The latest closeted Republican to be done in by a rentboy is claiming Photoshop, and even the authority on gay homophobes,, is holding off on making it official until it gets more proof.
Since this politician has declined to have the matter investigated, I’m guessing this one will prove out. But it raises an interesting question. Saying that a Republican politician is a closeted homosexual is like saying that a priest is a child molester: it was once unthinkable and is now unremarkable. This means that some major Republican figure will probably be the target of a Photoshop job. I wonder who it will be, and how long it will take.
Update: Just to be clear, as Gay Homophobe reports, there’s no evidence that this guy was a homophobe, just that he was a married Republican who engaged the services of an escort on
I put $.50 on Rick Perry.
By now, doesn’t everyone just figured that homophobes are closeted? That’s my working assumption whenever someone’s so strongly anti-gay.
I would say that Santorum is a closet case, but he’s so anti everything related to sex, I can’t figure out what he’s against.
Perry’s a good guess. The rumors have been around for a long time and so far there hasn’t been actual proof. Wouldn’t surprise me if a photochop happened. Heck, the Perry campaign might even do it themselves in a poor attempt for Perry to look attacked so he can gain sympathy, or something.
This place has little room to joke a politician for claiming to be “hacked” or “photoshopped” after all the lemmings here defended Weiner with the same bullshit excuses. I do recall some people screaming “Brietbart!” and “There will be a federal investigation!” when it was beyond obvious what Weiner was doing so ease up on the hypocritical republican meme.
Perhaps I missed it, but what did this guy do to indicate that he is a homophobe?
Looks to me like he is just dumb to give out his real name, and get photographed.
As for the rentboy, looks to me like he shoulda kept his trap shut. He is fucking it up for all the other hardworking rentboys out there.
Bet he tried to blackmail this mayor, and got told to fuck off.
Sixers, I don’t think playing the simpering busy-body against Weiner was appropriate … but you seem to have missed the point here in a major way.
Anthony Weiner was not demonizing gay people when he was actually a closeted gay person.
troll is trolling
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
If we start a site called, the first two on the list have to be Clarence Thomas and Hermam Cain.
Chyron HR
Meanwhile in the real world, the posters here didn’t automatically defend Weiner. That’s why a certain halfwit started shrieking “JOHN GALT COLE” at us for the better part of a year.
Tone in DC
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Now that’s just plain mean. ;-)
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@sixers: Read the post again. MM is saying that having a Republican attached to RentBoy is now no longer “news”. MM didn’t even bother to make luggage or massage jokes.
OT. Well, well, Oakland Police raided OWSOakland with one of the crowd control tools developed and tested for us by the Israelis. Sonic cannon.
Tough town, that Oakland. One smart guy on live feed was calling out the helmet numbers of the cops involved.
@Chyron HR: I think it was our elected Democrats who forced his resignation. I saw no sign of rank and file call for it. They were mainly snarking.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Mino: I do know a number of us commenters were thinking “Weiner couldn’t be that stupid, it must be fake.” Then we did find out he was that stupid, or in heat. But even then, that comment missed the core part of mm’s post.
Villago Delenda Est
There was a great deal of “WTF is going on here?” in the Weiner case.
As it turned out, Weiner later ‘fessed up that, yeah, I was sending junk pictures out to total strangers unsolicited as a “joke” (ha ha ha, Anthony). This after telling Nancy Smash that it was all photoshopped or something.
THAT is what got him into serious hurt. The pathetic attempt at coverup.
OT: Oakland police have raided OccupyOakland.
Snarki, child of Loki
Not sure that this applies in this case but when someone voices the opinion that “homosexuality is a choice”, that’s close to a 100% accurate ‘tell’ that they are a closeted homosexual. Might as well just start waving a rainbow flag.
Being in the closet is a choice; sexual orientation not so much.
I think that all the GOP candidates need to answer this question at their next debate.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
@Villago Delenda Est:
You’re saying that Weiner was fired for lying about sex? I have a hard time believing that, but then, I’m generally skeptical of politicians, whatever their stripe.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Mino: I suspect he was told to resign because he lied about sex to Nancy Pelosi.
The Moar You Know
The Republican party is THE party of institutionalized homophobia. Trying to claim that one can be a Republican and not be a homophobe is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of.
Villago Delenda Est
No, not lying about sex. Lying about “oh, it’s something photoshopped” when he knew he had been sending the photos himself.
Unless you consider sending photos of your junk to people to be “sex”, in which case, you have more serious problems than I care to go into at this time.
Keith G
Deja vu on so many levels.
Would you characterize someone who gave a bunch of money to Pat Buchanan and David Duke as being racist? I would say that there is pretty damn good chance that if you are giving these guys money, it is at least the case that you are are tolerant of encouraging of people who are racists.
I bring this up because this closet case has given a whole bunch of money over the years to various Republican candidates, many of whom are homophobic bigots. What’s the standard here?
I personally have no problem calling a person who gives money to David Duke a racist. Thus someone who gives money to homophobic bigots is therefore a bigot. If Republicans are going to say that money is free speech, then let’s hold them to that standard.
@Villago Delenda Est: Uh, lying about sex, where have I heard that term before? Oh, yes, the 90’s.
And Nancy, bless her heart, is not Weiner’s confessor.
And yes, I am being snarky. Everyone looked like hypocrits in this one.
Sock Puppet of the Great Satan
Because the gay homophobe in the closet is *hoping* it’s a choice.
Sad really.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): Thomas Sowell is third then. By seniority of course, he is probably ahead of Cain.
@Sock Puppet of the Great Satan:
It’s gotten to the point where a significant number of my straight friends have concluded that homophobes are closet gay/bi cases and that we are being oppressed by our own people because “why would straight people care?”.
Villago Delenda Est
Ah, Poe’s Law strikes, yet again.
There are people out there (I’m looking at you, Rethuglican idiots) who would claim that Weiner lied about sex.
Then again, these people don’t upchuck when Rick Santorum opens his mouth, too…
@Villago Delenda Est: If I were being the cynical thing I have become, I would say it was convenient to have Weiner out of there because they could sacrifice his district in the redistricting.
Mouse Tolliver
I suspect it goes beyond merely being closeted. Someone with that many hangups about sex is probably a real sickie who gets off on really nasty fantasies. He’s just projecting his love of goatse/tub girl/2girls1cup onto everyone else. He’s a self-hating pervert.
I just can’t figure out how Santorum managed to procreate. Doing that icky, icky, dirty, dirty thing what 5 or 6 times?