There is yet another GOP debate starting at 8pm tonight, this time in Las Vegas, and CNN, as co-sponsor, will be “carrying it live”. (I count 13 more, after this, and that’s just between November and April 2012.) Since I was tragically wrong in my predictions for the last debate (no beercans were thrown), I will instead share the advice of a much wiser and more politically astute commentor, Charlie Pierce at Esquire:
Call me Kreskin, but I predict that one Robert S. Halper very well may come up in tonight’s Republican debate. The question is, of course, whether anyone is deft enough to hang him around Mitt Romney’s neck. So far, they haven’t been able to make Romney pay a serious price in the polls for having invented Obamacare — Yes, you did, Mitt. I was here. Remember? By the way, that DiMasi guy who helped you pass the thing in the legislature back in ’06? You might want to drop him a card. — and this one seems a bit arcane for a soundbite. Rick Perry’s too stumped by conventional English to do it, and I think Herman Cain’s going to have enough problems. My money’s on Newt, who’s the most accomplished backstabber since the O’Jay’s. It’s his one true political calling, and Newt’s one of the few Republicans not currently crawfishing on his previous loathing of the Occupy movement….
Judas Escargot
Cool. Michelle Bachmann brought her own straightjacket this time.
These are not debates. This is just a new, very poorly produced, reality show.
Tinmes to find out who stays and who goes…oh wait, that’s X-factor.
“Wildcards Michelle Bachman, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul. And complete loser Rick Santorum”
So this one is being run by Anderson Cooper (who happens to be gay for any dunces who don’t yet know this.)
I hope he gets in to teh gey questions really deep. Especially of the Santorum.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who watch these debates so I don’t have to. Really, I think I’d gouge my eyes out and cut my ears off if I tried to sit through them this time. How those others manage not to do that, I don’t know.
wait… these good god fearing christian folks (obviously not Romney and Huntsman (I kid, I kid)) are willing to go to Sin City? Have they no shame? Don’t they know what happens there? There’s drinking in the streets, gambling, strip clubs, brothels… I mean, I know why I go there… but them? Really?
And in the city where the housing bubble burst the loudest, I don’t think “deregulate the banks more” is going to go over well.
PS – what are the odds that someone asks Romney or Huntsman a question about the Sister Wives show (since they live in the Vegas area now)?
PSS – yes, I am embarrassed to know that
@RandyH: Ok, I did not know that.
First “class warfare” reference! Everyone drink!
Check out Michele Bachmann’s outfit. When did she become a Navy officer?
@Chris: No kidding. I just tried watching for the first time so I could fully take part in the thread, but I didn’t last a minute.
Clarification please. The Guard reports
I can’t pass that up for elaboration, especially BJ-esque. Details, details,
So if they say so.c.i.a.list or canadian bus or exceptional..I promised to donate money to the current and the best President but I’m not watching. I’m hoping Pretentious Tom keeps track but we know how those pretentious folks are.. so ….
I’m depending on the kindness of strangers to help me out.
Shorter Michele Bachmann: Noun, verb, tax attorney, job creator, 23 foster kids.
Cain blames bad press for his 999 plan on a conspiracy of accountants.
Dullest secret society ever.
Really? Or are you just shittin’ me? He’s also the son of Gloria Vanderbilt. Just a little trivia about our boy Anderson. And his boyfriend/partner is just adorable.
Just want to say that Charlie Pierce at Esquire has become a must-read blog for me, seemingly out of nowhere. He’s damned good and incisive, I heartily appreciate his writing.
Hah. Epic fail. Cain tells people to go to Which is currently completely crashed.
@dmsilev: it’s just something we do when we’re not making Steve Guttenberg a star
Pierce is essential. He’s also pissed off and hilarious all day long. Thank you, Esquire.
ETA: I wish more sports writers also wrote about politics. The hyperbolic style really enlivens the subject.
ETAA: George Will excepted, obviously.
Judas Escargot
Ron Paul hates regressive taxes. Because you can’t divide by zero.
I just tried and it appears to be under attack. I wonder which campaign arranged for that.
