Better Book Titles is a clever tumblr which I have been following for months, but I think this recent example might be my favorite:
You should spend some time looking through the archives. It’s probably more amusing for those of you who are litura-cha enthusiasts.
Open Thread.
[via Better Book Titles]
[cross-posted at Angry Black Lady Chronicles]
It was over for me with “Will Fuck For Turnips,” by Erskine Caldwell.
What would Cleanth Brooks have said about that?
I’ve got a soft spot in my cold black heart for “The Fa–ist and The Furious” myself.
And “Everybody Poops” should have been titled “Eat, Pray, Racism”
Linda Featheringill
Cute title.
Less amusing if you’ve actually struggled through the first section of Capital, which is about making a fetish of money.
/ETA: The rest of the book is actually pretty interesting and a pretty good read.
Warren Terra
Funny idea, but if those people could find a worse browsing interface, they’d surprise the heck out of me. Worse, they’d probably implement it. What an irritating experience, looking through their archives.
Fuck me, I missed the one of the best in the lot called “Shit My Dad Says” a.k.a. The Holy Bible.
@Linda Featheringill: You can skip that chapter now that it’s passed beyond theory.
Go straight to chapter 51: Why Workers Are Fucked: Feature Not Bug.
fleeting expletive
Excuse the OT, I am watching Star Trek V, with the originals. I think they are still all alive. Couldn’t they yet get together and do another one, fat and old as they clearly are? I think the canon commands it. I’d like it, for shure.
Linda Featheringill
And once you understand that, you cannot un-understand it.
Linda Featheringill
Okay children. Time for granny to go to bed. :-)
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Ron Paul is asking for me to help him secure our borders. Are we going to finally build that fence on the Canadian border?
There is a disturbingly large number of people in this country who would rename “The Handmaid’s Tale” as “Utopia.”
Better Book Titles is OK, but it’s not as good as this thread, which explores a similar idea.
Insurgency: How the Nefarious Hobbits Waged Class War on Sauron.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@fleeting expletive: Kirk is dead, the actors who played Scotty and Bones are dead, and Spock is in a different universe. Could be a bit tough.
@burnspbesq: That book seriously freaked me out. Didn’t know why at the time, but I think I realized that a certain segment of the population did see it as Utopia.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@ChristianPinko: You’re links broken.
OK, trying it again: here.
Warren Terra
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
I like how you mix in-story continuity and real-world actors.
fleeting expletive
Belafon—-merely a writer’s challenge, it’s only Rock and Roll,but I like it, like it, yes I do.
Little Boots
occupy wall street is awesome. just gotta say. what’s funny, is this started in Wisconsin, and the kind of people who were protesting in Wisconsin really are worlds apart from the Occupy kids, but it really doesn’t matter. this stuff is infectious in the best possible way. it is truly awesome to see that this country, across the whole spectrum, is finally starting to get it. what we have, sucks. but what we could have, what we could still do is amazing. love it.
Hate-Fucking and Architecture actually sounds like a book I’d enjoy.
OT: really nifty news if this pans out
No shit.
Understand, though, that some one or more of the usual idiots is going to show up and rip you a new one for linking to That Tory Rag.
Only the Guardian is acceptable in these parts. Even though its cricket coverage is le suck.
Brian S
@piratedan: @burnspbesq: Interestingly enough, I just saw someone over at Pandagon in the comments reference this very research. Here you go, and not from the Telegraph either.
Little Boots
damn you, crappy cricket coverage!!!!
@burnspbesq: my apologies, didn’t consider the source, was focused solely on the content. Since I have a son who falls into that small group of being severely affected by peanuts, ingestion and contact, I figured there might be a few others as well.
Uncle Clarence Thomas
I like the one re-titled Uncle Clarence Thomas.
I was kidding about the Telegraph, and kidding a bit less about the knee-jerk intolerance on offer here.
The news is seriously good.
@ChristianPinko: I like the one from commenter RichardJ:
Villago Delenda Est
Adam Smith beat Marx to the money fetish in The Wealth of Nations, but none of the wingtards have ever read that, either.
Spiffy McBang
I’m shocked no one linked the Palin one.
If I had a life I would be abed. Instead I am up at 3:30 local time downloading iOS 5 to my touch.
Here’s a nice breakfast.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@jeffreyw: no shit
Neddie Jingo
LOL: Huck Finn: One of My Best Friends Is Black
There Will Be Blood (aka What To Expect When You’re Expecting) made me laugh out loud.
So did How I Met Your Mother (aka Oedipus the King).