Oh HELLZ yes I’m watching. Santorum thinks Africa is a country, Newt is lecturing me like I’m his wayward teenage daughter, and the audience wets itself whenever Ron Paul says, well, anything.
Sigh. I work hard to get our blog hits but sometimes it makes me very, very sad. After many years watching politics, it all comes down to- Republicans rally around excluding people, Democrats around including people. Are you a hater or an includer? There’s your position.
I blame that freaking retinal tear- it laid me up and got me listening to the yabber over politics.
After the last ‘laugh a minute’ BJ takedown of the Rethug debate, I’m licking my lips for this. Last time was funny as hell.
BJ’ers, put your snark hats on…3,2,1, SNARK!!
Omnes Omnibus
I thought people like you watched that kind of thing so we don’t have too. Of course, I wouldn’t have watched it anyway; I have neither the degree of self-loathing nor the nearly crippling level of masochism required.
Suffern ACE
@SiubhanDuinne: What was his question…”Will I get my old job back?”
A couple of years ago, I dropped to basic basic cable, adding just a few channels (BBC, Nat Geo, MSNBC), so I haven’t watched CNN for ages. Lovely.
Pretty soon, I’m going all antenna, which means I’ll get a handful of Canadian stations, maybe PBS and 2-3 American networks, and that’s it. The rest I’ll stream or torrent as needed.
@khead: That is a sweet picture. Great kitteh too.
schrodinger's cat
@khead: Sweet pea looks more like Tunch, similar markings, different color. Is she the long lost Tunch sister?
Not watching the clown show, clowns are scary, I have always been scared of them, since childhood.
It’s bomb, bomb, bomb, iran all over again. Fuck, I miss mccain already.
@ Paddy:
As someone who has had multiple retinal tears, I feel your pain. Hope your recovery went well.
I figure I should practice my tactics now, the plot of the game seems to closely mirror the “urban renewal” plans for pretty much any of the Clown Car Cavalcade.
I just watch Stewart/Colbert and SNL for the important recaps
@Paddy: Hey, sweet – you know well the ways of the snark, my son.
“All of us will be in danger for the rest of our lives”.
it’s morning in America!!
I’m following it on twitter. I still get the gist of it, and it hurts less that way. My reaction so far is “Goddamn, but these are some stupid, dishonest, ethically and mentally crippled motherfuckers.”
If I actually watched it, I’m sure I’d break something valuable.
The Other Chuck
So what’s the schtick for this debate? Lightning round? Do candidates get to call their lifeline?
@Comrade Mary: I love my antenna. If you have roku also you can watch AlJazeera. In the Atlanta area I pick up france24 so have all the news I need.
Omnes Omnibus
I need to pack for my trip to my parents’ house for T-day since I am leaving directly from work tomorrow.
Comrade Mary
@JPL: I stream AJE on my computer, plus I have the app for my phone. That’s some quality tv.
But what’s “roku”? And how do you get French stations?
If I actually watched it, I’m sure I’d break something valuable.
Your brain, for example?
karen marie
@khead: That cat needs a diet pronto! Our Mr. Mittens died at age seven of a stroke, and the vet said it was probably because he was overweight at 27 pounds despite being “big boned” and having a head the size of a softball.
In temperment? Yes. Very Tunch-like. She loves my wife and me (mostly my wife) – that’s it. She hates everyone else. I can’t blame her since she was a feral kitteh.
I have a rare evening off work and tuned in to do my civic duty, but I turned it off after about three minutes. Michele Bachmann, asked about Pakistan, said (not in these words) that we should do basically what President Obama has been doing but then criticized him for his “fingers crossed” approach to Pakistan. Serenity now.
When the next question went to Herman Cain I got a nosebleed and blacked out for a moment. Turned the channel on medical advice.
P.S. I probably got that far only because none of my “stories” are on TV on Tuesday night.
“Were it possible, I would give the entire nation of Israel a handjob, to completion, in a second. You bet.”
— Mitt Romney
“Dude, that’s gross.”
— Rick Santorum
Fuck that. I can get all the good stuff Here on the snarkonetz.
Comrade Mary
Never mind: I Googled Roku. Apparently it’s coming to Canada in the spring. I’m not too optimistic about what we’ll actually get, though.
When I studied the Lowest Common Denominator in grade school, I didn’t know it would become a political stance.
@Comrade Mary: I have no idea why we pick up the France 24 station but it is an English station. In the Atlanta area there is even a tv guide station. In all there about 50 stations and only a few worth watching. I do get two PBS stations so that’s good.
ROKU is a device that costs around 50 dollars and it streams from your wireless. You can choose to pay for additional stations but don’t have to. It’s easier to watch than your computer. I have netflix so stream movies.
So what’s up with Newt? I’m not watching this, currently.
All RIIIIIGHT! Ron Paul gives a shout out to medical marijuana!
I want some newtmentum. He is a futurist. The rest are looking either backwards or sideways (not me even though I am +5 at this point – I have stamina).
I have to say it warms the cockles of this 40 year old’s heart (b day tomorrow beeyotches) to think that Mitt HAS to be keeping himself up not thinking why can’t I beat these losers and pick up some polling love.
@Omnes Omnibus: Nahhh. I was IED’ed three times my last tour. Either they’d put me over the top and I’d burn out, or there wouldn’t be an appreciable difference at this point. I’m pretty sure that I can chuck a bottle of beer at that TV screen hard enough to crack it when I’m pissed off though. I’ll note for the record that “pissed off” is a state that republicans specifically, and conservatives especially tend to incite in me with greater frequency since the last tour.
O/T: RIP, Anne McCaffrey.
Anne Laurie
Richard Adams at the Guardian is bringing it. And somewhere, Douglas Adams is smiling.
