French President Nicolas Sarkozy branded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “a liar” in a private conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama that was accidentally broadcast to journalists during last week’s G20 summit in Cannes.
“I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar,” Sarkozy told Obama, unaware that the microphones in their meeting room had been switched on, enabling reporters in a separate location to listen in to a simultaneous translation.
“You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you,” Obama replied, according to the French interpreter.
The technical gaffe is likely to cause great embarrassment to all three leaders as they look to work together to intensify international pressure on Iran over its nuclear ambitions.
I’m sure the usual suspects will try to spin this as some enormous gaffe for Obama, but I think it is great someone is finally calling out Netanyahu for his deceit.
Samara Morgan
I think UNESCO membership means the Palestinians can now take Israel to the International Courts for building illegal settlements.
Remember the UN declared the settlement building illegal some years ago.
Bubblegum Tate
We have liftoff.
At least they didn’t get Obama miked when he was asked his opinion of the second “Transformers” film…
I refuse to accept that this was an accident. I am a firm believer in 11-dimensional chessism.
Mistermix beat you to it….
ooo, but has our muslo-atheist-commie-fascist-elitist-hawaiian-occupy-loving-near overlord been outed as speaking fluent surrender monkey? ! faints, very carefully on a pre-arranged crash mat
Samara Morgan
@jayjaybear: they are saying Obama is an anti-semite right here in the comments.
Did Lieberman not hear the first page? We should let him be silent as long as he wants, I say.
My snark has been lapped! Damn…
I’m not sure that a private conversation that is accidentally overheard counts as a “calling out.”
Sometimes I think John’s scroll wheel is broken.
PS – John, it occurred to me that this Penn State thing should be awesome for WVU and Ohio recruiting. Imagine being a PA coal mining dad, and having this conversation with the PSU recruiter:
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Lost in the liftoff will be the concept that our President did not *actually* say anything negative about Bibi. He commiserated with Sarkozy – “[y]ou’re fed up with him” and noted that the US spends more time with Israel issues – “I have to deal with him even more often than you.” I found it a pretty fucking diplomatic way to respond, but of course the right wing noise machine will disagree.
Obama should’ve called him a “major league asshole”. big time.
LOL….always hilarious when Wrong Again Cole looks into his Wrong Again Crystal Ball(s).
“Ritchie’s a .22 caliber mind in a .357 Magnum world.”
— Jed Bartlett, seemingly unaware that the television camera was still on him, The West Wing
i believe i’ll update the pie filter to pie-out comments that contain certain words or phrases.
Joey Maloney
@LarsThorwald: I had the exact same thought. Now I think I have to rewatch that episode.
Well, besides being completely and utterly unfair in that no football players seem to have been molested or raped (Sandusky, apparently, liked them young and with troubled families), you’re right that recruitment (and not of football players) will be hurt by this. That is why Graham Spanier must go.
I’m fairly certain Sandusky wouldn’t have pulled this shit on 18, 19, 20, and 21 year olds.
Back on topic, I’d fucking punch that asshole Bibi if I had to deal with his shit. Fucker thinks he runs the US. Of course, if the religious fucknuts and Joe Lieberman had their way, he would.
At the risk of being called an inhumane wretch, I have to say that I feel Netanyahu is just a tad too close to the ideals of the Third Reich than a Jewish person or government should be trying to emulate as an ideal. Certainly this is true when it comes to Israeli/Palestinian relations.
So….I agree with Sarcozy. Benny is a complete asshole who thinks (knows) he can run the US like a third world indentured servant. Thanks IAPAC, thanks a lot.
Do you have a version for android? :)
the internet says that TamperMonkey can run GreaseMonkey scripts on Android.
i’ve never tried it, tho.
@cleek: That might be quite effective. The trolls change their nyms, but aren’t particularly creative in what they say.
Meanwhile, it’s off to the pie shop for you, boring troll I won’t mention by name!
That anyone would feel remorse for speaking ill of Netanyahu while calling him on his bullshit should disqualify one for further public service.
His modus vivendi is to lie.
What is the MATTER with you people? Can’t you see the whole thing was an AIPAC plot to distract attention from Israel’s planning to strike Iran after the Mossad-infiltrated IAEA report is released?
