in the past 3 years. Those are just the people who made complaints with the BBB; it wouldn’t include anyone who didn’t know to do this.
How do I know all this? I helped the FTC win that judgement against them in 2005 :)
Yes, I am a badass.
Just wanted to warn all the BJers about it since the ad showed up here.
Comrade Kevin
@Hunter Gathers: ah, okay. My only copy of that is on vinyl (one of a bunch of original LPs from my dad), and can’t listen to it right now. More likely a heating system; air conditioning was virtually nonexistent in the UK at that time.
Comrade Kevin
@Reality Check:
@Spaghetti Lee:
I don’t recognize it (I’ve only read Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, and maybe half the System of the World trilogy), but from my own personal experience as a guy, I’m guessing that should be more like 35?
@Reality Check:
It was unlawful in Nazi Germany for a random German to kill a Jew just because he felt like it. What was perfectly lawful was for the government to kill a Jew.
So apparently what you’re upset about with abortion is that we’re not China and the US government is not allowed to mandate that a woman has to get an abortion. Instead, we actually allow those dumb bitches to make medical decisions for themselves instead of having the government make medical decisions for them.
Tyrone Slothrop
The thing is, how can you possibly trust the quality of Texas justice after the brutal farce that was Tulia in 1999 and 2000? Have the procedures and practices of Lone Star law-and-order become more rigorous since then? Were any serious changes implemented to prevent such a perversion again?
Isn’t this just the same as the radical Lefties, too?
Not being that kind of person is the same criticism thrown at Obama by the self-anointed Professional Left.
The Dangerman
@Comrade Kevin:
I’ve seen a large number of the Pie Posts this thread, but not that one; a shame, it’s one of the best so far.
@Reality Check:
Show me a half-inch long preemie that survived outside of the uterus. The lowest threshhold for preemie survival is 24 weeks (6 months), so if you can show us a 6-week embryo that survived outside of the womb, you’ll be making medical history.
@Reality Check: Of course there is.
There’s firstly the “potential life” argument, which is that 1/3 – 1/2 of all pregnancies end in spontaneous miscarriage, most of them in the first trimester. So an abortion performed during this period at most ends a potential life, as there’s anything from a 35 – 50% chance that the embryo/fetus would spontaneously abort before coming to term.
Shall we try for a few more? There are others, you know.
@Reality Check: Given that there isn’t really a brain at 6 weeks, that’s a specious example.
@Reality Check: Yeah, if you killed SOMEONE. There’s the rub, sugarcheeks. Fetuses aren’t yet persons with a demonstrated ability to independently sustain their own lives.
@Reality Check:
Uh, you realize that an infant is not inside a woman’s body anymore, right? You realize that a born person does not get all of its oxygen, blood and food from a person that they’re physically attached to, right?
If not, my dad really needs a kidney right now, so we’ll be stopping by to hook him up to you so he can get the benefits of your healthy kidneys. If you don’t let another person hook themselves up to your body so they can survive, clearly that makes you a murderer.
Comrade Kevin
Now, the local news seems to think that broadcasting the 911 tapes from the Carson City shootings makes for some kick-ass television. I suppose that since they don’t have bloody video, they’ll settle for that.
@Reality Check:
Always the unborn with you conservatives, never a thought for the undead.
@Reality Check: They can breathe on their own, dipshit. Plus they can piss, suckle, shit…they have functional bodies. Fetuses at the 6 week stage do not.
Duh. Why do all you anti-choicers pretend to be so goddamned stupid?
Y’all, DNFTT.
@Reality Check:
A six-week embryo doesn’t have a brain yet. I thought an expert in fetal development like yourself would know something that basic.
Yes, how dare we call something by its actual name when we could be scaremongering about how something smaller than a BB pellet with no ability to breathe, eat or survive on its own is exactly the same as a full-term baby?
maybe they also clap every time they see a meter maid? this could just be a spontaneous reaction to the meting out of justice. i mean, it’s probably bloodthirst but i’m trying to be charitable.
Comrade Kevin
@Jennifer: pretend?
@Reality Check: Are you saying your grown children have no brains, like a six-week embryo? Somehow that doesn’t seem at all unlikely.
Comrade Kevin
@Reality Check:
I bet.
No, they most definitely are kill-crazy maniacs.
