I don’t know what this means, but I like it anyway:
Syrek is doing his dissertation on several of Shakespeare’s plays, including Coriolanus.
“You might say that Coriolanus was the first Republican, in the modern sense of the term,” says Syrek. “He is the most sublime bombast in all of literature.”
I asked him who would be Coriolanus in the political drama playing out in Zuccotti Park.
“Oh, God, what’s his name? Sean Hannity. And Menenius would be David Brooks.”
I am now labeling all Occupy Together posts with Jump! You Fuckers!
Corner Stone
DougJ, do you have any advice on medications for people who hear organ music as they go to bed at night?
I think they want our government’s elected officials to leave so they can take over. You should probably read Ted Rall’s, AntiAmerican Manifesto. The Occupation DC or October2011 at Freedom Plaza; has been planned for about 6 months and has a lot of familiar sponsors on their website.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Damn you, DougJ. You know how I feel about Greek. Why are you trying to inflame me, man?
Villago Delenda Est
The first time I saw Sean Hannity, before I heard a word out of his mouth, my impression was he had a face made for being hit with a Louisville Slugger.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
With a crowbar!
gocart mozart
Hannity has a face only a mutherfucker could love.
Corner Stone
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): With the girl from 4E!
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Corner Stone: In Ship of Fools a spanish hooker tells Lee Marvin to meet her in room 14. When he drunkenly barges in it’s Vivian Leigh’s room and she had just drunkenly applied a shit load of sleazy makeup in a fit of regret of getting old. Marvin assaults her and she does the three minute motherfucker on his face with a high heel.
great scene
Spaghetti Lee
I actually read As You Like It for class a while back and it struck me that Orlando’s speech about how slaves served out of loyalty and didn’t ask for money back in the good old days would have fit right into the pages of the National Review. I even considered rewording it and submitting it for publication.
Corner Stone
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): Lee Marvin never had much luck with hookers, as I recall, cinematically speaking.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Corner Stone: This is the scene that leads up to the one I mention.
Not that it makes a particle of difference to the thread, but this may be the only chance I ever get to mention that in 1959 I saw Laurence Olivier at Stratford (England) in the title role of Coriolanus.
That was the day after I saw Charles Laughton as King Lear. And guess who else was in that cast: Vanessa Redgrave, Zoe Caldwell, Robert Hardy, and Albert Finney, bitchez!
I was 17. I didn’t fully appreciate what I was seeing.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
I also did not realize that Elizabeth Ashley is in Treme.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@SiubhanDuinne: Rock on!
Take back Vanessa Redgrave.
Sean Hannity was hysterical in The Birdcage” w/ Robin Williams.
Cat Lady
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’ve been trying to conjure a similarly fitting fate for Bobo. Something more subtle and painfully drawn out, with an ironic twist that exposed his craven bootlicking even to himself. A girl can dream.
@Cat Lady: Having his liver pecked out for eternity by Strom Thurmond? (The original was an aetos kaukasios.)
Cat Lady
I was thinking more like Obama’s package being rammed down his throat for all eternity. I’m not sure he wouldn’t enjoy it though. He’s a fellater of power. Something up his ass maybe.
@MikeJ: at teh Applebee’s Salad Bar
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
I know, yeah? Didn’t really have a sense of what I’d seen until years later when I looked at the program and said, Holy Fuck! All these people are famous!
I’m trying hard not to be unduly cynical about the OWS thing but I think this is really fu*ked up:
Completely OT, but has anybody seen their local news coverage of the “values” voters summit? I’m sure King-TV didn’t send a reporter, but that’s ok. Stations sell actualities to each other and that’s cool. The report they ran looked as if it were produced by the Republican party. “One thing everybody agrees on: Obama has got to go!”
It’s not unheard of for people who run these type of things to put together “news” packages. Anybody else seeing similar?
I always saw Bobo as more of a Polonius character.
Yes, there was a study a few years back that showed how TV stations were using PR “news” straight out of the can or slightly modified. I wouldn’t be surprised.