Do you seriously think AIPAC DOESN’T have Sarkozy in its back pocket right next to all three branches of the US government? Sheesh.
@joes527: It may not have been unintentional.
This kind of thing is a great way to send a message to a parliament in another country–that two world leaders, including the leader of your most important ally–think that you need a different PM.
Roger Moore
It would also block regular posters who quote the troll in the process of feeding it, which is probably a good idea. I wonder if you could add a feature that recognized responses to troll posts by the @name link and block them (possibly in some amusing way, like having a second set of quotes about not needing to hear any more about pie) too.
cleek, if you’re still here, can you think of a reason why the pie filter (or maybe it’s grease monkey period) would work on my home computer but not on my work computer? This is, uh, purely out of curiosity as I would never read internet discussion threads at, er, work, obviously.
WTF is that snark aimed at? Noone’s coming up with random CTs here, just pointing out the intransigence of Netenyahu’s government.
@Roger Moore: That would be a dream come true. This place is a soup kitchen for the trolletariat.
My understanding is that the two leaders were off having a private conversation in a closed room, and reporters were told that they weren’t getting the official headphones to plug into the translation feed for that reason. Some reporters, then used their own headphones to surreptitiously plug into the feed, and when they were caught, they all agreed not to publish what they’d listened in on as they were breaching the rules of conduct. Obviously, that eventually unraveled after one of the parties published an account anyway.
hard to say. which browser are you using at work, is GM installed, do you see the pie filter buttons, etc. ?
@Roger Moore:
that’s probably possible – as long as the @name thing is in the reply and immediately precedes the quoted text, which is in a BLOCKQUOTE tag, etc.. so, it would have to be kindof picky about formatting.
Samara Morgan
@cleek: like proselytization perhaps?
how is this site any different from a conservative site that filters comments?
i’ll just be proactive here and get this out.
America is still stupid about al-Islam.
US to Work with Arab Spring’s Islamist Parties.
But freedom of speech and freedom of religion are ILLEGAL under shariah, which IS the rule of law in islamic countries.
Poor Hillary’s “must” has no teeth.
after the Arab Spring…the American Fall.
and….winter is coming.
Bill E Pilgrim
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
That’s exactly what it looks like in the French text they pointed to as the source for all these stories. The “You’re sick of him?” spin that the Guardian gave it was the worst, just by adding the question mark which isn’t actually there.
Not that Bibi isn’t a liar and it wasn’t a “Kinsley gaffe” to some degree and so on, but I just hate newspapers drumming up sensationalist bullshit out of nothing. Or almost nothing.
@cleek: Firefox in both places, though I’m stuck using Firefox 3 at work for technical reasons. Greasemonkey is installed.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
When sensationalist bullshit is all you’ve got…
And where the hell is Tzipi Livni in all of this? For fuck’s sake, Bibi is in a god-damned coalition government! Take his ass down before he takes all of you with him!
Roger Moore
I was thinking you could use the ‘href=”#comment-XXXXXXX”‘ part of the link to see if somebody was replying to somebody on the pie list. If so, you could counter-pie their comment as feeding the troll. It wouldn’t work if they didn’t use the reply button, but it would still help to improve the S/N.
Netty is the worst thing to happen to Israel since… forever.
He’s the Israeli equivalent of Dick effin Cheney. The man is a sociopath. I’m glad some leaders got outed dissing him. He richly deserves it. I hope more mics get left on.
@Samara Morgan: Centuries of Muslims, Jews, Christians and pagans living together renders this untrue. Yes, some Muslim countries misinterpret Islam but for centuries non-Muslims lived and practiced their religion in Muslim countries, including Mecca and Medina.
Obama has to deal with Netanyahu EVERY day?? Kill me now.
Mitt just confirmed his insanity.
Psychopaths lie?! Hoocoodanode?
@cleek: As my kids would say, “please and thank you.”
While not related to Bibi or Sarko, as the thread is titled “Liar, Liar” I believe it’s topical to observe that that maestro of mendacity, Silvio Berlusconi, may be getting his wish very soon: exile.
In an excerpt from a wiretapped phone conversation he had in July, here’s what the Italian prime minister had to say about his homeland: “I don’t give a f*ck…In a few months I’m getting out to mind my own business from somewhere else, and so I’m leaving this shitty country of which I’m sickened.”
