Former Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina may have not have been able to run for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination after his 2009 cheating scandal, but he will at least get to talk about the campaign on national television – as a paid contributor on Fox News, the Caucus has learned.
A network spokeswoman confirmed that Mr. Sanford, once considered a potential Republican presidential contender, has signed on with the network. While he is certain to appear prominently at the debate Fox News is holding in South Carolina in January, he will appear well before that and will stay on with Fox even beyond the general election.
What is the likelihood that Anthony Weiner will one day a paid contributor to one of our “liberal” media networks?
Exurban Mom
Oh, I’ve been figuring that any day now, someone is going to hire Anthony Weiner for an on-camera gig. Smart money would probably go with Current TV: they have more to gain than lose from the controversy such a hire would raise.
Omnes Omnibus
Travel show?
General Stuck
Say wha? Mark Sanford was an innocent victim of reality. Liberal reality. All it’s victims end up at Fox News, sooner or later.
Elliot Spitzer.
Jay in Oregon
Well, we have to counteract that durned liberal media bias somehow.
I wonder how well it would go over if every guest asked him about his time “hiking the Appalachian Trail”…
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Spitzer had a gig on CNN, so there’s hope.
I really thought Sanford wold get a travel show:
Mark Sanford Does Argentina.
It writes itself.
Mike Goetz
I have no doubt that Weiner will wind up as a paid contributor somewhere. He has no other marketable skills and he is good on tv.
@Omnes Omnibus: Had a great meal at La Merenda in Milwaukee last weekend. Plus good wine list and gentle pricing.
Then Woodman’s on the way home. Gotta get that New Glarus….
Omnes Omnibus
@BGinCHI: Never eaten there. Then again I don’t get to Milwaukee all that often.
Mike Goetz
Plus, I’m not sure Fox News contributor counts as “failing up”. It’s sort of the final slushpile for washouts and never-were’s.
I posted this on the open thread, but it’s dead.
Speaking of worthless on-air pundits:
This is in my town. I don’t think I can drive by it every day. Help! I can’t believe I might run into Glenn Beck on the street or in a store. I don’t think I could be civil….
Jade Jordan
John Cole have you abandoned your EERS. They are playing now and you haven’t mentioned them.
Omnes Omnibus
@Boudica: Link no work. You fix.
What are the odds?
Better than you might think.
Eliot Spitzer got a gig on CNN.
@Omnes Omnibus: My bad. Too many http’s. Fixed now. Thanks.
@Mike Goetz: Yes, Fox is hardly a stepping stone to bigger and better things. More like the graveyard of political aspirations, albeit one which comes with a hefty paycheck.
Maybe Mark Sanford will be filling in some of the space left over when Sarah whatshername’s balloon finally deflated.
Weiner gives good talk. He’ll get a TV gig eventually. Just has to go through a purgatory period and then he can be rehabbed. I agree with the Current TV suggestion. The controversy would bring eyeballs.
Not really a fair comparison as much as I agree Weiner was an idiot.
The Dangerman
Sanford just cheated on his wife and lied about it; not all that unusual in the overall scheme of things.
Weiner took pictures of his pride and joy and sent it to random women; quite a bit more unusual (or so I would hope, so help me Brett Farve).
Omnes Omnibus
@Boudica: Junk punch him. What jury would convict you?
@Omnes Omnibus: This is Texas….I might could get the chair for that….
@John Cole:
…when Weiner starts showing his weiner to Argentenian women on the Appalachian trail, that’s when.
Count me amongst they who think Anthony Weiner might get a call from TV; he’s young, urbane and familiar with the workings of social media.
Spaghetti Lee
If you manage to get yourself victimized by The Liberals, you’re damn near set for life. Even if Fox cuts him loose one day, he’ll just write a book or do talk radio in South Carolina or something. But wingnuts treat the victims of liberal bias (read: victims of their own fuckuppery) like Christians treat martyred saints.
You are right about one thing. You got nothing. Anything to distract from Libya eh Wrong Again Cole?!
And why am I not surprised you supported the Iraq war. LOL! That’s just so funny….bahahahahahah!
Omnes Omnibus
@The Dangerman: Sanford bailed on his job as the governor of a state to “hike the Appalachian Trail.” The cheating wasn’t his major problem.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: Ooh, let me do that instead. Not that I’d want to take my chances with a TX jury. OT – I answered you in the music thread (and killed it dead).
