From Noah Bierman at the Boston Globe’s Political Intelligence blog:
A day after a Republican video mocked Democratic US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren as the “Matriarch of Mayhem” for claiming significant credit for the Occupy Wall Street movement, a Democratic leaning political action committee has released “Scott Brown: Tea Party Patriarch.”
The liberal video uses similar production techniques as the conservative video — splicing images of Brown, a Republican senator, making sympathetic comments about the Tea Party movement, with footage of the movement’s most radical elements played over ominous music…
The video is being released by American Bridge 21st Century. Its president, Rodell Mollineau, said in a statement that the video is “a warning that unfair, inflammatory, and inaccurate attacks will not go unanswered.”
The dueling videos, a year ahead of the 2012 Senate election, suggest the campaign is already getting rough. Two interest groups have already paid for television ads attacking Brown’s environmental record.
Emphasis mine. Props to American Bridge 21st Century, because fighting back makes me Proud to Be a Democrat!
Since Brown has also volunteered as a spokespod for the Contractor Tax Cheat Protection Bill, there will be no lack of ammunition for our side…
Joseph Nobles
They should have released a video of Warren saying, “Hi, I’m Elizabeth Warren, and I’d like to be your Matriarch of Mayhem for the next six years…”
And after listing all the things Warren would fight against and for, close it with, “…I approve this message because I’m just telling the truth, and they think it’s mayhem.”
Jesus God, you don’t gin up your own ridiculous over-the-top attack line to match theirs. You adopt their idiocy and expose them as desperate idiots. Sigh.
Raven (formerly stuckinred)
This is the outfit that released it.
Well done American Bridge PAC. Good to see Scott scared and running so early in the race.
slightly OT but best description of the media I’ve seen yet: “a one-way conversation with your own internal idiot” from a column about feminism in the guardian
ETA: I disagree with much of the argument in that column, but the line on the media was great.
John S.
@Joseph Nobles:
Stop clutching those pearls. You have some fine ideas, but you give the illiterate electorate FAR too much credit. I’m pretty sure this one ad released by a 3rd party group isn’t going to be the end of Warren’s bid for the Senate a year from now.
The Matriarch of Mayhem has this. The repubs over reached because Warren’s persona is different than the video they released. I’d like to see an ad that says What Has
BrownScott done for you lately.Joseph Nobles
@John S.: Kindly to go fuck yourself.
@Raven (formerly stuckinred): Thanks for the link. Big game today for bragging rights.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@Joseph Nobles: No reason you can’t do both.
I would have preferred Tea Party Sugar Daddy myself. Whatever works.
I really hope DCCC doesn’t spend too much money on her. I still maintain she is the wrong person to take out Brown. Once again National Dems are in denial of the obviously and not listening to Mass Dem members. Mass wants a male senator.
I see exactly the same mistakes as when they nominated Coakley instead of that guy who constantly polled better and was recommended by Mass Dems.
Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen
[Checks the GOP Rule Book]
Says here the pro-Warren ad is mean, uncivil and full of lies. The pro-Brown ad is measured, calm and a fair representation of the facts.
It needs to be done.
@Thoughtful Black Co-Citizen: Ha! My mainstream media rule book says the same thing. What a coincidence!
Mark S.
Fantastic analysis as usual, Nevgu. I can’t believe you don’t charge money for this. And yet you post it here to a bunch of people who think you are a dumbass.
Now THAT is awesome. Love the scary music.
@Joseph Nobles: A big fat John McLaughlin “WRONG!!”
Southern Beale
And over in the House, Republicans show themselves to be 100% tone deaf by continuing to focus on shit that doesn’t matter to anyone.
Soooo typical.
Needs alliteration: Scott Brown — Patriarch of Pandering.
The evidence of widespread noncompliance by government contractors is extensive and reliable, but I’ve never been convinced that a withholding tax was the best way to deal with the problem. Why not examine every return (including 941s)?
I’m also not convinced that the Bushies didn’t have exactly what is now happening in mind. It is awfully unusual to delay the effective date of a piece of compliance-oriented legislation by seven years.
No reason for this to ever get a floor vote in the Senate.
@Joseph Nobles:
May I respectfully suggest that you chill the fuck out and pay attention to John S.’s critique of your position, which seems to be to be spot-on?
