They said the likelihood of a highly competitive 2012 race is increasing as the Republican field, once dismissed by many Democrats as too inexperienced and conservative to pose a serious threat, has started narrowing to two leading candidates, Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, who have executive experience and messages built around job creation.
George W Bush had executive experience and likely a message built around job creation.
That doesn’t mean that he or Romney or Perry are better prepared to be president.
GWBush was an inadequate a man to assume the presidency the day he left it as when he was inaugurated. (Due to the Supreme Court, not the popular vote.)
A lot can change in the coming year. I have always worried the president seemed too detached from unemployment, and put too much faith in the economy turning around in time. What if it doesn’t?
Now importing Comrade Kevin’s comment:
That article is goddamn terrible. I did post a comment, for all the good (none) it will do. The comments are, actually, even worse than the article. There’s a parade of numbskulls who think a primary challenge is a totally awesome idea.
Trained seals gonna be out of their jobs if they allow competition by rhythmic gymnasts.
@Elizabelle: Sigh. Right-wing websites don’t need to impersonate lefties any more on comment threads, there are other idiots who do their work for them.
I’m going to post, in chunks, a parody article from Private Eye magazine, starting now.
Every issue, Private Eye has a parody “Diary” column from some person who is famous (usually in the UK). Here are the first couple of bits of their most recent…
Michele Bachmann’s 10 All-American Heroes
Jesus Christ came from a good family. He was born and brought up in Iowa. And don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.
Ok, he may not have been brought up from Iowa. I walked into that trap, and I regret it. Time to move on. He certainly came from a similar neighborhood, and there are literally hundreds of experts who know this to be true.
Jesus was a strong, bold constitutional conservative who was not afraid to take on the liberal elite.
When five thousand people came looking for free bread and fish, he was not afraid to stand up to them.
He said, “This is insanity economics. You are suffering from bailout mania. No free loaves and fishes here. Get your own refreshment”.
Dr King had a dream, a dream that one day this nation will rise up and fight for liberty. Liberty from homosexuality! Liberty from free health care for all, even those who cannot afford it! Liberty from higher taxes on those who create wealth! Liberty from state bailouts! LIberty from all kinds of pernicious liberty! He was assassinated under a Democrat president. I’m not blaming the Democrats. I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.
He certainly came from a similar neighborhood, and there are literally hundreds of experts who know this to be true.
Tom was the valiant feline crime-fighter who regularly tried to get his point of view across on the Tom and Jerry reality TV series.
But Tom was always traduced by the liberal elite. They’d only show viewers the bits that made him look bad.
And I think I know why.
The liberal elite can’t stand a guy like Tom who is not afraid to stand up to scrounging vermin in our society like that thieving mouse Jerry.
Tom hated to see suffering. He felt it was deeply unfair that someone like Jerry should be snatching cheese from the mouths of so many hundreds of others, including new-born babies.
The American people – those of us who CARE – will never forget what you did for us, Tom.
You knew that mouse was hell-bent on destroying our liberty. And you vowed to get rid of him.
And this is why the liberal elite are so frightened of you.
President Obama may be content to see our country over-run by un-American mice, hell-bent on stealing our food supplies and reducing our great nation to a third-world country. But I do not.
I find it interesting that it was back in 1977 that Elvis Presley, that great American singer, passed away under Democrat President, Jimmy Carter. And who was the President when we lost the late, great Jim Reeves? You got it – the Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson. I’m not saying that countless thousands of great American singers are due to die if we re-elect the Democrat President Obama. I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.
Here is a salt-of-the-earth guy who tends to his mom as well as single-handedly running a small family business. A proven thief books into his motel, so he humanely executes her. The guy’s a hero. And what do the Liberal elite call him? “Psycho!” Can you believe it?
What’s happening to our country? The question, frankly, is: will America endure?
First, how old is that girl in the video?
Second, if she’s legal, does anyone have her phone number?
Jackson was a great Iowan painter, no doubt about it. And he was a prophet. When I look into his paintings, I see a stark warning against health care reform. You just have to join those dots and splashes together and you see wealthier patients being systematically killed to make way for those who have been promised something for nothing. And that’s not just what I see – hundreds of thousands of art experts agree with me. And as for the others – well, they’re on a collision course with reality.
