Today’s installment in Hermann Cain’s Excellent Adventure (via TPM):
<div align=”center”><iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> </div>
The ad comes from a pro-Cain super PAC, so I guess we can’t credit the man himself with this bit of entertainment. But whoever is responsible, this Obot couldn’t be happier at this kind of contribution to our electoral process.
Keep ’em coming, friends!
Rick Taylor
Rock ’em Sock ’em Robots?
Now that takes me back. . . .
I’ll bet (in keeping with the normal GOP MO) they never got permission to use “Eye of the Tiger” for that video. Why does the GOP constantly steal other people’s intellectual property?
I’ll see if I cab email Jim Peterik and let him know about this.
Disgruntled Lurker
It’s amazing that the same people who put out the creepy smoking sad man ad also came up with this.
It’s quite a kick-ass campaign ad, really.
Well, according to today’s Jonah Goldberg, following Mitt’s nomination, the secular leftist hate machine will be behind any and all republican on republican discord. Clever bastards those secular leftists.
Done! I got through to his booking agent.
Tom Levenson
@j: Awesome.
Jim C.
That’s a great political ad. Wish the ads that the Democrats and some of our 3rd party groups came up with were half as stiletto/go for the weak spot.
Sweep the leg!
Villago Delenda Est
Jonah Goldberg is a prime example of the utter corruptness of nepotism.
John Weiss
Though all of Cain’s current ads are pretty weird/fun/puzzling the one that got me was the cowboy with the yellow flowers. That’s one strange piece of work!
My head is just reeling with all the bizarre stuff coming from the republican candidates this week. Even freak Pat Robertson thinks they’ve gone too far into loony land.
Did John just put up a post starting out with a Krugman piece which then disappeared or am I having hallucinations?
@Jim C.: Wouldn’t matter. Any Democrat using an ad of this type would be condemned by the MSM. First rule is IOKIYAR, next rule is DAHTDSS (Democrats are held to a different set of standards)
Ah, now I see it’s up.
Nothing warms the cockles of my heart more than seeing Republicans shiv other Republicans…
gocart mozart
as requested:
@John Weiss:
check out the second video at this link about the cowboy with yellow flowers. It will blow your mind.…..candidate/
Jim C.
You’re probably right, but it sure would be fun to watch…and get the base fired up a bit.
Can we keep Cain in the race as long as possible so we can keep being shock-and-awed by his campaign commercials? Though it’s gonna take some doing to top the yellow flowers one.
Judas Escargot
@John Weiss:
There was some weird Alaska Democrat (former Senator?) from the 2008 primaries who ran this ad where he just dropped a rock in some pond, watched the ripples, turned to the camera, smiled, then walked away.
Or did I hallucinate that?
ETA: Mike Gravel!
That was my first thought, too. The joke used to be that Communism was the society where, what was yours is mine, and what’s mine is mine. But, hey, things are totally different now.
Eye of the Tiger.
@Tom Levenson: Peterik just got done with a years long lawyer dance and now owns every note of every song he ever wrote from his days w/ “The Ides of March” through “Survivor”, and he guards them like a mother lion guards her cubs.
Linda Featheringill
cowboy with the yellow flowers:
Yes it is a bit weird. Man oh man do they need an editor!
However, the slow smile from Cain is very, very nice. Very nice. Companionable. Good old boy. Sexy, even.
Keep the video of the smile and throw the rest of it away.
Linda Featheringill
Herman Cain’s Excellent Adventure: :-)
Helluva good campaign ad, though.
karen marie
This explains a lot about the GOP, I think.
Paul in KY
@bemused: Couldn’t believe that! When Pat Robertson thinks you are a bunch of kooks, well that just says it all right there…