@cathyx: Anderson’s sexuality is about as secret in Noo Yahk as Derek Jeter’s. Everyone knows, but everyone is too polite to discuss it. That and he has more money than God. IIRC he is the sole heir to the Vanderbilt fortune.
@dmsilev: drat! those sneaky accountants are quick! and sneaky, very sneaky.
Random User Name (Internet Idiot)
Man, they are destroying Cain, it’s like a pack of hyenas on a wildebeast.
I’m sure when Perry calls Cain “Brother” he means “sibling” right…sure he does.
honest question… when, if ever, was the last time we elected a president with no governmental experience? I honestly can’t think of one at all. Which leads me to ask, why does the GOP think that Cain would be a good choice?
David Koch
Electrify da DANG fence!
@Annie Laurie:
Each debate so far has done little but permit the GOP candidates to create a bit more rope on which to hang them in the general election. Let ’em have all the rope they are willing to take!
Herman Cain: Oranges and Apples are not fungible.
Judas Escargot
“Apples and Oranges”, said the Pope at Saint Porridge’s.
Anne Laurie
Ana Marie Cox, now at the Guardian, before the debate:
Staying in the safety zone, our Ms. Cox.
Mitt Romney is taking it to Cain. He must be feeling threatened.
The Dangerman
Mild correction; no brothels in Clark County (I expect a lot of traffic headed out towards Pahrump after the debate, however).
Closest I can think of is Eisenhower. No elected experience, though there was that little matter of running the Western Front.
@Judas Escargot:
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit quoth Herbal Cain. Nor shalt thou mix the fruit of the apple and the orange! Mr Santorum tingles inwardly at the thought of this delicious – but oh so wrong – blending of the forbidden fruit….
@RandyH: I guess your subscription to Star Magazine is paying off. Maybe I should get it. Then I’d be in the know like you.
Michelle Bachmann suddenly likes what is provable and what works. Who knew that the road to Damascus was located in Nevada?
@dmsilev: yeah, Ike’s the only one that comes to mind. But like you said winning a World War has to count for something.
ETA: I just ran through the list of Presidents on the Wikipedia, and the next one up that comes close is Grant. And he had the whole winning the Civil War thing going for him
Funny. I’ve never read Star Magazine. But I remember when he made the cover of “Out” magazine is all. It was years ago.
Nothing personal, really.
David Koch
Ana Marie Cox is at the Guardian. Oy vey. Poor Guardian.
I guess they wanted someone who attends McCain’s barbecues and says “both sides do it”.
Perry thinks jobs can be put to work.But if jobs work, doesn’t that raise human unemployment? Or do I just not speak Texican?
Romney looks alarmingly redfaced tonight. Sexual arousal? Inner rage? Bad make-up? A desperate attempt to become a real redstater?
Ok, I forced myself to watch, just in time to hear Santorum talk about how we need to be more like Western Europe to a Republican audience. Awesome.
Santorum savages Romney on Obamacare. Which leads into a Romney waffleathon about how only Massachusetts can survive Romneycare!
Rick Santorum seems so ANGRY about something.
I’d be happier if they talked about Santos L. Halper instead.
@Baud: the part where they have higher taxes and universal health care run by the government? or the part where they have official religions?
@Morzer: obviously this is the Torchwood gambit which shows that Nevada is on the opposite of the planet from Syria… at least in Winger geography…..
Wow. Rick Santorum really is a whiny little twit.
Linda Featheringill
I am watching with the sound muted. Yes, I’m sure I’ll miss some of the good stuff but I’ll also be spared a lot of misery.
By the way, all the guys are wearing dark suits. Sumo wrestler outfit? No.
oooh, Ken Doll fight
Romney vs Santorum….who has best odds?
Thirteen more of these? By the time the last one rolls around, the format will be something like each candidate being equipped with a broken beer bottle and a rabid wolverine. All candidates will be tossed naked into the same pit. First one to get out of the pit (human or wolverine) becomes the nominee…by that time we won’t be able to tell the difference between human candidates and rabid wolverines anyway.
I must say that Anderson Cooper gives good cage-fight.
