College football appears to be happening around the country, also some sort of localized winter death storm in the Northeast where brimstone and/or razor sharp obsidian is falling from the skies.
TNC on Up with Chris Hayes this morning was a nice change of pace, but then Mort Zuckerman showed up to blame everything economic, social and political on Obama not having enough meetings with Turtle Man and Orange Julius.
Commence discussionary activities, and such.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Illinois is getting ready to play in a blizzard at Penn State!
I just mailed a package containing one of my best hooked rugs to Vermont for a major show. Deadline is Nov 1st. If I get screwed out of this event because of a freakishly early blizzard, I am going to be mightily pissed.
Not to diminish the amount of problems this will cause residents of the region. Just sayin’.
This morning’s rain has changed to snow here in NYC. It looks lovely up here on the 17th floor, but I wouldn’t want to be outside, because it’s cold and windy.
donnah: I hope it get there. How did you send it — mail, 3-day priority, UPS, Fedex?
ETA: The bad weather landing path to LaGuardia is over my building, and I think they be rerouting planes because I’m hearing many overhead.
Arm The Homeless
‘Noles are looking good today. It is NC State, but I am not going to complain.
Since my football weekend will peak today, I am already looking past the Dolphins and excited for The Walking Dead.
What I need now is the return of Merle and all the hilarity that will ensue.
It’s looking like my experiment in civilian life is going to end. The recruiter for the PMC hasn’t called me back in weeks, the company I’m working for is cravenly interested in profit squeezing money out of poor people, and, honestly, I miss being surrounded by military people. The FAM’s are taking too damn long and I’ve got bills to pay, so it looks like I’ll be setting up to meet a recruiter next week and see what we can do. Kinda sucks, because I really wanted to be a FAM, but I can’t say I’m not excited about the prospect of rectifying this mistake and being back in the military. And, if things work out, he threw Rescue Swimmer out over the phone which would be totally friggin’ cool. If I’d known the Navy had that 13 years ago, I may have been a squid.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
I just want to know who we need to sacrifice to what to get winter to back off for a few weeks.
Bruce S
Zuckerman is a bizarre personality. He likes to have it every which way. His comments on Obama were beyond stupid. Then he made a statement about income inequality that actually surprised me given it’s provenance and the fact that it was sensible. Ultimately, he’s a narcissist and a fool, but it was kind of interesting to see him on Chris Hayes – as long as this doesn’t mean we’re in for John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham in ensuing weeks. TNC spent a lot of the time looking sideways at Zuckerman and Spitzer – and it wasn’t the angle of his chair. The expression was priceless. Unfortunately, having two narcissistic “VIPs” – who are used to unusual deference and using up most of the air in any room they’re in – on a round table with normal, very smart people who are used to thinking before they speak and don’t have canned opinions about everything doesn’t work very well. Hayes did an okay job managing the weirdness, but I would like to see TNC back in a more wide-ranging discussion. Loved his take on Herman Cain… Also the young woman from Demos is awesome – her sitting next to Zuckerman made him appear even more the glib, shallow man he is.
I just confirmed that Mich. St. needs to move the ball better and score more points in the second half in order to come back against Nebraska. Straight from the coach’s mouth. I think he may be onto something. Wonder if anyone else has thought of that formula?
Chris T.
[repost from other not-actually-most-recent open thread]
Since this is the most recent “Open Thread”, let me put in a quote I just heard on last night’s local TV news:
What is remarkable about this quote is not that it is correct, but rather, that it came from Jon Huntsman, who was giving a speech in front of the Huntsman Cancer Institute.
@arguingwithsignposts: Really? You mean turnovers and 3 and outs don’t win football games?
@Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen: I’m not sure the Goddess really wants any of the rethuglican higher ups (like Turtle Man and Orange Man), but I’d gladly chain them to a rock where eagles or vultures could pick at them.
ETA: With them being made whole every so often so the eagles/vultures can start picking again.
It’s Christmas in October here in the Northeast. Or as one friend dubbed it, the Nightmare Before Halloween. (Btw, since I shot that video, the snow has continued to come down — and the lights have been flickering.)
West of the Cascades
Blizzards in October?? Gawd, the global warming denialists will be shrieking about that.
Oh, we’re used to that here. It’s just that the obsidian doesn’t usually happen before January.
@West of the Cascades:
He was here yesterday morning, warmist.
Linda Featheringill
Apparently the east coast from DC north is really getting hit.
I guess you don’t want me to tell you that it’s 48 and sunny in NE Ohio?
What are all the east coast Occupy groups doing during this storm?
Villago Delenda Est
Zuckerman is another one of those types whose head would look much better on a pike than on his shoulders.
@J.: It is pretty though. My fingers are crossed that your power stays on.
@Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen: I have no idea, but I suggest we start trying to please the gods with someone on Fox.
Ironic that the blue tarp camper commercials are for an insurance company.
(I was on the coast last week, but had good weather.)
Villago Delenda Est
Well, at least in the military there’s no hiding who gets paid what.
Unlike the private sector where it’s not uncommon that telling others what you’re paid is a firing offense.