Millionaire Bruce Wayne, industrialist and philanthropist, fights crime in Gotham City, Iowa with his young ward, Dick Grayson. As Batman and Robin, they take on the liberal elite in the shape of The Joker and The Penguin. Yet President Obama’s secret plans would force wealth-creator Bruce Wayne to pay up to 20 percent higher taxes. What I hear from my people back home is, “Thank you for speaking up for Batman and Robin. The American people are horrified by their treatment at the hands of the federal government”. I want my candidacy for the presidency of the United States to stand for a moment when the greatest nation on earth asserts its independence from those who favor healthcare reformers such as The Joker and The Penguin over crime-fighting philanthropists such as millionaire Bruce Wayne.
I know for sure that Atticus Finch was against same-sex marriage and a firm believer in intelligent design. If ever he saw a godless homosexual pedophile ready to attack a small child, Atticus would be the first to step in and raised very real concerns. And he often argued in court against raising taxes and for cutting spending. How do I know? un-American question alert! Sorry, guys, but I’m not going to fall into that trap!
And @Elizabelle:
that article is typical NYTimes trolling. I love how exactly at the moment that the fight begins in earnest we have this article telling us how capable and electable Perry and Romney are and how awful Obama is for dems. Gad.
Amir Khalid
Once in a while, something pops up in the world news that makes us Malaysians look really stupid. This one features Dr Mahathir Mohamad, our Prime Minister for 22 years: he’s maintaining, against all established fact, that al-Qaida didn’t do September 11. Because Arab Muslims just couldn’t have done it.
To be fair to him, Dr M has the prejudices of people of his generation. My dad, who went to medical school with him, had some of those prejudices too. But Dr M is famous throughout the land, for having the mother of all chips on his shoulder, and for his long-time habit of airing his prejudices at the wrong time and place.
You are correct, that really is bananas. Careful with the wikileaks reference, the dead child may appear.
Amir Khalid
@BillinGlendaleCA(aka 10amla):
These days, not much. Dr M has not been on particularly friendly terms with the men who have succeeded him as Umno president and PM: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Abdul Razak. He’s been sniping at them pretty mucn constantly from his blog. He considers Pak Lah a wuss, which is rich; he himself picked Pak Lah to be deputy PM because Pak lah was a wuss, who wouldn’t try to topple him like he knew Anwar Ibrahim was aiming to. Najib, a Pahang state aristocrat like his dad the second PM, is from the same elite that threw Dr M out of the party after 1969. Old Man knows how to hold a grudge.
Anwar Ibrahim, whom he tried to frame on bogus homosexuality charges, is now the leader of the first credible opposition the country has had since independence. Which might not have happened if Dr M hadn’t made a martyr out of him.
He’s out of the game now, though. He is no longer an MP and does not hold party office now. He might have at most the same kind of influence Horace Slughorn enjoys among his various well-placed proteges.
@Rihilism: While indistinguishable from the genuine article, Christwire is actually a parody site. Good stuff though.
Damn, ya miss one meeting and the intertubes play ya for a fool…
On the other hand (an aside, I’m not a big fan of OTOH. When it’s abbreviated it loses its’ dramatic effect. Oh, and why do people use IMHO instead of IMO. Does anyone ever say, “In my dishonest opinion…”. It’s your opinion, you’re offering it, perhaps for the sake of brevity (too late) we can all assume you’re being honest (the exceptions, of course, are trolls, but no one expects them to be honest). Enjoy the veal, I’m here all week…),…Exposing the gay agenda via parody, thus assuring no one will believe it????!!! A brilliant masterstroke by our homosexual overlords….
Finally, a few other things that aren’t socialist, not even a little tiny bit.
