It must be time for another one of these…
If you are looking for work, looking for talented people, or just have ideas as to how the aforementioned might contact each other, you know what to do.
Last jobs thread was here.
Note to Cole: If you get into a Category deleting frenzy, I’d ask that “Balloon Jobs” stays so that the punters can find the previous ones…
Reality Check
Want to stop being unemployed? Fire Obama.
There will always be work available cleaning up RC’s bullshit, if you can stand the smell.
OK…. I haven’t posted in the prior threads, but I might as well throw myself out there (hey, it’s Friday night, I’m feeling right, i.e. slightly warmed via intoxicating beverages):
I’m an attorney who’s been substantially out of work for the better part of three years now. I graduated from an Ivy League law school (Columbia), practiced in NYC for several years, then moved to Seattle largely because my Puget Sound area father was recently widowed and was fighting cancer. This all happened at the worst possible time – the fall of 2008.
Since that time, I’ve had rare, but occasional, paying temporary legal work. But nothing regular. I’m not really all that concerned with reconstituting the financial position I was in as a NYC attorney. But I’ve had a difficult enough time finding enough work to keep the family in the black.
In the interim, I’ve become an award-winning (seriously, not puffery) homebrewer. I wouldn’t mind the career shift from law to the brewing industry. So. Anyone looking for a commerical litigation specialist… or better yet, a brewer with several award winning brews?
And my situation has nothing to do with Obama. Sorry to those who would politicize it in such a way.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
No jobs for anyone, but good to see SP&T back, and good to see this topic again.
@Yuppers: Since you’re in the area and I know I’ve seen a few advertisements for positions there, have you considered selling your soul to the devil and working for Uncle Bill? I think they had a couple of litigation slots open last time I peeked.
@Reality Check: why would that help? The next time I hear a Republican business owner decry that at last his hands are untied by these hateful taxes to allow them to hire another worker will be the first time.
Obama helped to clean up the financial debacle that the banks, money management and housing loan people perpetuated on the public (at the behest of the R’s assuring us that the Industry could well nigh regulate itself) and in return, they thanked him by generously donating to the usual group of financial mighty mites that would allow them to perpetrate the same screw ups that they had just been saved from.
Then he assisted a unified Dem house by putting the Auto Industry back on its feet against the wet diaper brigade and started the campaign to get infrastructure remedies in place, again flying in the face of hypocritical austerity progroms instituted at the state level.
The last nine months he has repeatedly attempted to work with “your” side who have passed exactly what in the best interests of the people?
If Perry gets elected, you think he’s gonna reward asshats like yourself? or is your trolling here nothing more than sociopathic schadenfruede of working against your own best interests as long as everyone else has it just as shitty as yourself? Perhaps you’re a “true believer” in that white is right and as long as everyone knows their place, all is well, as long as your place is on top?
Lets just hope enough of our countrymen can finally agree that we need to solve problems of the country before the poor finally get tired of being screwed over and decide to get a hold of all those cheap handguns you are so sure to make available to one and all and start storming the comfy confines of your gated communities.
Hey Sarah, any encounters with Rick Perry, you can describe?
Aw shit, you’re going to get John Cole all up in your face for using a verboten tag.
The State of Texas is starting to hire again. I work for Statewide Intake in Austin. They will be listing jobs next week. You can find the listing on You just need a BA to get most of the jobs. It can be in an unrelated field.
Ok, guess I will throw it out there. I am a veteran (USMC 2004-2010) though I doubt infantry experience warrants anything but police work, besides leadership skills. I have a history BA from Alabama. I just moved to Nashville, and am looking for SOMETHING. I can build and maintain computers, but working at Best Buy is destroying my soul. I used to be a vet tech, so I am familiar with record keeping and dealing with clients. I have run my own small side business for the past 2 years, diving and retrieving water hazard golf balls and reselling them to distributors. Job boards and craigslist have returned me vector marketing scams and prep cook positions. I’d take advice or whatever else the BJ community has to offer.
@Cliff: Does Cole even read this blog on a daily basis any more?
If anyone knows anyone who needs free-lance research and analysis done, I’m their guy. Most of my clients have been in biotech or pharma, but I can research and write reports on anything. Resumé here.