I’ll never forget the bloodlust in the air prior to the Iraq invasion, or the way they savaged anyone who questioned its wisdom.
You know who supported abortion? Ayn Rand. Suck on that, Teatards.
licensed to kill time
It’s kind of sad to see these well-reasoned comments wasted on someone whose only interest seems to be unborn pies.
You can fill a crust with reason but it’s still gonna be flaky.
@Reality Check:
I didn’t realize that breastfeeding involved the baby re-attaching its umbilical cord to its mother and absorbing the milk directly into its body the way a fetus does rather than, you know, eating and digesting with its mouth and stomach the way every other fully developed human does.
You live in a colorful fantasy world, I’ll give you that. It’s like watching someone come up with their own version of tentacle porn and claiming that it’s really how human anatomy works.
We won’t EVER get the technology to grow fetuses in petri dishes, you dumbass. The reason why? First of all, there’s no need for it with all the perfectly serviceable wombs around. Secondly, who’s going to lay out the cash to do it, even if it was a smart thing to do, which, IT ISN’T?
FFS, your vision of the future looks an awful lot like the Matrix.
Citizen Alan
@Reality Check:
Intellectually, I know I shouldn’t feed the trolls, but this comment is so bone-dead stupid I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight without replying. Abortion means that the fetus is inside the mother, presenting a constant ongoing effect on her health and a non-trivial risk of serious complications or even death. Accordingly, the pro-choice position is that it is unconstitutional to compel a woman to undertake that risk against her will. That argument is completely irrelevant with regard to infanticide (in which a born child who is not a potential health hazard to the mother is killed) or eugenics (in which fetuses deemed inferior are terminated without regard to the mother’s wishes). So yes, there is a fairly obvious argument in favor of abortion rights that is not applicable to infanticide and/or eugenics.
Not that I expect a cogent refutation of your feeble-minded arguments to change your opinion, because you are quite obviously a soulless, degenerate freak who has likely masturbated five times already tonight in response to that ghoul Perry gloating over how many executions he’s overseen. Frankly, I suspect that the real reason you’re so keen to abolish abortion rights is because you’re a serial rapist, and you get off on the idea of your victims being forced by a vindictive fascist government to bear your children. That or you just want there to be more children in the world so you’ll have more kids to molest and sodomize. That’s the kind of person you seem to be based on your postings here.
Odie Hugh Manatee
When hit with certain questions where he wants to look tough, I noticed that Parry likes to show his tough guy stance by doing a bit of a rocking forward/upward motion on his toes, popping the height up a bit, dropping back down and kind of ‘settling in’ to his ‘new position’. It’s like some guy who wants to bump chests with another guy to show what a macho dude he is and how close he is to kicking your ass.
He’s all show and no go, just what tough-talking Republicans want for a leader.
Comrade Kevin
@Jennifer: Who? People who want to grow their own clones, or Mini-Me.
Okay, well, nobody, really.
dead existentialist
Whoa Nellie. Is Rick Perry and the GOP for or against death panels? I haz a confused.
Also, this should amuse some of you: The debate was a seance!
(And I loved the shot of Nancy at the end giving us the wtf look of the nearly dead.)
@JGabriel: C’mon, that’s not fair.. I’m sure they watched their zombies debate tonight. :)
@hamletta: Damn Straight. DNFTT
@Reality Check:
Once you are outside of the womb, you are born. Therefore, it would be murder.
When you are still inside of the womb, you are not born and the person inside whose body you are residing gets to decide if you can stay there.
I’m not sure why this “inside” and “outside” thing is so confusing to you. Do you often find yourself sleeping in your backyard because you can’t distinguish between being “inside” your house and being “outside” your house?
@Reality Check: I’ve got a better idea – we should instead put that effort into coming up with dehumanizing names for you. Like dipshit, dumbass, moron, fucknut, fell out of the stupid tree and hit every goddamned branch on the way down, annoyance nazi, professional idiot, godbotherer, slut shamer, uterus inspector…I’m sure the rest of you can help fill out the list.
We should mandate all uteri property of the state and set up factories which impregnates all females old enough to have a menstrual cycle.
All penises should be forced to ejaculate the sperm required to impregnate our state-owned poon.
It’s really the only way to fix the control of your own reproductive cycle issue…take control away and give it to the state.