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
George Soros
Ariana Huffington
The New York Times
Sexual harassment laws
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Electric cars
The Environmental Protection Agency
Not shitting where you or others eat
Turning off your fucking lights when you’re not using them sometimes, Jesus
The Post Office
Building codes
Animal welfare laws
Business laws (See the “Nazi” rebranding above – assholes selling you a pile of shit like to deceptively rebrand this as “regulations,” like it’s something different. Nope: laws. The person who’s “anti-regulation,” what they really want is for businesses to be under no laws. And you to be under lots of them, mostly to protect businesses from you in the event that a business kills your child or won’t serve you because you’re black. Boy, that doesn’t sound so great when you put it like that – honestly, I mean – does it?***)
Making somebody who makes a billion dollars a year pay more taxes than somebody who makes zero dollars a year
The National Endowment for the Arts
The Evergreen State College
The Internet
The fact that black people don’t appreciate your repertoire of jokes about black people, in no small part because you are not black, yourself
Having a government, period
@Lyrebird: Boyanka Angelova was born in 1994. That video is from 2008, so she was 14 then; she’ll be 17 this year, but Wikipedia doesn’t give the date.
Paul in KY
Thank you for posting that clip.
Special One
She’s fantastic!
But until she can do it blindfolded, singing “Ave Maria” and solving a Rubik’s Cube the Boy Wayne is still most amazing in world at keepy uppy.
Be champions.
Comments are closed.
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Thanks and good morning, ABL. Fellow West Coaster.
Importing my comment from the football thread. People: get on this NYTimes thread and comment. Troglodyte central there at present.
Speaking of trail of slime, the anti-Obama commenters are out in force on the NYTimes article on Democrats’ concern about his electability in 2012.
Would recommend leaving a comment with anything you want to say.…..wanted=all
That doesn’t mean that he or Romney or Perry are better prepared to be president.
GWBush was an inadequate a man to assume the presidency the day he left it as when he was inaugurated. (Due to the Supreme Court, not the popular vote.)
A lot can change in the coming year. I have always worried the president seemed too detached from unemployment, and put too much faith in the economy turning around in time. What if it doesn’t?
Now importing Comrade Kevin’s comment:
Trained seals gonna be out of their jobs if they allow competition by rhythmic gymnasts.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
that is so sad.
she must have grown up with no one to play catch with.
Comrade Kevin
@Elizabelle: Sigh. Right-wing websites don’t need to impersonate lefties any more on comment threads, there are other idiots who do their work for them.
Comrade Kevin
I’m going to post, in chunks, a parody article from Private Eye magazine, starting now.
Every issue, Private Eye has a parody “Diary” column from some person who is famous (usually in the UK). Here are the first couple of bits of their most recent…
Michele Bachmann’s 10 All-American Heroes
Jesus Christ came from a good family. He was born and brought up in Iowa. And don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.
Ok, he may not have been brought up from Iowa. I walked into that trap, and I regret it. Time to move on. He certainly came from a similar neighborhood, and there are literally hundreds of experts who know this to be true.
Jesus was a strong, bold constitutional conservative who was not afraid to take on the liberal elite.
When five thousand people came looking for free bread and fish, he was not afraid to stand up to them.
He said, “This is insanity economics. You are suffering from bailout mania. No free loaves and fishes here. Get your own refreshment”.
Comrade Kevin
Dr King had a dream, a dream that one day this nation will rise up and fight for liberty. Liberty from homosexuality! Liberty from free health care for all, even those who cannot afford it! Liberty from higher taxes on those who create wealth! Liberty from state bailouts! LIberty from all kinds of pernicious liberty! He was assassinated under a Democrat president. I’m not blaming the Democrats. I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.
@Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal:
Spiffy McBang
And I always thought rhythm gymnastics was stupid. Fuck.
Comrade Kevin
You remember Tom?
Tom was the valiant feline crime-fighter who regularly tried to get his point of view across on the Tom and Jerry reality TV series.
But Tom was always traduced by the liberal elite. They’d only show viewers the bits that made him look bad.
And I think I know why.
The liberal elite can’t stand a guy like Tom who is not afraid to stand up to scrounging vermin in our society like that thieving mouse Jerry.
Tom hated to see suffering. He felt it was deeply unfair that someone like Jerry should be snatching cheese from the mouths of so many hundreds of others, including new-born babies.
