Joe Lieberman wants Google to put a button on Blogger so people can flag posts as terrorist activity. Here’s what I think WordPress should do to address other kinds of political activity.
Please use this button to report a bloviating, headline-grabbing moron.
That’s “full of win”, as my son says. Did you code that?
Aren’t all blogs run by bloviating headline-grabbers? (moron optional)
Fuck anachronistic old clueless coots like liebermen and mccain. They can GFT.
Yes, it’s a ageism swipe. So sue me.
I like the Barbie pink. Very attention getting.
Bo Alawine
It’s typical of Joe Lieberman that he expects the world to be full of folks who rat on each other. You just know what he was like as a kid: “Teacher, teacher, look what Robert’s doing.” A nasty little shit. Can’t wait until he’s gone.
dr. bloor
Oh, that would make a mess of things. See the internets are a series of tubes…
@Soonergrunt: Yeah, all one line of Javascript.
Cat Lady
He neglected to mention that any criticism of Israel is included in the definition of terrorism.
Hope you’re counting button hits. Passed the iPad around the post-T’giving breakfast table, so we probably clogged the tubes now. Sorry.
Given how the Intertoobz teem with comity and mutual respect, I, for one, cannot see how such a button could ever be misused, let alone abused.
@mistermix: I spent an entire semester in college fighting like hell for a C in “intro to programming” with Java. Was in the prof’s office every office hour, was with the TA as often as I could be.
I suck at programming. I also just figured that was something that was making the rounds of the liberal blogs. If not, it should be.
Joe is crazy.
Trolls will just freak out the whole system.
OT–woman pepper sprays other shoppers at a WalMart in Porter Ranch, California in order to beat them to the video games. She must be a UC cop.
I first heard about this from NPR on the drive into work this morning.
Joe Lieberman is a troll’s troll. When will he be banned by the admins?
@Soonergrunt: Seriously? I can’t imagine the logic behind that. “I know, I’ll mace anyone who gets in my way and then make a run for the check out lane! What could possibly go wrong?”
@debit: Well, she’s still at large, so there might be something to the idea, at least logistically, if not morally. The question is–was she able to actually purchase the games?
I wish libs hadn’t thrown water on this idea. I was looking forward to flagging every reference to “watering the tree of liberty”, as well as pretty much everything on Pam Geller’s site.
@Soonergrunt: See, that’s where the plan fell apart.
Step 1: wait all night to be one of the first in the door.
Step 2: pepper spray anyone in my way.
Step 3: ??
Step 4: Successful checkout experience (profit!).
I hope that if they catch her she uses the Megyn Kelly defense. “It’s just a vegetable product!”
We also need to add a ‘terrorism bit’ to the IPv6 packet header. Right there with the ‘spam bit’ and the ‘porn bit’.
Button don’t werk on my android tablet in chrome tho I could be a shithead
So we can report the Front Pagers here? Sweet!
Maybe they should just create a special domain for terrorist activity, like they did with porn and .xxx, maybe .alq or .jhd
Suffern ACE
@Soonergrunt: What video game could be in short supply this year? Is there some kind of Guitar Hero XII or release of Gameboy XIVe that would cause such a scramble? I don’t really follow the toy market.
I think the trick is
DON’T wait all night
show up near opening time
pepper spay the fools who have been camped out all night
walk in first while the fools are gagging and teared up
Let’s hope that Ndamukong Suh doesn’t go shopping today.
@Schlemizel: By jove, I like the cut of your jib!
@Sal: Trolls will just freak out the whole system.
It does betray a fundamental ignorance about the world. But then, he’s a Senator.
Skyrim is funny. People complained that Fallout 3 would just be Oblivion with guns. Skyrim is just Fallout with swords.
I’ve been Senatized by this shitstain for some time now. I realized I didn’t trust him to have my back long before he nodded along with Dick Cheney’s “I didn’t make one dollar from the government!” during the 2000 debate. Or before Lieberman ever dreamt of telling women to take that Midnight Cab Ride to a real hospital in case of rape.
There’s nothing he could say or do which would make me think less of him.
Captain C
If this ever went through, I suspect that Short Ride Joe’s own blog (if he has or gets one) would have enough “this is a terrorist post” clicks that Blogger’s servers would get overloaded.
@middlewest: I would like to challenge your implicit assumption that terrorism is mostly islamic, right wing terrorism has been far more prevalent. In any event, you missed the most obvious new domain for terrorists, ‘.kkk’.
“Bloviating, headline-grabbing moron” says it all. “Shithead” adds nothing, and carries with it the potential to offend people that you would like to have on your side. What’s the point?
The Other Chuck
How about .gop?
Thor Heyerdahl
@Brandon: Or the other one
Thor Heyerdahl
@The Other Chuck: Note to self…refresh before posting :)
I clicked the button; it brought me to my own blog. What gives?!