@Anne Laurie: A problem with the front pages that has been pointed a lot reacently. Your thread was not clearly marked as the debate thread. It is definitely better to have everyone in one place. Some more organization around specific events would benefit this site methinks.
I can’t say enough how pleased I am that they happen during the dinner hour here. We have a no TV policy at dinner so that my daughter can give me monosyllable responses to all my questions.
Sully is still expecting Hunstman to bounce after this debate’s apparently strong showing, forgetting that the last few years have shown that there is only a small consitituency for anyone who is not bat shit crazy in the republican party, and that 20% is goin to Romney.
Ronzoni Rigatoni
@Comrade Mary: Smart move. I lived 28 miles across Lake Erie many many years ago and that’s about all I watched (Canadian [& British] TV (Hancock’s half hour, e.g.) and listened mostly to CJBC Radio [Jazz Unlimited with Elwood Glover]). If I was back up there now, I’d definitely do the same thing.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
FYI – edit function to fix my shitty typos is not working… says I do not have permission…
@Anne Laurie: Aww man, there’s some good stuff there!
And it is my devout hope that having to keep sharing the limelight with all those other luuuuuzers will cause Willard to stroke out, or blow a crucial OS chip, whichever applies. At least I can enjoy the fact that he’s suffering almost as much as listening to him makes me suffer.
Remember: prof left says Obama is JUST LIKE them!
karen marie
@khead: Glad to hear you’re keeping tabs on their weight. I wish I had been more proactive about Mr. Mittens. I realized he was a bit on the heavy side but it never occurred to me that he was fat enough to be health-compromised.
I’m jonesing for some DougJ liveblog debate snark. Or at least maybe a couple of good zingers…
Gaurdian blog: “Rick Perry says he would privatise airport groping, and gets a big round of applause.”
Who knew that Sandusky and Rick were friends?
Warren Terra
Not watching – though I am skimming the live-blog at Slog, which is good – but TPM just had Willard saying his first trip as Prez would be to Israel. Can I jsut say as an Atheist Jew that the GOP-Likud-Christian-millenialist alliance scares the living sh!t out of me?
Also, it’s traditional that the Prez’s first trip is to Canada: biggest trading partner, closest culture, longest undefended land border in the world, etcetera. Dubya mixed it up and went to Mexico first, iirc (or was that in his second term?) – but to actually have your first Presidential trip be to Israel would be a giant f-u to North America.
We have a no TV policy at dinner so that my daughter can give me monosyllable responses to all my questions.
LOL. You can’t buy memories like that.
Anne Laurie
@Gordon, The Big Express Engine: To be honest, I didn’t think there would be enough interest for a dedicated debate thread, what with every patriotic American starting their phreak-out over preps for Turkey Day.
(Also, you may have overestimated the coordinational abilities of us front-pagers.)
I can’t believe Frothy Mix called Africa a country. Okay, I can believe it. But still. What a dumbass. And so typical of the patronizing attitude people like him have toward the continent of Africa: it’s just one giant country full of black people and wild animals, and there’s not much difference between the two. Asshat.
I saw some of the pre-game on CNN, and David Frum was saying that this was Rick Santorum’s chance to shine as an intellectual, to show that he had really knowledge of issues. Wolf Blitzer eagerly agreed that Rick Santorum was a smart guy, after all, he’d served in the Senate, and was (and I think this is a pretty close paraphrase) aware of all these issues.
Didn’t Palin have a simliar confusion about Africa, continent or country?
9.38pm: Ah, Newt Gingrich’s brain is on fire explaining his multiple choice ideas about immigration, with one of the many being handing out work visas to overseas students who gain a PhD in science. “Einstein came here as an immigrant,” says Newt. Ah, no he didn’t. He was visiting the US when Hitler came to power and as a Jew with a teaching job in Berlin he had no incentive to go back, especially after the Nazis attacked his house.
9.32pm: Ah, here’s Herman Cain back again. And what a loss he has been to the nation’s gaity: “We know that terrorists have come into this country from Mexico.” Do we? I have no idea.
9.30pm: So far – as Texas Republican Josh Trevino points out – no questions on: the euro-zone crisis, Iraq, India or world trade.
And the first question after the ad break is … the border with Mexico. Rick Perry wants a “21st century Monroe doctrine”. He says “we know that Hizbullah and Hamas” are operating in Mexico. Do we know that?
Ron Paul wants to end another war: the drug war. Forget the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, says Ron, how about the border with Mexico? It’s the welfare state that draws them here.
“I think the federal war on drugs is failure. You can at least let sick people have marijuana if its helpful,” Ron Paul expands. “I fear the drug war because it undermines our civil liberties … and the kids can still get the drugs.”
All this common sense talk from Ron Paul, no wonder he hasn’t got a hope. In fact he’s getting more air time tonight than he has … ever that I can remember. Odds on a Ron Paul upset somewhere? Iowa?
Goddess bless Richard Adams, I could never face this shite unmediated!
Fuckin’ magnets, how do they work?
OH MY GOD! EVIL SPEAKS: David Addington has a question.
Anne Laurie
@Comrade Mary: Just the snark quality, b/c Richard A is reminding me of Ford Prefect from Hitchhiker’s Guide. Sympathetic, yet detached.
Ron Paul gives a shout out to medical marijuana!
How are his eyebrows doing? Either of them made a break for safety or anything?
@Anne Laurie: Richard Adams is actually impressive here. Pretty good bon mots, but also staying with substance, and then personal observations. The Romney observation is spot on:
Romney says of 25-year illegal immigrants, “that’s the extreme example”. So will you throw them out, asks Wolf. “I’m not going to draw lines on who gets to stay and who gets to go,” replies Romney and retreats into blather about sealing the border.
