How many memes can one pepper spray incident launch? Here’s an open thread for the newest one or anything else you want to discuss, and here’s an explanation of the picture if you’ve been doing actual work today.
Open Thread
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I like the first comment on your link. So if someone barfs on you it’s essentially a food product.
And I guess robbery is essentially a donation.
My favorite meme of the moment is at Amazon, where writers are supplying hilarious reviews of pepper spray, noting its delicious taste. NOMNOMNOMNOM!
H/T riverdog from the link:
best way to test pepper spray is for hannity to go through it right after he get waterboarded. i mean he said he would get waterboarded. i take him at his word.
I say conservatards should all be waterboarded with pepper spray. It is just food isn’t it?
You have to admit, though, the gal does earn her money…
If this goes to Rule #34 territory I am backing away from the Interwebs for awhile.
that nice policeman was just feeding those poor hungry kids
Warren Terra
We’re not paying enough attention to some remarkable stories about Mitt in the past two days:
In his first television ad, Mitt puts words in Obama’s mouth by removing context; has same done to him.
Mitt “complied” with Massachusetts open-records and document preservation act by printing out 700 cubic feet of file boxes – perhaps a million pages or more, at taxpayer expense – and destroying the electronic records.
We can guess that the documents have been available at the local planning office for the last nine months; of course, the display department of the local planning office is in the cellar, where the lights have failed, as have the stairs, and the documents are on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying “Beware Of The Leopard”. That’s if Mitt hasn’t figured out a way to put the documents on display in Alpha Centauri for fifty of our Earth years.
@cathyx: So if someone barfs on you it’s essentially a food product.
Bill Murray
@Warren Terra: At least hasn’t started reading some Belgium-esque poetry at us.
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes
And hooptiously drangle me
With crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon
See if I don’t.
Dee Loralei
@Warren Terra: I think that would be a great crowd sourcing opportunity. Remember how TPM did that with those massive Bush Friday Night Document dumps? Or all those media groups did with Sarah Palins stuff from Alaska? Too bad no newspapers want to go there to Massachusettes and scan those documents.
Oh, here.
Meanwhile, since it is an open thread:
I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that Fox news viewers are so fucking stupid, they think pepper spray is food. How are they not all dead from playing in traffic or drinking furniture polish or something?
Warren Terra
@Dee Loralei:
At a few cents per page, that would be several hundred thousand dollars, equivalent to a fortnight’s pay for a second-tier newsanchor, or the salaries of at least half a dozen actual reporters.
John PM
Do you think she will volunteer to be pepper-sprayed like that one reporter a few years back volunteered to be tasered? That was some good TV.
P.S. – Three posts within 10 minutes not good!
@jrg: Does brain-dead count? Old Megyn’s vacant look sort of fits…
Ignorance is Fox News, Essentially.
@scav: That’s the thing… It’s not just ignorance. Ignorance implies that you don’t know something. For someone to believe that cops carry and use food as a means of subduing people, some of them violent, you have to have shit in your brain. Shit. In. Your. Brain.
@Yutsano: there’s a reason it’s a rule.
War is just disagreeable politics, essentially…
(yeah yeah I stole that from Clausewitz)
Roy G.
If these people saw Jesus on the Cross, they’d say he was clearly in an aggressive posture, so he got what he deserved, and then complain that he should get a haircut and a job, and stop wasting the Romans’ tax money on nails and wood.
Hmmm. Some other things that would classify as “food” under her criteria:
Woe to anyone who ingests or inhales either of these in their purified forms.
By the way, as someone who works with capsaicin (purified form) on a routine basis, I’ve had to establish chemical hazard SOPs for it’s use. Why? Let’s look at a MSDS for the synthetic form (used in these sprays).
(Note Section 3 under “Acute Health Hazard”)
Oh, and here’s what a 1.5 million Scoville pepper can do to you if you ingest it.
