All you really need to know about Moderate Americans Elect is that they are basically the country-club Republicans who have been driven out of the GOP by the teahadist and talibangelical wings. They call themselves moderate, but they are basically the corporate wing of the former GOP. They’re down with laffer, tax cuts, gutting the safety net, and easing “burdensome” regulations. They’re ok with unfettered corporate greed, invading Iran, serving as Israel’s client state, and macing some fucking hippies who dare to stand around in front of Wall Street. They have a hard-on for the drug war and school vouchers.
The only thing that separates them from the GOP is they don’t give a shit about gay marriage and they think all the anti-immigration stuff is bad for business, and they have some black friends so the racism of the GOP base embarrasses them. This is the party of Bloomberg, Bayh, Giuliani, Harold Ford, Blanche Lincoln, etc.
Apparently Lady Lynn de Rothschild is on their board. You remember her, the “Democrat” who informed us in 2008 that, unlike herself, Obama is an “elitist.” Because apparently being African-American makes you one of the elites, while marrying a Rothschild means you’re just plain folks.
Shrill Cole is shrill.
Even their much touted online nomination deal is a fraud. The fine print says AE gets final say on the nominee.
This is nothing more than another angle by GOPers to try split the moderate vote and defeat Obama. Romney is ‘moderate’ enough for them but his association with the party of crazy is never gonna get him elected without peeling some moderates away from Obama.
General Stuck
We have weird politics right now in this country, and making predictions from past experience needs to be taken with an open mind. The usual for a poor economy, and a near certain defeat for any president with as high a UE percent, does not match up with the polling. such as
It is a 44 percent rock solid will vote for Obama, and that is remarkable, considering the econ conditions, UE rate over 9 percent and stagnant. And even National Review notes the phenomenon.
There are apparently other factors that aren’t clear yet, but one for sure, is certainly the clownish GOP field, but I suspect we have some pretty stark ideological lines being drawn for the near future, and maybe beyond. And Obama is doing just fine with his base, and really has all along, with the overwhelming majority of voting dems.
It kind of looks like despite all the anxiety over low job creation, is being trumped by a higher level of the public getting it, the madness coming out of the GOP. And the fact they like Obama personally.
Happy Holidays!
So after years of enabling the backwoods cousing-fucking, cow shit-between-the-toes, less-teeth-in-the-family-of-four-than-one-northeastern-Democrat-having branch of their party, they’ve finally realized that they don’t want what they created?
Fuck these people.
Lady Lynn De Fucking Rich Person was the worst kind of PUMA, and I continue to fucking hate the bitch. Her, Hamsher and her ilk can kiss my lily white English ass. Ahem. Sorry.
I would strongly disagree with this take. While any particular individual who associates with this may fit the profile you lay out at heart this effort is nothing more then an effort to take votes from Obama and put a Republican in the White House. It is the classic move you see all the time in local elections, but has long been tough on the national stage because you have to reveal who is bankrolling it. That is why the donors are secret in this effort. I bet they heavily overlap with current Republican donors (they are said to disproportionately come from hedge funds, and hedge fund people have heavily underwritten Romney).
That is also why Rothschilds, Schoen and Caddell have shown up in this effort.
Mr Stagger Lee
These are the people that Tom Friedman will peddle as the saviors of America. The meme will be that Obama failed but we need “adults” to return the country back to its greatness.
Not the cartoon characters shilled by their inferiors Limbaugh Beck etc.
@General Stuck:
The fact that this boat didn’t hit an iceberg is proof of a spiteful god who hates us all.
General Stuck
I wouldn’t put anything past the GOP at this point in time, and Citizens United could provide cover for such a bold ratfucking astroturfed movement designed to take away votes from Obama. We will just have to wait and see. I kind of doubt it, because attempting such a move, even with the ability to keep donors secret, will be difficult to do in the intense light of a POTUS race, with so many eyes and ears turning over every rock for information. Something that could cause a big backfire, if the wingers are attempting it.
