This is insane, and probably shouldn’t be watched if you have a weak stomach (via kottke). This is my Thanksgiving present to you in honor of what we must all acknowledge, objectively, is the best holiday. No presents to buy, it’s all about eating, and, most important of all, there are no Thanksgiving carols.
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Brian R.
Also, three NFL games.
Just glorious.
You must not have to cook or clean up. Thanksgiving-yuck. It’s all about eating. (Although I will be glad to have my daughter home from college.)
@Boudica: I do both. Still better than Christmas. Christmas can DIAF.
Am I first to post the Thanksgiving carols
Here’s one
I may be giving it a miss this year. This head cold is getting the better of me. I don’t think I should drive across the state and share my germs with a bunch of old people and kids.
oh who knew there are dozens of Thanksgiving songs.
This could be fun!
Michael D.
Nucking Futz!
So long as there’s apple pie, I’m good.
In case the average suburban newspaper reader doesn’t already hate OWS, one of the ahem, top stories on the St. Paul Pioneer Press’ home page this morning is a breathless – and long – AP piece titled Occupy protests cost nation’s cities at least $13M
For the love of g*d, thirteen million is a rounding error compared to the bank bailouts. Or even DHS grants to cities and counties for armored vehicles and SWAT gear over the past ten years.
And since a lot of readers are financially illiterate, they will hear the wingosphere say $13 million with this gravitas that in their fevered brains will equal $13 trillion dollars. Its all the same to them: massive. government. waste.
Is this really worthwhile journalism, Meghan Barr and Ryan J. Foley? I think you know it’s not. It’s in service to crapping on OWS.
Happy Thanksgiving, wankers.
Mark S.
I love the stock photo TPM uses for Bachmann. It provides fair warning that you are about to read about some crazy.
Anyway, Bachmann, who apparently graduated from some law school, had this to say:
The 5th Amendment says:
Wait, when did they change that?
Hubby was showing us this last night – crazy, man!
Totally agreed, Thanksgiving has got to be the best!
And just as a reminder to other juicers, don’t support businesses who make their workers work on Thanksgiving or during Black Friday sales – let’s all enjoy this holiday together!
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
This madness is demonstrative– the Indian Army is not to be fucked with. Those bearded dudes in the turbans are, if I’m not mistaken, Sikhs– warriors from WAY back. If memory serves, Sikhs are like 10% of the Indian army and 20% of their officer corps… and they are total fucking hardasses.
AND– like all Indians, they got rhythm!
Cat Lady
Right on brother. In my perfect world, it would go Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Year’s Eve. Christmas is the biggest fucking scam ever perpetrated on humanity, where every aspect of it feels designed to make you feel poor, fat, inadequate and stressed. Bah, humbug!
@Mark S.:
Freedom for me but not for thee may fit her very, very narrow Christianist white supremacist view of things, but it sure as fvck isn’t the America of Ellis Island and, for that matter, the so-far-not-quite-destroyed US constitution.
Perhaps La Bachmann should emigrate to Singapore, where she can enjoy crime-free streets thanks to the fact that any moran can be placed in the slammer for spitting out her chewing gum.
That was fantastic and it went on and on. I love the fact that its a friggin’ talent show and within 3 minutes everybody on stage is covered in blood and every one of the judges is basically screaming in horror. This is absolutely the way that American Idol should be organized.
Santa Claus is the patron saint of capitalism.
@Soonergrunt: Great post last night. I scanned the comments and have one question, when do you sleep?
@Soonergrunt: Thanksgiving without apple pie is Kenyan Socialism.
Welcome aboard, btw, good to have you posting here.
Culture of Truth
It’s also very American. Everyone participates!
The Dangerman
FTFY x 6
Damn. That is hard core.
schrodinger's cat
MoU and Sully are both pimping Bowles Simpson this morning. I wonder why..
@Soonergrunt: as an announced techie, I have a question of you or any other techie…perhaps you could start an open thread with a response. I HATE my current internet provider because of the limitations on download speed with my dumba$$ building. It makes streaming or even watching you tube unbearable. I get cant another hard-wire provider, so it would have to be wireless. Then, i read the reviews of the wireless internet providers, and well, lets just say Goldman Sachs has a better reputation. I want to stream so I know I will eat up GBs. Price is not really a problem (within limits). Please help. (I have a Toshiba laptop from 5 years ago, so maybe an upgrade, but the streaming through the Wii is just as painful). Thanks.
I am actually sympathetic to some of the more paranoid elements of the Pakistani military, who, when told by well-meaning outsiders to not get too worried about India, can point out they have actually fought them. Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox, noted that the British Empire would have not been possible without Indian soldiers. The Indian Army was the only Asian army to stop the advance of the Japanese in WW II.
