(Ted Rall’s blog)
In the case of Perry’s lofty claim that Merck couldn’t buy his gubernatorial mandate, looks like the answer would be ‘lying’. Kevin Drum at Mother Jones wraps up the details:
… Now we know what it takes to get in the door and persuade Perry to do something that violates his most deeply held principles and enrages his most zealous supporters. Five grand is indeed far too little. But 30 grand plus 350 grand plus some arm twisting from a pal with deep pockets apparently does the trick. That makes Perry a pretty expensive date. On the other hand, if it were something that didn’t violate his most deeply held principles, I imagine his price would go down.
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
Sad fact of the matter is both poll pretty damn well. Especially considering our current political climate, you can debunk any sort of energy policy or attempt to tackle climate change with two words: Al Gore. Apparently, Al Gore proves everything fucking wrong, because he has mansion.
I wish I were fucking lying about this, but seeing the reaction to that 24-Hour Environmental event thing Gore has planned, that’s almost become an understatement.
Your Palin news for the day:
Quelle surprise: Deepwater Horizon explosion and Gulf oil spill caused by short-cutting, cost-cutting and screwups by the three bigs on the job.
No justice for the dead rig workers or the spill victims, of course.
This whole “Ponzi” zombie lie is a CLASSIC case of Rethug Projection.
Rethug Projection is where the Rethugs accuse Democrats of TRYING to do stuff that the Rethugs have actually been GUILTY OF DOING, for decades.
The stock market is a CLASSIC Ponzi scheme: it depends on finding a “greater fool” to which to sell the stocks. I know this from personal experience: I worked in dot-com companies all throughout the 1990s.
That is what the Rethugs want you to invest in, instead of Social Security! A PONZI SCHEME: the stock market.
Classic Rethug Projection. Again and again, predictable as can be. They are calling Social Security a Ponzi Scheme, because they want to replace it with— the stock market, a Ponzi Scheme!
They will get away with it because no “progressive” has the fucking balls to come out and call Wall Street a Ponzi Scheme.
I hate it when “progressives” cede populist anger to the aristocrats, by being too fucking pansy-ass to speak the truth.
Also, too: The housing bubble? A Ponzi scheme.
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
What this obviously means is that Regulations caused this and we need to dismantle the EPA post haste before we regulate ourselves into even worse spills! Deregulate NOW NOW NOW!
Big Baby DougJ
Which one does poll better? I’m curious to hear what people think.
if that’s true, it certainly explains why she’s been shying away from actually running for office: she had to hoover-up all the cash she could before this stuff came out and sent her off to the John Edwards Home For Disgraced Politicians.
@The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik:
Excelsior! It’s also high time Joe Barton apologized to Haliburton and Transocean for being tarred with the same brush as BP. Also, too, shakedown!
Southern Beale
Perry never said he couldn’t be bought. He just said he couldn’t be bought for $5,000.
So technically NOT lying!
comrade scott's agenda of rage
But, but but, since it’s in Mother Jones, only DFHs will see it.
Until the Village Idiots do something other than a desultory reference piece on it, it never happened. Which means, it never happened.
@nellcote: gee, and I was thoroughly enjoying the Deadspin article on her one-nighter with BBB star… that is almost too much to savor for one article.
Boy, I miss the days when John would rally the keyboard commandos about the latest Rall toon.
I’m filing an EEOC complaint to force John to bring in a wingnut FP’er.
My 11 year old daughter’s reaction to the GOP debate (which was not that interesting except when they were directly talking about 11 year old daughters, she revealed later):
That lady was using her daughter as an example, so it might be true that a shot will make her have sex, but I’m not old enough to know anything about THAT!
You heard it here first: Actual 11 year old girl willing to get a shot, freaked out by Crazy Eyes.
@Southern Beale: He was offended at the idea that a sum representing 0.000167 of his war chest could sway his actions.