I rarely watch CNN but I’m in a hotel tonight and it’s one of the few channels available. It wasn’t quite as blatant as your quote, but there was a sort of push on the part of the interviewer to MAKE it all Obama’s fault.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@sfinny: I was getting confused. The much besieged Georgia Offensive Coordinator is Mike Bobo and I thought ya’ll were going OT!
Villago Delenda Est
You mean they all ignored the real story of today’s session, which was Romney striking back at the Southern Baptist leader for calling Moromonism “a cult”?
The facade of “unity” is a very bad joke.
Southern Beale
Evening folks. So, scientists say two species have gone extinct in South Florida. Amazed the free hand of the market didn’t save them.
B W Smith
@becca: Very funny, there is a resemblance between Hannity and Nathan Lane. Something I am sure neither would appreciate.
That was really low class. Couldn’t believe it.
Try harder.
They’re experimenting with consensus rule; give ’em a break. Besides, I think I’d like a movement that was not dominated by an endless bunch of speeches by celebrities, musicians and luminaries.
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): Mike Bobo is a great name. Can totally understand the confusion, however.
@Villago Delenda Est: That was the real story of yesterday’s session. The story with today’s was Romney’s mild tsk tsk to Bryan Fischer (“poisonous language”) and Fischer’s hate-filled diatribe.
Short version is — all Muslims are murderers, at heart. Fischer also believes that Nazis were Nazis because they were gay. That was the problem there. The Nazis were gay. Hello? David Frum? Andrew Sullivan? This guy who is feted by the GOP says the problem was not historic anti-Semitism, but homosexuality — you agree? Well, no one in your party has rejected this guy so, what’s the deal with that?
C-Span carried the speeches from yesterday but didn’t broadcast Fischer’s speech. Which is infuriating, that they are doing the clean up work.
Re: Coriolanus — this is the part he’s thinking of:
I was thinking about how he decides not to destroy Rome in revenge only because his mother persuades him not to. That didn’t sound very Republican to me.
Linda Featheringill
what the hey? On so many levels. That clip showed a group of people acting very weirdly.
Mark S.
Nebraska belongs back in the Big 12 North.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Mine too, and I was a conservative back then.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Linda Featheringill: Weren’t around in the 60’s were ya?
Mark S.
I only read Coriolanus once and it was like a decade ago but I remember thinking he was such an asshole I didn’t give a shit what happened to him. His mother was horrifyingly grotesque; I guess he turned out better than could be expected being raised by that.
@Corner Stone:
What about folks who hear bagpipes at 2 in the morning? And see the bagpiper on the street outside their bedroom window?
As a well-published Shakespeare scholar, I’d like to be the first to point out that you can’t spell Coriolanus without “anus.”
So yes, as the first Republican? Makes perfect sense.
There’s also the little detail that Coriolanus doesn’t get what he wants from Rome, so he goes off and throws in with his mortal enemies and uses them to conquer his homeland. Sounds like a swell allegory for GOP patriotism. Like Ronnie and the Kochs doing business with Iran.
@Mark S.:
@BGinCHI: Damn you, BG! Pipped to the post, as the Brits say, wot wot.
@FlipYrWhig: GMTA.
Plus I can see in your windows.
Are those Wonder Woman pajamas? Nice.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@BGinCHI: You don’t need a weatherman to say which way the wind blows. . .
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Southern Beale: Well, if they’d only produced something the market wanted, they wouldn’t be extinct.
I think it would be a great leap forward for Sunday’s talk shows if they referred to the Values Voter Summit as the Assholes Voter Summit.
I mean fuck, the Christians are in church anyway.
@Southern Beale:
If species don’t have jobs and aren’t rich it’s their own damn fault.
Corner Stone
@Svensker: I never worry about it when I can see the bagpipe player.
It’s only the times when I can’t find the bastard and just see the green flag he’s left behind tied to something.