Looks like somebody got a time out.
@Mnemosyne: For exactly this reason, sex with Reality Check is an iffy proposition.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Link added, to Randy Newman’s Big Hat, No Cattle, for the lulz.
Citizen Alan
@Reality Check:
It saddens me beyond words to know that you have children. I hope they’re in counseling to deal with the life-long trauma of having you as a parent. It would be a terrible shame if they can’t break the cycle of abuse and end up harming their own children the way you undoubtedly harmed them.
PS: You should probably suggest that your “grown kids” execute an end-of-life directive of some kinds so that you’ll know what they want done. Mine specifically says that if my mother is still alive and of sound mind, she gets to make the call. Otherwise, the decision goes to an old friend. No one else in my family will have any say in my end-of-life decisions because I suspect that my sister is as big of a religious loon as you are and she would keep me alive and in pain because that’s what Baby Jesus would want.
Comrade Kevin
Some comments seem to have disappeared from the thread.
Here’s a little video from “Sesame Street” that might help Reality Check understand that being “inside” of a place and being “outside” of a place are actually different things.
Did y’all know Anne Frank was a kick-ass drummer?
Given how often they invoked Reagan’s name, you’d think they were trying to call back his zombie — which, if you think about it, is kind of cruel since there were no brains to feed him in that auditorium.
RC gives the old “is it in yet?” joke a whole new meaning.
@Mnemosyne: The plus side is, given his affliction, he’s less likely to cause an unwanted pregnancy that might end in abortion.
@Comrade Kevin:
Aw, man, just when I was enjoying kicking our new little chew toy around. Now I probably have to, like, go to bed and stuff.
Anne Laurie
@Comrade Kevin: Now that I have been accidentally introduced to my awesome powers, I decided that fapping to anti-choice death pron is a bannable offense, because ewww. The perpetrator will be back, like a case of sciatica, or kidney stones, but at least I got the satisfaction of tweezering that image out of the permanent record.
Anybody want to protest this arbitrary repression of free speech, you just go right ahead and enjoy yourself.
Yes, but you could also end up with an ear infection that would be embarrassing to explain.
Riddle: How do you starve a zombie?
Answer: Send him to a Republican convention!
Comrade Kevin
@Anne Laurie: My only comment about it would be, if you’re going to remove some comments, perhaps you could replace the text with, say, “comment removed”, so that at least internal links from one comment to another won’t go nowhere?
J. Michael Neal
@Jennifer: For god’s sake, would you just stop?
Comrade Kevin
@J. Michael Neal: Stupidity Check has already been given a time-out.
@JGabriel: Thank you for this, and the riddle. I need that laugh after trying to watch the GOP debate online. I turned it off in disgust, about half way through.
Zombie Reagan would have been a relief from the hypocrisy and insanity on display like Perry getting applause for executions, and Santorum claiming that welfare “reform” was to help the poor, and we’re all so much better off now.
dead existentialist
Damn. I’m only getting into the 40s comments and apparently someone has had a reality check and is in time-out. Tsk tsk. Someone has been a bad girl.
Comrade Kevin
God damn, since MSNBC are still wanking over that GOP debate, I figured I’d put on one of the many, many Olbermann repeats on Current. Jesus Christ, he has gotten even more smug and sanctimonious.
I don’t remember who it was where I read this, but someone said that it’s kind of like what happened to Howard Stern when he went to satellite radio, where he could say anything he wanted. When you don’t have to rein yourself in, you tend to spew a lot of crap.
Y’all do remember that it was a Simi Valley jury which acquitted three of the four cops in the Rodney King case and couldn’t come to a verdict on the fourth, right?
Then they stood there in shock when Los Angeles erupted around them.
@Comrade Kevin: He was already there before he left MSNBC. I had to stop watching him a year, year-and-a-half or more before he left. Someone needed to tell him that “special commentaries” stopped being all that “special” when you’re rolling them out on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis.
dead existentialist
@handy: Shite. I owe you a coke.
Comrade Kevin
@Jennifer: Oh, I certainly remember him on MSNBC, and his all-too-often “special comments”. When they were few, and far between, they could be very, very good.
Since going to Current, I haven’t noticed anything labelled “Special Comment”, but he has, overall, been even more smug. I think it’s because he’s basically his own boss.