I think you’re mostly right, but the voters they’re trying to siphon off are the moderate Republicans who voted for Obama in 2008. These guys know that they’ll never be able to steer those votes to Romney (much less any of the other clown car denizens) but they’re hoping to re-direct them to their “centrist” candidate over Obama.
Democrats won’t be fooled — even conservative ones — but these guys are hoping to give Republicans who are disillusioned with the Republican Party an alternative place to go.
Anne Laurie
Decent attention to the Trickster God’s particular quirks is always a wise choice. As the saying has it, gods come and go, but Murphy Rules!
Just donated $25 to the Obama 2012 campaign.
Let’s do this, Obots!
Linda Featheringill
I resemble that remark!
You may also know them as the New Democrats or DLC. State by state, there may be more support for politicos with that profile than for Dem Classic. But, yeah, it’s pretty laughable to look out at the current political landscape and manage to see too _little_ a role for business-friendly, spending-averse, low-tax wannabe “centrists.”
Villago Delenda Est
Basically, they’re 1% scum who are in need of tumbrel rides.
Fuck them.
Another funny thing, the poll results on the AE website apparently turn out to show an electroate that is FAR more liberal ( progressive, whatever) than the centrists intend.
And far more either populist, or in line with Obama, already.
(So another case where web surveys get paultards or folks favoring marijuana legalization as their key demographic, hoocoodanode.)
I agree with the poster above who says it is probably a charade and AE has final say, not the web election.
Thanksgiving left me feeling pretty good about Obama’s chances. The two Bush/McCain voters who were in attendance (Scranton, PA), didn’t show any signs of irrational Obama hatred and mostly complained about the craziness of their own party’s candidates. Hell, they were more positive about the economy than I am. A quote: “Except for unemployment things are actually going pretty well. We’re not in a recession, the economy is at least growing slowly.” They might still go for Romney, who they think is sleazy, if a Perry or Gingrich sneaks threw, they will become Obama voters.
Enough taxi cab sociology from me…
@Mnemosyne: Democrats won’t be fooled—even conservative ones—but these guys are hoping to give Republicans who are disillusioned with the Republican Party an alternative place to go.
So, they’re hoping for Obama 44%, Republican (subset Tea Party) 27%, and Republican (subset Moderate AE) 29%? Don’t see that working well for either Republican brand, even with the Electoral College – in fact, I could see Obama taking a plurality in a couple of red states, and thus the EC votes.
AA+ Bonds
They’re the real threat – the people who will starve the country and call it progress.
Make no mistake, deficit-hawk policies will create an unemployed workforce so large and so used to being unemployed that American society will face the direct threat of instability.
If the Republicans aren’t behind this, they soon will be.
As usual Wrong Again Cole gets it wrong. This is nothing more than Anyone But Romneys (ANYBUMs)who would rather spend their money peeling away independent votes from Obama than contributing to Romneys campaign directly.
And in addition to not giving a shit about Jeebus what separates AE from the glibertarians is AE recognizes the importance of corporate welfare in its many pork flavored variations.
Mnemosyne @ 12
I absolutely agree that is the goal.
As much as I have bitched about a lot of things that Obama has done I think from day one this is the group they have sought to peal away from the Republicans since it cuts off a funding source for them, further concentrates the crazy, and gives the Dems a patina of seriousness.
And the republicans know that.
Mike in NC
Seeing “SS” and “National Review” in the same sentence seems quite appropriate.
Politics isn’t about left versus right; it’s about top versus bottom.
Jim Hightower
I call shenanigans. Whenever has Giuliani not hated black people?
More like Moronic Americans Elect. Fucking clowns.
These folks have been keeping an eye on AE:
Kola Noscopy
Just donated $25 to the Obama 2012 campaign. Let’s do this, Obots!
How do you think your $25 stacks up against the gazillions he’s getting from Wall Street types?
Just wondering…
tell it
Nobody, and I mean nobody, pisses me off more than Harold fucking Ford. Fucking grifter posing as “the liberal” while spinning nonsensical corporate moderate derp-de-derp on Morning Joe. NOBODY
I don’t understand how they can be on the ballot in 50 states without a candidate.