For my Thanksgiving, I’ll eat for about 40 minutes, and then spend over an hour cleaning.
Omnes Omnibus
Mincemeat pie, damn it. And I want goose instead of turkey.
I love Thanksgiving for all the reasons already stated. I don’t mind cooking and it’s a relaxing family day. As for Christmas, I love hearing Bruce and the Big Man perform “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” but that’s about where it ends.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: You might find the blue carbuncle in the goose. BTW did you go and get the Baileys?
What a crazy video. I hope they don’t have to come back next week and do it again.
Paul in KY
I would like to note that you are not supposed to breath the gas from inside a flourescent light bulb.
Maybe those dudes have already been exposed to so many toxins that xenon gas (or whatever is in em) doesn’t hurt tham.
Liked the music.
Holy crap, Warriors of Goja RULE!!!!
That was AWESOME.
The look on the female judges face was hilarious, compared to the crowds screaming in excitement.
My only complaint is, if your going to pull a car with your teeth, you need to pick something bigger than a Nano.
Paul in KY
@RalfW: I’d love to see her get some good ole Singapore-style corporal punishment.
I’d be quaffing a fine Singapore Sling while seeing her get her ass in a sling.
schrodinger's cat
@KXB: The Indian Army has had its ass kicked by the Chinese more than once.
General Stuck
Happy Turkey day to all!! Including front pagers, commenters, trolls and those who love them. No exceptions
Paul in KY
@General Stuck: Same to you, General!
Apple Bourbon Bundt Cake from the NYT.
I am dispirited about Thanksgiving because this year it is going to be all takeout and I have not submitted a machine learning assignment in weeks.
@General Stuck:
Yes, same to you.
Jai ma Kali, ayo gurkhali!
I’ll admit for the first few seconds there I was hoping this would be an Indian black metal group.
@schrodinger’s cat: It’s the terrain. At that time, the Indian Army did not have the resources to fight the Chinese. It’ll be a different story today.
schrodinger's cat
@horatius: Hope you are right or better still there are no more wars between China and India.
@JPL: Rarely anymore, now that I’m FP here and Star Wars The Old Republic is in final beta.
And what, pray, is wrong with Kenyan Socialism? I hate pumpkin pie with the passion that mclaren hates me. And thanks for the kindness.
Omnes Omnibus
@ schrodinger’s cat: Ooooh, Holmes. No to Bailey’s. I had brandy in the house. Also too, I will get turkey and pumpkin pie, but part of my family tradition is that my father and I demand goose and mincemeat. Thus is order maintained in the universe.
@Cat Lady:
My husband thinks that the Maccabees were tragic and invited the Romans to take over in the end, so I get a very, very low-key holiday in my house. I ordered a DVD, “Emperors and Rebels: The Story of Hanukkah,” but we can’t find it anymore. The relentless hype around Christmas makes it very hard to believe that anyone over the age of 12 would envy it, but they seem to.
(And in the Artscroll Sfas Emes series there is a volume on Hanukkah and Purim, which I may break down and get.)
@eric: If you have a smart phone or tablet, have you considered tethering?
Without knowing more about your location and available services, I can’t really suggest anything specific.
@General Stuck: Hear, hear!
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
I’ll be baking pies tonight– one sweet-potato pie, one chess pie, one apple pie (with raisins and walnuts, ohhhh, mamma!) and one mincemeat pie (demanded by the Mistress of the Table, tho I doubt even she will eat very much of it).
Also– whoever said it– we’ll cook and bake for hours, eat for about 40 minutes, and then spend hours cleaning and putting away. Oh, fun, fun fun!!!
@Paul in KY: Unbroken fluorescent light bulbs are considered universal waste, while broken ones are considered hazardous waste. Unless something was changed in the manufacture of those particular bulbs, those performers exposed themselves (and the judges and audience?) to a nice little dose of mercury…
Good times!….
As for Thanksgiving, a better holiday has yet to be invented, though giving thanks is only slightly more preferable to airing of grievances…
@Paul in KY: Xenon gas is an inert gas and does not hurt people unless what is being breathed is all xenon and no oxygen. Xenon gas has been used in studies to make pictures of the lungs.
@Soonergrunt: can i email you? i would to subscribe to your tethering newsletter…
@eric: lol. [email protected]
I won’t be able to check it until tonight though.
I don’t know if there’s a functional app for iOS devices in the current iteration. Android 2.3 and later have tethering as part of the OS. There are apps in the Android Market for 2.2 and earlier.