Also OT, mistermix put my little nonprofit in the Friday Pimpcast (many thanks). We did have a tough time with our fall fundraiser – the road got closed so we probably lost half our potential donors and thus need to try to recoup online.
I vote for the young and urbane twittermonster to go on and get a gig. Easy for me to say, since I don’t watch any of it.
Jewish Steel
Oh, I don’t know if it’s failing upward to go to a position of real power to talking about others who still do.
Omnes Omnibus
@Boudica: All you need is one sane person to get a hung jury. Oh, Texas… I see your problem. Shoot ‘im in the junk with your six shooter. That can’t be a crime there.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Which music thread? And, as far as I am concerned, Beck can get junk punched as many times as there are grains of sand on a beach.
Jewish Steel
Shorter Nevgu: Armpit fart noise. Runs away.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jewish Steel: Are you sure it was an armpit fart noise? There is now a distinct pong in here.
Spitzer got a gig, and he actually committed a crime.
Perhaps someone has already said it.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: And satrs in the sky, for good measure. The Song of the Week “music” thread. My response was kind of an inside joke, I think. Though I expect Doug J to get it if he sees it. And you of course.
@Three-nineteen: There’s that, but remember that he wasn’t charged, oddly enough.
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Oooh, a quest. I shall go look.
ETA: Safe European Flock.
Little Boots
well, you’re no doug, but I guess you do kinda own the place.
what the– did the Vikings trade McNabb back to Syracuse?
Jewish Steel
@Jewish Steel:
Uh, you mean from, dude.
@Omnes Omnibus: Ha! I guess that poutine stuff can repeat on you.
Little Boots
so quiet. jeebus. eschaton’s so lively.
Evolving Deep Southerner (tense changed for accuracy)
Two words for you: Nikki Haley. The woman is MADE for Fox punditry. As a South Carolina resident, I wish they’d hire her tomorrow. Except she probably wouldn’t quit the governor’s job to do it. I don’t know why Kasich bothered.
Sanford’s an odd fucking dude. He’ll be GREAT on Fox.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: The night shift hasn’t punched in yet.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m waitin.
Little Boots
Is Doug on the night shift?
Oh, god, what the hell is happening to me!!!!
Evolving Deep Southerner (tense changed for accuracy)
@Nevgu: Are you a.k.a. Derf?
I really hate newspaper sites like the Star-Telegram link you gave. I have no idea where it is located much less where “Southlake” is. And all the header information on that page gives no clue. Navigate to the home page there and there is still no clue however after reading some local headlines it appears to be in Texas. Finally resort to Google and you can find out that it is located in Fort Worth which at least I recognize.
Over and over again I have followed links to newspaper sites that even when they are in butfuck flyover assume they everybody knows them so they don’t need to say where they are located.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Watch it or I will post a link to “Deeply Dippy” by Right Said Fred and no one wants that.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Can’t wait for the inevitable moment in the debate when Sanford asks Gingrich about protecting marriage.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
ooooh, 80’s night. but first, what ever happened to sinead oconnor?
Evolving Deep Southerner (tense changed for accuracy)
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker: Oooh! Oooh! Invite his ex wife as his first guest!
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: RSF is early 90s. And as far as Sinead goes, why don’t you check out her blog?
Little Boots
wait does this work?
Evolving Deep Southerner (tense changed for accuracy)
@Little Boots: After “The Lion and the Cobra?” Nothing except tearing up pictures of the Pope and pissing off Sinatra.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
yeah I’m always pretty hazy about dates. but still, sinead.
Little Boots
everyone loves sinead, well, cept John Paul, but he’s dead, so it’s all okay now.
Is the Spice Channel liberal?
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Two big albums, critical acclaim, and then the SNL Pope photo incident. She got ordained as a minister/priest/shaman at one point. Still, the woman can sing.
@Evolving Deep Southerner (tense changed for accuracy): Cueball.
liberal with what
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
that’s what I’m on about.
and I don’t even know why I care, especially now, tonight, but she could sing, and I think she got a raw deal.
so walker? no, stop it, I don’t want to get you in trouble.
some guy
Weiner’s gig on HaaretzTV will be what finally brings that outlet into the regular cable TV lineup.
mark my words
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: I brought it on myself by being a tease. But you ain’t getting an answer.
some guy
I still think Weiner’s meltdown at that townhall in Crooklyn (see Mondoweiss) is my favorite3 moment of American Political Puppet Theatre.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
good :) but really, I do not want any answer that would screw you up.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Instead, I give you Willy DeVille. It is a fair trade, I think.