Once again Mitt doesn’t want to be pinned down to actual things, like his first name. Mitt? Willard? Who knows, he just doesn’t want to be pinned down.
How many regimes have the Republicans proposed and advocated changing tonight?
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
How come Repubs never promise ponies like the Dems do? Is it style over substance? Or is it the fact that their ponies aggressively pat you down, question your citizenship and waterboard you?
Po’ Cananda. No Republican presidential contestant wants to vist our neighbor to the north anymore.
licensed to kill time
Gads, all these ‘questions from the audience’ are like The Rise of the Republican Zombies’ …. they came from beyond the grave with their questions, hungry for brains!
Where did they dig some of these guys up?
Rick Perry closes the night by insulting 25% of the world’s population. Way to go, Rick!
If they are both debate open threads–
Nate just put up a post about the latest poll where Newt is thought by 46% of Republican voters to have the most knowledge and experience to be president. Bachmann is thought by only 1% to have the most knowledge and experience. Although this is, yes, one poll, this is a good reason why her turn isn’t coming around again.
I didn’t watch, but I read the recap. Perry showed himself not to be the brightest bulb again and Cain seemed to be floundering.
I also do all that and got a VPN connection (through OverplayVPN) so I could watch BBC-TV channels 1, 2, 3, 4, BBC Newschannel, ITV1, RTE1 Ireland, ABC 24 Australia (which are all streamed live) and Channel 4 UK on demand. The VPN costs around $9/mo., far better than the +$100 I was spending on satellite. I also spend another $7/mo to get CBC News Network in Canada as I’m a Canuck in New York and like to keep in touch.
I bought a Mac mini which I hooked up to the TV and a small wireless keyboard. Works like a charm.
Dammit. Ever since we moved the clocks back an hour, Rick Perry hasn’t had second-half debate gaffe.
If you ask when Republican voters have cared recently about knowledge and experience, they do want to beat Obama. They do understand that Obama is the incumbent and that he’s smart. They seem to be looking for a kind of knowledge and experience (like running a business) that Obama doesn’t have.
CAIN WINS, walking away!
oh, wait, he’s just walking away. nevermind.
Ha! Huntsman referred to Romney’s dad being brain washed in Viet Nam.
Po’ Mitten. I bet he peed himself.
Romney’s first trip will be to Israel to show how much he cares. Then Israel will wave the bloody sheet out of the window.
@Comrade Mary: love child with Molly Ivins I suppose
R. Adams strikes again:
Now there’s some silly open-ended “what’s the big threats out there?” question – and of course Newt mentions a massive electro-magnetic pulse that would destroy all of America’s electronics. Yes! Why has no one else mentioned this made-up B-movie sci-fi nonsense? Anyway it’s easily fixed by Will Smith armed with an Apple laptop, as I recall.
Is there a link for the mobile version of the site?
licensed to kill time
Hahahahaha! Newt just told Gloria Borger that people are hungry for real debate, like they saw tonight, “not just bumper stickers”. Hahahahahaha! These guys have self-delusion down to a science.
what, no obamacare from bachmann ? This ain’t no fugging debate.
Welp, another GOP debate and just like the others another debate where no one challenges Mitt Romney other than the other Mormon dude who has can’t even crack 5% in any poll.
Did no one kidnap his ass in order to drop it off in The Hague? Color me badly disappointed.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks! Kids are almost in bed. Mrs. Express Engine is reading to them while I pour another drink.*
*Not a typical night here. I helped them brush their teeth. Really. It was a fast “give it a once over job” though. Okay, let’s just move on…
Josh @ TPM thinks the Big Moment of the night was Newt appearing to show some compassion for illegal immigrants. I’m sure the other candidates are preparing to crush him for this as we speak.
Michigan is going to be a huge pain in the ass to play next year, when their talent level goes up substantially.
I think we saw glimpses of just how good Rivers can be tonight. We also saw glimpses of a learning process that is far from over.
Ryan Kelly may not make it in the NBA, but he’s got Euroleague All-Star written all over him.
karen marie
@toujoursdan: I was just over there looking at the Overplay VPN site and I don’t see anything about the BBC-TV channels, etc. How does using Overplay VPN enable you to access those channels?
@schrodinger’s cat: It’s called a Turkish Van. That’s what Tunch is as well.
I can’t watch. I’ll catch up on commentary, sound bites and the rest later. I’m mildly curious as to how these clowns will find a way to label Obama’s foreign policy successes as failures, and the inevitable phony claims that Obama merely carried out Dubya’s secret plan to take out bin Laden.
Anne Laurie
Last Adams quote, I swear:
10.17pm: On CNN now, Michele Bachmann is accusing Newt Gingrich of the A-word – no, not that one, but amnesty. “If you are legalising 11 million workers it sounds like amnesty to me,” says Bachmann.
All others old (or well-read) enough to remember the Rethug attacks on McGovern as the candidate of “Acid, amnesty, and abortion“, raise their hand.
So, Dr. Paul’s got the drug-legalization (acid) angle covered, and now Gasbag Gingrich defends amnesty.
I’d ask who’ll volunteer as the “abortion” candidate, except that this year’s entire Repub stable is pretty much a bloody miscarriage.
@khead: Gracie is the very twin to my Jean Gray! I turned the computer so Jeannie could see her. She was loftily indifferent :)
GOP Debate? What’s the expression, “I wouldn’t fnck that with someone else’s dick”? I wouldn’t watch the GOP debate with someone else’s eyes. That the GOP is considered, still, a major political party – that it is still taken seriously as such – confirms this country’s decline to a fourth rate ungovernable mess.