@Kola Noscopy:
Anyone surprised that Kola Noscopy is lying?
Here’s another chart showing that he’s lying.
I’m not surprised, either. It’s kind of his thing.
Oh, and in case Kola tries to backtrack and claim he’s talking about 2008’s fundraising? He’s still lying.
@Mnemosyne: The fictional number is a big tell. That and his cheerleading for pedophilia.
That you consider that an insult just goes to show how ridiculously far left this blog has gone. That said, the problem with a centrist party (ably illustrated by this post) is that you get shot at from both sides of the street.
Come on, be fair. I’m sure Kola is just trying to encourage us to donate even more to Obama’s reelection campaign.
Kola Noscopy
Fuck you, you lying sack of shit. According to your own links, Obama’s donations from the financial sector is second only to those from lawyers, by a whopping total of $12,000.00
As usual, in your desperation to cheer for anything Obama, YOU are the one twisting the facts.
Just as you twist the facts in the lies you make up about me and statements I’ve made on this board. Please provide links to statements and context in which I advocate or support child sexual abuse; as opposed to say, arguing that there are gray areas and nuances that need to be considered when one is deciding HOW to respond to an immediate situation. Self righteous, blind know it all…that’s you.
You are a despicable pig, but as BJ devolves to one-note center/right Obama facism, you fit right in here.
Kola Noscopy
Lying sack of shit. Links and context please. I’ll be happy to re-debate what you seem to be referring to. But let’s start with actual quotes and context, or don’t you do that?
Idiot tool, borderline brainless to boot.
Don’t apologize. These people are assholes. First degree assholes. They are the only people that should apologize.
@Kola Noscopy:
And yet that’s not what you said, is it, sweetie? You’re just angry because we caught you lying again and we called you out on it. Again.
This whole problem could be solved if you would just stop lying, but I really don’t think that’s possible for you.
Here you go. But, please, continue trying to convince us that you weren’t passionately defending pedophilia in that thread. It’s just so funny to watch you dig yourself in deeper and deeper. Kind of like watching Sandusky’s interview with Bob Costas where he tried to insist that he had no idea that it was inappropriate for an adult man to shower naked with little boys.
@Kola Noscopy:
Financial sector donations are 10% of Obama’s total fundraising. Uncoded (<$250) donations are 20% of his total.
So those $25 donations are stacking up quite well.
He also gets 20% of his money from retired folks so I've always been curious about argument that he's going to piss off 20% of his fundraising base to appease 10% of it by privatizing social security.
I apologize in advance for letting Kola Noscopy draw attention away from the fact that he’s fully on board with as much Republican rat-fucking as his little fingers can type between now and November 2012. Because he just can’t stand Obama’s … foreign policy. Yeah, that’s it. President Romney would totally restore civil liberties and stop drone bombings, amirite? And Romney wouldn’t be a slave to Wall Street just because he’s already gotten 5 times more money from them than Obama has.
Let’s remember Friedman’s piece on Americans Elect:
That’s what Friedman says when he’s trying to convince readers that this “radical center” group is the great new savior of real America: it has “swank” offices and hedge fund money. Clearly if there’s one thing Americans can agree on, it’s that hedge fund managers don’t have enough influence in our political system.
Elias Schewel
so, earlier today I decided to sign up to be one of their “delegates” and take a bunch of surveys.
You answer these series of questions, which each propose a spectrum of policy solutions right-to-left for dealing with healthcare, education, energy production, immigration, taxes etc.
The funnies part was they then report to you which option is getting the most votes. Overwhelmingly out of the options available the voters were picking either the “most Left” option or the “center Left” option.
Which of course all suggests that we don’t need a third party, we just need the Republicans to get out of the way, and the Democrats to move a little bit back to the left.
@Mnemosyne: Thank you for that. I had to go spend time with my family and such, so I wasn’t able to address the pedo directly. He just gets pissed off when he gets called on things.