The American people – those of us who CARE – will never forget what you did for us, Tom.
You knew that mouse was hell-bent on destroying our liberty. And you vowed to get rid of him.
And this is why the liberal elite are so frightened of you.
President Obama may be content to see our country over-run by un-American mice, hell-bent on stealing our food supplies and reducing our great nation to a third-world country. But I do not.
Comrade Kevin
I find it interesting that it was back in 1977 that Elvis Presley, that great American singer, passed away under Democrat President, Jimmy Carter. And who was the President when we lost the late, great Jim Reeves? You got it – the Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson. I’m not saying that countless thousands of great American singers are due to die if we re-elect the Democrat President Obama. I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.
Comrade Kevin
Here is a salt-of-the-earth guy who tends to his mom as well as single-handedly running a small family business. A proven thief books into his motel, so he humanely executes her. The guy’s a hero. And what do the Liberal elite call him? “Psycho!” Can you believe it?
What’s happening to our country? The question, frankly, is: will America endure?
First, how old is that girl in the video?
Second, if she’s legal, does anyone have her phone number?
Comrade Kevin
Jackson was a great Iowan painter, no doubt about it. And he was a prophet. When I look into his paintings, I see a stark warning against health care reform. You just have to join those dots and splashes together and you see wealthier patients being systematically killed to make way for those who have been promised something for nothing. And that’s not just what I see – hundreds of thousands of art experts agree with me. And as for the others – well, they’re on a collision course with reality.
Comrade Kevin
Millionaire Bruce Wayne, industrialist and philanthropist, fights crime in Gotham City, Iowa with his young ward, Dick Grayson. As Batman and Robin, they take on the liberal elite in the shape of The Joker and The Penguin. Yet President Obama’s secret plans would force wealth-creator Bruce Wayne to pay up to 20 percent higher taxes. What I hear from my people back home is, “Thank you for speaking up for Batman and Robin. The American people are horrified by their treatment at the hands of the federal government”. I want my candidacy for the presidency of the United States to stand for a moment when the greatest nation on earth asserts its independence from those who favor healthcare reformers such as The Joker and The Penguin over crime-fighting philanthropists such as millionaire Bruce Wayne.
Comrade Kevin
I know for sure that Atticus Finch was against same-sex marriage and a firm believer in intelligent design. If ever he saw a godless homosexual pedophile ready to attack a small child, Atticus would be the first to step in and raised very real concerns. And he often argued in court against raising taxes and for cutting spending. How do I know? un-American question alert! Sorry, guys, but I’m not going to fall into that trap!
@Comrade Kevin:
OMG those are effing hilarious.
And @Elizabelle:
that article is typical NYTimes trolling. I love how exactly at the moment that the fight begins in earnest we have this article telling us how capable and electable Perry and Romney are and how awful Obama is for dems. Gad.
Amir Khalid
Once in a while, something pops up in the world news that makes us Malaysians look really stupid. This one features Dr Mahathir Mohamad, our Prime Minister for 22 years: he’s maintaining, against all established fact, that al-Qaida didn’t do September 11. Because Arab Muslims just couldn’t have done it.
To be fair to him, Dr M has the prejudices of people of his generation. My dad, who went to medical school with him, had some of those prejudices too. But Dr M is famous throughout the land, for having the mother of all chips on his shoulder, and for his long-time habit of airing his prejudices at the wrong time and place.
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid:
Almost forgot: linky
Okay, Ball Girl is a pretty amazing athlete, and that’s a pretty awesome display of talent and skill, but THIS is way fucking cooler.
@AxelFoley: Dude, just be sure to wipe up the keyboard before you call her. That shit stains.
BillinGlendaleCA(aka 10amla)
@Amir Khalid:
How much influence does Dr. M. currently have in Malaysian politics? My understanding of your country’s economics & politics is quite dated.
Nope, that’s fucking awesome. This shit is bananas. Game over, my gay brothers and sisters, the truth is out! I blame Wikileaks…
BillinGlendaleCA(aka 10amla)
You are correct, that really is bananas. Careful with the wikileaks reference, the dead child may appear.