@karen marie: You would access the channels directly from their sites on the BBC page. This is BBC 1 . There is a drop down to the right of the screen that links you to the streaming feeds for the others which you can then bookmark.
What the VPN does is make it so that your computer appears to be inside the UK, which allows you to view the feeds.
You purchase, download and install the VPN, launch and choose a UK located server, then launch the BBC link above and instead of getting an “out of area” message, you’ll get the programming.
Overplay is one option. I use it because it’s very user friendly and has servers in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere. I have friends who like StrongVPN, Witopia or others. They all do about the same thing. This is a comparison chart of VPNs and their prices: http://www.vpnreviews.com/index.php?cat=4
So, Dr. Paul’s got the drug-legalization (acid) angle covered,
@clayton: Biology pendant: Both cats carry a particular coat-pattern gene set that is also shared by the breed known as “Turkish Vans”.
Tunch’s genetic background is known but to the goddess of animal rescue, although from his photos (I’ve never had the honor to meet him in person) some of his ancestors came from what the breeders call “oriental” lines — Siamese and their ilk. He has a very Siamese head, the correct whippy tail, and (per Cole), their trademark “silk satin” coat. Tragically for the poor feline, along with their fine bones, the oriental breeds are also “easy keepers” whose thrifty metabolisms guarantee that they’ll put on weight even just looking cross-eyed at calories.
“Were it possible, I would give the entire nation of Israel a handjob, to completion, in a second. You bet.”
—Mitt Romney
“Dude, that’s gross.”
—Rick Santorum
“More gross than what your name means on Google?”
-Mitt Romney
AA+ Bonds
Subhead on the debate story from Fox News:
GOP presidential candidates direct most of their punches at Washington’s inability to govern in debate
This means that Ailes & Co. are worried, rightly, that the debates are hurting the Republicans as they snipe at each other.
That would actually be Robert Novak’s attack on McGovern.
Shit, am I glad that he’s dead and in Hell.
patrick II
Late to the party. But, after stewing on it for awhile I decided that the lowlight of tonight’s debate was Romney’s criticism of Obama’s basic approach to foreign policy. Romney asserted that Obama looks for things countries might have in common — and that is a mistake. We have to show we are strong.
Looking for common interests is a mistake? Sure, let’s emphasize our differences and if they don’t like it we’ll kick their ass. A wise and I am sure effective approach to dealing with the world.
Romney asserted that Obama looks for things countries might have in common—and that is a mistake. We have to show we are strong.
This underscores my gut feeling about Romney from the 2008 campaign, that he is a coward and a bully, who would be desperate to show how strong he is and lead the US into a foreign policy disaster if he somehow got elected.
He’s pitching ultra jingoistic American Exceptionalism with his “gotta be strong” BS. I don’t think he has a freaking clue as to how any of this might relate to effective foreign policy.
Romney is Sarah Palin, coiled nastiness, with just a little more practical governing experience.
I will say this: If it’s a close election, we’re doomed even if Obama wins. The country has become ungovernable due to its own stupidity.
This, on a website where a contemptible bully-worshiping wannabe-lynch-mobbing commenter who openly applauds the president of the united states ordering the murder of an American citizen without a trial or even charging him with a crime, gets rewarded by being promoted as a front-pager.
If you want to see what’s wrong with this goddamn country, John O, look in the mirror.
Shame on you. Shame on all of you.
What next, a remote blog relayed from Sirhan Sirhan’s prison cell as he lectures us all about the importance of moral responsibility?
Frothy used to be a good word. Damn you Santorum. You brung it on yourself and ruined a perfectly perfect word in the process. When we get to hell I’m gonna dress you up in corduroy and lace forever.
I’m pulling for Newt. He’s soft and indulged and people have been kissing his ass for 20 years.
Obama is going to slaughter him.
He’s not up for this. He’s too old and he’s been pampered too long.
who could have predicted that…
fracking to capture natural gas would result in earthquakes that would damage nuclear reactors, causing nuclear meltdowns resulting in massive radioactive poisoning of the environment, humans, and all life over wide areas.
who could have predicted?
From the Existentialist Cowboy:
Being Forced to Work for Someone for Free is Called ‘Slavery’
When an elite controls the means of production and distribution and –at the same time and in various ways –depresses wages and worker rights, the effect is indistinguishable from slavery.
those who enrich themselves, claiming for themselves all profits as well as special and/or unfair taxation or –worse–NO taxation whatsoever for themselves are, in effect, demanding that others work for them for free.
A society in which just 1 percent alone has benefited from the labors of millions is a one-legged man and will fall! Americans are witnessing that fall right now.
Recently, I’ve come to the realization that my life was mostly better in those days before I began to pay attention to politics. (this awareness began very slowly, in the days of bushI, and then, when his silly putty spawn was actually elected potus, I snapped to attention and focused.)
so thankful for the BJ intelligence and snark–
sure helps keep it real.
also, too-
seems to me that newtyneutron is a perfect human example of everything that is wrong with our political process… a feat in this group.
If Newtie won, could we be sure who would be First Lady? He has a track record of change.
Jerzy Russian
My only wish is that the Chicago Cubs draw the same quality opponents that Obama does. If so, that World Series drought will end rather rapidly.
@AA+ Bonds: He’s in Purgatory. He converted to Catholicism just in time.
Newt’s sudden softness on immigration sounded like a guy who, having entered the race to pump up his grifting empire, finds himself mysteriously leading the pack. Got to fall back!
Oh good, mclaren’s off his or her meds again.
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Willard “Blitz” Romney
Oh HELLZ yes I’m watching. Santorum thinks Africa is a country, Newt is lecturing me like I’m his wayward teenage daughter, and the audience wets itself whenever Ron Paul says, well, anything.
So Sweet Pea can nap like Lily.