@KG: He started off stating how lower income folks in Western Europe have more upward mobility than in the US, but on the specifics on how to improve things here, he said we should adopt the GOP wish list. Don’t use logic, it will break your brain.
I’m really glad they hold these debates during dinner time. No TV during dinner.
I know about Anderson Cooper, but what about Rick Santorum?
Well, everybody pile on Mitt! Damn!
pass the popcorn!
The consensus seems to be that Romney is a big government bully.
When he said be like western Europe, he forgot to add circa 1200 AD.
Does Romney even live in Mass. anymore?
Michele Bachmann’s voice is boring a hole into my brain
Judas Escargot
Romney: We can avoid Peak Oil by repealing Obamacare! Which I invented! But not for you!
(Hopefully this energy plan doesn’t involve liquifying the dead into biodiesel).
Commercial. And I’m out again. I can’t take it.
In a straddling the border with New Hampshire and Arizona kind of way.
I know about Anderson Cooper, but what about Rick Santorum? Does he know?
@Linda Featheringill: no Sumo wrestler? Damn. I may have to abandon reality here for a bit: I was having too much fun.
You know, these debates would be at least vaguely amusing if the producers followed the standard reality show format and voted off/eliminated/fired/fed to a pool of piranhas the worst-performing candidate at the end of each show.
Linda Featheringill
Listener [viewer] question:
China’s currency belongs to China, right? They can do whatever they want to with it, right? What the hey?
So far I’ve learned that oranges and apples simply must not be allowed to marry, that only Massachusetts could possibly survive Obamaneycare, and that Rick Santorum wants to be a downtrodden West European serf.
Romney probably has more mansions than he can count in many states (including MA.) I think he spends most of his time in California though.
@Judas Escargot:
Soylent Regular is People!
The Dangerman
Derek’s a switch hitter? Minka should have been enough for him to decide how to swing his, um, bat.
Judas Escargot
Romney: “I may not be a Doctor. But I sure do know how to cause suffering.”
Newt quotes the Boston Herald. Expect endorsement from Dunkin Donuts by midnight.
Newt: “No state sucks less than yours. So why on earth would any real Republican want to vote for you?”
And Michelle Bachmann tries to politely tell Anderson his fly is open, but he ignores her.
is Ron Paul’s eyebrow slipping again?
Linda Featheringill
@Morzer: #71
WTF….Ugh so aggravated!
what the hell was Paula Abdul and that P*&cat Doll chick smoking?
Yes. This problem of Apple and Orange equality is what is absolutely TEARING this country apart, according to the Pizza Man.
Linda Featheringill
Is Newt nodding off?
The campaigns must just hate these debates. The best they can hope for is to take less damage than anyone else. There are no winners, just less-losers. And with this crop of candidates running their mouths, escaping unscathed is just impossible.
Christ. I’m on an audio-only feed, and I can still see the gears flying out of Rick Perry’s head. How the hell did he go from “Texas kids are uninsured” to “Mitt Romney hires illegal aliens”?
@The Dangerman: He and Minka are no longer a thing. So my guess is no.
everybody’s picking on that nice man who looks like Ward Cleaver
Omnes Omnibus
I am going to go read some more of Keith Richards’ book. Much of the insanity there is drug fueled and conducted by people with genuine talent.
Romney is kicking Perry’s ASS! Totally kicking it inside-out.
Everybody’s getting all het up tonight.
L. Ron Obama
Perry missed a huge opportunity to hit Romney when he said “I’m running for office so I can’t have illegal immigrants working for me”.
Linda Featheringill
So when you disagree with Perry, he growls and bares his canines. Good to know.
I do not think that means what you think it means.
Uninsured aliens – Mitt Romney looks like an alien – Mitt Romney ought to be illegal…….
Anderson Cooper: “Mr. Cain, do you want sharks with lasers on their heads patrolling the border?”
Anne Laurie
Last I heard (and it’s probably changed fifty-leven times since), officially Willard will be voting from & failing to pay state income taxes on his Wolfesboro, NH “summer cottage”. Which is slightly less palatial than those Belle Epoque “cottages” in Newport, but still somewhere in the $6,000,000 range, IIRC. He also has the mansion on the beach in California, a little “spread” in Utah, and a little gem (15 rooms?) of a condo on Beacon Street in Boston, but he sold the Belmont family compound and the ski resort in Aspen…
@Morzer: I thought Romney was a cyborg, not an alien. Are you saying he’s an *alien cyborg*?