@Mark S.: Says the sniper from the bushes. And who looks like the real dumbass? Oh, and also a Nevgu groupie. So thanks for the support. I’ll makes sure to give you more of what you crave.
@Southern Beale: At least, it’s a distraction from attacking abortion rights for a while. That’s where we are right now.
Joseph Nobles
@burnspbesq: May I respectfully suggest you join John S. in going forth and fucking yourself? Thanks.
@harlana: I’m holding out for Eleanor Clift.
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko: Of course not. This isn’t even an ad from Warren’s campaign, so I can still hold out hope.
Southern Beale
Nashville night court judge smacks down the governor of Tennessee over Occupy Nashville arrests. It’s a beautiful thing.
Southern Beale
Maybe we can go back to bashing gays and Mooooslims. That’s always fun for a while.
@Joseph Nobles:
You may, of course, suggest whatever strikes your fancy, but doing so doesn’t change the fact that you have no idea what you’re talking about, today or any other day.
Chelsea 3, Arsenal 5.
Everton 0, Manchester United 1.
Nobles 0, Rational Adults 2.
John S.
@Joseph Nobles:
I am accustomed to tantrums from my 2 and 4 year old. They are rather unbecoming of an “adult”.
@Southern Beale: Whatever we may think of them, they’re great at recycling!
mai naem
You guys don’t have Charlie Pierce on your blogroll. Just thought I’d let you know.
John S.
Really? I’m curious as to what polling data or analysis led you to this brilliant conclusion. The only thing you really offered as an example is Coakley, although most people would cite her lousy campaigning and contempt for voters as reasons for her failure rather than the fact that she has a vagina.
I really can’t imagine why Wall Street would coordinate with MickySoft to build a Bendy PaperClip Ap that pops up to tell everyone the last sale on the market was up. They must be demoing something.
Brian R.
The only thing a bully understands is a punch to the nose.
Glad to see some Democrats are finally fucking realizing that.
Brian R.
Really? Is that why the female candidate is ahead in the polls?
Judas Escargot
How about: “The Patriarch of Poutrage”, from the “Fraternity of Fidelity (Inc.)”.
Cat Lady
Unlike just about everyone else here I think you’re hilarious BTW. I’m from Mass, born and raised, and this is how I see it – it’s been historically true that Mass hasn’t had the best record for electing women state-wide, but I think that’s more circumstantial than reflective of some deep seated unresolved misogyny. Coakley was the only candidate then that had run a state wide campaign and had the most name recognition, but she was from the western part of the state, so she didn’t have the same kind of traditional machine backing that a more traditional Boston based pol would have had. And as I keep pointing out, the election was held shortly after the third Democratic Speaker of the House in a row was indicted for corruption and Dem. State Senator Wilkinson was caught stuffing a bribe down her blouse, which you may remember from TV. Also, the election was held on a snowy day in the middle of January, and Scott Brown drove ZOMG a truck, was good looking, has a popular well known broadcaster wife and he spent most of his time talking sports and politics with the right wing morning sports talk idiots and Coakley was just a diffident personality and a terrible campaigner, and she still only lost by a relatively narrow margin. NONE of these factors are in play again for Brown. Brown’s distinguished himself in exactly no way at all – too liberal for the nutjobs and too allied with the nutjobs for the liberals, so he’s O.V.A.
Joseph Nobles
@John S.: The image of tantrums and pearl clutching that you insist on projecting upon me is fascinating. Perhaps you should share with an adult you trust just why you feel the need to do this.
I loved that video. Good reminder of some of the Tea Party’s most offensive offenses.
@Nevgu: Get rid of Harper. Then bother commenting on elections where you can’t vote.
I think she should OWN “Matriarch of Mayhem”. It’s a fatastic nickname. Maybe even get a luchadore mask.
John S.
@Joseph Nobles:
Projection? Everyone can READ your comments same as I did. Why you persist in assuming the mantle of anything other than a pearl-clutching baby is beyond me.
I don’t see how Brown takes a hit for supporting repeal of the contractor withholding law. Repeal was part of the President’s job package, and it passed overwhelmingly in the House. Republicans are just doing what they said they’d do, pulling out the parts of the President’s plan they like and ignoring or defeating the rest.
AGREED! If we only did it more!
I thought the Only book the GOP read( besides My Pet Goat) was the GOP RULE BREAKING Book !