@Soonergrunt: no worries about timing, I will be at work all day and then playing Lego Pirates of the Caribbean with my daughter all evening….
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko:
I love chess pie. Most people I know have no idea what it is. Now I’m going to want some until I bake it. That will be in a couple of weeks.
Why? India has never attacked Pakistan.
Any, I agree with the rest of your post. India’s roll in the first and second World Wars really doesn’t get enough mention in the West.
India was the backbone of British operations in Asia and lent Great Britain a bunch of cash and provided a bunch of soldiers for WWI.
It was considerably different in 1987. From Wikipedia:
Basically, India made it clear there would be no repeat of 1962. China, realizing it was not worth it to find out, backed off.
True, India did not initiate any of their wars with Pakistan, but when Pakistan’s military talk of their fear of Indian military force, they focus on the actual fighting, not on who started it. They were the only country in the post-WW II period to be ripped in half by their neighbor, and in their mind, the world sat by and did nothing. For their own convenience, they ignore their conduct in then East Pakistan that brought about India’s intervention.
Paul in KY
@Starfish: Maybe it is not xenon gas. Will have to google contents of flourescent bulbs.
@Omnes Omnibus: I could hear the neighbors out in the marsh at dawn, ahh, “collecting” your goose this morning. Multiple geeses, as a matter of fact.
Also too, the Blue Carbuncle was in the Christmas goose. Gotta endure another month wait, my friend.
Read ‘Shifting Superpowers” by Martin Sieff. He goes into great detail about the role of the Indian Army
Suffern ACE
I thought “We gather together” was a Thanksgiving carol.
Anyway, I am now thankful that accountancy is a relatively safe profession that does not require its market researchers to eat lightbulbs or to be run over by bicylces. It’s the little things that make the day special.
@Paul in KY: Mercury is the hazardous material in fluorescent bulbs, though a Google search seemed to indicate that the amount of mercury has been reduced…
Paul in KY
@Rihilism: Saw your post up above & didn’t know if the mercury was in the gas or was part of the glass/components. Appreciate your help.
Hope the performers/judges/crowd don’t end up as mad as a hatter.
I’ve been avoiding posting this simply because I haven’t been able to find the emotional courage to do so. For those that have been supportive of my struggles with securing and providing care for my Mother and Stepfather, my Mother passed this last Saturday. I want to thank those that have offered their support, sympathy and prayers as they assured me that I wasn’t alone and they did provide an additional reserve of perseverance to keep fighting for what was rightfully theirs. She was on hospice and passed peacefully and yet the battles continue with my personal interactions with the ambivalence of the health insurance industry and the issues that permeate our crisis with health care. They were/are fortunate, they had/have insurance and even now the fight continues over just how sick you have to be before they’ll pay up. Again, thank you folks for being there and letting me use this blog as an outlet for my frustration and tribulations.
@KXB: Thanks for the tip. Going to India in a couple of weeks and need some plane reading.
Since G accidentally brought home pumpkin pie filling when I asked for 100% pure pumpkin (to put in the cats’ food to keep them regular), I’m making mini pumpkin pies. Hopefully they’ll turn out.
@Paul in KY: I believe it is both liquid and gas in the bulbs, but it’s been awhile since I’ve dealt with hazardous waste issues.
Prolly insufficient for insanity or any immediate health effects, but if I was in the audience, I’d be insanely pissed off about the unnecessary exposure.
But, such is “art”…
I’ve done the brick-smashing stunt, on my stomach, not my head. All the force is dispersed in smashing the bricks.
But the bulbs? There’s mercury in those things, although very little, since fluorescent lamps are low pressure. The powdery stuff is phosphorous.
I’m so sorry, Dan. My heartfelt condolences on your loss. Of course we’re always here for you. BJ internet support group is only a click away.
@piratedan: I’m sorry for your loss, Dan.
Paul in KY
@piratedan: My condolences to you & your family. Your mother has a great son. Don’t let those bastards get you down.
@piratedan: I am so sorry and my deepest sympathies with you and your family during this trying time.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@piratedan: My condolences and sympathies, man. Losing a parent always sucks, no matter when and no matter why.
Gods bless.
@piratedan: So sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and make sure you surround yourself with plenty of support. As I often tell friends who’ve had to deal with such difficult circumstances, don’t hesitate to seek out professional counseling services if things get to be too much. Our family and friends can provide tremendous sustaining support, but sometimes an objective, professionally-trained third party can give us an outlet for the issues that are just too painful to share with loved ones and sometimes those are the issues we need to deal with in order to heal.
Take care,