So yet another adulterous pinhead pol is recruited by pox news. bfd.
Fraudulent Defense Contractors Paid $1 Trillion
“The report detailed how the Pentagon paid $573.7 billion during the past 10 years to more than 300 contractors involved in civil fraud cases that resulted in judgments of more than $1 million, $398 billion of which was awarded after settlement or judgment for fraud. When awards to “parent” companies are counted, the Pentagon paid more than $1.1 trillion during the past 10 years just to the 37 top companies engaged in fraud.
Another $255 million went to 54 contractors convicted of hard-core criminal fraud in the same period. Of that total, $33 million was paid to companies after they were convicted of crimes.
Some of the nation’s biggest defense contractors were involved.
For example, Lockheed Martin in 2008 paid $10.5 million to settle charges that it defrauded the government by submitting false invoices on a multi-billion dollar contract connected to the Titan IV space launch vehicle program. That didn’t seem to sour the relationship between Lockheed and the Defense Department, which gave Lockheed $30.2 billion in contracts in fiscal year 2009, more than ever before.”
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
yes, fair trade.
I think that’s the best kind of song. the one you didn’t know you wanted to hear til you heard it.
Villago Delenda Est
Ever since that utterly incompetent legal hack, Marcia Clark, got a gig as a special commentator on legal issues on CNN after losing the final trial of the 20th Century through sheer incompetence and more attention to her fucking hair than the evidence, it’s been all downhill.
Cripes, another legal hack, this one ethically and morally challenged along with questionable competence, the excreable Nancy Grace, has a show on Headline News (where Glenn Beck used to have a show) has been on the air quite some time. CNN is an utter cesspool. Just look at one of their stars, Leslie Blitzer, who disregarded his own expert guests to continue to speculate that the balloon boy was floating above Denver someplace…
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Simple looting. Fuckers.
Spitzer got a gig!! Spitzer got a gig!! Anyone mention that yet?!?
Srsly. I mean I know we’re all a bunch of life-challenged losers, but surely we can do a LITTLE better than this on Friday night.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: I have been posting interesting musical links. So there.
@amk: dammit man, that PALES in comparison with those black panther people intimidating people on street corners! I’m sure they’re linked to welfare cheats that are defrauding the government out of HUNDREDS of dollars each month! It shall not stand sir! Not to mention that they’re having babies and possibly even abortions, also too!
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Hundreds? TENS!!!!
@piratedan: It’s high time ows started rattling the cages of the real villains – the congress critters & their lobbyist pals and their lying and misleading media enablers.
@Omnes Omnibus: month after month, causing a relentless drag on our economy! That’s what this country needs, more regulation of social services! It’s obvious that you can’t trust these people else they will just take advantage of the system.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: I know and agree. We could lose dimes or even pennies!
@amk: i hear ya amk, it’s just that this won’t merit a blip on the national media, as much as I wish it was otherwise.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You are the veritable Apollo of the blog.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus:
This, this, this.
Dereliction of duty was his true crime (and could have been easily avoided, if only he’d told SOMEONE “hey, I’m going to be hiking the trails over the weekend, mind the store, won’t you”?), but the airheaded gits of the MSM were too busy thinking about the booty the twit was getting.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: I am beautiful.
@Villago Delenda Est: And she was foreign and exotic and shit.
Little Boots
let’s not go crazy here.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Let’s do.
@amk: that’s a lot of free speech changing hands there
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus:
As in, “she’s not from Myrtle Beach.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Pretty much.
Bill E Pilgrim
There’s only one thing I’m not clear about: Did Eliot Spitzer get a gig on CNN?
By the way while it’s sort of a fair point, there is a difference you all realize, right? Not on the side of whether scandal should have disqualified someone from having a cable show, but on the side of whether there was anything interesting enough about the person to warrant such a thing.
I can’t think of anything remotely interesting or newsworthy about Mark Sanford except the scandal. Not so with Eliot Spitzer, he was controversial and muck-raking and governor of one of the largest and arguably the most important state in the country before any scandal happened. And he’s been fairly interesting on TV as a result. For Sanford, scandal is virtually the only reason anyone knows who he is. But hey, that’s enough for FOX.
Fox News: Give us your fired, your poor of judgment, your puddles of sanctimonious hypocrisy…
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
oh, if only, we could.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: This one is for you.