But your guy is killing thousands every day in the middle east. I don’t hear anyone complaining about that– at least not here.
Comrade Kevin
@Mutaman: You mean those wars that Obama is winding down, the ones started by George W. Bush?
Hyperbolic much?
Comrade Kevin
@Yutsano: I gotta admit, I glossed over some of that comment, but damn, that’s really idiotic.
dead existentialist
@Anne Laurie: Awesome is right.
‘Though I have to thank you for shortening the thread and for sparing me that nitwit’s ravings, so it’s all good.
@Mutaman: Who’s guy is “killing thousands every day in the middle east”? Hyperbole much?
@Comrade Kevin: That’s a really serious “I’m with Stupid” moment. There is a fair criticism to make of Obama’s Mideast policy. Making shit nup along the way ain’t it.
Cat Lady
Obama’s responsible for thousands of deaths every day! Every day? Srsly? Wow. I’ve missed that news. You’re clearly a superior being and have intelligence beyond ours. Please enlighten us on what Obama can do unilaterally, policy wise, about our middle east policy oh Wise One. Unilaterally, without Congressional approval.
dead existentialist
@Yutsano: Like minds. Yer in trouble. And I guess I owe You a coke ,too.
Parry is a puzzy.
A real man would advocate sharia style beheadings.
@Anne Laurie: I only object because I got to the thread before I could pop my corn, and had a hard time following what everyone was railing against. I needs my context! Lurker out.
@dead existentialist: Heh. I get into mindmelds early and often on here. When you start getting the urge to levy folks call your doctor.
@Cat Lady: I guess Obama really IS worse than Bush. He only killed a few million Iraqis and it took him six years!
Cat Lady
Obama, unwittingly and just by the sheer force of his very existence has made everyone, left and right, who isn’t psychologically stable bug shit CRAZY. Those of us pragmatic liberals here who value progress – any progress – who are emotionally healthy and don’t need to project emo daddy issues onto Obama are just going to have to ride it out until the fever breaks. Or doesn’t, and then it will be Rwanda II, White Guy Boogaloo.
@Anne Laurie:
Nope. I’m good.
@Anne Laurie:
Nope. I’m good.
@Anne Laurie:
Nope. I’m good.
Cat Lady
@Cat Lady:
Just to be clear, I’ve located the ability to make any social/policy progress in this country in the Democratic party. The urgent challenge is to push Democrats (and the populace) to the left, but progressives need to stop whining about progress not being made purely. Things are what they are, not something else. Jeebus, the WATB firebagging whinebag purer-than-thou pie in the sky emoprogs need to grow the fuck up and get a clue now. It’s shoulder to shoulder time.
Huh, Perry’s death worship orgy really set the tone for tonight.
Fax Paladin
@JGabriel: It’s “Snow Crash.” Hiro ponders this as he rides the motorcycle northward; his encounter with Raven — the psycho killer with a nuclear warhead for a motorcycle sidecar — has disabused him permanently of that idea.
Comrade Kevin
@Fax Paladin: That book is awesome. A book, and author, to whom I was introduced by the radio show Fresh Air. Have you read his earlier one, “Zodiac: the Eco-Thriller”?
@Cat Lady:
@Cat Lady:
Agree. All that drama just mucks up the process.
So basically the GOP base wants a cracka with attitude?
+4, going on 5. I fucking tivo’d that shit, why gawd why?
@b-psycho: At +8 you can imagine that all 234 of Perry’s executions were House Republicans leaving only 6 behind and have a good laugh and clap along with the crowd.
It’s funny because he’d never kill so many white people.
@Reality Check:
wow. you heard “liberals” ….blah blah.
I know I wish to see him in the docket at The Hague. But there is no death penalty there. I must not be a liberal
could we get ABL up in here so she can give this fuckwit a time out and then we can have another 600+ thread from Anne Laurie when she goes up to bat for RC.
I’d be into that almost as much as my Cheney Death Penalty Boners.
Comrade Kevin
@magurakurin: It has already been given one. Read the thread.
Amir Khalid
I believe the death penalty is wrong in all possible circumstances. But even if I didn’t believe that, I’d still think it obscene to applaud the death penalty. Putting a person to death on the authority of the state isn’t like scoring a goal in football. It is a horrible thing to do, even if you accept the argument that it is needful. It shouldn’t be celebrated.
