Oh hey. Football on the teevees and all. Go at it. For the non-football people, here’s the first half of this morning’s Up With Chris Hayes show.
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Carry on.
Your indulgence of the proles is duly noted. And highly appreciated.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
The peeples are revolting!
Into the streets: #occupycollegefootball
Does not compute.
Goddamn does UM look like dogshit.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Where’s that Corner Stone??
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Punchy: Yea, breaks my fucking heart.
Bless you. I hate football.
@suzanne: Aren’t you communing with nature in Flagstaff?
Roger Moore
Thread needs more kitteh.
I have decided that I would like some cold, delicious pound cake and a glass of milk.
The Dangerman
Isn’t that Un-American? I bet people that hate football hate apple pie, too. There must be a correlation, at least.
The NBA types must be close to shitting bricks; they are locked out and no one really gives a crap. They are close to slaying the Golden Goose for Thanksgiving. Idiots.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Chickenshit motherfucking Wolverines can’t shake hands after they get their asses whipped for the 4th straight year. Crybaby Bo would approve!
The one thing about living near Cincy is completely not giving a damn about the NBA.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
OSU’s coach said that the Buckeyes showed courage after last weeks loss by showing up on Sunday and running around!
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
Did you see how MSU played, though?
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Zandar: The Big O and the Cincinnati Royals!!!!
@Linnaeus: I watched online and MSU’s coach needs to talk about personal fouls. just my opinion though..
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Linnaeus: I thought they played well, no?
Driving through East Lansing tomorrow morning. I’ll report back on how the wreckage from the celebrations looks.
Could be a bit muted. It’s 55 degrees and gusty as hell.
it’s October, temps in the 90’s and the much better half wants to know if we want to put in winter lawn this year and I wonder if we’ll get a winter this year to accommodate her.
The Dangerman
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
Michigan is now neck and neck with Oregon as most overrated team of the year; that was a steaming turd of a game.
Related, I have a gut feel Oregon lays down another turd tonight (not sure about the steaming thing; it looked damn cold in Eugene this morning on Gameday). I know they are hurt, so that isn’t the most shocking prediction (BTW, I hate UO for their Nike connections, so I could be biased).
Full disclosure: I’m a U-M alum and lifelong fan. So I’ve got an admitted bias here.
That said, MSU totally piled on the personal fouls. Twisting face masks, punching players, taunting before a touchdown (uncalled), etc. They didn’t need to do that; they were outplaying U-M anyway. THAT’s “chickenshit”.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@The Dangerman: I was hoping because ASU is the only real team the Illini have beaten but the way OSU is running it down our throats it may not matter.
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
They totally outplayed Michigan. They should have won that game. But given MSU’s very bad discipline the. entire. game., I don’t blame U-M players for being a little miffed.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Linnaeus: FUCK MICHIGAN ANY WAY YOU CAN. Arrogant assholes.
171 days until baseball opening day. 172 days until opening day for whatever the Red Sox play.
@The Dangerman:
They were definitely overrated going into this game. Coaches have been saying all year that they still have a lot of work to do. Passing, especially. Atrocious.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Linnaeus: Listen, you commit a penalty, you get penalized. What did it do, scare UM?
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
Of course. Again, I’m not saying that MSU didn’t play well enough to win the game. But the kinds of penalties MSU was committing were ugly. And that adds up in players’ minds. That’s all.
Gamecocks win, but Lattimore took a bad hit to his left knee. Went to the locker room on crutches with a full leg brace. This is worrisome.
Came home Thursday night. Sadly.
I would love to get a photo of me with E.D. Kain and post it, just to watch FourLoko’s head explode.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Linnaeus: It’s just college football but my disdain for Michigan obviously is deeper than this game.
eta My best buddy here in Athens was a huge UM fan and we were always barkin but it didn’t impact our friendship. Wish he hadn’t died.
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
Fair enough, rivalries are fun. :) Seriously, I don’t like it when my Wolverines lose, but they lost this one to a better team. Flat out. Gotta suck it up and go onto the next one.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Linnaeus: I hear ya, I’m sure you’ll agree with this. Beat the Buckeyes!
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
Friend, we agree on that. :)
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
OOOO, UVA whuppin up on Tech early!
Go Bulls. Beat UConn!
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): haha..I can remember a certain Auburn/Georgia game when penalties meant more than penalties.
MSU’s #2 is trying out for the NFL and he has the personal fouls to prove it.
edit…i have friends who went to Michigan and Michigan State so I didn’t really care who won.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@JPL: There was also a certain UGA LSU game. . .
David in NY
Since this thread is open: According to local radio news, the legal observer from the NLG in yesterday’s videotape is still hospitalized after a day and a half. He has been charged with obstruction by putting his legs under the officer’s scooter.
My personal view is that the charges are wildly unlikely, but, of course, the guy is hurt too badly to be giving interviews.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@David in NY: They are complaining about cops on the next thread.
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): After the game I spoke with my MSU friends and they said “did you see the coach Yell at him?” I said “and then what happened”. hmmmm I love football but I would like to see a coach that had the courage to bench players. Unfortunately, the pay stub depends on not doing that.
Hands across the motherfucking water, y’all:
That would be the Koch Brothers’ ALEC. So now we know it isn’t just Murdoch calling the shots over here.
@R-Jud: I’m shocked..just shocked. I’m convinced Murdoch wants to destroy the world.
Are you still limping?
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@efgoldman: Raven (formerly stuckinred) – October 15, 2011 | 3:35 pm · Link
@Zandar: The Big O and the Cincinnati Royals!
Mitt Romney’s campaign slogan in 2002 was: “Mitt Happens”
Deserves a revival, I think.
The Cowboys are rolling all over the Longhorns!
@Yutsano: Well not rolling
@The Dangerman:
I was never much of a basketball fan to start with, but after the crap the NBA helped pull with the Seattle SuperSonics, I can say good riddance to the whole league.
And about like expected, the UW Huskies are stomping on Colorado; even the defense is showing signs of improvement this week. Kinda hard to get too excited about it. “Pac 12”. Bah.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@JPL: Back to back kickoff returns for TD’S!
@JPL: Huh. Texas woke up. How bout that. OSU still ahead though.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
The Zooker just returned to the hot seat.