At the bottom right now I see a Herman Cain ad with the headline “Let’s Take This Nation Back.” Back where, that’s what I wanna know. Anyway, under this is a nice inviting tag “Click Here For More Information” and naturally I did, cuz I want me some more information about where (and when?) Mr. Cain wants take America back to.
It’s a donation page. And not even a decent one it looks like it was whipped up in 10 minutes using some web templating app. So disappointing.
Little Boots
and this one’s for everybody, because it’s needed.
@Omnes Omnibus:
And if eemom doesn’t want it I’ll take it. Also, this.
Omnes Omnibus
@handy: So you the additional information they want to give you is taking your credit card number? How odd. Or not.
Little Boots
such bitter music. why?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I can’t even make this up. Just above the form it said “Brought to you by the 9-9-9 Plan.”
Umm, thanks?
Bill E Pilgrim
@handy: There was this great song during the 2004 election…. oh I found it, amazing.
I liked it so much I wrote to the guys who wrote and produced it. I told them it reminded me of how much I liked really good country music, hard core, Merle Haggard style, which was timely since I was in danger of drifting into the mindset of wanting to write off certain portions of the country entirely. It had a double meaning for me, taking my “country”, as in music, back, from the ultra right wing yahoos.
The bridge is particularly great.
Little Boots
ohmygod, that is hilarious.
Omnes Omnibus
@handy: I can only quote a Psychedelic Furs lyric at you: 999 – the police don’t come.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Jesus, the only good thing in that video was the Les Paul guitar and it looked embarrassed to be there.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Glad I’m living on Easy Street then.
Omnes Omnibus
@handy: Well played.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
teh stoopid irony of rwnj’s.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: I will fucking link the Right Said Fred if you do not behave.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
see, I would love that. that’s the problem here.
@Evolving Deep Southerner (tense changed for accuracy): I am Coles festering infected wound that won’t heal. Aka Fight club for those too dim to get the reference. That would be most here by all accounts.
Little Boots
but because we’re unleashing the 80s (and if Right Said Fred ain’t 80’s, it should be)
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Here. Now stop your bitching while I play one of my all time favs.
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Deal with this. It is the original; Lauper’s version, while good, was a cover.
@Omnes Omnibus: I demand a + number.
Bill E Pilgrim
Best song of the 80s, no contest.
what this thread needs is some chewy instrumental goodness:
and don’t make me get even more obscure on you
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: +4. I filed my divorce paperwork today. I also got a triple paper cut. I get to drink.
ETA +5
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: This I like.
ETA: I dare you.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
damn, I like that. thank you.
@Omnes Omnibus: remember… you asked:
from the jangle pop/eclectic pile of stuff I groove to
and another instrumental, because I like to sing along to them….
Little Boots
but the important thing is, yaz.
oh, god I loved that album
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: You are welcome. I know my shit. Seriously though, Lauper’s version is great.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Watch for lemons.
I have Laphroaig and it’s Friday and I’m sober. I r doing something wrong.
Failing up? Oh, I see. This post is about Dana Holgorsen.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
I can tell. and I do appreciate that. I really do love hearing new (well, new to me) versions of songs I love.
Oh my genitals? No, I’m a janitor.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Brill. Totes brill.
@Little Boots: Midnight is the song from that album. Problem is that I have never found a great version on YouTube. Alison Moyet is stunningly talented. Vince has his moments too.
ETA: I found a version of Midnight.
Jewish Steel
Omnes: dee eye vee oh ar see ee, huh? Well, mazel tov, old bean. I felt quite liberated when it was all said and done.
@Omnes Omnibus: glad I could send you some good musical vibes… I figured Burnsie would be all over that fleshtones track I referenced up above
oh and if you’re a Nick Lowe fan, GQ is featuring a series of interviews with what they call “the survivors” people that have been thru the music machine and have somehow come out the other side, soul intact. Lowe’s piece should be available on the 26th
Somebody else (or maybe it was you piratedan) linked a Nick Lowe video not too long ago. Glad to see his work is appreciated in some parts.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: I am maintaining.
The DOW is almost back up to 12000. Why no breathless spittle spray headlines from Wrong Again Cole how the stock market is on a tear? Why does Wrong Again Cole and the rest of his typing monkeys only get excited when things seem to be getting worse and then nothing but crickets with they seem to be getting better?