So the offense was suggesting that he’s cheap, not that he can be bought. I was struck by his response in that it was focused entirely on how little $5000 means to him and not at all on the reasons for the policy decision.
wasabi gasp
I’d shine a knob for less. Go Baggers!
All of that Palin tell-all isn’t worth anything without proof that it’s true. I hope there’s proof.
@PhoenixRising: IMHO, Perry did mention money, so he did discuss the reasons for his policy decision.
I watched clips of some of the debate (being in the same room with the debate on live was more than I could take).
I noted when Bachmann said that Perry’s decision was irresponsible, and that might be the only thing that she ever says that I agree with, though not sure Bachmann could give any sensible reasons. My view is that suddenly making a controversial immunization mandatory without some careful study, and for a population that might not accept it willingly is not a good way to make public health decisions, even if the vaccine is beneficial and its use should increase. But whatever…
Then the next day Bachmann comes out with the nonsensical statement that the vaccine causes (instant onset, out of blue?) ‘retardation’.
Edit: which is kind of like saying that somebody caught a broken leg, because it is going around.
What a bunch of crazies and swindlers in this bunch.
@cathyx: For McGinniss’s book, Glen Rice confirms the one night stand with Palin. Given that Rice made at least $50 million over his NBA career, I don’t think he is gonna risk a lawsuit over something that isn’t true.
(EDIT: Though you are correct that logic is not actual proof that it happened. Not sure what proof of the affair their could be)
@soyaki: When that person is acting like a scold and criticizing others for their (lack of) morals while claiming to be living a good life themselves, then it rightly gets pointed out.
@nellcote et al: Sarah Palin may or may not have had consensual adult sex with a basketball player. Democrats (also: grown-ups) aren’t supposed to jump up and down about that. The correct reaction is [NULL].
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
@Big Baby DougJ:
I already mentioned above, but both poll too damn well to bother choosing between either or. Best to take both and rest assured that the country extolls you for not being one of those extreme elite academics who don’t know how the real world works.
Perry Goldwater
different church-lady
Is it just me, or is Ted Rall one of the least talented editorial cartoonists we’ve ever had?
(Why yes, that is a rhetorical question.)
@soyaki: Sorry, but I think I will jump up and down about it. People like her are putting kids in danger by refusing to teach anything but abstinence. If she has a history of screwing strangers, I’d say that’s pretty f*cking relevant.
In today’s PPP poll, the secret mooslim leads presumptive GOP nominee Rick Perry by 11 pts: 52-41
Comrade Javamanphil
@different church-lady: I hate his style almost as much as his attitude.
And, since this is an OT, please 15-30K Phishheads who have invaded my home town, leave it as nice as you found it especially since this is a benefit show. kthxbai.
@jrg: it wasn’t a stranger, it was a celebrity!
forked tongue
Gaaahhhh, please no more Ted Rall ever..I’m begging here.
Jim Pharo
@Southern Beale:
I disagree — I think Perry could be bought for $5000, so lying.
@different church-lady:
ain’t just you.
his messages are a bit heavy-handed (at best), but his drawing is just plain ugly.
Earl Butz
@Big Baby DougJ: Stupid, my good man. Americans are head-over-heels in love with stupid, just look our politics, our culture, our educational system. We are a people that have always loved stupid while hating, despising, and fearing smarts. Even when our national survival depended on acquiring and maintaining a decent educational system (Cold War blessing in disguise, that was) we were dragged into it kicking and screaming, and now that it is no longer needed, are racing to dismantle it as rapidly as possible.
Stupid over lying, but never count lying out.
Palin and the Fab Five!! Two cultural touchstones I never would have linked. The world is indeed a mysterious place.
Han's Big Snark Solo
According to some of the rumors flying around Austin Rick Perry knows quite a bit about expensive dates. Mostly with strippers…
Imma love the Palin bashing as much as the next gal, but she had sex with a star back in 1987 when she was a reporter? Big whoop. Next, we’ll find out that she masturbated when she was a tween! ZOMG!
Meh. Now if it were a three way, with Todd, that might be worth something.