Rick Perry is so desperate that he now wants to electrocute Mexicans, who he used to LOVE.
Seabass! Ill-tempered seabass! Fully documented Christian non-gay-married seabass!
L. Ron Obama
Despite the ridiculousness of the cast of characters, Cooper is running this debate 100x times better than Charlie Rose did.
Bachmann doubles down on the fence!
@Yutsano: Perry and Romney are about _this close_ to making out.
I just want to note here that I’ve never seen Mitt Romney’s birth certificate and human DNA analysis….
predator drones for border security!
Judas Escargot
I wonder how long Perry and Romney have been married?
Mitt Romney: F%cking magnets, how do they work?
Romney loves legal immigrants, also border fences, also agents, also turning off magnets. Not that he’s a big-spending top-down government fan or anything…..
Linda Featheringill
@Judas Escargot: #101
You’re bad!
Perry is doubling down on the Mitt Romney hired illegals issue. Much to the disgust of the audience.
Note: It is apparently possible to disgust a GOP debate audience.
Ron Paul is being swallowed by his own suit
Southern Beale
Has Ron Paul had an eyebrow malfunction yet?
I’m not watching. Has anything fallen off Ron Paul yet?
ETA: Dang!
In Nevada, the GOP audience might be a little more kindly disposed to Romney than elsewhere….
BTW, via Josh Marshall, here’s Romney about his lawn service company:
Never mind the law, or doing the right thing for the worker, or anything like that. Mitt Romney is running for office.
Herbal Cain goes back to a noun, a verb, 999 and no apples and oranges fucking!
Which leads, entirely naturally to Rick Perry and his demand to drill, baby, yawn… Frick wants to frack.. me go sleepy bye byes now. Texas also too!
L. Ron Obama
Huh, Perry has woken up and is forming complete sentences. Stimulants finally kicking in?
Judas Escargot
@Linda Featheringill:
My wife laughed when I said it out loud… still trying to figure out if that’s a good sign or a bad one. :P
Apparently Michelle Bachmann has moved on from tinfoil hats to magnets which are anchor babies. There is, truly, a higher logic at work here. Or possibly gibbering lunacy. Which means it must be Rick Santorum time.
Ron Paul seems to be demanding more government on his lawn.. I mean borders.
Judas Escargot
What are the implications for the Peak Wingnut theory?
Finally Yucca Mountain rears its head into our airspace.. and Gingrich waffles and squirms. Ron Paul decides that states rights means everyone ought to get some nuclear waste…..
Charlie is sometimes a guest panelist on NPR’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me!” and he’s as funny and incisive as you’d expect.
Citizen Alan
Of course it is – ask that gay soldier! Out of curiosity, however, are they disgusted that Mitt hired illegal workers or that Perry is harping on the issue?
Any questions from gay soldiers yet? Love to see them diss on a gay Marine for effect.
Of course they’re upset. You think they mow their own lawns or are even willing to pay minimum wage to “Manuel” who comes by and does their landscaping every week? They love illegals when it will save them some money and they might even give “Manuel” a glass of water if it’s an especially hot day out. But those damn Illegals are just taking over, you know. And the Anchor Babies like Michelle Malkin are (screech) taking over America!!!
@Judas Escargot: Some refinements will no doubt be necessary. However, I believe it would be possible to renormalize the mean GOP audience to continually track to the right, so even if any individual candidate fluctuation is far from the audience mean, eventually the mean will move to incorporate that fluctuation.
Thus, Peak Wingnut remains an unreachable asymptotic location.
@Judas Escargot:
Shit! Since when?
@Citizen Alan:
Mormon Cult Solidarity rules supreme tonight. Anyway, it’s just not “decorous” to point out that Mittens is an enormous hypocrite on any issue – cans of worms etc etc.