Cole and this worthless blog. Just more of the same old worthless background noise of a bunch of chicken littles running around looking to find something negative to talk about.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
true. awesome song. and since my tastes aren’t that refined:
All this talk about drinking I figured this might be an appropriate artist to link. (Song’s not bad either).
@handy: aye it was most likely me, I’m a big fan, but I try not to rag on other folks for their musical tastes, we all have different vibes that move us from various parts of our lives, so I just do what I can to promote the folks that I do like.
Suffern ACE
Missed Cindy and Dr. John in concert last weekend. I hate this cold.
Omnes Omnibus
@Nevgu: Seriously, do you have nothing better to do? You are a sad little worm.
I will be momentarily.
Posting YouTube links from iPad is difficult. The theme for tonight appears to be jangly guitars.. Go to YouTube, and search for “Phil Seymour Let Her Dance.” then search on “Raspberries I Wanna Be with You.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: I found the album version. Yours has more reverb.
Little Boots
@Omnes Omnibus:
and see I’m totally fine with that.
@Nevgu: Repeat after me: the stock market is NOT the economy.
@Omnes Omnibus: Maintenance in your position is quite acceptable.
Little Boots
all I know is it takes me back to my dorm room, and I love that.
@burnspbesq: no argument, I like Seymour, but bleeping adore the Raspberries….
and I’ll raise you another overlooked wonder:
@Omnes Omnibus:
“More reverb.” Probably the most heard phrase from the lips of studio album producers in the 80s. Runner up would probably be, “Hey this sounds like a good spot to drop that handclap thingy.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: I am being careful with my music choices. Little Boots is killing me though. Great songs, wrong mood.
@Omnes Omnibus: Omnes, why not just admit you dream of taking warm showers with me. Anyone who follow every single post I make with such interest has got to have some kind of obsession the likes of which are only reserved for movie and rock stars. Get some help.
Omnes Omnibus
@handy: Dude, I am 47.
@Omnes Omnibus: maybe this will help OO:
Not to mention the greatest jangly-guitar song of all time:
Oh I’m going out,
I’m going out looking for a cynical girl,
Who has no use for the real world,
I’m looking for a cynical girl.
Omnes Omnibus
@Nevgu: I enjoy cold showers and steel wool massages, so you are probably right. Oh, wait, none of that is true.
“Former Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina may have not have been able to run for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination after his 2009 cheating scandal, but he will at least get to talk about the campaign on national television – as a paid contributor on Fox News, the Caucus has learned.”
“Well, Sean, let me show you how I did Argentina, using these two shitting pigs as props.”
Little Boots
well as long as the DOW is happy, who could be unhappy. except nearly everybody.
That is a classic. How about this.
@burnspbesq: oooo, so you’re gonna drop the Crenshaw hammmer eh? I have to admit, I got all his stuff and it has aged incredibly well, hell, I think I still have Miracle of Science in the cd player in the car!
@Omnes Omnibus: I forget sometimes how fiendishly clever you are verschnickered. I appreciate the refresher.
Little Boots
also awesome. I love these versions of songs I thought I knew.
@Yutsano: No sheit sherlock. But you would never know that reading Wrong Again Coles posts when it is going down. Like this one.
Of course I should not have to remind you that the main stream media does the same thing. Plenty of examples of BS factories like Fluffington Poo doing this all the time as well.
Having said all that, over the longer term, the stock market actually IS representative of the health and size of the economy. And the long term is the ONLY thing that should EVER be used when reading the tea leaves of the stock market. Whether it’s down or up. But I know I am just wasting my breath. The next time there is a one day fall because of [insert BJ issue of the day], the next day Wrong Again Cole will be on here saying “see, look at what the stock market did yesterday, this proves we are doomed”
Just gotta shake my head at the utter stupidity of it. I don’t know how people like Wrong Again Cole manage to wipe their arses in the morning without getting poo on their hands. They just don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to get something as simple as that right much less survive day to day.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq<: Marshall. My personal history with that song enters in here, but I cannot deny its brilliance. Also too, the one time I saw Crenshaw, he was awesome.
@piratedan: Dude, It has been years since I heard that. Love it.
Bill E Pilgrim
I can’t figure out what kind of troll this is. Are people supposed to think it’s morning in America and nothing is negative because Leader Obama can do no wrong (in which case er, you’re complaining to the wrong blog, I promise you) or that everything is rosy because as long as the rich get richer who cares about massive unemployment and no health care and depression and so on (and again, is this because of Republicans or Bush or something?)
