Actually, I made myself a pre-dinner breakfast burrito (never go to eat Korean food when you’re starving and on a limited budget), and Nate Dogg was giving me precious moment eyes:
And since I had dropped a tortilla on the floor and didn’t finish the eggs, I made him a little mini-doggie burrito (I never said I wasn’t weird):
He won’t eat the tomato though. Dogg has a knack for picking around vegetables. Sort of like I do:
Oh, and here’s a photo of what a meeting between Nate Dogg and Tunch might look like (I was catsitting for my friend — the Tunch-esque cat is Chairman Meow (we just call him “Chairman”) and the grey kitty is Lychee):
This photo is what I imagine a kitty version of The Shining might look like:
Chairman Meow… awesome.
BTW, I’m not liking them floors.. maybe a rug or something to kind of break that pattern.
The Shining.
Don’t leave it on the screen all night.
Cat Lady
I want to play checkers using those cats on that floor.
West of the Cascades
All work and no play make ABL a dull girl …
Those kitties look like they are going to do some damage to that dog! I have two Maine Coons, they are brothers and they line up and stare. It is very intimidating.
Oh sure you have a black and white patterned floors, you multicultural fool…lol. Down with integration…!
Seriously though, cute pics and the “shining” kitties are very creepy. Are they giving the dog the evil eye?
@lamh34: ha! they’re not my floors. it’s my friend’s house.
When my pooch was with us and I made scrambled eggs I’d have to throw an extra egg into the skillet for her or I’d get the “you will feel guilty” stare from her.
Nothing weird about doggie burritos; I used to do that sort of thing for my dog all the time. Which, naturally, led to a very spoiled dog and a well-trained human.
No TV and no beer make ABL go something something…
Please tell us that that floor is new, and is supposed to be retro and ironic. I’d hate to think you’re living in a place where the kitchen hasn’t been updated since 1957.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
I’m looking in the mug of a lil black cocker as we speak!
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
When our dear departed Raven was battling cancer I made him anything I could think of to get him to eat. He really liked Mahi Omelets.
@Linkmeister: Jeez, I have learned thru pain that there is nothing worse than puppy egg farts. 15 years later I still cringe and stop breathing.
On Sunday morning I make omelets. Doglius knows he’ll get the egg particles and cheese residue from the pan so he’s very patient with me. My wife slips him bits of buttered toast when I’m not looking but I pretend not to know.
i believe I know what those cats are thinking… methinks its “soon”…..
White cat-bishop needs centered on his square. Where’s the white dog-king? Black dog-king standing on too many squares. Need smaller dog. Or bigger chessboard.
Oh my! This is the best post I’ve read in days! Not that there is anything wrong with all the other stuff I’ve read, but it takes a genius and serious creativity to make a post out of a darling doggie burrito and a couple of cats. :) Nate Dogg is darling of course, and those cats are great too. Thanks ABL. This is great! :)
Oh my! This is the best post I’ve read in days! Not that there is anything wrong with all the other stuff I’ve read, but it takes a genius and serious creativity to make a post out of a darling doggie burrito and a couple of cats. :) Nate Dogg is darling of course, and those cats are great too. Thanks ABL. This is great! :)
General Stuck
Nate Dogg is a handsome fellow. Charlie says hi, then back to snoozing.
I like Maine Coons. If I ever owned a cat, that is what I would get.
OT: but this is kind of cool.
add some more lightness to a sort of depressing time.
Oh, Nate, that face, that face!. And the kitties are great. Sharing food with critters; that’s what life’s about. I shared my expensive free-range chicken livers with my Luke (Black Lab) tonight. Whatchagonnado? He’s a sweetheart.
Hi, General. Even though I’ve got Luke now, Charlie’s still my goddoggie. It is meet and right that he has a blue satin blankie.
Awwww, Nate Dogg cute as hell, ABL. And, Chairman Meow? Precious! Whole post is full of win.
@General Stuck: Charlie is a-dor-ubhl!
Cat Lady
This baseball game is pretty weirdly good. What a play to pick off the guy at third with bases loaded.
Black and white floors are classic and timeless. Also retro and hip.
o/t, but is anyone else seeing that Citizen’s United “Fire from the Heartland” banner ad? featuring Coulter and Malkin et al– is that a joke or real?! I’m too scared to click thru to find out
S. cerevisiae
@hhex65: Are they IN the fire?
So, like, is anyone going to watch (or has anyone watched) the new Beavis & Butthead episode tonight?
How are the haters supposed to try and start a bunch of crap if you are posting things like this? You are putting these folks out of a job!
Another reason I hate Florida, as a civics educator:
Florida teacher faces heavy fine and 3rd degree felony charges for registering her 18 year old students to vote.
I’m not a big pet person but I like those knees.