Obama decides he needs Florida:
Back to the Past, we re-invent and re-package the past.
@Dave: Glen Rice came before the Fab Five, IIRC.
You’re right. Duh.
and snorted coke off an oil drum. and had an affair with one of Todd’s business partners! all kinds of good stuff in there!
i hope it’s not true, though. we need her, more than ever, because any wingnut dollars that go to Palin are dollars that don’t go to actual GOP candidates!
Bard blows another game by his own personal agency and the Rays are coming in tomorrow for four games. Be very, very afraid. OTOH, the Cardinals’ season, in a pleasant surprise, did not end in Pittsburgh after all the Pirates did to wreck it last month.
I vote for stupid. Lying falls under “acting like a politician” and turns people off.
@Svensker: There are two issues. The first is that she was dating Todd at the time and they eloped about eight months later. The second is that it (further) demonstrates her hypocrisy on abstinence only education and refraining from sex until marriage.
If it was Christine O’Donnell, this would be newsworthy.
Amir Khalid
Yeesh, that’s an ugly drawing. Doesn’t Ted Rall know anyone with actual talent in that department?
And in a highly partisan environment, it does not matter if the person is dumb as long as they vote for what they are supposed to vote for. You simply need a few smart people with integrity that the dumb person will trust.
Suffern ACE
@Svensker: Same feeling. It’s not an “affair” as she wasn’t married, although one questions her young professionalism since she was supposed to be a sports reporter. Yes it means the “I married my high school sweetheart” needs a little revision. “He may have been my sweetheart, but getting an interview to advance my career at the time was more important.”
Happened 25 years ago, though.
Earl Butz
@Svensker: This is a big deal. Not to you, or me, or anyone out there who is not a member of the Neanderthal party, but for those folks who belong to the modern KKK (aka the Republican base) Sarah! voluntarily allowing a member of the Negro race to plumb the sacred sanctum of her lady parts will render her ineligible to run for city dogcatcher, never mind president of the United States.
Much bigger deal than you think it is.
@Big Baby DougJ:
Stupid, because government isn’t supposed to work and intelligence is elitist.
@Suffern ACE:
Admittedly, “I married my sloppy seconds high school sweetheart” doesn’t have quite the same charming ring to it.
@Earl Butz: This.
The wingnuts freak over interracial relationships.
A few years ago, Harold Ford was actually leading in the Tennessee senate race by 5 points, and then the Wingers made a big deal out the mere fact that Harold had once dated a white women. He lost. He lost in a year when Democrats unseated 6 senate incumbents across the country.
Who could forget the infamous “Harold, call-me” ad
I hope Palin gives a shout-out to Rice during her inaugural speech in 2012.
pretty sure the snorting coke off an oil barrel was a more recent event… as was her affair(s) with Todd’s business partner… but it will be the jungle love that will kill off any lingering support with what’s left of her supporters in the GOP…
@Big Baby DougJ:
Lying polls better. McCain was somewhat competitive when he was just lying, but he was left in the dust when he brought in the stupid with Palin.
I thought the rumor was that he had married the New York financial district.
Libby's Person
I watched (online, not in person, sadly) Obama’s speech/campaign rally in Raleigh today. He does still give a good campaign speech! It was really interesting to see how he’s framing the campaign – how he’s trying to deal with being the incumbent in a bad economy, and how he’s going to square what’s happened with the “Hope” and “Change” 2008 campaign. I don’t know if it will work in the end, but it does seem like the Republicans are doing what they can to help him out!
Here’s some phrases that caught my ear, delivered strongly while standing in front of a banner reading “American Jobs Act”:
“My question is, what’s congress waiting for? …Tell them to pass this bill.” “Yes we can, we can pass this American Jobs Act.” “put teachers back to work…” “If congress doesn’t act… We can’t let this happen. …Tell your congressperson that the time for partisanship in politics is over…the time for action is now.”