Or am I looking for coherence where none exists?
Little Boots
good to know. thanks. on the other hand, can the unemployment rate ever matter? is that allowed?
Love the English one, but this Beat’s pretty good too.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Obot corollary to Poe’s law?
Little Boots
and just, I don’t even know why, except it’s late and I’m drunk.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Nevgu: I see. Do you understand that if the stock market going higher is the only thing positive you can point to as proof that austerity is working, when everything else is collapsed, then when it collapses too that pretty much ruins your whole argument?
No, of course you don’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: Three attempts at fixing the link and all I can say is FYWP.
Villago Delenda Est
“More cowbell”
@Little Boots: Of course the unemployment rate matters silly. But only when it is going up which should be obvious.
When it is going down:
a) ignore it and find some other shiny object to distract with
b) pretend it does not matter because it is temporary, inaccurate, still not enough yada yada blah blah.
c) crickets
well here’s another one from my college days:
I’ll see if I can find some more with some cobwebs on ’em for your aural edification
like this one, a favorite from the Triangle area:
Bill E Pilgrim
@handy: Oh it’s a spoof? I guess I should read more posts going back in time but I’m far too lazy to do that. Even so I can’t get a fix on what it’s spoofing, but that’s probably me and not enough caffeine yet.
@Nevgu: You realized in that hundred plus word screed you said virtually nothing beyond.”WHY WON’T JOHN COLE FUCK ME??” Jealousy is an ugly emotion dude.
@Omnes Omnibus:
This cannot be said enough.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
“Or am I looking for coherence where none exists?”
Bingo, sort of. It’s Friday night, and people want to escape for a while. Is that so terrible?
Omnes Omnibus
@Bill E Pilgrim: He is a simple “I think John Cole is wrong” troll. Weirdly, there apparently is a living to be made in this. People should look into it.
Little Boots
pompous AND vague? you should be on the Federal Reserve Board. totally.
Little Boots
you should enjoy the monkees though. they’re fun.
@Little Boots:
You might like this.
@Little Boots: LB, nothing to apologize for, while their start was rather clouded, they worked their collective asses off to be real musicians who put out some very nifty stuff, my favorite stuff from them were some Nesmith works:
Bill E Pilgrim
@Omnes Omnibus: Fascinating. Said Spock-like. That’s certainly what it looks like.
@burnspbesq: It’s 8:30 Saturday morning here. But I wasn’t complaining about the escapism, if you mean the music, that part’s fun.
Little Boots
I do like that. thanks.
@handy: aye, that set of Poptopia albums/cd’s from the 70’s and 80’s are incredible, chock full of stuff that seems to effortlessly push away the troubles of the day
Little Boots
that’s awesome. I know I’ve seen that show, I used to watch it, but I cannot for the life of me remember an actual episode, except now these ones, sort of. and I love the songs.
getting archaic here…..
only a man in love can really sing this song
Little Boots
cool. and I do love archaic. I love this.
@Little Boots: hahaha!!! I have to admit I was surprised that you pulled that out of the hat….. here ya go, I’ll counter you with this:
karen marie
@amk: Here here.
The one that got George Harrison in trouble.
Little Boots
I know I don’t know where that came from except I love the oldies. like:
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Fucking brilliant.
@handy: good one! I have to admit, I have a real soft spot for the early girl groups, something almost mythic about them….
so hows about this?
Little Boots
@Little Boots: it’s great that you have an appreciation for different kinds of music LB, try this one on for size and tell me what you think….
Little Boots
oh now I’ve fallen into a whole 60’s girl groups thing.
can anyone tell that I wanted to be a DJ? LOL
Omnes Omnibus
@Little Boots: Awesome.
Little Boots
needs more, oh,
sixties girl group, preferably black.
see I’ve totally fallen into the hole and I can’t get up now.
Awesome. The only possible response to Bram Tchaikowsky is the Records.
@Omnes Omnibus: let me see if I can get you some more jangly goodness…..
yeah it’s a cover, but its a kick ass cover!
@Little Boots:
well if you’re gonna try and improve your outlook, I’m not sure it gets much better than this
Then there’s this one. Jangly, but dark. If I’m ever in another band, we are so doing this song.
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: Excellent.
Little Boots
hey, if you could get any better they wouldn’t be called The Supremes.
Little Boots
that’s … pretty hot, actually. nice.