I take it Perry was never even asked about possibly wrongful executions in general, let alone the Willingham execution.
@Comrade Kevin: Got it. And AL came in for the big win on that one. Good for her.
Dr. Psycho
@boss bitch: Just like in Woody Allen’s Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex*, when he praises John Carradine for his pioneering work measuring the sound waves generated by an erection….
Triassic Sands
Perry brags; the audience applauds; I throw up.
I guess I’m just a weakling.
Maybe Perry and Obama can get into a pissing match over who likes the death penalty more, but that would be a bad move on Obama’s part — love of death is at the heart of who Perry is, he’d crush Obama in a lovefest for death.
@Reality Check:
Last I checked, we have the White House, asshole.
@JGabriel: The quote is from Snow Crash…it’s when Hiro Protagonist meets the Aleutian whale killer dude, and realises that — world’s greatest swordsman though he may be — the role of world’s baddest ass is taken, and they retired the number.
@Fax Paladin: You have an even better memory than I do. Do you the names of the seven dwarf lords, as well :-)
The smirk on his face as he listens to the question is worse than the cheering from the crowd. He then carefully waits for the hooting and hollering to die down before he gives his fake-humble answer, “no sir”.
Just chilling. The crowd’s reaction is knee-jerk. His is carefully calculated.
Governor Perry believes executions by the state are a political winner, for him.
There’s no way in hell that person should be the appeal of last resort. What a fucking travesty it is that he’s in any position of authority on decisions to execute.
@Fax Paladin, @PIGL: Ah. Thank you.
Surly Duff
What is unsaid is that often times even if you have not committed one of the most heinous crimes against a citizen, you will also face the ultimate justice in the State of Texas. Luckily, there are organizations like the Innocence Project that have ensured that Texas’ “justice” was not fulfilled. As one might guess, Texas has had the most death penalty exonerations in the country.
But as long as his flawed belief in how Texas provides “justice” allows Rick Perry to sleep at night, I suppose everything is fine and dandy.
Try to keep up.
Try to keep up.
@kay: I’m so thankful I do not have TV, so I did not have to destroy one looking at another buck-toothed inbred Republican hilljack smirking like he knows . . . anything.
More than anything else, it’s that arrogant smirk on that STUPID face that just makes me crazy. How the fuck do people this stupid ever get put in charge of anything?
“the base wants I’m the kind of winger who’s built to last, you fuck with me I put my foot in your ass.”
Who all just happen to be ex-cheerleaders. You know, the guys who stand on the sideline while others are on the field doing the actual work.
It’s usually pointless to try to address the OP when a pie fight has reached 100+ replies, but I’ll try.
Did anyone else get the feeling that Perry’s tone and manner were deliberately confrontational with Williams? “When YOU come into our state, and YOU kill one of our children…” and “YOU will get the ultimate justice”. YOU, YOU, YOU.
It’s almost like Perry was accusing Williams (as a proxy for the librual media, and libruls in general) of being a criminal and I think his base will respond to that as well.
I’m not sure if that was planned or if Perry just thinks that way, or if I’m just reading something that wasn’t there…
“Please enlighten us on what Obama can do unilaterally, policy wise, about our middle east policy oh Wise One. Unilaterally, without Congressional approval.”
Well for starters he could end those Drone airstrikes. He could do it tomorrow.
Bruce S
I’m gonna prove Perry’s a wimp and call for public executions.
Without going public, executions do not have any chance for full effect and we’re treating these fuckers we want to kill like they’re Old Yeller and we’re humanely putting them down. The age of television expands the possibilities. I’m an opponent of the death penalty, for about a half dozen incontrovertible – IMHO – reasons, but if we’re going to do it, let’s do it! Anything less is cowardly and hypocritical. Also, auction off the opportunity to pull the lever – in order to help defray the extraordinary costs of this bizarre, judicially incoherent practice that has no proven social purpose other than to make some of us feel good about ourselves by imagining we’re some sort of badasses or…uh…the hand of God.
Patrick Phelan
the opportunity to pull the lever
Said lever will be the one that opens the cages to the wild horses roped to each of the condemned’s limbs, right?
Aw, hell, I can’t get into it. We’re up against “we should be torturing more”; there’s no parody they won’t enthusiastically lap up.