He just likes to do gay things.
Here’s one for the “family values” annals of history:
A Republican mayor in New Jersey denies that he agreed to pay a California man for sex through the website Rentboy.com, and says he doesn’t even know if the pictures posted of him in bright blue underwear are real.
Medford City Councilman and Mayor Chris Myers, who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2008 against Democrat John Adler, is accused of paying the man $500 for sex during a trip to California in October 2010.
Danielle Camilli of the Burlington County Times reports that a man sent the paper a series of e-mails alleging that Myers agreed to pay him for sex, and promised him a car and a recording studio after the encounter at the Fairmount Hotel in Newport Beach, CA. The man said that Myers said he was a mayor from New Jersey, and showed him identification.
But, according to the Times, Myers reneged on his promises, so the man contacted the paper and then put up a website — called www.mayormyers.webs.com, which is now defunct — which included compromising pictures of Myers in blue Calvin Klein underwear.
Another poor victim of the gay agenda goes down.
[via Talking Points Memo]
[cross-posted at Angry Black Lady Chronicles]
I’m just glad you didn’t post the actual picture of him in his underwear from that site. Wonkette did, and I may never be the same again.
General Stuck
Republican love means never having to say your sorry, or even that you are you.
Joshua Norton
He’s not gay, but he thinks his boyfriend may be.
smelter rat
You spelled anal wrong.
Cat Lady
Shorter: Why are gay men always taking pictures of me in my bright blue underwear?!
gocart mozart
Click ABL’s link if you want to see the studly underwear shot. He He He
risk premium
what is the justification for spreading this man’s private, personal business all over the internet? that he is a republican?
or has he actively participated in oppression of homosexuals? if so, where is the evidence? if not, why is this any of our business?
General Stuck
Off topic
solly dispatches from the front
Obama Gone Wild
Well, wingnuts. He is a Kenyan Muslim Dictator, or something like that, idnt he?
Cops Gone Wild
Wingnuts Gone Wild?
Come on front pagers, step to it. Lots of shit in the news right now.
s wonder
Fairmount Hotel. Priceless.
Villago Delenda Est
Scratch a homophobe…find a flaming closet case…
The snark writes itself …
Next up: Johnny Cochran and the famous “If the Rubber Suit Don’t Fit, You Can’t Convict” defense.
New Rule: if you have a public hate-on for Teh Ghey when you hire a sex worker
don’t stiff himpay the fee.& etc. etc. etc.
gocart mozart
Just another innocent encounter between two guys talking about bats and balls.
Remember this little incident from August: http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/in_goper_i_just_talked_about_baseball_with_the_you.php
It seems Indiana state representative and anti-gay marriage leader Phillip Hinkle admitted paying an 18-year old male, with whom he exchanged Craig’s List emails, “for a good time.” But Hinkle assured his fellow Hoosiers that he and the teenager “just talked about baseball and the view.”
Also just in case there was any doubt, he emphasized “I’m not gay.”
This is years and years old, but the Onion nailed it:
Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?
As the late, great Steve Gilliard once wrote, in summing up the defense that clowns like Myers invariably offer up: “How did this cock get in my mouth”?
@soonergrunt: An absolute classic, tears of laughter the first time I read that.
David Koch
Remember how the blogosphere fell in love with Cuomo in June after he signed the gay marriage law. Nate Silver said he was another Lyndon Johnson. Sadly, no one looked at Cuomo’s blue-dog record on cutting tax to the rich.
Well, turns out Cuomo just ordered the mayor to arrest OWS protesters because he believes it will interfere with his attempts to cut taxes for….. wait for it… Rupert Murdoch.
@Stuck – I can see cries for impeachment for his “unconstitutional” behaviour. Assholes.
…and promised him a car and a recording studio after the encounter at the Fairmount Hotel in Newport Beach.
Man, he must have been good.
@soonergrunt: Seems like the Onion has “all the news before it’s print” these days. Our world is beyond satire.
Why the fuck would you go to Newport Beach looking for a gay hookup? Totally the wrong town.
Hmm, October 2010? What do you want to bet he was in town to play the GOPs Reagan Cup golf tournament/fundraiser? I think that’s an October/Newport Beach event.