I’m a freelance illustrator and graphic designer, looking for permanent employment in Madison, Milwaukee, or Chicago. I specialize in editorial illustrations, graphic design for children’s apparel, and hand drawn typography.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@piratedan: Well, if he weren’t so Democratic and black, the Republicans would come out of their holes and allow bills to pass, well, as long as they were all about tax cuts for the rich. So, you see, it’s all Obama’s fault.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Anyone in the way eastern part of DFW with engineering or software development skills, L-3 in Greenville is hiring. Let me know where to find your resume. I thought I had forwarded the email to myself detailing the areas open, but the engineering requirements would center around communications equipment and aircraft. Software developers are going to need probably at least five years of experience, I believe mainly in C++, but I think Windows or Unix is needed.
It got the work Dawg a position at the IRS, so it definitely ain’t worth overlooking. Have you met up with Southern Beale yet? Her husband is a city manager, so he might be a good resource for some good leads. He’s also funny as hell. They’re both good peoples.
Sarah Proud and Tall
Let me dig into my memory, dear. I’m sure there was something, although I may be getting him mixed up with Mr Bachmann.
I haz English fail.
Here’s a website to check out with jobs in higher ed across the nation and the world… Take a look even if you don’t think it applies to you. You never know what you might find.
@Bnut: If you were a platoon or company leader you’ve got team management skills. You certainly know how to set goals and follow instructions. I’d look up Nat’l Ass’n Uniformed Services as well as the Military Officers Ass’n of America if you were an officer. Both have magazines which have career advice and translation tools to help convert military skills to civilian resumés.
No one of importance
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
You are made of pure evil, Miz Sarah :)
Wes G
Merced, CA please!
i am dying here. i’ve applied to 5 bank teller jobs and been denied from all. I figured Bank Teller is the 2nd closest thing to IT Help Desk, minus needing to know a f*ck ton about troubleshooting computers (im pretty good with that, but wireless networks are my achilles heel)
Travels with Charley
@ BNUT: if you are in the DC area (or can be), check out the website Trifecta Solutions; we’re looking for veterans with operational experience.
boss bitch
@Reality Check:
Never mind that with the last (REPUBLICAN) president we were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month and now we are at a stand still since we got a REPUBLICAN House majority.
Sarah, thanks as always for the jobs thread, I’m going to say “thank you” every time I see one!
I hope you enjoyed your Idaho snack!
I know of an IT (Computer support) position in Raleigh-Durham,NC. Support Windows and Linux servers. Actually, now that I look, there’s a few positions open. 1 Product manager in Richardson,TX or RDU. Something in CO. Software Engineer in RDU. The IT position isn’t posted yet but will be coming.
A Mom Anon
OK,I’ll dive in,be patient,I’m wordy,lol.
My husband and I want to leave GA,but we need jobs obviously. We would like to move to New England,the Pacific NW or the northern part of the mid Atlantic. The Husband specializes in all aspects of residential maintainence(high end apartments). He’s done everything from fixing clogged toilets to managing a 5 state region with 100 guys working for him. He’s proficient in electrical,plumbing,HVAC and pretty much all aspects of construction and remodelling. He isn’t up to speed on industrial/commercial. He doesn’t have a degree but has 20+ yrs in the business,he knows his stuff and has taken various management classes along with other related courses in his field.He’s good at what he does,we’ve remodelled our entire house on our own with only the help of a few of his buddies.
Me,I’ve been a full time mom to an autistic child for 17 yrs.I held a part time job from 6/10-7/11,as a sales rep for a high end pet food company. My main skill set is in organic gardening,specializing in planning and finding heirloom seeds. I also have a pretty extensive knowledge of American food history(yes such a thing exists)and folklore.In the course of remodelling our home,I found I had a knack for interior decor and design too. The layout and design of the spaces was mine. Before the Teenager was born I was a retail drone,I did everything from floor sales and unloading trucks to store set up to buying and asst management. I’m also over 50,which is not in my favor,along with the giant resume gaps. I don’t want another retail job,I’d rather stick with plantlife or helping people redesign existing spaces.
I can be reached at gardenspirit1 at hotmail dot com if anyone has any thoughts or leads.
Product Mgrs
Project Mgrs
Digital Marketing Mgrs/VP’s
Mfg VP’s
Marketing/Sales VP’s
aerospace, packaging, biomedical, pharma, hydraulics, software-based solutions and more
Send resumes to: melanie dot abel724 AT yahoo dot com
Can’t promise anything, wish I could, but I can pass it on to the appropriate people.
God bless.
oh, also too, Engineers
need dev resources?
