Italians are clever.
At the 3:20 marker, Claudio LaVanga reports that occupiers are carrying signs that say “Yes we camp!” to protest rules disallowing them from sleeping outside the Bank of Italy:
And here’s a bird’s eye view video of the protest at Times Square:
This thing is global now.
(Click through to Wonkette to view a video which appears to show Citibank goons arresting a customer trying to close her account. Classy.)
[via Wonkette]
[cross-posted at Angry Black Lady Chronicles]
Cat Lady
It’s amazing what happens when the problem and the cause of the problem is properly identified. It’s almost like people have finally had enough of being lied to about everything.
I hate to say this, but I have to go with toko_loko here. This thing has been “global” for quite a while now, especially wrt the Greek, Spanish, U.K. protests.
Our myopia can be a problem.
Yes, it’s a little bizarre to forget the protests all over Europe against austerity, etc. Those demonstrations also have a very different feel to them than occupy.
I love that this is going global. Yeah, maybe it’s always been global but the media is now covering it – and they seem to be making efforts to notw that other thanthe stupid anarchist bs Italy, this is all peaceful. The tea bagger movement never extended beyond the white retirment communities in the South and West.
Somewhat related, i went to FDL for the first time in years via link from Atrios. The post itself was ok – a criticism of canning CLASS. But the comments were nuts. Where/Who is this savior these idiots are looking for? Who do they reasonably think can do better than Obama? What are they going to do in 2012. Stay home? Do they think that President Good Hair (either one) will be better. Do they think that years under those tools would make the election of some imaginary liberal savior more likely? And I swear to Christ I think I read a commenter there slamming Bernie fucking Sanders as a corporate stooge.
I had no idea how strong the crazy was with those folks.
Jack Bauer
You gotta be fucking lying. lol no helping some people I suppose.
I smell a DougJ troll, or someone like him.
OT, but it’s Saturday night and Cole’s Tweets have gone all caps. It reads like Tweet Tourette’s.
@Poopyman: Cole’s just drunk twittering again.
Exactly this.
My first thought upon seeing this was “wow, American protests actually showed the way in a global anti-corporate protest? Way to go, Yankees!!!”
My next thought about ten seconds later was “oh wait, no, we didn’t show the way… they’ve been at this for three years already, we’re the ones who’ve just woken up.”
Myopia, indeed. When you’re raised in a culture this saturated with exceptionalist bullshit…