Cat Lady
OT, but can someone please catch Tim Tebow with a rentboy so that the press can stop his ball washing? kthx.
Well maybe if they’d stop going down , people would stop saying that they suck cocks.
I know when I want to talk baseball I get a hotel room.
He was just trying to pole the electorate.
Mouse Tolliver
I think you misspelled “anal.”
On the other hand, that gay fella was a douche for blowing the guys cover just because he didn’t get his pony. I mean really.. what a jerk.
Then there is the victim. Who the fuck allows himself to have photos taken of him, and even reveal who he is? I mean seriously.. you have something to hide.
Darwinism? How the fuck does it work?
Mouse Tolliver
The price for rent boys has gone up considerably since Jeff Gannon was hooking. Didn’t he only charge $200 and hour? Matt Sanchez, the Fox News reporter, only charged $240/$280 when he was escorting. (NSFW)
@s wonder: I love how the freudian typo “Fairmount” remained in the article.
OK, I see what you did there….
@Cain: You have no idea what he did to earn that car and recording studio. He may have a legitimate gripe. And do you really think that the Mayor is a victim? Really?
Roger Moore
Because you don’t want to drive all the way to WeHo.
Did this guy have a public history of anti-gay actions or rhetoric?
Because otherwise I don’t see a whole lot of moral justification for spewing his private life all over the internets.
The worst part about talking about baseball is when you find out the rentboy corks his bat.
I’m going to repost this comment from the TPM thread linked above, because it raises some excellent questions.
Keith G
Is there a reason for anyone outside of his city to care that this idiot got outed by a sex worker? I looked to see if this guy was an anti gay crusader or a family values candidate and I did not find such evidence.
A pathetic closet case gets done in – not a reason for joy.
I do. Unless they have explicitly stood up for gay rights, but otherwise if you put yourself under the GOP banner and are silent on gay rights, you’re just an enabler.
There’s not a lot of room left in that closet is there???
What the hell does he mean he doesn’t know if the photos are him or not?
So there are photos of you in bright blue underwear, and you did apparently photograph yourself in bright blue underwear, but whether these photos are specifically of you’re bright blue underwear, you’re just not sure. Right.
karen marie
“Spew” — word only found on the internet, no one uses it in real life. More irritating than “panties.”
@Keith G: It’s a public official paying for sex services, which is illegal in his state. The closet case part is amusing, but the relevance is in his breaking of the law (and to a lesser extent, the current political environment around claiming scalps)
Roger Moore
I have to agree. As long as it isn’t contrary to his public political positions, I don’t think the gay aspect of this is worth mentioning. The prostitution aspect may deserve criticism, though.
Keith G
Besides being ludicrous on its face, this lacks a humanity that I always figured that my fellow liberals possessed in large amounts.
forked tongue
I think being a Republican does meet that standard. The Republican party has become such a clear and present danger to equal rights for GLBT’s that to continue supporting its existence is to support their continued pariah status–UNLESS you’re on record as saying your party is wrong on the issue.
forked tongue
Strangely, I don’t feel inhumane for thinking that.
Keith G
@Keith: But that is not why TPM, ABL etc. are all a titter. Teh gay thing gives it flash, still, concerns about paying for sex is but a local story.
Since this dude was not an anti gay pol, I see little reason for this to be worth this much attention. I am tired of the “claiming scalps” angle and I am tired of same sex activity to be seen as an interest multiplier.
forked tongue
Well, it feeds on itself. As the total number of sex scandals involving the Family Values party continues to tower, and tower, and TOWER over the equivalent number on the Dirty Fucking Hippies side, just the sheer quantity begins to take on a fascination of its own. You can call it “claiming scalps” if you want, as long as you remember that if their side could, they’d probably literally take some scalps, or bring back the stocks at least.
I say this fine fellow just has to suck it up and soldier on.
As his program of public construction presses forward in his fine city, we can doubtless look forward to many more prominent erections. In the meantime, as a redoubtable politician, he needs to stay hard and make sure to catch whatever his opponents pitch.