Pepper spray, I believe, comes in over at
2 million Scoville’s.
Anne Laurie
@Warren Terra: Yes, and when the local paper (Boston Globe) had the termerity to report this, Romney responded by demanding “all emails related to [his Democratic successor’s] contacts with the Obama Administration“, for fear of politics.
Just about every Republican operation projects more than the OWS batsignal, but when Romney becomes the actual GOP nominee, we may actually find out if a terrestrially-based entity can project as far as the Moon!
Ahem, “at over”.
Hmmm. Some other things that would classify as “food” under her criteria:
Woe to anyone who ingests or inhales either of these in their purified forms.
By the way, as someone who works with capsaicin (purified form) on a routine basis, I’ve had to establish chemical hazard SOPs for it’s use. Why? Let’s look at a MSDS for the synthetic form (used in these sprays).
(Note Section 3 under “Acute Health Hazard”)
Oh, and here’s what a 1.5 million Scoville pepper can do to you if you ingest it.
Pepper spray, I believe, comes in over
2 million Scoville’s.
James Fallows just ran my letter to him on the idiot sherriff in SC who procured an M113 APC with a fucking .50 caliber machine gun.
James Fallows just ran my letter to him on the idiot sherriff in SC who procured an M113 APC with a fucking .50 caliber machine gun.
Anne Laurie
@Roy G.: True story: Back when I was in parochial high school at the end of the 1960s, the nuns had a parable that Simon of Cyrene was an undocumented immigrant, which is why the Romans “compelled” him to help carry that DFH Jesus’s cross to his properly assigned governmental place of execution. The Very Serious Roman Government People wanted to make it clear that illegals and working-class rabble-rousers and ladies-for-rent (Mary Magdelene) and even hangers-on-of-suspicious-sexual-orientation (John) were all part of the vast conspiracy to defraud the decent taxpayers of Jerusalem, which would NOT be tolerated by the benevolent One Percenters!
For some reason, this exegesis is not included on Wikipedia. Perhaps it has fallen out of fashion?
Odie Hugh Manatee
@jrg: “How are they not all dead from playing in traffic or drinking furniture polish or something?”
Most are doing just that and some did die. The remainder (the 27%ers) survived with extensive brain damage.
Roy G.
@Anne Laurie: as the saying goes, ‘history is written by the winners,’ so today’s Jesus would be fighting for the righteous and godly 1%, probably in full riot gear spraying down the dirty communist hippies with holy pepper spray.
And by ‘winners’ I mean like Charlie Sheen.
Well, at least Republicans haven’t claimed pepper spray – since it’s got “pepper” in the name – should count as a vegetable for school-lunch program purposes.
3, 2, 1…
Reminds me of those old Bud light commercials: ” No Megyn, I said pepper steak.”
Makes one wonder what’s on the Thanksgiving dinner menu over at Megyn’s house. I’ll pass.
@Warren Terra: A proper newspaper would send a scanner and some laptops down to the archive and would sue Romney personally to offset the cost. Unfortunately there are not any more proper newspapers any more.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Old thread by now, but the comments in this Gawker piece are solid gold.
The key here is “this is on the Chancellor’s orders”
Forget the wingnut red meat – focus on the facts that count – “this was on the Chancellor’s orders.”
Ok, so hold her responsible for her orders.
The Ancient Randonneur
If government agents sprayed a group of toothless grannies and knuckle dragging atavists at a Tea Party protest screeching about the “gummint takeover of Medicare!” you would been hearing about “2nd Amendment remedies” and “watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots” on an endless loop at Faux News, Red State and Limbaugh.
Paul in KY
@celticdragonchick: Way to go! Excellent points you made too.
Plugging my own version of the meme:
Jim Snyder
Was that the mace that launched a thousand quips?
Jim Snyder
Hmm, come to think of it, in re “food product, essentially”, this is better:
“Was that the taste that launched a thousand quips?”