Back when I was a boy and didn’t know any better and didn’t have any sense and shouldn’t be held responsible for anything I did, said or thought, my daddy procured some land, and we used it for hunting and other manly activities involving guns. On that property, there was a rock that looked an awful lot like a bearded man sodomizing a Irish Setter, and some person from far in the past had painted “Jesus Buttfucking Big Red” on it.
Now, for reasons that are very complicated about the history of the region where I grew up, it was once acceptable to point out that rocks or other objects sometimes looked like our Savior engaging in bestiality with a variety of animals. While I think that’s vile and condemn it, it was also part of the culture of our area, and it’s in the past, and we can all forget about it. Even so, and even though we were just leasing that property and didn’t really own it, which means that rock wasn’t really even ours to change, we definitely painted over that rock as soon as we we got round to it, sometime in the 80’s.
So, I have to dispute the claim by seven different people that it took my family a long time to paint over that rock, written on by others, long ago, that had an “insensitive and offensive” message on it. But, man, you really did have to see that rock to believe how much it looked like the Son of God screwing the pooch.
Well played.
Sentence of the day.
Good to know we can all forget about the past. Was wondering about that, just the other day.
Man, people will go to extremes to be at the top of Google searches.
That last sentence is a thing of beauty.
Finally, skull-fuck a kitten has company.
Glen Tomkins
We have total confidence in you Mistermix, and totally accept your story as a complete and adequate account of this sad affair.
I have but two small nits to pick with your account, however. For one thing, it is obvious that you are either not Catholic, or are a sad disappointment to the noble and all-too-long traditions of Catholic education. Because my second point is that I have seen this rock, and it is quite clearly more reminiscent of the Christ having anal coitus with the uncut maiden aunt of the Apostle Paul. Don’t pull your punches.
Casting stones? Who amongst us does not have Nigger prominently displayed on our property?
Certified Mutant Enemy
I love the smell of blasphemy in the morning…
Very well done mistermix.
Ash Can
This made me LOL. (And if this whole sordid affair means that Rick Perry’s 15 minutes really are up, so much the better.)
Certified Mutant Enemy
@Ash Can:
Probably, but recent revelations about Perry are likely seen as positives by the Republican rank and file…
this one time, at hunting camp…
Bravo! Masterful, mm. That last sentence should be a rotating tag.
That said, I really thought, when I first read this story this weekend, that the The Onion had punked everybody again. Unfuckingbelievable.
And of course, Perry and his family ultimately decided to literally whitewash the problem. That’s one of those things which sits in the fuzzy intersection of darkly amusing, highly ironic, and appalling.
LOL. I will be referring back to this thread several times today when I feel that I need a laugh. Most especially to:
“Now, for reasons that are very complicated about the history of the region where I grew up, it was once acceptable to point out that rocks or other objects sometimes looked like our Savior engaging in bestiality with a variety of animals” and “But, man, you really did have to see that rock to believe how much it looked like the Son of God screwing the pooch.”
Special Patrol Group
Also, too from comments there:
@Special Patrol Group: SPG–your link goes to a 404 here on BJ.
Special Patrol Group
@soonergrunt, 18: Thanks. Fix’d, apparently.
Moonbatting Average
@geg6: The Onion needs to run this headline: “GOP Primary Race Makes Popular Satirical Newspaper Obsolete”
Cool story, bro.
Jason T.
Now that there is some fine sarcasm, boy, I tell you whut. /hankhill
Full of win.
Hey, when the going gets tough, the tough invade Mexico.
mistermix. Thank You. That is all.
golf clap
@MattF: Generalisimo ‘N*ggerhead’ Perry: “Pancho Villa, we are here”.
Amir Khalid
(Facepalm.) The man is governor of a territory that was taken from Mexico by military conquest. If he does become president, you can look forward to his first diplomatic contact with that country. Preferably from a safe hiding place.
Excellent, mistermix-san.
I shouldn’t be, but am astonished that a candidate for the presidency in the 21st century could have this in his background, just waiting to come to light.
The things that candidates (especially Republican candidates) think they can brazen through.
Since I live by a town called ‘Coon Rapids’ I shall not complain about the occasional defiled canine. However the town was named for a furry four-legged creature not a racist slur. We do have a few ‘Squaw’ names around the State & I know exactly the type of guy who loves to highlight the name since its original meaning has been pointed out.
Something tells me Mr. Perry is a lot like those guys:
heyhey . . . niggerhead . . . hehehehehe
Kevin Drum has a good post on Perry’s not ready for prime time campaign, with suitable photo illustration.
Again, it’s astounding to me that people of this
ilkquality run. For. President.In one party. Show me a “both sides” for this one.
I will say that I have to hat tip to Blue Texan over at Instaputz:
A thing of beauty.
By the blessed bouncy balls of Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, you should know know that God sez a Christian or a Koch can buttfuck whatever they like, it is only smite-worthy when they gets fucked.
I personally do not think that Perry was ever truly serious about a run right now. I think that this allowed him to “test the waters” for a future run — to measure himself against the issues and what his reception might be. He found that out and in typical Republican fashion, will make adjustments for the future and run when he has his adjustments in place.
Republicans are in a different America than the rest of us. Having intelligence and sound policy ideas are not critical for essentially a religious position where the faithful will believe anything you tell them to believe. You just have to be good enough to convince them of your fabrications, and this time Perry wasn’t convincing in his delivery, otherwise he would still be their guy.
I know folks here think Romney will be the nominee, and right now I don’t see anyone who can beat him being the nominee. That said, he is never going to be President.
Mistermix, your story was so good that when I got to the end of the comment section, I had to go back and read it a second time.
Edit: now that I have read the story a second time, I have to disagree with those who think your last line was the best. I think “Jesus Buttfucking Big Red” deserves the top slot.
Julia Grey
That said, he is never going to be President.
I don’t know how you can be so sure, given the general madness of the electorate in this country.
I think Romney has a great chance. Unfortunately. He looks good and has lots of experience in talking a good game. The general electorate, ignorant and dissatisfied as they are, will fall for his act like a ton of blockheads.
Joseph Nobles
Standing O.
Although I wish more attention was being paid to an emergency $1 million donation to Perry’s last governor campaign from Bob Perry (no relation) that was funneled through the Republican Governors Association. That scandal has a couple of Perry aides facing perjury charges AND has Mitt Romney involved, since he was the head of the RGA at the time and must have signed off on the donation.
just thot i would note that Perry used to be a Dem, don’t know when/if he switched from R to D but he was D in the 90’s – was his family R or D, I wonder? – and, no, I don’t care enough to use teh google
I’m dissatisfied w my comment w 34 & would change it if I could.
I did not intend to insult all Christians and should have used something like “Christianists” or “those thought to members of the tribe”
“Niggerhead” and invading Mexico will only help Perry in a GOP primary that largely thinks Obama wasn’t born in the US and is a moooslim.
They want another “niggerhead” mounted outside his ranch.
You know, McCain famously used to call his wife a “C*nt” and “Trollope”, and frequently used the word “Gook” and it didn’t hurt him one bit in the primaries.