Fun with photos…..
Plus, just about all the “audience questions” are from people who work at AEI or Heritage. Like, um, Paul Wolfowitz.
@John, top–please check your email.
By the way, I had posted two comments before I realized this was a John Cole thread, not an ABL thread.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Sigh. I work hard to get our blog hits but sometimes it makes me very, very sad. After many years watching politics, it all comes down to- Republicans rally around excluding people, Democrats around including people. Are you a hater or an includer? There’s your position.
I blame that freaking retinal tear- it laid me up and got me listening to the yabber over politics.
After the last ‘laugh a minute’ BJ takedown of the Rethug debate, I’m licking my lips for this. Last time was funny as hell.
BJ’ers, put your snark hats on…3,2,1, SNARK!!
Omnes Omnibus
I thought people like you watched that kind of thing so we don’t have too. Of course, I wouldn’t have watched it anyway; I have neither the degree of self-loathing nor the nearly crippling level of masochism required.
Suffern ACE
@SiubhanDuinne: What was his question…”Will I get my old job back?”
Oh and all the vids you guys are referencing I’ve got up at our site. See what I said about being a link whore?
John O
In my own defense, it’s the only one I’ve tuned into so far.
I will say this: If it’s a close election, we’re doomed even if Obama wins. The country has become ungovernable due to its own stupidity.
It’s such a liar’s parade it makes me want to blow chunks.
Mitt Romney flip-flops on own name.
Aaanndd, we’re off!
Comrade Mary
A couple of years ago, I dropped to basic basic cable, adding just a few channels (BBC, Nat Geo, MSNBC), so I haven’t watched CNN for ages. Lovely.
Pretty soon, I’m going all antenna, which means I’ll get a handful of Canadian stations, maybe PBS and 2-3 American networks, and that’s it. The rest I’ll stream or torrent as needed.
@khead: That is a sweet picture. Great kitteh too.
schrodinger's cat
@khead: Sweet pea looks more like Tunch, similar markings, different color. Is she the long lost Tunch sister?
Not watching the clown show, clowns are scary, I have always been scared of them, since childhood.
It’s bomb, bomb, bomb, iran all over again. Fuck, I miss mccain already.
@ Paddy:
As someone who has had multiple retinal tears, I feel your pain. Hope your recovery went well.
No, playing PC version of Batman: Arkham City.
I figure I should practice my tactics now, the plot of the game seems to closely mirror the “urban renewal” plans for pretty much any of the Clown Car Cavalcade.
I just watch Stewart/Colbert and SNL for the important recaps
@Paddy: Hey, sweet – you know well the ways of the snark, my son.
“All of us will be in danger for the rest of our lives”.
it’s morning in America!!
I’m following it on twitter. I still get the gist of it, and it hurts less that way. My reaction so far is “Goddamn, but these are some stupid, dishonest, ethically and mentally crippled motherfuckers.”
If I actually watched it, I’m sure I’d break something valuable.
The Other Chuck
So what’s the schtick for this debate? Lightning round? Do candidates get to call their lifeline?
@Comrade Mary: I love my antenna. If you have roku also you can watch AlJazeera. In the Atlanta area I pick up france24 so have all the news I need.
Omnes Omnibus
I need to pack for my trip to my parents’ house for T-day since I am leaving directly from work tomorrow.
Comrade Mary
@JPL: I stream AJE on my computer, plus I have the app for my phone. That’s some quality tv.
But what’s “roku”? And how do you get French stations?
Omnes Omnibus
Your brain, for example?
karen marie
@khead: That cat needs a diet pronto! Our Mr. Mittens died at age seven of a stroke, and the vet said it was probably because he was overweight at 27 pounds despite being “big boned” and having a head the size of a softball.
I hate to see others lose their pals prematurely.
@schrodinger’s cat:
In temperment? Yes. Very Tunch-like. She loves my wife and me (mostly my wife) – that’s it. She hates everyone else. I can’t blame her since she was a feral kitteh.
But Gracie? She loves everyone.
More fun with photos…
I like the original “Not Another Teen Movie”
I have a rare evening off work and tuned in to do my civic duty, but I turned it off after about three minutes. Michele Bachmann, asked about Pakistan, said (not in these words) that we should do basically what President Obama has been doing but then criticized him for his “fingers crossed” approach to Pakistan. Serenity now.
When the next question went to Herman Cain I got a nosebleed and blacked out for a moment. Turned the channel on medical advice.
P.S. I probably got that far only because none of my “stories” are on TV on Tuesday night.
“Were it possible, I would give the entire nation of Israel a handjob, to completion, in a second. You bet.”
— Mitt Romney
“Dude, that’s gross.”
— Rick Santorum
Fuck that. I can get all the good stuff
Hereon the snarkonetz.Comrade Mary
Never mind: I Googled Roku. Apparently it’s coming to Canada in the spring. I’m not too optimistic about what we’ll actually get, though.
WereBear (itouch)
When I studied the Lowest Common Denominator in grade school, I didn’t know it would become a political stance.
@Comrade Mary: I have no idea why we pick up the France 24 station but it is an English station. In the Atlanta area there is even a tv guide station. In all there about 50 stations and only a few worth watching. I do get two PBS stations so that’s good.
ROKU is a device that costs around 50 dollars and it streams from your wireless. You can choose to pay for additional stations but don’t have to. It’s easier to watch than your computer. I have netflix so stream movies.
So what’s up with Newt? I’m not watching this, currently.
All RIIIIIGHT! Ron Paul gives a shout out to medical marijuana!
Anne Laurie
@JC: Check two threads down. We cheated and started without you.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
I want some newtmentum. He is a futurist. The rest are looking either backwards or sideways (not me even though I am +5 at this point – I have stamina).