Davis X. Machina
@BGinCHI: Just as Republicans run on the slogan that government can’t do anything right, and when elected prove it, these right wing Christianists, raised on a diet of Augustinian and Calvinist doctrine on the fundamental depravity of mankind, given an opportunity go right out and demonstrate its soundness.
Southern Beale
I saw a picture of people at the Values Voter summit decked out in full 18th century costume — men and women — the women in caps and longs skirts and the men in tricorn hats and knee britches and the rest. So I don’t want to be hearing any more bullshit about Occupy Wall Street protesters being oddly dressed. You can just nip that shit in the bud right now.
John Weiss
@SiubhanDuinne: Do any of us at any age appreciate what we’re seeing? I don’t think so.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Southern Beale: Tell it.
John Weiss
@sfinny: I see ’em as Claribel the Clown.
Remember? “It’s Howdy Doody time…”
Honk, honk.
Southern Beale
Did anyone show up for a Tea Party event dressed like Alice In Wonderland and the Mad Hatter? That would be funny.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@John Weiss: That’s a pretty broad statement.
John Weiss
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): Perhaps it’s a broad statement. By my own personal experience, I believe it’s true. Sometimes, my man, we simply don’t know what we’re looking at until long after.
But the time I met my current partner I knew in a flash. As is said, “Your mileage may vary”.
Southern Beale
My hockey team is playing awesomely. Knocking on wood that we can keep this up.
John Weiss
@Southern Beale: That would be very funny Ms. Beal. If I didn’t live in the hinterlands, I’d take either role and show up with you (If the Mr wouldn’t mind!)
And we’d have four foot crowbars, just in case.
Joseph Nobles
Coriolanus is a Dixiecrat.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@John Weiss: What age were you?
From your mouth to Michael Moore’s ear.
Anne Laurie
@Cat Lady:
Hell, in Brooks’ echt-Episcopalian afterlife? Just read Aristotle, Milton, Burke & all the other Very Serious Intellects the columns where Brooks uses them to dress up his pathetic craven bootlickings. I think we can count on them to give BoBo all the griefings he so richly deserves. Ater the latest posthumus smear-job, even Steve Jobs would depart from best Buddhist practice to depants Brooks & run his soiled tighty-whiteys up the celestial flagpole!
Or Jane Hamsher and Grover Norquist.
Cat Lady
@Anne Laurie:
Somewhere in the right panel of Bosch’s Last Judgment there’s an image that captures exactly what I have in mind for Bobo.
@Nellcote: So agree. Nothing says power to the people like, “Hey, don’t let that guy talk!”
I look forward to re-education.
@SiubhanDuinne: (#12)
I am gobsmacked with envy at your account of seeing Olivier as Coriolanus! And then to be poleaxed by the coup de grace of your attending a performance by Charles Laughton as Lear! I certainly hope you have long enjoyed the stunned reactions of friends and relations as you relate that glorious tale of your youth.
While far from those lofty dramatic heights, I can relate that about twenty-five years ago I saw Christopher Walken in the title role of Coriolanus at the Public Theater in New York. That night, the then-unknown actor Andre Braugher (Homicide) offered a memorable performance in a minor role.
To highlight the evening, shortly after the play Mr. Braugher boarded the subway car on which my friend and I were travelling. I approached him to offer congratulations on his performance. Thrilled to be recognized and expressively grateful for my remarks, Braugher and I spoke about the production for several stops until he disembarked uptown.
@Cat Lady: There was a really bad science fiction novel from the 80s that detailed a very imaginative punishment that might be severe enough to suit the case.
It involved sophisticated neuro-surgery such that the condemmned had all his senses except one scrambled. That one caused him to roam the city, sniffing out piles of dog shit, and burying his face in them. Forever.
@sfinny: Oh goody. Can I be Hamlet? But who among the village will nose him presently, if they that can’t nose him now?
John Lewis didn’t seem to mind.
