From commentor Munira:
Here are some garden pictures from southern Quebec. It was a fantastic garden year here – plenty of heat and plenty of rain. I have a huge vegetable/fruit garden and everything did either spectacularly well or pretty well except the cauliflower, which until today had not produced one single head. This morning I finally saw two little ones. I’ve been busy harvesting and taking pictures of all the beautiful veggies. Here are a couple of my favorites (from an esthetic point of view) – butternut, acorn and yellow straight necked squash…
… and scarlet runner beans (shelled)…
… plus a picture of a little snake who popped his head up through the mulch around a squash plant while I was weeding. We had a quite a conversation (I did most of the talking).
I’ve also included a picture of the garden earlier in the summer so you can see my elaborate electric fence, which keeps out the deer and raccoons and seems to at least discourage the groundhogs.
What’s on the agenda for this first autumn Sunday?
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
What a great garden!
Munira, The garden is beautiful. What exactly do you say to a snake?
@JPL: @JPL: Well first I said hello, and then I talked about the squash plants since that seemed to be the main thing we had in common. Since he didn’t seem to be scared of me, i finally ran to the house to get my camera. When I came back, he’d disappeared, but as soon as I started weeding again, he popped back up so I was able to take several pictures.
Linda M
The snake doesn’t look so little to me, but it is beautiful and I like the idea of having a conversation with it. I envy your good weather. Not so much good weather in Indy: hot and dry all summer. I love your pictures. Thanks.
The photos are gorgeous, and the little snake looks quite intelligent and cheerful.
Also, it should be “discourage” not “discourages” in the last sentence. I thought I proofed my text but apparently, not well enough. Is it possible to correct that?
No. Just mutter “FYWP” and move on.
Linda Featheringill
Lovely garden and really nice picture of beans!
And “hello” to your friend, the snake.
Linda Featheringill
My fall garden is up and green but it doesn’t seem to be growing very fast. It might need some sunshine. Yesterday was only the second day in September that gave us sunshine and no rain all day. I don’t remember such a wet September! April, yes. September, shouldn’t be.
Oh well.
Linda Featheringill
Have you had a frost yet? According to the Internets, you’re due one about the middle of September.
A Humble Lurker
It’s an open thread so…anybody who was looking for Obama’s speech to the Congressional Black Caucus, I found it on Youtube.
Part 1
Part 2
It’s pretty good.
Dee Loralei
Munira, don’t listen to the snake! Remember what happened to Eve and all of mankind after a similar chat in a garden? /joke
Lovely garden and produce.
I still have tomatoes but none are ripening. My lettuces look like they’ll be harvestable in a week or so.
Great pictures. I’m hoping the hard frost holds off long enough for big harvest of scarlet runners. I’ve been in harvest mode the last couple of weeks. I’m pretty much done with tomatoes for the year. Now it’s on to apples. Today is all about apple sauce and apple butter.
Yesterday was the harvest party at the CSA I belong to. Great potluck food, cider making and my band played for a couple of hours. I ended up with 8 gallons of organic cider, which become hard cider. Haven’t decided yet whether to go with wine or mead yeast.
Looking forward the Packers/Bears game, with the Lions/Vikings as the appetizer.
Go Pack!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
What a terrific garden, And I love the snake, who looks like quite a pleasant conversing companion. Thanks for showing us.
Cliff in NH
I’m still waiting for my tomatoes to ripen, A few beefmasters are finally turning, can’t wait to try one!
Still got Lots of greenies though
Ooh, a Parselmouth! I hope the conversation was pleasant than otherwise! :)
I love seeing photos of the other creatures that live in our gardens. Thank you Munira for sharing.
Years ago I was picking green beans and a whip snake took off and went flying out of the garden. I went flying out of the garden the other way. The beans had to wait until my husband came home and explained that it was not a rattle snake and stood guard while I picked.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, J. Hoberman’s daughter and Richard Schechner’s son got married.
Love the snake photo!
It’s officially autumn here in NE Illinois. The basil are brown-spotted crap thanks to one too many nights in the 40s. The tomatoes are still producing–lots of cherry greenies still to ripen, and the Aunt Ginny heirloom and Mountain Fresh are still limping along. Bell peppers have buds and a couple of teeny peppers each, while the Cubanelle put all its efforts into one very large pepper. The Indestructible Chive is still going strong. Thought about planting fall lettuces, but decided against.
Of all my shrubs, the hydrangeas did the best. Tons of blooms, which are now drying and darkening nicely. I cut a few and stuck them in vases around the house. I was never much for dried flowers before, but these are lovely. The dark pink blooms darkened to a wine color, while the pale pink turned icy green dotted with shades of darker pink.
Weekend’s been cool and rainy–October temps. Greens leaves are fading to gold, and the sugar maples are starting to turn that lovely vermilion shade.
@Linda Featheringill: We’ve had light frost a couple of times. I’ve gotten most of the frost sensitive veggies out now – just some peppers and eggplants I’ve been covering when it gets cold. Right now it’s like summer though. Feels kind of weird actually. I’ve been cutting wood all weekend and wonder if I’ll ever need it. I guess it can change fast though.
@Dee Loralei: Yeah, that old patriarchal God really didn’t like Eve eating from the tree of knowledge, did he? Wonder why.
@Dee Loralei: You win the Internet for today.
Helga Schleeh
Well, Munira, I always knew you were full of beans……so…. talking to the other side now… huh….. if you can’t talk to God, any fallen angel will do…….your garden does look heavenly, I must admit, and as always, so are you.
hugsssss Helga
@Helga Schleeh: And hugs to you, my dear. Come see me before the snow falls.