Lauro Garza, the leader of the Texas branch of the Republican Latino organization Somos Republicans, signs off after Herman Cain’s “joke” (via Kos):
To us, the idea of allegedly “Pro-Life” people shouting for the un-Constitutional use of deadly force is unbelievable. Then, too, we shouldn’t be surprised since Republican leaders have been advocating for the nullification of the American Constitution in states like Arizona, Georgia and now Alabama. When did Republicans, once synonymous with “conservative,” become so liberal as to attack their very own Bill of Rights in the 4th and 14th Amendments?!
Where is Republican leadership? Where has the guiding principal of “Morality” gone?! If the Republican Party cannot or will not rebuke this hateful bigot and others like him who wear the mantle of “Republican” then perhaps the time has come for a rebuke of the Party itself!
The Herman Cain blew into Phoenix yesterday and walked back his apology at an appearance with Sheriff Joe Arpaio:
“I don’t like to offend anyone…however, I don’t apologize for using a combination of a fence. And it might be electrified — I’m not walking away from that,” Cain backtracked. “I just don’t want to offend anybody. It was a joke to the extent in the context of the views of that speech, but in terms of what we need to do, I fully intend to do so because I’m more sensitive to our citizens being hurt.”
At the same event, Arpaio said this:
“Why are they going after you? What about me? We’re both unorthodox, right,” Arpaio butted in during Cain’s press conference. “I have illegal immigrants in the hot tents. I have them on chain-gangs, why are you concerned with what he said?”
Cain should announce that he’ll pick Arpaio as his running mate to complete his Hispanic outreach effort.
it didn’t focus-group well as a principle. but, it did extremely well as a label! so, be happy with what you got.
Fixed that for him.
Post title FTW once again.
What the fuck is Cain doing in AZ now? Shouldn’t he be in IA?
Alsotoo, Immigration, the Republicans, and the End of White America
(You can feel free to skip the comment section over there)
Notice at the big tent entrance – “Whites only. Uncle Toms will be tolerated provided they behave.”
Jeffrey Kramer
It was a joke to the extent in the context of the views of that speech….
What the fucking fuck is that supposed to mean?
Excuse me, sorry about that language. I should have said, “What the fucking fuck is that supposed to pretend to be viewed to mean in the context of the perspective of the background of the speech from the current analysis of the comment of the issue?”
When did an oppressive central government become synonymous with “liberal?” Was Stalin a liberal? on the other hand, when did “unorthodox” become synonymous with “insane?”
Cris (without an H)
Let’s ask Jonah Goldberg.
Donald G
If and when Satan gets bored and decides to step down as ruler of Hell, he’ll find a fitting successor in Joe Arpaio.
Cat Lady
Dear Lauro Garza:
I’m glad you finally removed that large thing that was up me.
Your Ass
Comrade Javamanphil
Did anybody else read Arpaio’s comments as basically “LOOK AT ME! I’M THE REAL CRAZY ONE!!!” or was that just me?
Ash Can
Re Lauro Garza: Sounds like someone finally decided to help himself to a big, tasty, steaming mug of wake the goddamned hell up.
Ben Cisco
OT: ABL and Shoq have apparently landed in Politico’s sights.
@Ben Cisco:
link does not seem to work
@Ben Cisco: I had to wipe my keyboard of the drips of condescension from that article after reading part of it.
BTW, does Politiho ever quote non-anonymous sources?
Feudalism Now!
This is all just pledge hazing. Hispanics just have to take a few more decades of abuse and then they will be full members of the GOP. Members, not leaders, you need to earn leadership positions and Anglos have it filled with legacy pledges.
Davis X. Machina
First draft was Somos
It’s funny until it actually happens.
Donald G
@Comrade Javamanphil:
I read it more as “How dare you come into my state and steal the spotlight from me.”
Juxtapose with boo-hoo stories about farmers in GA watching their crops rot in the fields.
UP NEXT: “Peanut Butter prices expected to soar 45% in the next 3 months. Story at 11:00.”
Not in the original English.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Interestingly, Unz states:
Bobo recently said the same thing about “fertility rates” when he meant ‘birth rates’. For some reason they seem to think that decreased birth rates, for whatever reason, mean that people are less fertile.
These people are paid for their drivel? No wonder our country is so fucked up, words don’t mean what they used to.