Social outcast
Congrats on outing the gay guy in a small Jersey town nobody ever heard of. Have you determined yet whether anyone on the Medford town council masturbates in private? This is the story that could blow the lid off the Medford political scene.
@karen marie: surfers say spew, and I’m willing to bet they used it first.
I attended and later worked as a counselor at a YMCA camp in Medford, actually. Spent 10 years of summers in the Pine Barrens.
Not the point of your comment, to be sure, but relevant all the same.
forked tongue
According to Wikipedia, notable former and current residents of Medford include Callista Flockheart, Carl Lewis, and Dee Dee Sharp.
ABL @ Top:
Wait, the gay agenda includes a car and a recording studio now?
@karen marie:
I’ve heard people use “spew” in real life — usually as a synonym for vomiting, though I did hear someone once describe a coprophagic fetishist as an “ass-spewing splatter canvas”. It’s the kind of phrase, having heard it, you’re not likely to forget it.
No, wait, on second thought, I think she might have used the word “geysering”.
Yes, I live in New York. Why do you ask?
He really wasn’t sucking, just holding it gently between his cheek and gums.
@MaximusNYC: I absolutely agree with this. I was disturbed when saw this story at TPM. We live in a very homophobic society and not everyone is able to over come the stigma attached to being gay. So why are we so gleefully enjoying this man’s discomfort? Also, too, the escort guy is a sleazeball.
Forget it,Jake,it’s Medford….
Biff Longbotham
@Keith G:
Re: #45 What you said bugs the shit out of me.
First of all, what is ludicrous about Calouste’s position that silence in the face of Republican evil should be called out? If you’re in the GOP, it should not matter if your place on the totem pole of elected office is down at chihuahua-pissing level. You get to wear those noxious GOP party planks around your neck, albatross-like, whether you like them or not.
Secondly, let’s talk about this ‘humanity’ thing. I (generally) do think that Dems are better than GOPers at this. But after years of having my smiling face disfigured by repeated GOP kicks to the head, my teeth are gone and my ‘humanity’ is getting worn out. So, to the NJ mayor that didn’t give his rentboy a reacharound, I say TFB. The needle on my humanity-ometer is hovering just above ‘Fumes’. I need a recharge. To that end I think we can learn something from Dr. Seuss’ I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew. The protagonist starts off by being a victim to forces and things in his environment that would do him harm. He leaves to look for a Shangri-La but finds that things are no better elsewhere. In the end he learns that he must face his problems instead of running away from them. He then goes back home to deal with his “troubles,” arming himself with a big bat and resolving that “Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” I’ll start regrowing some humanity and getting my smile back as soon as I can protect my head from those ceaseless kicks.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@soonergrunt: That really is a classic.
Keith G
@Biff Longbotham: Minus Foley-type hypocrisy, personal confusion/family tragedy need not equal score settling.
Anya added an important and humane view:
I am sorry that you have given others charge over your humanity,
If you’re in the GOP, it should not matter if your place on the totem pole of elected office is down at chihuahua-pissing level. You get to wear those noxious GOP party planks around your neck, albatross-like, whether you like them or not.
I take it the same goes for Christians?
Biff Longbotham
@Keith G:
Uh…please tell me I’m not the only one here that distinguishes between private citizens privately dealing with their private “personal confusion/family tragedy” and a public official. I don’t want to go back to the days where we ignore the polio wheelchair or, even more to the point, the Hollywood blonde slipping in through the back door. Also, if you think that politics (I think that’s what this blog is mostly about) doesn’t involve some measure of “score settling”, then it would seem you have already found your very own Shangri-La.
Heez, I get my sermonizing at church on Sundays, thank you very much.
As for the pic, Mr Mayor should click to enlarge, if you get my drift…
Heez, I get my sermonizing at church on Sundays, thank you very much.
So, are you as a churchgoer culpable for the homophobia that the Christian Church has engendered throughout its history? If all Republicans are tarnished simply by their party’s stances, should not members of other groups be held to the same standard?
Personally, I think there is indeed some blame to be spread to all who support such noxious ideologies even in part. Not sure if that’s going to be a popular opinion or not though.