Why are teachers promoting kids to vote? It is a personal choice not something that should be mandated by liberals in our school. If they want to mandate something why not christian education. We all know these young folks need direction in their life. Can’t wait for 12……RUBIO, WEST, SCOTT, and PERRY. Kick out that kenyan and all socialists.
old school tea party
10:07 PM, 10/27/2011
Sorry if this is screwed up. I don’t get that -em- stuff. But this a comment from the above article. This country is screwed.I don’t-I can’t- comment on this. There’s nothing to say. I don’t believe this is snarkasm because this is fuckin’ florida.
@S. cerevisiae: that, or they are jumping the fire on some ATVs
it’s too weird
You have darling family, ABL…
My Buddy is adapting pretty well to our cross country move and my new job. Last two weeks have been tiring, but hope to settle in more this next week… I miss the west coast though, gotta tell ya…
Linda Featheringill
Speaking of dogs:
Charlotte is making me play her new favorite game: fetch. I throw, she brings the toy back to me.
The fact that she’s a cat only makes it more amusing.
S. cerevisiae
@Linnaeus: Heh heh…heh heh… it was cool!
What a lovely doggie to bring you moist nuzzles and kisses. Cheers to you both.
S. cerevisiae
Oh, and what a baseball game!
Cat Lady
Yall should really be watching this friggin’ game. Holy shit.
Korea Beat
“never go to eat Korean food when you’re starving and on a limited budget”
So true… I cry a little bit every time I see the price of Korean food in America.
@S. cerevisiae: The last time I cheered for the Cards was in the I-70 series, and I was in Hohumbia for that one.
S. cerevisiae
@MikeJ: My uncle lives near St. Louis so I am pulling for the Cards. And as I type that the Rangers go back up by 2 in the tenth.
I’m broke, starving and dreaming of kimchi and bulgogi. Please do a post about your meal so I can live vicariously.
Jason. Frigging. Motte, ladies and gentlemen.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@S. cerevisiae: Looking forward to seeing your team next week. I like the idea of neither the Gophers nor Badgers losing to anyone but each other this year. Wiscy did their business last week.
Driving up to Bemidji this week to watch the series.
What’s wrong with your men’s team?
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Cat Lady: I would, but I canceled my cable earlier this week.
Cat Lady
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
It’s a doozy. Cards tied it up with two outs in the 9th.
@Mnemosyne: Our cat, Mango, loves to play fetch — but only with my hairbands. Sometimes when I take one off and put it next to me on the couch he will jump up and stare at it and then look at me like “hey, dumbass, throw it for me”. The dogs aren’t interested in the least.
The only problem is that I can never find one when I need one, we are getting ready to pack the house up for a move and we are all anticipating finding his hairband “mother lode”. Silly cat.
S. cerevisiae
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN): Jack Conolly is still learning his new linemates, they are starting to gell now and will only get better. The freshman Herbert is really good. Their big problem right now is defense and sketchy goaltending – if they get that straightened out they will be a team to watch out for.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
@Cat Lady: I’m watching the gamecast.
Well, I was going to say–
This has been such a crazy game, with 5 errors and all, that it must have been the sort of thing FlipYrWhig of the “piss-poor World Series” remark expected to see.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
Okay, can someone tell me why LaRussa pinch hit Edwin Jackson for Jason Motte, and then pinch hit Kyle Lohse for Jackson without the Rangers changing pitchers? I get using a starter to sacrifice instead of the reliever, but not using two of them.
Cat Lady
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
Good. It’s a nailbiter, and I don’t even give a shit who wins.
Cat Lady
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
We’ll find out tomorrow that he thought Lohse was someone else.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
What happened to Holliday? Did LaRussa lose his cell number? If you’re a Cards fan, you should have much preferred to have Allen Craig pinch hit for Motte rather than wasting an out on the sacrifice.
S. cerevisiae
Wow, just wow. Tied again.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
Do any of these Texas pitchers want to get a save? Or are they only interested in a win?
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN):
Out with a bruised finger from getting called out on the bases.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym (JMN)
I don’t like Texas getting only one out from Scott Feldman, as big as it was. It means that when they score, the guy on the mound will be trying for a save again.
Balloon Juice — where the bloggers are only allowed to post pictures of themselves from mid-thigh down.
Wow, miraculous.
Yea! Texas loses!
Suffern ACE
@MikeJ: Booo. Cardinals win.
The Cardinals winning makes me happy. Mainly because it must piss George Bush off, at least a little.
@Suffern ACE: My only feelings towards the Cards have to do with a cute girl I knew in college who liked them. I cheer for the Sox, the M’s, and whoever is playing the Fucking Yankees. NL only matters once a year.
@Joel: I am all about the sweet sweet Dubya tears.
What a game! Go Cards! Wooooooohoooooooooooo!
Cat Lady
Off the hook. Well played, Cards.
huhuhuh. Glad to see Beavis and Butthead back. And just last week I drove through Forks. At twilight yet.