Yes. He has it locked up in Nevada just like last time. A large contingent of Nevada Republicans are Mormon and they are TOTALLY for any Mormon on the ballot. Even if that Mormon is a Democrat (like Harry Reid,) they will vote for them.
Alarmingly, Michelle Bachmann is talking about being allowed out every day and moms losing their nests….
“Hold on moms out there – it’s not too late!”
I think this is Michelle Bachmann’s Secret Economic Plan.
Judas Escargot
Republicans don’t like anchor babies.
They prefer to use them as ballast.
Ron Paul blames the Federal Reserve and attacks the big corporations and the banks. This is alarmingly like good sense at points.
I wonder why Hermann Cain is so vehemently against “mixing”. Surely a man who sold multiple toppings for a living ought to be a bit more tolerant.
The vivid and colorful style is such a contrast to conventional political reporting. Or even most blogging. It’s like he’s channeling Mark Twain and Twain is really fed up.
Cliff in NH
@L. Ron Obama:
I loved the Smack-Down “I thought republicans were all about following rules”
It gives a great source of Rule Breakers quotes¬es after the moderator mentioned it to the world.
Romney almost blamed YouKnowWho for the last
tenthree years.Judas Escargot
Ron Paul once voted with two other individuals. Because there were only three Congressmen back then.
Free Market garbage collection. Not going to die on that hill.
Romney and Perry, making up now, planning a trip to France.
Why would anybody in there right mind even consider voting for any of the republican clowns who are running for office ? howdy dudie from tex-ass and mitt , come on america ? whats wrong with all of You stupid greedy republicans ? only in tex-ass will you find people as stupid as a jackass’s rear end who would elect a thief like perry , oh (corrupt)- that’s just the way we do business in texas, bush and chenny rob the country and a thief like perry is supposed to make it right again ? I don’t think so ! more thievery is all republicans ever bring to this country ! the last honest one was Abraham Lincoln and He was not totally honest ! just a moral man !
no, being unemployed is not like being in a fucking rodeo. assclowns.
Linda Featheringill
They found themselves a black man who preaches against miscegenation? Bonanza!
@Linda Featheringill:
Vote Hermann Cain – he makes really boring cocktails!
Let me see ? Bush and his republican party rob the nation , tex-ass elects a thief Perry , and the republicans have the answers ? I would half to say they are the problem ! and cannot be the solution ! , then they sabotage everything the president tries to do to fix things ! the problem is the republicans – selfish republican voters and thieving republican polititions both togather create the problems !
Linda Featheringill
@Morzer: #140
No mixing?
:-) You’re on a roll.
Vote remocratic is the answer to this nations problems ! Bush created them with his greed and Perrys greed certainly will not fix things either !
Vote democratic is the answer to this nations problems ! Bush created them with his greed and Perrys greed certainly will not fix things either !
Adolf Hitler , Joseph Stallin , George Bush and Rick Perry ! kind of says it all dosen’t it ! All 4 dictators and thiefs !
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: Isn’t it a wonderful read? Not so much can be said for I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead, sadly.
Do any of You actually think that a thief like Perry could be elected anywhere besides tex-as ? get real about it ! he is bozo the clown to the rest of the nation and so are the rest of the republican canadates !
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): I picked it up yesterday and before I knew it 200 pages had flown by. It is really interesting to read the bits about guitar technique – I don’t play guitar myself, but one can just sense his love and passion for it in the descriptions.
You republicans do a lot more damage then You do good ! Your like that old song ; Unforgetable ! that’s what Your leaders are ! We cannot ever forget all of the evil and thefts that Your canadate’s bring to this nation ! Watergate aids = Bush and Chenny , where was the press on that one 3 elections ago ? bought and paid for maybe ?
No. Maybe a few southern states could go his way, but that’s about it.
I am independant of all parties but I still think Obama is the best answer right now to all of the other canadates ! it’s time for a change and for that to happen You all need to vote out of office Your local republicans so something can get accomplished ! ?