$40/hr for software and web development
$20/hr if you are 501(3)c
14yrs prof exp, including embedded development, custom middle ware platforms/server environments, and custom app-dev…
current clients include many small business, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Microsoft, Alcoa..
We provide cost shelter for project cost overruns, (we guarantee estimates)..
And we don’t suck.
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
Looking forward to that! Think hard, Miz Sarah!
@Reality Check:
Or you could cut your hair, brush your teeth, shower, and get a real job.
If you are a decent developer (or web designer)
We pay as needed (contract based) – 1099 – you keep the dev/hourly rate.
You can send your resume to the email I listed.
If I like you I will throw work your way (see pay above – we just cut you in, and forward the hourly billing rate for work you do – directly to you – your rate is our rate – we’re cool like that)
email me, particularly if you have a portfolio.
flaming red dingo software could use a new branding package.
let me know what you would charge. Preferably you have a UBI and I can just pay you biz2biz…
anyhoo – it wouldn’t be permanent, but you don’t have to jump through hoops… easy money – it would materialize around December probably, because that’s when we’re doing a web and branding revamp – right now we’ve got our hands full with projects, but it’s easy work, and it doesn’t hurt to engage ahead of time, that why you can be at the top of the queue…
We need a printable logo, various sizes, BW & color,
Business card design, and some nice webable schemes.
And something we can burn onto the wood cabinets we make for home media hardware and digital audio workstation hardware we built – our current logo is just a paw, and not very dynamic =)
Email me and we’ll talk brass tacks
like #3 I want to go into brewing too. I’ve been doing all-grain for two years.
Maybe I can write us a grant (my former job) to get us some start up funds?
Hillary Rettig
@Yuppers: I want to remind everyone that the federal fiscal year starts Oct 1, and many nonprofits, educational orgs, etc., will be learning about new funding – and starting to think about filling new positions – at that time. This would be a great time to contact orgs you want to work for to get a leg in the door early.
Yuppers, maybe you could contact organizations that use lawyers.
@A Mom Anon: What’s the northern part of Mid-Atlantic?
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
Pics or it didn’t happen.
@ Yutsano: The interesting thing about getting hired at that company is that it’s nearly impossible when you’re non-tech, unless you’ve done work for them already, either on a contract basis or at their outside counsel’s office (for years, that was Preston Gates & Ellis, to no surprise; now they’re split between a couple). I know some attorneys there (and a couple who used to work there) and they’ve essentially confirmed that. I always make efforts to apply — and connect with folks there, though.
@ Hillary Rettig: thanks for the suggestion — I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled as the fall has approached for that reason and will keep doing so. I know a number of out-of-work lawyers in Seattle and we’ve all found that it is tricky to even get work at non-profits right now… in part because each spring a new batch of grads come out of UW or other area law schools and can’t find jobs, either — and they end up offering to work for non-profits on a pro bono (read: free) basis so they can put some kind of experience on their resumes.
Doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying, though!
Cheers all, and thanks for the advice.
duck-billed placelot
Hey all,
As a freelancer, times are tough. I’m a grantwriter, business writer, any kind of writer, with reasonable rates and a 10% Balloon-Juice discount. I have a very high funding success rate for my grantee clients, and I love to work with nonprofits to develop their projects. I can also edit or proofread your work (I have a background in academic and business editing).
I’d also love to provide media skills for your company (or personal site): video or audio editing, animation (flash, traditional), illustration, Photoshop, etc. Yes, we can work together on visual or audio projects remotely. Why not let me spruce up your logo, revamp your brochure, or develop your next ad?
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]
A Mom Anon
@MC: VA,DC,NC and DEL.
I would like to make a modest suggestion to those whose job searches have extended into the “need not apply” time frame. Consider VISTA/Americorps.It’s only a year commitment and the living stipend is, by design, poverty level. It can be a win/win for everybody involved. A community non-profit gets needed services and the volunteer gets a bright spot on his/her resume where there would otherwise be a gap. There is a $5000 student loan award at the completion of the service year and your student loan is deferred during the service year with interest paid by the organization. These are service areas that mostly require an undergrad degree and are responsible, skill-honing, contact-making positions within the nonprofit community. Volunteers are creating programs, recruiting and training local volunteers for programs, working on “sustainability” for small nonprofits (funding & documentation), and a good deal more. Some of the areas VISTAS are working in are hunger prevention, housing, multiple types of educational initiatives, health law, financial literacy and environmental issues. Why not let someone get the good of it if you’re going to be broke anyway? I know any number of people who’ve served, mostly young but some not so much, and they’ve found it to be a rewarding experience.