That’s really the pesky thing about political celebrity: worrying about insulting someone important (and John Lewis is certainly in that category) to the point where your indignation reaches a higher level than that felt by the celebrity himself/herself. We’ve seen a whole helluva lot of that stuff in the past three years w/r/t Bill and Hilly Clinton and their “supporters.”
Corner Stone
John Lewis seemed to understand the situation and circumstances.
Obviously that doesn’t help those with significant hurting of the nether regions, or those on the grift. So it most likely will not be discussed.
John Lewis is sooo a celebrity. Geez. Who doesn’t know that? Doesn’t know anything about social change — leave it to the PhD candidates who know about real suffering. I bet Kardashian was with him.
And, I can totally see he was cool with it. It so showed that he was like, “It’s cool.” I bet he learned something from the experience really.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
Or President Obama and all Republicans.
Corner Stone
John Lewis is a grown man. Unlike some of the pained egos here and across the griftwitters.
@Corner Stone: Ha! You are so defensive.
Corner Stone
@ChrisNYC: I’m going to take Mr. Lewis at his word. You’re free to call him a liar all you like.
@Corner Stone: What’s his word? Serious question.
Doesn’t matter to me, for my opinion of OWS, whether he was ok with not talking. I don’t like a whole bunch of what I’ve seen. This is just more. But I think it matters for liberals.
That he’s not offended, and that he respects and encourages the process that the protesters are developing. Because John Lewis is a class act, and knows from personal experience that this stuff is hard to do.
So anyone wailing about it should probably take a page from the guy they’re rushing to defend from the horde of uppity PhD candidates.
Corner Stone
@ChrisNYC: Sorry your panties are so bunched.
There’s a video linked at #70 by Sly. It has Mr. Lewis speaking for himself. He certainly doesn’t need me paraphrasing him.
Corner Stone
Grifters in the night exchanging griftes
Grifting in the night what were the griftes
We’d be grifting grift before the grift was through
Grifting in your eyes was so grifting
Grifting in you smile was so grifting
Grifting in my heart told me I must grift you
@Sly: Listen, it’s not about offense. I’m not offended on Lewis’ behalf. Just I’m not signing on and pledging undying love for a group of people that says, “Hey, John Lewis, nothing to learn from him.” For me. Personally, I’m not sure I respect the “process” or encourage it. I’m, frankly, not that easy to win. I’ve seen an awful lot that makes me mad (i.e., slamming the NYPD, who turned out in WI but apparently are “thugs” when it’s convenient). I’m watching it but I’m not 100% oh please please free us.
I think OWS have their own ideas (TBD) and I’m not going to superimpose my own impression on them, to smooth edges and make excuses, like a lot of the internet left seems to do. I am not sure what they want or what they’re about but I’ll pay attention and come to my own conclusion. Which I think they’ve actually earned, that level of freedom.
They want to turn away John Lewis? More power to them. They are totally free to do that. Can I draw conclusions from that? Yes. That’s my right and both them and I have a right to do that without people saying, “What you saw was not what you saw.” Part of this is taking a stand, mapping out what they care about, what they don’t care about, what they value, what they don’t. They are allowed to do that and people watching are allowed to sign on or not.
@Corner Stone: You sound defensive again. Just own OWS if you love it. It’s ok.
Bobo should enjoy Prince Humperdink’s fate. “My god, look at that thing.”
Corner Stone
@ChrisNYC: Of course I love it. WTF is wrong with you that you don’t?
Think you can bluster off some shit? Not so much.
You don’t like some “things” about OWS? Hmmm?
John Weiss
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): Sixty-five fucking years.
joel hanes
Who ever has?
Serious question. I’m opening the floor for nominations.
Maybe Buddha.
If you give a dog a choice between the Buddha-nature and a dog biscuit, is there any question which he will choose ?
As your mind unweaves feel the freeze down in your knees?
You’re fucked. Might as well go with it
Ha! How strange. Just stumbled across this post, and I went to school with the guy quoted in that story. Haven’t seen him since last week of classes at Rutgers in ’98, though. Wonder what he thought about the Seinfeld finale.