Amir Khalid
@BillinGlendaleCA(aka 10amla):
These days, not much. Dr M has not been on particularly friendly terms with the men who have succeeded him as Umno president and PM: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Abdul Razak. He’s been sniping at them pretty mucn constantly from his blog. He considers Pak Lah a wuss, which is rich; he himself picked Pak Lah to be deputy PM because Pak lah was a wuss, who wouldn’t try to topple him like he knew Anwar Ibrahim was aiming to. Najib, a Pahang state aristocrat like his dad the second PM, is from the same elite that threw Dr M out of the party after 1969. Old Man knows how to hold a grudge.
Anwar Ibrahim, whom he tried to frame on bogus homosexuality charges, is now the leader of the first credible opposition the country has had since independence. Which might not have happened if Dr M hadn’t made a martyr out of him.
He’s out of the game now, though. He is no longer an MP and does not hold party office now. He might have at most the same kind of influence Horace Slughorn enjoys among his various well-placed proteges.
@Rihilism: While indistinguishable from the genuine article, Christwire is actually a parody site. Good stuff though.
BillinGlendaleCA(aka 10amla)
@Amir Khalid:
Thank you Amir, sounds a bit like our Darth Cheney.
Damn, ya miss one meeting and the intertubes play ya for a fool…
On the other hand (an aside, I’m not a big fan of OTOH. When it’s abbreviated it loses its’ dramatic effect. Oh, and why do people use IMHO instead of IMO. Does anyone ever say, “In my dishonest opinion…”. It’s your opinion, you’re offering it, perhaps for the sake of brevity (too late) we can all assume you’re being honest (the exceptions, of course, are trolls, but no one expects them to be honest). Enjoy the veal, I’m here all week…),…Exposing the gay agenda via parody, thus assuring no one will believe it????!!! A brilliant masterstroke by our homosexual overlords….
Amir Khalid
Sometimes they mean to say “In my humble-but-not-really opinion”.
OTOH could also stand for “On the one hand”. You might try using it that way, and see if anyone notices.
@Amir Khalid:
INTOITW (I never thought of it that way). IASVC (It’s all so very confusing). WABTD? (what’s a boy to do?)
Perhaps I should try it as “Ostrich Teats Ooze Hummus”…
@Comrade Kevin: The comments are hilarious, thank you for posting them.
El Tiburon
Great goggly moogly
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Amir Khalid:
Can’t really complain about that. For the USA, it’s become a daily occurrence, if not more often.
How about some fiddling on a ball?
(Although she’s probably better known on the intertubes for this.)
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason:
I’m actually looking forward to a time when it’s down to a single daily occurrence.
@AxelFoley: If she can do that with only one ball, dot dot dot…
Rhythmic gymnastics is awesome.
Mr Stagger Lee
For those who want something other than the NFL, there is the Rugby World Cup on Universal sports. USA will take on Ireland at 5pm (EST).
/s/ East German judge
Jay in Oregon
I found this to be a good read:
What Socialism Is and Is Not, For Dummies.
in honor of their trolling, i am staying off nytimes for at least today.
@Comrade Kevin:
these were great
yay. me too! :)
I generally hate rhythmic gymnastics, but that was genius. I’ve got nothing to say about politics at the moment.
Death Panel Truck
Her boyfriend must surely appreciate her, um, flexibility. ;)
The Fat Kate Middleton
@Jay in Oregon: DammitJanet. Where’s the goddam ‘like’ button?
@Death Panel Truck: uh, folks, she’s a *child*…
Quaker in a Basement
Ball lady? Globetrotters calling on line 2.
@Lyrebird: Boyanka Angelova was born in 1994. That video is from 2008, so she was 14 then; she’ll be 17 this year, but Wikipedia doesn’t give the date.
Paul in KY
Thank you for posting that clip.
Special One
She’s fantastic!
But until she can do it blindfolded, singing “Ave Maria” and solving a Rubik’s Cube the Boy Wayne is still most amazing in world at keepy uppy.
Be champions.