@Bruce S: This is the first time I have seen Mort have any one argue his points. Spitzer tried to cushion Mort by trying to put Mort’s garbage in a corporate centrist mode. I loved when he then was made to back down on some of his points.
Good show this morning.
Thanks for that. I’ll be cleaning tea off my brand new monitor for forever…
We’ve got heavy rain and lightning, which is exciting but it’s not getting my yard work done or my gutters cleaned out.
I drove 3 hours to visit my Mom on her 75th B-day yesterday. Worth every minute. We drank tea and talked about garden tractors.
My stepfather is a plain spoken farm guy but has some hilarious turns of phrase that he uses without calculation or irony. Lots of snow is “Asshole deep to a tall Indian.” A load of waterlogged lumber was “Heavier’n a dead mule”.
Pay that man his money.
Someone bet $250 on the Cardinals to win the Series at 999/1.
Comrade Luke
I’m so fucking sick and tired of having whatever the east coast deems newsworthy shoved down my throat. It’s snowing. So fucking what.
I remember one of these Oct serious snows in IA. Walking out the next day, typical white everywhere, calm, serene, except every single tree had gone WTF, dropped everything and left puddles of bright red and yellow and dingy green underneath. It was being inside a Dali-Van Gogh mashup.
Villago Delenda Est
@Comrade Luke:
Um, the Villagers are cold.
Remember when the bomb went off in Times Square, and The Village couldn’t bother to break into their own big dinner in DC to inform the nation?
This MSU/Nebraska game is quite entertaining – if you’re not an MSU fan.
Israelis are in the street for social justice and sympathy with OWS. I like the sign one was carrying…Put the politicians on minimum wage and see how fast things change.
@Mino: You can’t become a politician unless you already have enough money to not work for a year while you campaign.
If they needed the money that bad it would be impossible for them to get the job.
J. Michael Neal
Mizzou, Vandy and Duke (!) all within reach of upsets, though that last play doesn’t help the Commodores much.
Chip Kelly is officially an asshole. That is all.
(wrong coach, sorry.)
@Comrade Luke: Didn’t you get the memo that the Northeast corridor is where all the serious people live?
@MikeJ: Ah, but what if they got their current salaries and perks re-negotiated, like some governors are doing to state workers.
It’s the principle, not the need.
Why would Chris Hayes give Mort Zuckerman a platform? Is it in his MSNBC contract or does he really believe that Zuckerman has anything of value to say. Also, too, have I mentioned lately how much I loath Andrew Cuomo.
@Yutsano: Things going badly for the cougs?
@Comrade Luke: You might enjoy this Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Clip if you haven’t seen it.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Come on DAWGS!!!@!
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Go Illini!
@MikeJ: I’m sorry, but going for a two-point conversion ON YOUR OPENING SCORING DRIVE is a dick move. Period.
(The season was over when we melted down to the Beavers. I think they’re pushing Tuel to get back in too fast and Lobbestael is perfectly competent to helm things.)
@Mino: Fools. Don’t they know those #OWS protestors are anti-Semitic?
@Anya: Someone must have forgotten to tell them.
And I am pleased to see Cuomo exposed, too. His dad must be so proud of him.
@Mino: Seriously though, the solidarity among protesters around the world is heartwarming.
Ed in NJ
It’s Hillbillies vs. Guidos week up here in NJ. The terrible weather kept me and my son from the game, but we are looking forward to watching Rutgers snap a 16-game losing streak to the Mountaineers, site overlord be damned.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Jesus fucking christ, Georgia is terrible.
Southern Beale
Just stopped by Occupy Nashville and took some pictures, threw one up on the blog.
It’s a gorgeous day today.
@Southern Beale:
In more ways than one I take it? :)
I hope Bnut has his truck parked somewhere close by. A great way to show solidarity and develop a customer base. Win-win!
@Ed in NJ: As someone who lives on Busch Campus, I’m rooting for the ‘Eers, primarily because football games make my life miserable.
Southern Beale
Thanks for stopping by, Yutsano!
Southern Beale
So since it’s an open thread: Mr. Beale and I are going to be in New York City in November. Any Balloon Juice folks out there wanting a meet-up?
Southern Beale
You know, even the former communications head of the Tennessee Republican Party has come out vocally and vociferously against Gov. Haslam’s trampling on the Constitution.
I have to say, this is one area where the left and right are in complete agreement. Good to see a few conservatives step up and call the Governor to task.
@Southern Beale: If anyone is hesitant about this: SoBe and her espoused are definitely good people and all kinds of fun to hang out with. I speak from personal experience here. Definite approval list!
Via Booman, Romney says he’ll take comand from Israel leaders when it comes to our MidEast policy:
I wonder what happend to “America tells other countries what to do and they follow” crap he’s been spewing in the past.
Depends. Who was he speaking to and who will he be talking about this with next?
Southern Beale
Awww thanks!!!! We had fun kicking back some cocktails in Seattle. It’s always nice to put a face on a nym.
@Southern Beale: You folks are definitely welcome back at any time. Especially since you brought the perfect weather stuff with you too!