(a little quote from your employer there. :)
The thing that astonishes me about these “centrists,” “moderate,” “no labels,” etc. groups is that, for all the attention they get, they never seem to asked to put forward any actual policy positions. It’s like asking folks to believe in a religion whose only theological tenet is that it is not any of the other religions.
Odie Hugh Manatee
What else would you expect from a NAMBLA lobbyist?
Odie Hugh Manatee
We all know what he’s doing with the other hand.
ETA: No need to apologize unless you’re the one who brought this squalling piece of shit into the world.
@General Stuck:
Tweety had the young Ackerman on a few weeks ago & I was cooking so didn’t watch it closely. They ran the rerun of the show today & it was a hoot. His Dad, Pete Ackerman gave Americans Elect $5 1/2M for “seed money.” That’s all you get to know about the $$. In fact, Tweety & David Corn ganged up on him about the money & he was truly pissed. Sorta like Lady Lynn would act if you dare question her!
Americans Elect is the WEHATEOBAMA Party. I’m part of the 44% who never quits Obama & will vote for him. If he is able to maintain that 44%, with the 3 Candidates & possibly Ron Paul, making it a 4Way, O has a good chance of winning.
Kola Noscopy
How weird. YOu provide the link to my longish post that states the opposite of what you claim I said, yet seem to assert that it backs your claim. How stupid are you? Do you REALLY read that comment as a passionate defense of pedophilia? REALLY?
There is nothing of value there coming from a gay man who was a gay kid? Nothing?
You obviously do not possess critical reading skills, the ability to understand any nuance whatsoever, nor the desire to even attempt to grasp any point of view other than your own and that of your fellow BJ club members.
Your black/white fantasy world bears little resemblance to the real world, which is why you do well here as a kool kid.
Kola Noscopy
You know, there is this thing called the real world where not everybody is an insane republican right winger OR a koolaid drinking Obamanian establishment democrat..were you aware of that?
Or do you just believe it to your advantage somehow to pretend otherwise?
Do you honestly believe any opposition to Obama from the left is simply rat fucking? Or is that another black/white pretense?
Kola Noscopy
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
For all your pretense to liberal/Dem social views which one would assume stem from a place of compassion, you’re really just a hateful, vicious misanthrope, aren’t you?
Yes, you are.
@Kola Noscopy:
Yep. And I wasn’t the only one. That would give a normal person pause and make them think about how their words came across, but not you. You’d rather double down on being offensive and whine about how meeeeaaannnnn we all are to you when we point out that you just posted a passionate, multi-paragraph defense of pedophilia.
No, I think that YOUR opposition to Obama is ratfucking. I’ve developed that opinion over many months of reading your posts, where it’s become very clear that the only thing you care about is making sure Obama isn’t re-elected. I don’t think you actually give a shit at all about drone attacks or civil liberties, except that they give you a chance to attack Obama and try to make sure a Republican gets elected in his place.
Is that clear enough for you?
@Kola Noscopy:
I speak only for myself, but yeah, that’s exactly how I read that comment. Really.
Kola Noscopy
Yes, quite clear. You are a fool. It matters not to me how many other BJ fools agree with you, the fact remains.
And you thinking something is so doesn’t, counter to your thinking, magically make it so in reality.
Really? The ONLY thing? What about my concerns regarding the advancement of NAMBLA? This statement is an excellent example of your hysterical, extreme black/white Obama-centered thinking. Obama’s mendacity is one of many problems this country has…it achieves prominence because he is, uh the president.
So imagine me to be a “rat fucker” all you wish; it makes no difference whatsoever to me. Although if you know how I might actually get paid for posting comments here and as a bonus annoying the hell out of you, please let me know.
Kola Noscopy
Well, all the usual group suspects are showing up to mouth the kool kid line. I’ll wait for the response of commenters I respect. Although…it looks like Cole has run off just about everyone with any discernment. Interesting, that.