Earlier today, Berlusconi lost his parliamentary majority during a vote on domestic finances in the lower house of parliament. Prior to the session, his long-time ally, Umberto Bossi, head of the Northern League, a partner in the coalition government, called on Berlusconi to resign. Reports claim that he will be meeting this afternoon with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano possibly to tender his resignation.
Rumors of Il Papi’s imminent resignation have been swirling since last weekend, now that the Italian economy has become the focus of scrutiny in the European debt crisis.
Berlusconi’s departure will be a sad day for those who support bunga bunga in Big Government.
Cris (without an H)
@LarsThorwald: Sarkozy went old school.
Caption of this report at CNN:
Someone should throw a “Motherfucker, did I stutter?” somewhere.
gocart mozart
@Samara Morgan:
It’s Samara, the Muslim hating Muslim.
Samara Morgan
@Anya: There was peace in dar ul Islam because Christians were forbidden to proselytize. Jews and christians could be citizens under the Caliphate, but they could not proselytize, build churches or synagogues, or marry muslimahs without reverting.
there is a DIRECT contradiction in Hillary’s statement.
Shariah is the RULE OF LAW in islamic counties. Shariah is incompatible with freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Its IN THE QURAN, which is the SOURCE of islamic law, aka shariah.
If western christians wanted to help christians in islamic countries, they would advise them to obey the rule of law in their country.
Their country, their laws.
gocart mozart
SASQUATCH ISREAL? Are you calling Jews big hairy, smelly, big footed, ape like creatures? You anti-semite!!!!!!!
Samara Morgan
@gocart mozart: i dont hate muslims.
i understand muslims, because i am one.
Now, AL, sheez a JAFI.
Are you a JAFI?
this is
just a test.
mm k?
Samara Morgan
@cleek: you go gurrl.
shut down that nasty dissent.
Samara Morgan
@cleek: Protect the Hivemind!
at all costs.
Samara Morgan
@gocart mozart: i think he just meant Israel has a big footprint.
@gocart mozart:
Clearly, an opinion on Bibi has a direct correlation on whether you’re an anti-semite or not. In fact, in right wingers mind, Bibi is in fact the living embodiment of Judaism itself. An attack on Bibi is an attack on ALL Jews, living, dead, and future!
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Yeah, I was amazed at how well Obama sympathized with Sarkozy without actually agreeing with him. A very impressive politician who can maintain that level of diplomacy even in non-public discussions.
El Cid
@gocart mozart: This is unfair. She simply possesses knowledge beyond time and space, and we do not, such is her grasp of Sufism, said she.
Baron Jrod of Keeblershire
@Samara Morgan: It’s just amazing to me that you can sit there and cheer the fact that Islamic nations often suppress freedom of speech, sometimes using the hangman’s noose as their tool, but then you turn around less than ten comments later and diss someone for blocking out stupid speech they don’t want to see.
Why don’t you make up your fucking mind, you fascist little dipshit? Free speech: good or bad? Pick one side or another, hypocrite.
I can tell you my opinion on the matter: I’d much prefer being pie filtered to being goddam executed, you dig?
@Samara Morgan:
Samara, I see you using this slogan in a lot of places:
I can see a conditional and two linked assertions.
There is no flow of logic or any attempt to derive either of the assertions, and I don’t even know what winter is coming means for you. Come to think of it, I am not exactly sure what the American Fall means for you either.
Could you please unpack this for me? I feel as though you might have some real meaning in mind, rather than just crude agitprop sloganeering, and I worry that I might be missing something that you have noticed.
@THE: you should have stopped at “There is no flow of logic.”
(“Winter is coming” is the family motto of House Stark in A Song of Fire and Ice.)
also, too, someone needs to adjust her meds.
Ah it’s a literary reference. Still she may have something definite in mind by it, otherwise it reminds me of Lenin’s:
It’s cool propaganda and I know what he means but it’s not really an exact equation.
Oh noes the dreadful sociaIism word has cast me into moderation again. This is the expurgated version:
Ah it’s a literary reference. Still she may have something definite in mind by it, otherwise it reminds me of Lenin’s:
It’s cool propaganda, and I know what he means, but it’s not really an exact equation.