I have to say it warms the cockles of this 40 year old’s heart (b day tomorrow beeyotches) to think that Mitt HAS to be keeping himself up not thinking why can’t I beat these losers and pick up some polling love.
@karen marie:
Sweet Pea weighs in at a healthy 12 lbs.
Gracie is 10.5 lbs. (This is up from the paltry 4.5 when we brought her in last year.)
Bella is bringin up the rear at 2.5. :)
My father in law has a big fat ass that weighs 20 lbs. Poor thing looks like an inflated armadillo on sticks. Heh.
This is one of those times I’m glad for our crappy TV reception. Even if I were tempted I can’t watch the trainwreck.
karen marie
@khead: Squee!
@Omnes Omnibus: Nahhh. I was IED’ed three times my last tour. Either they’d put me over the top and I’d burn out, or there wouldn’t be an appreciable difference at this point. I’m pretty sure that I can chuck a bottle of beer at that TV screen hard enough to crack it when I’m pissed off though. I’ll note for the record that “pissed off” is a state that republicans specifically, and conservatives especially tend to incite in me with greater frequency since the last tour.
O/T: RIP, Anne McCaffrey.
Anne Laurie
Richard Adams at the Guardian is bringing it. And somewhere, Douglas Adams is smiling.
Amazon reviews for pepper spray
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
@Anne Laurie: A problem with the front pages that has been pointed a lot reacently. Your thread was not clearly marked as the debate thread. It is definitely better to have everyone in one place. Some more organization around specific events would benefit this site methinks.
I can’t say enough how pleased I am that they happen during the dinner hour here. We have a no TV policy at dinner so that my daughter can give me monosyllable responses to all my questions.
Sully is still expecting Hunstman to bounce after this debate’s apparently strong showing, forgetting that the last few years have shown that there is only a small consitituency for anyone who is not bat shit crazy in the republican party, and that 20% is goin to Romney.
Ronzoni Rigatoni
@Comrade Mary: Smart move. I lived 28 miles across Lake Erie many many years ago and that’s about all I watched (Canadian [& British] TV (Hancock’s half hour, e.g.) and listened mostly to CJBC Radio [Jazz Unlimited with Elwood Glover]). If I was back up there now, I’d definitely do the same thing.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
FYI – edit function to fix my shitty typos is not working… says I do not have permission…
@Anne Laurie: Aww man, there’s some good stuff there!
Well, I’m going back, at least…
Anne Laurie
@Gordon, The Big Express Engine: Happy birthday, in advance!
And it is my devout hope that having to keep sharing the limelight with all those other luuuuuzers will cause Willard to stroke out, or blow a crucial OS chip, whichever applies. At least I can enjoy the fact that he’s suffering almost as much as listening to him makes me suffer.
Remember: prof left says Obama is JUST LIKE them!
karen marie
@khead: Glad to hear you’re keeping tabs on their weight. I wish I had been more proactive about Mr. Mittens. I realized he was a bit on the heavy side but it never occurred to me that he was fat enough to be health-compromised.
@Anne Laurie: Ahhh, such goodness.
I’m jonesing for some DougJ liveblog debate snark. Or at least maybe a couple of good zingers…
Gaurdian blog: “Rick Perry says he would privatise airport groping, and gets a big round of applause.”
Who knew that Sandusky and Rick were friends?
Warren Terra
Not watching – though I am skimming the live-blog at Slog, which is good – but TPM just had Willard saying his first trip as Prez would be to Israel. Can I jsut say as an Atheist Jew that the GOP-Likud-Christian-millenialist alliance scares the living sh!t out of me?
Also, it’s traditional that the Prez’s first trip is to Canada: biggest trading partner, closest culture, longest undefended land border in the world, etcetera. Dubya mixed it up and went to Mexico first, iirc (or was that in his second term?) – but to actually have your first Presidential trip be to Israel would be a giant f-u to North America.
LOL. You can’t buy memories like that.
Anne Laurie
@Gordon, The Big Express Engine: To be honest, I didn’t think there would be enough interest for a dedicated debate thread, what with every patriotic American starting their phreak-out over preps for Turkey Day.
(Also, you may have overestimated the coordinational abilities of us front-pagers.)
I can’t believe Frothy Mix called Africa a country. Okay, I can believe it. But still. What a dumbass. And so typical of the patronizing attitude people like him have toward the continent of Africa: it’s just one giant country full of black people and wild animals, and there’s not much difference between the two. Asshat.
More Bella
Also, my wife just told me that Sweet Pea only weighs 10.5 lbs. She was afraid y’all would think SP is a fat ass. :D
Comrade Mary
@Anne Laurie: What connection is there between the two Adams? Douglas had one daughter, no son.
Anything yet about the possible Europocalypse? No? Anyone? Bueller?
Jeez, why put yourselves through this torture when you could be watching a perfectly good college basketball game?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Violet: I
I saw some of the pre-game on CNN, and David Frum was saying that this was Rick Santorum’s chance to shine as an intellectual, to show that he had really knowledge of issues. Wolf Blitzer eagerly agreed that Rick Santorum was a smart guy, after all, he’d served in the Senate, and was (and I think this is a pretty close paraphrase) aware of all these issues.
Didn’t Palin have a simliar confusion about Africa, continent or country?
Anne Laurie
Chroist Jaysus, every candidate brought their own hobbyhorse:
Goddess bless Richard Adams, I could never face this shite unmediated!
Fuckin’ magnets, how do they work?
OH MY GOD! EVIL SPEAKS: David Addington has a question.
Anne Laurie
@Comrade Mary: Just the snark quality, b/c Richard A is reminding me of Ford Prefect from Hitchhiker’s Guide. Sympathetic, yet detached.