Tom Levenson
Kind of specialized, but my end of MIT is doing a number of academic searches this year. A junior (tenure track) professorship in science writing is advertised here. The requirements are pretty specific, but there it is.
That site, academic jobs online, is where we’re going to be posting some more stuff to come, and it is a good (though far from universal) clearing house for academic jobs.
@Reality Check:
I’d rather fire all of Congress and the banking CEOs and the talking heads on the Sunday opinion shows first and stick them on the unemployment lines for 2 years, see how they like it. They’re the more culpable SOBs to begin with.
Sara and everyone:
I have a job!
Just finished the formal application process that will allow a formal offer.
Its been a haul after being “forced out” of my last position.
Sadly, will have to move from my home and all the related community activities by mid October to go cross country to DC.
I am starting to allow myself to feel excited though…
Fourteen years reference librarianship work, covering research into basic, professional, and academic topics and resources.
Knowledge of most research digital databases.
Excellent writing and communication skills.
Working experience with troubleshooting computers in both hardware and software. Installed and repair computer hardware devices. Installed and updated software including Windows OS, security patches, and basic networking upgrades.
CompTIA A+ Certification.
Published book reviews for professional journals. Self-published books and digital short stories.
Some supervisory experience as computer worklab department head and as branch library manager. Evaluated annual job performances, conducted hiring interviews, confirmed skill training for employees as needed.
Created and performed training classes on computers and library research skills. Trained both public, student, and staff on computer skills, research methods and relevant topics.
Bachelors degree in Journalism. Knowledge of page layout and editing styles including AP and Chicago.
Web design skills. Knowledge of HTML, CSS. Worked with web content software such as DreamWeaver. Knowledge of various photo editing software including Adobe PhotoShop.
Willing to relocate to states/areas such as Maryland, DC, Northern Virginia, East Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Colorado, central/south Texas, anywhere in Florida.
Need a resume?
Are they hiring librarians?
Sarah Proud and Tall
Congratulations, dear. I’m very pleased for you.
Its a company that provides information solutions and consulting on health care for States and other payers.
They will be hiring (though it seems to take a really long time from beginning to end). Its the DC area and they will have positions for health care analysts and I will continue to come onto these job posts and forward any info that I can.
Paul, not sure about librarians though. Are you willing to move, like I ended up having to?
My hubby and I are going to work and finish out our formal careers over the next 2-3 years.
We are both strongly considering either the Peace Corps or something like this.
You are right, employers think very favorably of this on a resume
Some very nice people who have a publishing company in Western MA, have some jobs open. Some are on site, some are internships that would at least plug holes in your resume, some are entry jobs that they say might be open to some creative persuading as senior people contract jobs. They publish about China and Sustainability (two separate subjects.)
A terrific free paper that has actual important local news and does real reporting in the NY/MA upstate regions is looking for sales people. Job listing in right sidebar, in middle.
Dave Walker
HI All,
I’m a freelance graphic designer—logos, cards, brochures, ads (print or online), basic websites. My rates are affordable and flexible, and I’m really easy to work with. Recently I’ve also moved into designing custom lading pages for Facebook fan pages. Check out my site:
Also, I am the freelance art director for one of the imprints at Penguin. If you are a designer w/ some experience working on book covers send me a portfolio link and I’ll keep you in mind for some work — I always like to try out new people.
Another unemployed law school grad here. Georgetown Law (focus on political law–voting rights, election administration, campaign finance–and civil rights), decent GPA, about a decade of political and campaign experience, five years of that in communications and finance. I did online communications for the Bruce Lunsford and Andrew Horne campaigns in 2008. Had internships at Common Cause and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.
I’m still in DC, and I’m looking for work here and in Connecticut (where my pregnant sister lives). Right now I’m getting by doing freelance writing jobs–mostly website and e-blast copy. I’ve also worked as a research assistant and an executive assistant.
As an added bonus, my school (in a vain attempt to pad its post-graduation employment statistics) is offering a small stipend for unemployed students to work up to 24 hrs/wk, for 12 weeks, in public interest or government offices. I’ve got a feeler out to a buddy on the Hill, but I’m open to other suggestions.