Republican games or Sabotage politics is not going to help this nation ! It’s time for You republicans to wake up and smell the coffee ! Your party is as stale as a rotten piece of bread ! You all need to just vote for Obama and bring a change to the Nation ! get rid of the republican people who are blocking things from being changed , Or just keep on living in the republican hell that Bush created for You ! Don’t blame Obama for the pile of SH_t Bush handed him !
licensed to kill time
PoliticalPope, if you keep straining like that you’re going to burst a vein.
Judas Escargot
Dr Bronner’s is my second favorite soap.
The party is over people ! Your parties are dead ! Tea parties are dead , republican and there party are dead ect….. ! Stop all the partying and get back to Your sence again ! You act like it is roaring 1929 again , pure greed -driven stockmarket profits ! outragous lifestyles ! treating workmen as slaves , steeling retirement’s , making people work without any healthcare ! what in the hell is wrong with all You Americans ? Is life only You and Your greedy little self ? I see most republicans as greedy dogs who can never get enough ! the party of greed ! give me mine or You cannot have anything and I will ruin it for all of You ! that’s what all of You republicans look like to everyone else ! but now even You have been betrayed by Judas Bush ! and his Chenny driven tea party ! they took the tea – had a party ! the biggest ever ! and then they left You with the bill ! . Are You sure You really want another Texas Governer ? Perry is so corrupt that He makes Nixon and His two watergate aids Bush and Chenny both look like a couple of saint’s ! , and sence I AM The Political Pope ! I should know !
Man I am The Political Pope ! I have to deal with all of this Nations immoral pollitions weather I like it or not !
licensed to kill time
Too many shooters, dude. Twist one up and chill.
I must admit though that our Nation has hit a new moral low , that is for sure , first sex in the oval office , then war without congress , next attack Iraq and Afganistan for what Arabia did ? then Halliburton and Gas prices ! . Then Banks and Automakers get the cash benefits from it all, so The filthy rich get even richer and now through oppression by not spending they violently oppress the poor and defenceless people ! , It kind of sounds just like what Rockefellor and standard oil did many years ago ? ! . Don’t be surprized if You republicans have a hard time getting people to join Your party this election ? ! You may need to hire a thug to take You to vote republican because it may not even be safe for You once they find out that You are a republican !
Wars without sex are the worst.
licensed to kill time
Using Dr. Bronner’s All-One! on your sex parts is like war.
Consider this Question and it’s answer ! who controls business ? republicans or democrats ? You know the republicans do and You also know that they are the ones taking away Your jobs along with Your homes and Your retirements ! wake up america ! all of Your problem came when You elected two Ex-Nixon watergate scandle aids named ; Bush and Chenny , Your greed as a nation has created all of this mess today !. You got what You wanted a pieriod of greed in stocks , but along with it there were some very heavy loss’s also. Now You still seem to all be saying ; give me more ? ! why ? haven’t You republicans done enough damage already ?
Consider this Question and it’s answer ! who controls business ? republicans or democrats ? You know the republicans do and You also know that they are the ones taking away Your jobs along with Your homes and Your retirements ! wake up america ! all of Your problem came when You elected two Ex-Nixon watergate scandle aids named ; Bush and Chenny , Your greed as a nation has created all of this mess today !. You got what You wanted a period of greed in stocks , but along with it there were some very heavy loss’s also. Now You still seem to all be saying ; give me more ? ! why ? haven’t You republicans done enough damage already ?
@PoliticalPope: Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Alabama, Florida, Wisconsin ferchrissakes
I’m gonna make this suggestion to all of the republicans , just skip the debate and vote for President Obama ! You all know Your canadates have no-chance at-all of beating President Obama in the election ! so why waste Your time with those losers anyway !. What You need to do is to figure out how to Sabotage their next elections so that democrates can replace them to help repair the mess You republicans created with Your Watergate Scandle Aids ! The Political Pope !
Are those all Confederate or southern states ?
The election is Over ! Obama is The President and He will be again also ! I will leave it at that ! Remember You heard it from The Political Pope first !
AA+ Bonds
What a stupid debate even for a republican debate, even for a republican debate in 2011
AA+ Bonds
^ owns
AA+ Bonds
The definitive montage of this debate
Cliff in NH
@licensed to kill time:
peppermint is not for THERE.
Use reason!