How are his eyebrows doing? Either of them made a break for safety or anything?
Muslins are at the mehican borders ??? Who knew….
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
@Anne Laurie: Thanks. The big FOUR -OH. + 8
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Does muslin really go with adobe?
@Anne Laurie: Richard Adams is actually impressive here. Pretty good bon mots, but also staying with substance, and then personal observations. The Romney observation is spot on:
@RossInDetroit: LOL!
How many regimes have the Republicans proposed and advocated changing tonight?
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
How come Repubs never promise ponies like the Dems do? Is it style over substance? Or is it the fact that their ponies aggressively pat you down, question your citizenship and waterboard you?
Po’ Cananda. No Republican presidential contestant wants to vist our neighbor to the north anymore.
licensed to kill time
Gads, all these ‘questions from the audience’ are like The Rise of the Republican Zombies’ …. they came from beyond the grave with their questions, hungry for brains!
Where did they dig some of these guys up?
Rick Perry closes the night by insulting 25% of the world’s population. Way to go, Rick!
If they are both debate open threads–
Nate just put up a post about the latest poll where Newt is thought by 46% of Republican voters to have the most knowledge and experience to be president. Bachmann is thought by only 1% to have the most knowledge and experience. Although this is, yes, one poll, this is a good reason why her turn isn’t coming around again.
I didn’t watch, but I read the recap. Perry showed himself not to be the brightest bulb again and Cain seemed to be floundering.
Warren Terra
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Sadly, no. She said a lot of dumb things, but this one was invented by some prick who did interviews and such pretending to be one of her advisers.
I also do all that and got a VPN connection (through OverplayVPN) so I could watch BBC-TV channels 1, 2, 3, 4, BBC Newschannel, ITV1, RTE1 Ireland, ABC 24 Australia (which are all streamed live) and Channel 4 UK on demand. The VPN costs around $9/mo., far better than the +$100 I was spending on satellite. I also spend another $7/mo to get CBC News Network in Canada as I’m a Canuck in New York and like to keep in touch.
I bought a Mac mini which I hooked up to the TV and a small wireless keyboard. Works like a charm.
Dammit. Ever since we moved the clocks back an hour, Rick Perry hasn’t had second-half debate gaffe.
Comrade Mary
@JGabriel: I’m crying on the inside.
If you ask when Republican voters have cared recently about knowledge and experience, they do want to beat Obama. They do understand that Obama is the incumbent and that he’s smart. They seem to be looking for a kind of knowledge and experience (like running a business) that Obama doesn’t have.
CAIN WINS, walking away!
oh, wait, he’s just walking away. nevermind.
Ha! Huntsman referred to Romney’s dad being brain washed in Viet Nam.
Po’ Mitten. I bet he peed himself.
Romney’s first trip will be to Israel to show how much he cares. Then Israel will wave the bloody sheet out of the window.
@Comrade Mary: love child with Molly Ivins I suppose
R. Adams strikes again:
Is there a link for the mobile version of the site?
licensed to kill time
Hahahahaha! Newt just told Gloria Borger that people are hungry for real debate, like they saw tonight, “not just bumper stickers”. Hahahahahaha! These guys have self-delusion down to a science.
Silly rabbit. Duke 14 Maui 0.
@Gordon, The Big Express Engine:
Happy birthday!
what, no obamacare from bachmann ? This ain’t no fugging debate.
Welp, another GOP debate and just like the others another debate where no one challenges Mitt Romney other than the other Mormon dude who has can’t even crack 5% in any poll.
Did no one kidnap his ass in order to drop it off in The Hague? Color me badly disappointed.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
@SiubhanDuinne: Thanks! Kids are almost in bed. Mrs. Express Engine is reading to them while I pour another drink.*
*Not a typical night here. I helped them brush their teeth. Really. It was a fast “give it a once over job” though. Okay, let’s just move on…
Josh @ TPM thinks the Big Moment of the night was Newt appearing to show some compassion for illegal immigrants. I’m sure the other candidates are preparing to crush him for this as we speak.
Michigan is going to be a huge pain in the ass to play next year, when their talent level goes up substantially.
I think we saw glimpses of just how good Rivers can be tonight. We also saw glimpses of a learning process that is far from over.
Ryan Kelly may not make it in the NBA, but he’s got Euroleague All-Star written all over him.
karen marie
@toujoursdan: I was just over there looking at the Overplay VPN site and I don’t see anything about the BBC-TV channels, etc. How does using Overplay VPN enable you to access those channels?
@schrodinger’s cat: It’s called a Turkish Van. That’s what Tunch is as well.
I can’t watch. I’ll catch up on commentary, sound bites and the rest later. I’m mildly curious as to how these clowns will find a way to label Obama’s foreign policy successes as failures, and the inevitable phony claims that Obama merely carried out Dubya’s secret plan to take out bin Laden.
Anne Laurie
Last Adams quote, I swear:
All others old (or well-read) enough to remember the Rethug attacks on McGovern as the candidate of “Acid, amnesty, and abortion“, raise their hand.
So, Dr. Paul’s got the drug-legalization (acid) angle covered, and now Gasbag Gingrich defends amnesty.
I’d ask who’ll volunteer as the “abortion” candidate, except that this year’s entire Repub stable is pretty much a bloody miscarriage.
@khead: Gracie is the very twin to my Jean Gray! I turned the computer so Jeannie could see her. She was loftily indifferent :)
GOP Debate? What’s the expression, “I wouldn’t fnck that with someone else’s dick”? I wouldn’t watch the GOP debate with someone else’s eyes. That the GOP is considered, still, a major political party – that it is still taken seriously as such – confirms this country’s decline to a fourth rate ungovernable mess.
