That’s what I’m talkin’ about!
[see the update below. If any of you juicers are on Twitter send me a tweet at @AngryBlackLady. I’m making a list of juicers. Thanks! -ABLxx]
No one is really talking about the American Jobs Act anymore. I don’t know if you’ve noticed. Perhaps folks are just resigned to the fact that Republicans are going to filibuster each portion of the bill that Democrats try to pass. That’s just what Republicans do — jackshit.
Just to recap: Republicans filibustered the American Jobs Act, and now they are filibustering each portion separately.
First, they filibustered the Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act, the portion of his jobs bill which would have sent 35 billion dollars to the states to save the jobs of teachers, firefighters, and police.
Today, they will filibuster the Rebuild America Jobs Act, which contains 50 billion for direct spending on transportation projects and $10 billion in seed money to start a National Infrastructure Bank. Why? Because the spending would be paid for by a 0.7 percent tax on annual income above $1 million.
Here’s a bright spot, though. About forty unemployed residents of DC are sitting in at Mitch McConnell’s office. Right now! They want a face-to-face meeting and they want to talk about jobs.
It is exactly awesome:
More than 20 District residents entered Sen. McConnell’s office shortly after 10 a.m. this morning pledging to remain until the Senate Minority Leader grants a face-to-face meeting on the Rebuild America Act. As the Senate prepares for a critical vote on the $50 billion infrastructure spending bill. OurDC members are lobbying senators via cell phone from Sen.McConnell’s office.
I love it.
You can follow the occupiers’ progress on Twitter at @thisisourDC. As of a few minutes ago, the protestors have been offered water, but no meeting. They’ve been waiting almost four hours. If you’re a tweeperson, show them some love.
UPDATE: OurDC is calling for people to contact Mitch McConnell and ask that he “Please meet with the unemployed DC residents sitting in your office. We need good jobs in DC now and you should listen to their story now and vote to support the Rebuild America Act.” McConnell’s phone number is (202) 224-2541.
[via OurDC; image via Minimalist Packrat]
[cross-posted at Angry Black Lady Chronicles]
comrade scott's agenda of rage
How long until the Capitol Pohlice are called in to “escort” the protestors away to the paddy wagons?
Occupying Republican congresscritters’ offices is a good strategy. Maybe even a blue dog’s office or two.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
If so, more and more can take their place.
I’ll be in DC later this month and hope Occupy GOPCapitol Hill is still going strong.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
I hope so. Having worked up there, I know they won’t tolerate a presence the way the various municipalities have. I mean come “office hours are finished”, I don’t see them leaving people in there overnight.
Of course the PR backlash of having the Capitol Pohlice drag out 20-40 people every day and arrest them would be fantastic.
That is exactly totally utterly the MOST fucking awesome thing I have heard in recent memory.
Make that pompous pig SQUIRM till his plentiful jowls jiggle.
Right the fuck ON.
How about Occupy the Koch Brothers?
Follow them around, heckle them at lunch and dinner at fancy restaurants, talk on cell phones during the opera/ballet/theater/bearbaiting. Surround limousines.
Linda Featheringill
Amen! Righteous!
And whatever the current phrases of approval are. :-)
And I’ll look into the twitter support thing.
Social Outcast
Mitch McConnell doesn’t care about protests. Neither do his constituents. In fact, right now Mitch is lunching with lobbyists and imagining the oral pleasuring he will receive from a high-class call girl in a D.C. hotel room before speaking to a roomful of bankers tonight at the annual Let’s Figure Out More Ways to Screw Over the Proles Dinner.
On the other hand, there’s no downside to this. So…
Linda Featheringill
I remembered how to do the twittering and my message got through.
That is truly awesome. I’d LOVE to see it be a regular thing.
Especially the Blue Dogs.
@Social Outcast: call girl? don’t you mean rent boy?
This is a fantastic development!
That’s just great, ABL! Thanks for posting this!
Paul Ryan too, please.
@xian: At his age Mitch can’t tell the difference, and in the end he really doesn’t care.
karen marie
I was thinking about this last night. A great “huzzah” went up at the announcement that BOA was dropping the $5 ATM charge, and OWS was given credit for BOA, and the other banks, backing down, but that’s small potatoes in the big scheme. I think it’s time for the protest to coalesce around specific legislation like Obama’s jobs bill. I’m glad to see OurDC start that ball rolling.
@Poopyman: A mouf is a mouf.
The protesters should bring this to the Congress Critters’ attention:
And there’s this:
@Elizabelle: don’t worry about the Blue Dogs. Out here on the plains, we have the choice of blue dogs or tea party, and believe me, blue dogs are way better. They’re at least open to reason. My blue dog retired and was replaced by tea-party guy, who enthusiastically votes for Paul Ryan’s budget and the In God We Trust thing. The Blue Dog voted for the affodable care act. No, they’re not the same.
OWS, I think, made people brave in a way that they weren’t before. OWS showed that you can show up somewhere, demand an answer, and refuse to leave, and people who oppose you cant do anything about it. It’s like the left has gotten a long-needed confidence boost.
There you go. Occupy the DC offices of all the 1%ers who supposedly represent their constituents but really represent their ultra-wealthy individual donors and their corporate donors.
ETAed for clarity
You need a really detailed map of Nowhere to find my house because I’m in the middle of it – the nearest major cities are literally hours away – and I’m trying to figure out what I can do that isn’t simply cheering from the sidelines.
Now that’s an excellent idea.
@Butch: Call your Representative and Senators. Send money (if you can) to the Occupy groups to help them prepare for winter. Keep up to date on what’s happening. Post news on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever else you hang out. Counter misinformation whenever you hear it.
These posts have more ideas (I don’t know why they’re both lists of 11):
I think it’s great for DC residents to show up and harass each and every senator (and house member). Many, including McConnell, feel like the District is their own personal sandbox to play in. Okay, then if you want to be involved in the day to day operations of the city then you can expect the city residents to come by and tell you how they want you to vote.
Since city residents don’t have a representative of their own to petition they may as well bother all of them.
@Butch: UPS address for OWS is 118A Fulton St. #205, New York, NY 10038. You can send canned and dry food (oatmeal, rice, etc.) there.
@Bex: How would oatmeal and rice help the OWS people? It’s not like they can cook it. Serious question… I am trying to figure out what to send and how to send it. WHile volunteering for Obama during the primaries for 2008, I thought I would throw up if I ate another piece of pizza or any more junk food. We all craved fruit and real food.
@Bex: @TooManyJens: Both good suggestions. I will.
@Water Girl:
@Water Girl: Read “The Audacity of Occupy Wall Street” online at The Nation magazine. Sorry, couldn’t get the link to work.
Good point. Maybe occupying GOP offices will give the Blue Dogs courage of their convictions.
May I ask: which Blue Dog used to represent you?
Hoping this link might work.
The Nation: The Audacity of Occupy Wall Street
@Elizabelle: Thanks.
Outstanding! Now that is what I’m talking about!
Paul in KY
@Social Outcast: I’m technically a ‘constituent’ & I care. Granted, he doesn’t give a fuck about me.
I hope they give the mutant turtle a coronary.