So perhaps it’s just a Spring..Fall…Winter seasonal reference. It has no other content.
Well in that case it has already been done, Samara:
Richard III — William Shakespeare.
Samara Morgan
@Baron Jrod of Keeblershire: their country, their laws.
Samara Morgan
@THE: winter is coming is from Songs of Fire and Ice.
like valar dohaeris, valar morghulis.
“after the Arab Spring, the American Fall”, is original to meh…..i should trademark it, like Distributed Jesusland.
@Samara Morgan: Also, Samara Morgan is the female ghost from the Ring.
@Samara Morgan: their blog, their rules
@Samara Morgan:
Ok so it’s just pure rhetoric, it’s not actual strategic analysis.
That’s what I was wondering: If I was missing something real.
Samara Morgan
@THE: its both lol. its science, history, and culture in a seamless synthesis.
Samara Morgan
@xian: so ban meh.
Samara Morgan
@Mandramas: hai brother.
yes, exactly.
i am my own ghost.
A lot of interesting developments right now Samara. Eurozone is consuming a lot of my attention. Also the energy markets are evolving in interesting directions. Not to mention AI-robotics, transhumanism, aging-research. China. India.
Too much to do, too little time.
I live at my own website now.
I only visit here sometimes, when I have time, and I only comment rarely.
Thanks for your response.
Samara Morgan
@Baron Jrod of Keeblershire: the difference is in the rule of law in different countries.
freedom of speech is mandated by law IN AMERICA.
it is NOT mandated by shariah law in islamic nations.
IPOF proselytizing the poor and ignorant is forbidden by shariah law, and freedom of speech LEGALIZES the proselytizing of EVERYONE.
so shariah law, the rule of law in islamic countries, is INCOMPATIBLE with the kind of missionary democracy Hillary Clinton is talking about.
in other words, their country, their rule of law.
there is nothing you can do about it anyways.
America tried for ten years and trillions of dollars and FAILED UTTERLY.
Baron Jrod of Keeblershire
@Samara Morgan: There is one thing I can do: I can simply state my opinion that murdering people for what they have to say is barbaric and evil.
Will you say that people shouldn’t be executed in cold-blood for saying whatever they like? Forget that it’s Muslims doing the executing. Pretend that we’re talking about the Chinese. Hell, pretend we’re talking about Americans.
Tell me that you believe that, should the First Amendment ever be repealed, that the American government would be justified in having you killed and tossed in a lime pit for talking about Islam. And don’t fucking weasel out by saying that it can’t happen. It certainly fucking can happen, and if you think otherwise you’re… well you’re just as stupid as you seem.
You know, I don’t think the Iraq War had anything to do with Americans’ right to hold opinions about the Iranian government, so please stop talking about that shit like its relevant. When people here start talking about invading Iran that will be a pertinent point. It has nothing what-so-fucking-ever to do with free speech and capital punishment issues.
Just say it: You believe that killing people who say the wrong thing is totally cool. Admit to us, and yourself, that you are a bloodthirsty fascist. Drop your pathetic little goofy teenager shtick and be honest for one goddam minute: you love it when Iran murders Christians. It makes you happy. Stop dancing around that point.
Samara Morgan
Samara Morgan
@Baron Jrod of Keeblershire: i guess im kinda shocked at that.
let me get this straight….you think i should be killed for talking about Islam because …..why again?
all im saying is their country, their rule of law.
Hillary’s “must” is toothless. You cant change the religion of 1.7 billion adherents….it cant be done.
Samara Morgan
Since today is the 134th anniversary of the birth of Sir Allama Muhammed Iqbal, poet and architect of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, i’ll leave the Angry Baron with a quote from him.
Baron Jrod of Keeblershire
@Samara Morgan: Where the fuck do I say you should be killed? Seriously you retard, quote it. I mean, are you six years old? You seem unable to distinguish between talking about something and doing it, kinda like a slow child who freaks out when she hears someone say “Voldemort.”
I was just trying be make the whole “executed for talking” idea seem a little more real to you, but how stupid of me. The only thing that’s real to you is that Islam is perfect in all ways, and the most evil thing any American can do is say anything about it.
Keep living in your little fantasy world, you sorry ass excuse for a Sufi. Just take your own fucking advice and STOP FUCKING TELLING US ABOUT IT.