@karen marie: You would access the channels directly from their sites on the BBC page. This is BBC 1 . There is a drop down to the right of the screen that links you to the streaming feeds for the others which you can then bookmark.
What the VPN does is make it so that your computer appears to be inside the UK, which allows you to view the feeds.
You purchase, download and install the VPN, launch and choose a UK located server, then launch the BBC link above and instead of getting an “out of area” message, you’ll get the programming.
Overplay is one option. I use it because it’s very user friendly and has servers in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere. I have friends who like StrongVPN, Witopia or others. They all do about the same thing. This is a comparison chart of VPNs and their prices: http://www.vpnreviews.com/index.php?cat=4
I’ll say he does
Anne Laurie
@clayton: Biology pendant: Both cats carry a particular coat-pattern gene set that is also shared by the breed known as “Turkish Vans”.
Tunch’s genetic background is known but to the goddess of animal rescue, although from his photos (I’ve never had the honor to meet him in person) some of his ancestors came from what the breeders call “oriental” lines — Siamese and their ilk. He has a very Siamese head, the correct whippy tail, and (per Cole), their trademark “silk satin” coat. Tragically for the poor feline, along with their fine bones, the oriental breeds are also “easy keepers” whose thrifty metabolisms guarantee that they’ll put on weight even just looking cross-eyed at calories.
Romney’s first trip will be to Israel…
To inform them that the new Jerusalem will be built in Jackson County, Missouri.
Odie Hugh Manatee
No. That is all.
karen marie
@toujoursdan: w00t! Thanks so much!
@The Other Chuck:
Colors that end in ‘urple’.
“More gross than what your name means on Google?”
-Mitt Romney
AA+ Bonds
Subhead on the debate story from Fox News:
This means that Ailes & Co. are worried, rightly, that the debates are hurting the Republicans as they snipe at each other.
AA+ Bonds
@Anne Laurie:
That would actually be Robert Novak’s attack on McGovern.
Shit, am I glad that he’s dead and in Hell.
patrick II
Late to the party. But, after stewing on it for awhile I decided that the lowlight of tonight’s debate was Romney’s criticism of Obama’s basic approach to foreign policy. Romney asserted that Obama looks for things countries might have in common — and that is a mistake. We have to show we are strong.
Looking for common interests is a mistake? Sure, let’s emphasize our differences and if they don’t like it we’ll kick their ass. A wise and I am sure effective approach to dealing with the world.
When I was in 6th or 7th grade, they had us all write to our favorite (living) author and I got a very nice postcard back from Ms. McCaffrey.
I’m not sure how well her work has aged, but she was definitely influential.
@patrick II:
This underscores my gut feeling about Romney from the 2008 campaign, that he is a coward and a bully, who would be desperate to show how strong he is and lead the US into a foreign policy disaster if he somehow got elected.
He’s pitching ultra jingoistic American Exceptionalism with his “gotta be strong” BS. I don’t think he has a freaking clue as to how any of this might relate to effective foreign policy.
Romney is Sarah Palin, coiled nastiness, with just a little more practical governing experience.
@WereBear (itouch):
That is several types of awesome all at once.
@John O:
This, on a website where a contemptible bully-worshiping wannabe-lynch-mobbing commenter who openly applauds the president of the united states ordering the murder of an American citizen without a trial or even charging him with a crime, gets rewarded by being promoted as a front-pager.
If you want to see what’s wrong with this goddamn country, John O, look in the mirror.
Shame on you. Shame on all of you.
What next, a remote blog relayed from Sirhan Sirhan’s prison cell as he lectures us all about the importance of moral responsibility?
Frothy used to be a good word. Damn you Santorum. You brung it on yourself and ruined a perfectly perfect word in the process. When we get to hell I’m gonna dress you up in corduroy and lace forever.
I’m pulling for Newt. He’s soft and indulged and people have been kissing his ass for 20 years.
Obama is going to slaughter him.
He’s not up for this. He’s too old and he’s been pampered too long.
who could have predicted that…
fracking to capture natural gas would result in earthquakes that would damage nuclear reactors, causing nuclear meltdowns resulting in massive radioactive poisoning of the environment, humans, and all life over wide areas.
who could have predicted?
From the Existentialist Cowboy:
Being Forced to Work for Someone for Free is Called ‘Slavery’
When an elite controls the means of production and distribution and –at the same time and in various ways –depresses wages and worker rights, the effect is indistinguishable from slavery.
those who enrich themselves, claiming for themselves all profits as well as special and/or unfair taxation or –worse–NO taxation whatsoever for themselves are, in effect, demanding that others work for them for free.
A society in which just 1 percent alone has benefited from the labors of millions is a one-legged man and will fall! Americans are witnessing that fall right now.
“how dare you! my righteous indignation knows no bounds!”
Recently, I’ve come to the realization that my life was mostly better in those days before I began to pay attention to politics. (this awareness began very slowly, in the days of bushI, and then, when his silly putty spawn was actually elected potus, I snapped to attention and focused.)
so thankful for the BJ intelligence and snark–
sure helps keep it real.
also, too-
seems to me that newtyneutron is a perfect human example of everything that is wrong with our political process… a feat in this group.
@chopper: she’ll come back in a huff
(or a minute and a huff)
If Newtie won, could we be sure who would be First Lady? He has a track record of change.
Jerzy Russian
My only wish is that the Chicago Cubs draw the same quality opponents that Obama does. If so, that World Series drought will end rather rapidly.
@AA+ Bonds: He’s in Purgatory. He converted to Catholicism just in time.
Newt’s sudden softness on immigration sounded like a guy who, having entered the race to pump up his grifting empire, finds himself mysteriously leading the pack. Got to fall back!
Oh good, mclaren’s off his or her meds again.