@burnspbesq: that’s a good choice from that dark edge of the new wave/alternative scene
here’s an almost was…..
@Yutsano: Your freudian slip is showning.
Hey Cole. You and Yutsano. Sounds like a hot date to me. I’m sure it would be a very santorum producing experience.
Little Boots
oh, get into the spirit of the thing, nevgu. what’s your favorite music?
and another one that I still have on vinyl around here somewhere
and this is another one for OO, in case he’s still up and needing some help to stay sane…..
Little Boots
not sure OO’s around, but that was awesome, piratedan.
I’ll be back in a while. I stumbled across a bunch of live Los Lobos video from German TV, circa 1987. The Finnish subtitles are cracking me up.
Little Boots
and my favorite.
Spaghetti Lee
Hey nevgu, you’re a stupid fuck, you know that? Who gives a fuck if the stock market is up? Doesn’t mean fucking shit to real people out there looking for jobs. You’re a pretty pathetic fucking asshole, you know that? You fucking concern trolls are all the same. Go piss off, you dick. And respond with whatever dumbassed shit-fart response you like, I’m going to bed and I’ll be gone tomorrow, so I won’t have to read it.
SpagLee +whatever.
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet, but Spitzer.
@burnspbesq: I gotta admit burnsie, seeing that translated into Finnish just makes you appreciate how awesome the world can be sometimes.
@Spaghetti Lee: Needs more “fuck”. It will help emphasize your point better and make it sound more intelligent.
Little Boots
I suspect Nevgu just needs love.
Nevgu, feel the love. post your favorite video. then we can talk about the stock market.
@Little Boots: okay LB, if you enjoy the roots rock sound, I’ll hit you with another one…..
the first is a cover of an old smiley lewis tune, but Dave is bleeping incredible doing the cover
and here’s another cover, this time of the incomparable Mr. Berry
My Favorite Video? Hmmmmm. I dedicated this one to Cole + Yutsano.
This is a close second.
Little Boots
piratedan, you are awesome, as are those vids.
Little Boots
okay, I think I know what you’re doing there, but still… that is really, really funny man.
@Little Boots: tyvm for the kind words and am glad you dug the music. It’s a passion that I don’t get to exercise as often as I might. My wife’s tastes and those of my kids have very few points of intersection with my own.
But seriously, favorite youtube video. Here’s a couple.
Little Boots
wait, did I totally just ask to be rickrolled? okay, fine.
I might even have liked it a little.
Little Boots
do NOT let them Stop the Music, man.
Little Boots
and then you do this? nevgu? really?
Little Boots
tumbleweeds. tumbleweeds.
@Little Boots: just pie him LB, he’s a simply a sad little troll who has nothing better to do than spoil fun for others and to be honest, how sad is that?
something to forget him by….
It’s time to Drop the Big One:
Night, all. It’s almost 2:00 in Denver, and I have to be conscious by 6:30.
And this will take care of any survivors.
Little Boots
yeah seemed like he actually had a sense of humor for a hot second, but no. just a troll.
love your vid, again.
the goopers’s horse race – animated
and since burnsie is intent on dragging us back into the 80’s, I’m gonna sign off with this one…..
Little Boots
well, just to be, well, contemporary.
@amk: reminds me of that old Jane Fonda flick…. They shoot horses don’t they?
Little Boots
i’m sorry, I just love that song. and that opening.
Little Boots
if only.
@piratedan: I would use a machine gun against this entire kooky field. The fucking politics in amurika has reached ridiculous levels.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Ha! He wrote that for the Dean campaign in Tennessee!
My Dean peeps annoyed the shit out of the Clarkies with it at the annual TN Dems’ Labor Day Picnic. When I arrived at the crack of noon, as is my wont, they begged me to make them take it off eternal loop.
But it’s a great song, isn’t it? I still have Dean T-shirts that say “Taking My Country Back” on the, well, back. When the Teabaggers appropriated it, I found it disturbing.
Unlike Dean, they weren’t backing it up with support for unions, and gays, and health-care reformers, oh my!
I always thought Semisonic’s FNT was the second coming of The Raspberries, but maybe that’s just me.
@hamletta: I like Semisonic, and that song particularly. Chemistry is good, too.
Fox is just reaching out to hispanics. Just wait until they hire Mark Foley as their gay issues correspondent.
Carbon Dated
Jayzus, 235 comments and no one mentioned Spitzer ??