Rick Taylor
A rebuke? Of the party itself? Oh no, anything but that!
@Rick Taylor: You are a funny, funny man.
It might have been Sully who wondered whether Cain was performance art masquerading as a campaign.
boss bitch
@Comrade Javamanphil:
yes, he sounded jealous.
Samara Morgan
Again, if blacks and hispanics vote for Obama in the same percentage as in 2008, the GOP will need an impossible 65% of the white vote to win the presidency.
St. Reagan only got 60%.
demographics is destiny.
“It was a joke to the extent in the context of the views of that speech” has the same sort of cachet as “not intended to be a factual statement.” I hope it has staying power.
Ben Cisco
@Napoleon: Sorry about that.
@arguingwithsignposts: Other than Imani, apparently not.
According to TPM, and surprising precisely nobody, Cain is grifting off his presidential campaign.. Specifically, large chunks of campaign cash are going to “Herman Cain T.H.E. New Voice, a company that promotes Cain’s books and political philosophy.”.
Mark S.
@Ben Cisco:
What an utterly bizarre article. “Some people on the Internet are big fans of Obama.” Is this supposed to be news? And who the hell calls themselves an Obamabot? The correct term is O-bot.
I liked this part:
I want some of that O-money! I’m going to email that anonymous ABL and ask her how I get on the gravy train!
Ben Cisco
@Mark S.: Agreed. Absolutely surreal. Politico’s writers are so full of it they could use a case load of a warrior’s drink.
The Moar You Know
You vote Republican, asshole. Deal with the consequences.
Paul in KY
@amk: ABL, I only went to Politico for you ;-)
Lots of butthurt in that article. Keep on firing, ABL!
Edit: amk, thanks for posting a working link.
You don’t have to worry about Hispanics voting if you follow Mike Huckabee’s advice.
I don’t get why people are mocking Cain for this. Admittedly, it’s a bit winded, but the dog whistle logic behind it is impeccable: Outside of the context of the views of that speech it’s not a joke.
In other words: I’m bloody serious about it.
(Disclaimer: Applies only to the extent that this sheriff guy wouldn’t otherwise have appeared with me, these border fence freaks wouldn’t buy my book, and the TP yahoos wouldn’t help me get that show on Fox.)
Ash Can
@Mark S.:
I can easily imagine the phone calls that yielded the above two sentences:
“Yeah, I’m on Obama’s personal payroll, you asshole. Go fuck yourself.” (click)
“Yes, of course I’m blogging from my mother’s basement. And I bet you’re actually stupid enough to put that in your article. Jagoff.” (click)
(Edited for clarity)
How can one not love that they are the view of the speech, in fact, that specific speech, a speech that apparently has no possible influence on the jokes or views of any other speech that might come out of his mouth, all of which apparently have nothing whatsoever to do with him. A man disassociated with the words coming of out his own mouth. They’ve taken over.
It’s a Teselecta! I didn’t see that coming.
Herman Cain’s just making the perfectly valid point that his electrified fence can be both a terribly offensive joke and a major plank in the GOP party platform. We don’t have to choose between the two just because of tradition.
schrodinger's cat
The direct consequence of all this anti-illegal immigrant demonizing is increase in hate crimes against LatinosHuffpo link
@Ash Can: The sentence is not written clearly, but I don’t think the liberal bloggers suggested that they themselves were paid agents of the White House. Rather, I think liberal bloggers who don’t like the Obots suggested that they are probably on the White House payroll, which is kind of a garden-variety claim.
Herm is just jury-crafting his new 20-20-20 Plan:
20 feet high
20 hundred miles long
20 thousand volts charged.
Make it solar powered and he might attract the green
Rafer Janders
The GOP in California has never really recovered from Pete Wilson’s anti-Hispanic jihad in the early ’90s. The same thing will happen to the GOP in Arizona in a few years. If Republicans really want to turn Arizona into a solidly Democratic state, well, then this is the way to do it.
If Cain maintains any traction, the nut-picking among his _many_ past postings and radio show will be amusing.
Charles Pierce brought up a 2006 one where Cain is touting Tiger Woods for president ( 2016). Time did a quick summary of the motherlode of wirtten crazy available:
We’re talking about a Latino who advocates for the Texas Repuke party. On that basis alone I don’t expect him to be very insightful.
“A joke to the extent in the context of the views” needs to be a new tag here. Please make it happen.