That was a fine example of post-season baseball.
I believe I will be working at home tomorrow afternoon.
Suffern ACE
@burnspbesq: I thought you always worked at home…or does that mean moving from your home office out to the living room couch?
In case anyone was wondering, this is why UConn will never be a member of the ACC.
@Suffern ACE:
I have an office down by South Coast Plaza. Forces me to get out of the house most days.
I’m not so sure about the Guardian trying to become the Transatlantic Newspaper of Record, but they do a mean live-blog.
KS in MA
@Bostondreams: That’s an outrage. Even by Florida standards.
@burnspbesq: Yeah, I bet you just hang out in the Lego store all day.
Jewish Steel
My dad lived a few minutes away in Costa Mesa. I used to hang there in the 70s. I haven’t been to LA since 79. I hear it’s changed a bit.
@Martin: Hey as long as he pays his mortgage I’m not gonna judge.
@Jewish Steel: Between Little Tokyo and the Farmer’s Market I almost fell in love with LA. Almost. The peoples still need work though.
lovable liberal
Does Nate like carrots?
Jewish Steel
@Yutsano: One of my mates from Seattle loves it. I’d like to go with him sometime and see why.
@Jewish Steel: I like San Diego more, partially because the climate is milder and partially because the people there are a bit more relaxed than most folks. Plus, well, Dawgs. :)
ETA: I used to go to SD for the Fourth every year. I haven’t been in a long time. I should change that soon.
i don’t have to “read the rest of the post”.
I hope your full stomach was worth the nightmares you’ll suffer while dreaming of Nate Dogg’s memory.
How could you?
Jewish Steel
@Yutsano: I get my fill of laid back here in Flyoveria USA. I want to see intensity and desperation!
Villago Delenda Est
That’s why I’m rooting for the Cards. The Rangers are the team of the deserting coward, whose empty head should be decorating a pike somewhere on the Mall in DC.
SD is nice, particularly if you are planning on remaining downtown. Outside of that the traffic is atrocious, even compared to OC.
Even though I grew up in NYC, I don’t much care for LA. It’s close to being a decent city and yet not close enough to being a decent city so you spend your life in your car just trying to get to where you’re trying to get to. They’re making progress, but to me a city means no car. Period.
OC is overall pretty deserving of ignoring. Our little corner is pretty decent to live in, though. Work is 3 miles. Kids can walk to the pool. Our association has a private beach-like thing, sailboats, etc. They can walk there too. We have our own little July 4 parade and fireworks. Bike to the beach. Bike to the mountains. Good tacos across the street. Good margaritas too. Good korean tacos on Friday. Nice deli. Quite decent philly cheesesteaks nearby. Plenty of to-die-for chinese, indian, persian, vietnamese, etc. And if restaurants aren’t your bag, you’ll have friends of each of those persuasions to invite you over for dinner. Basically its a city where nobody is from here, which is sad in a way since there is no history, not much in the way of traditions, but makes the people pretty interesting to get to know. Lots of money, though, which is a double-edge sword. Best part is its pretty near 72 degrees year round (supposed to be 83 on Sat) and hardly ever rains.
The kids are looking forward to halloween. The neighborhood goes all-out. Literally thousands of kids out walking around. Everyone sets up a table in the driveway because there are so many kids that you can’t possibly do it at the door. Houses hand out full-size candy bars (we do the minis, it’d cost us $500 to do the big ones). The kids candy haul will keep my office suite stocked until Christmas. Alas, I’ll miss it all this year – a public servant’s job is never done.
Jewish Steel
Hey! They’re fixing up a storefront in our neighborhood. What will it be? An organic grocery perhaps? Maybe a cafe with decent coffee? A little used book shop?
Tobacco Ware House (sic)
Discount Smokes
Kitteh optical illusion. Which kitteh is bigger?
Are ya gonna have to potty-train the Chairman Meow?
Am I the only one admiring
drooling overthe pretty legs in the picture?Southern Beale
Good morning, peeps.
Get a load of this radio ad for a handgun safety course a friend of mine sent me. Money quote starts about 43 seconds in. It’s Texas so it’s assholery.
kittehs have that “there is something here i do not recognize or understand, therefore, it must die. i won’t do it right away, because i want to appear thoughtful and i have to figure out where to hide the body but this issue will be resolved” look
Paul in KY
@Linnaeus: I have 2. Very nice, even tempered animals.
Paul in KY
@JCT: I have a cat named ‘Mongo’. Don’t shoot him, you’ll only make him mad.
Paul in KY
@Joel: Me too! I don’t want that smirking POS mincing around with the trophy.
gogol's wife
No time to read the thread, but your dog is so cute!
@lovable liberal: i don’t think i’ve ever tried to feed him carrots, actually.
Illegal HS voter registration wins “link of the day” for my email buddies.