The standing-room-only crowd was very enthusiastic in response. It helps that the job bill is getting pretty good reviews from economists, so he’s got something substantive to talk about. I don’t know how well this theme will wear over time, but I was very glad to hear that it didn’t sound lame from the start. (It sounded great to me, but then I’m a little biased…)
Rich Lowry’s starbursts just wen pfft and died.
@Earl Butz: No, I don’t agree. Palin defenders will stick with her. They will prove to you that they are not racist because they will not care that she had sex with a black man all those many years ago before she was even married. See? Not racists. Now if they didn’t like her, then it would be a huge deal. And then they will say it’s because she had sex out of wedlock, and not the black man part, even though that is the real reason they don’t like her.
Too bad they can’t prove the cocaine part. Pictures anyone?
@Earl Butz:
I think you’re right — it’s not the sex itself that’s the problem since she can always babble about how she used to be bad but now she loves Jeebus and her supporters will love her even more.
But having sex with one of Those People? Not quite so forgivable.
@Earl Butz: @cathyx: @Mnemosyne: You all present compelling arguments.
This is gonna be fun.
Can’t wait for the movies.
If we could only get Glen Rice on record admitting that he initiated Comrade Palin into the ways of Kenyan Sozialist Muslimry during that long dark night of the soul….
@jrg et al: That’s great. Sink to their level. Don’t rise above. Obama sucks. And so on.
Maybe that’s what she meant by “Going Rogue”.
@soyaki: Asking for intellectual consistency is not “sinking to their level”
and, now, we find out that she has a MANDINGO COMPLEX?
uh huh
no wonder she got so mad at the President ignoring her
Children can read this blog.
No XXX imagery, please.
Snort, Baby, Snort!
What, she finally decided to run for PTA vice-president?
@Amir Khalid: All his panels look like woodcuts to me.
Sarah Palin, staring in the new Cinemax series “Breaking
BadBlack”Earl Butz
@cathyx: You deserve a Nobel for that one.
I predict the intrepid Ms. Palin will bow out by Thanksgiving to “spend more time with her family” at a presser attended by about 50 of her remaining supporters, and that will be the end of her. Divorced by this time next year.
Hope she saved some money, but she doesn’t strike me as that type.
Comrade Javamanphil
@wrb: Hardly. I bet his dream scenario has just been confirmed.
This book brings new meaning to the phrase, “Palin Blows”
“Tundra Fever.”
‘Nailin’ Palin 2: Twice as Rice’
Alternatively, ‘Nailin’ Palin 2: White men can’t F**k’
Drilled, baby, drilled!
I knew the lady doth protest too much about Obama shoving his big stimulus package down her throat.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Ginni’s not going to like this, and I was saving it for my final memoirs, but Miss Palin was also, shall we say, very “friendly” with the Mighty Gavel of Supreme Justice wielded by a certain fledgeling Associate Supreme Court Justice – and not just a friendly peck at the front door, shall we also too say.
S. cerevisiae
Palin: “Is it twoo how they say you people are…gifted?”
Dee Loralei
Or ‘Nailin’ Palin: The Real American White on Rice’
S. cerevisiae
B W Smith
You folks are BAD! Here I was all set to be holier-than-thou and say we shouldn’t jump on this kind of thing. Then I read the comments and each one just gets better and better. Carry on!
My second quelle surprise of the day: the Hoover Institute has yet another asshat on staff.
@cathyx: i think part of the dominionism thing is that their leaders are sacrosant and infallible no matter what they may do, they were chosen by God to lead and their pecadillos or episodes of “waywardness” are tolerated and even embraced; you just repent and accept Christ as your savior and you are washed clean of all “sin”, you can do this over and over again (as many times as you commit the “sin”); they believe this stuff and they believe it applies to their leaders
and then, of course, the rest of us can fuck off and die
well at least Sarah was gettin’ some; poor Michele has been married to a gay man for 30+ years
Ah yes, the old Dr. Laura excuse. “I cheated on my husband because I was an atheist then so I didn’t have any morals.”
Fuck you, Dr. Laura.