Jay in Oregon
Hat tip to Atrios for showing us the most unintentionally hilarious headline of the week:
I keep these images bookmarked for a reason — pick your favorite:
@Southern Beale: When in November? I won’t be around from the second week to mid December.
@Yutsano: I don’t understand how anyone believes anything he says. Poor John Kerry was accused of being a flip flopper because of a stupid gaff, but this phony ass gets a pass.
Southern Beale
We’re there right after Thanksgiving. Sounds like we’re going to miss you….
Southern Beale
I want that guy in the giant flip-flop costume who showed up at all of Kerry’s campaign events to show up at Romney’s.’
Of course, McCain was such a flip-flopper we all called him a Pander Bear.
@Anya: I don’t think anyone actually BELIEVES Multiple Choice Willard. They just think he has the best shot of getting the nigra out of the White House. That’s the only basis for his support that makes any sense.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
Have you forgotten what blizzards look like?
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again): Not really. we’ve had a couple of doozies here in the past 2 years. When they hit Georgia it shuts the whole place down.
Much like the fuckin Gators are doing.
Meanwhile, in Happy Valley, 2 minutes to go in the half and one first down per team total.
@Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen: I may have successfully done this for my area. I went out Thurs & bought a new snow shovel. That should keep it from snowing any time soon.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
2″-3″ of snow shuts down any place south of Louisville, but 2″-3″ does not a blizzard make. I was at the “Snowglobe Game” in Green Bay a few years ago. That wasn’t even a blizzard, and compared to this it was the snowpocalypse.
I’ve been watching the game. It’s that melty sort of snow that makes footing terrible. Throwing and catching passes isn’t easy, either.
ETA: And seconds after I posted this, botched hold on the field goal attempt.
@Anya: I don’t think anybody is all that fond of him but if he hadn’t been elected the Governor of NY would be Carl Paladino. There are probably people who would have been worse that Paladino but I really can’t think who they might be.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Touchdown Illinois, illegal motion, take it off. Field goal, bobbled snap. Third straight scoreless first half.
I sent it UPS on Wednesday. It needs to be there by the 4th, no later. If only I had known a storm was brewing! I would have yanked it out of the gallery sooner. sigh.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Did I mention that the dawgs suck. My big thing today is the Hokies beating Duke 14-10. shoot me now
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Jesus what a miracle.
David Koch
What’s the point of giving a liberal(Chris Hayes) a show if he’s just gonna invite on a neo-con like Zuckerman?
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
This Illini game is amazing for a 0-0 tilt half way through the 3d!
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
YES 7 Illini!!!!
ESPN3 has the Illini game blacked out in my area. WTF? I didn’t even know they had blackouts in college.
ETA: but I can watch Liberty vs. Presbyterian, so I’ve got that going for me.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@arguingwithsignposts: Yea, but it should be on your abc affiliate.
They don’t want to mess with the local’s ad $$$$
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Is it on ABC in your area?
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): There is no ABC affiliate on my Internetz!
some say there are other ways of seeing the game (whistles)
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Man, I’m tired. Stayed up all night to watch Man Utd. beat Everton. It was worth it to see Chicharito poach another goal from inside the 6-yard box.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@arguingwithsignposts: You’re on of those “eww, I don’t have tv” cats”.
@Raven (formerly stuckinred):
Someone should shoot the Duke FG instead. Missed 3 FG’s to let VT escape.
BTW, the snowfall at the Army game is awesome.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Go Hokies! They Vandy kicker choked too.
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): No, I’m one of those “the amount of TV I watch isn’t worth $75-90/mo.” types.
Plus, ESPN3 is usually pretty good with most of the sched. for college. NFL won’t get their heads out of their asses to provide a streaming option unless you’re already subscribed to a cable/dish system, which sort of defeats the purpose.
That is seriously one of the loveliest pieces of writing I’ve ever seen on this blog.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@arguingwithsignposts: There is no over the air ABC in Charleston? We had all the networks in C-U. WAND
@Southern Beale:
Downtown Presbyterian in Nashville. Is that the one that’s all Egyptian Deco? If so, I love it!
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): I don’t have a tv, either, although I’m investigating craigslist for one.
S. cerevisiae
A foot of snow? Try five feet of rain.
Anybody in Ottawa? I’ll be in Canada for a few weeks in November. I have conference commitments several nights, but if there’s the right combination of Free Evening + local BJer, I’d love to meet up.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
@arguingwithsignposts: You’re killin me over here!
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
Craiglist for a tv? Seriously? I paid $99 for a new 19″ set at Meijer about 9 years ago. You could find something a bit smaller for less than that at, say, Sears.
What’s probably going to cost you if you buy off of Craigslist, is the digital converter box. The government program under which you could pick one up for $10 lapsed a few years ago.
ETA: You’ll need rabbit ears, too. The FCC made stations power down their OtA signal when everything went digital.
Romney will be seeking permission slips from furners when it comes to defending our country.
gogol's wife
Thank you.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Just shit
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
Well goddamn, can it be. . .GO DAWGS!
Is it my imagination, or have the people who make Chuck actually discovered cameras that work outside of a studio, in the open air and in daylight and everything?
It’s refreshing, like the day when the Donner Party started to find out how good their companions tasted.