@Kola Noscopy:
Feel free to keep doubling down pedo. The simple fact is not every gay person has shared your experiences or your indulgences. The fact that you think the world must conform to your view or U R OPPRESSED! is facile. There is a very good reason why we do not sexualize children: THEY CANNOT HANDLE IT. You want to indulge some twisted fantasy you had as a child fine. When you’re imprisoned for it, don’t come bitching at us.
General Stuck
Yes, I caught that segment this morning on Hardballon xm. I wasn’t aware it was a re broadcast, but Tweety and Corn asked the right question about following the money. It will leak out somehow, someway, if they go through with fielding an actual candidate.
@Kola Noscopy:
I think the funniest part of all is that you think I’m one of the “kool kids” here. Seriously? I’m third-string, at best.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Kola Noscopy:
You think I give a shit what a lowlife worthless piece of shit like you thinks about me?
Fuck off you ratfucking pedo scumbag.
@Mnemosyne: “That would give a normal person pause and make them think about how their words came across, but not you.”
Kolon the Barbarian NAMBLA Lobbyist isn’t normal, like many Republicans today. They don’t think, they prefer perversion and anger.
@Kola Noscopy: Whoa, in the middle of responding to you saying
I have discovered that you completely edited your comment. Now I have to respond to some kind of “kool kidz” slam in response to informing you that yes, I read your comment as a passionate defense of pedophilia.
@JenJen: Fortunately I immortalized it. The pedo will not weasel out of his words so easily.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Kolon the Barbarian NAMBLA Lobbyist:
This is a mistake that all ratfuckers make, it’s a clear ‘tell’ that someone is a winger.
Moving goalposts are the hallmark of a ratfucker/winger. They like to think of it as being versatile.
@Yutsano: I feel like I need to walk through a steam autoclave, seriously. Yucko.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: It’s beyond moving goalposts. It’s planting goalposts, pretending goalposts never existed, moving goalposts, and then OMG AMNESIA over the very existence of goalposts, moved or otherwise.
Kola Noscopy
wow, you are a sick fuck.
@JenJen: Or a Silkwood shower. Worst is he projects this as normal homosexual desire. Umm…NO!!
@Kola Noscopy:
Irony just died.
Kola Noscopy
Please do, and stay in there until your skin peels off.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Every time I see that fuckers nym here I’m hanging the FUCKING PEDO sign on it to alert anyone engaging him in polite conversation as if he’s some accepted regular here.
Matt Osborne
Ironically, Moderate Americans Elect actually represents the 55% majority of Republicans who would like the party to shut up about gays and abortion, but whose political party is in deep capture to 45% that cannot shut up about gays or abortion.
@Kola Noscopy:
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Good. I’ll help.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Kola Noscopy:
The old retort Takes one to know one applies here. You don’t know shit about Yutsano but you do know you are shit.
Projection is thy game.
The more the merrier! :)
Kola Noscopy
Ummm…are you a gay male?
Are you saying it is abnormal for a young gay male to have sexual feelings toward an older man?
On what basis do you claim to know what you are talking about?
Please provide links to where I said it was a good idea for an older man to act on sexual feelings for a minor. Thanks.
Please provide links to where I said I have EVER had or indulged a sexual feeling for a minor. Thanks.
Kola Noscopy
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Oh just fuck you. I guess this where where your own theory about projection is playing out. How many boys have YOU fucked? Are your fantasies about me doing what you can only dream of taking the edge off, or making things worse down there?
@Kola Noscopy: I’m not playing your game any more. Because it’s pointless. You are the tokoloko of this thread. You are NEVER wrong because, well, you just say so.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Kola Noscopy:
If you’re gay then I’m King Tut. We know that you’re a ratfucker, get over it.
While you’re at it, get lost.
Kola Noscopy
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
This is a mistake that all ratfuckers make, it’s a clear ‘tell’ that someone is a winger.
You are so laughably off base here it is stunning. But imagine what you will; this is just as accurate as your self pleasuring fantasies about my sex life…
As I’ve said on a number of occasions, I have NEVER, no, not even once, voted for a Republican. Through the Kerry campaign I voted only for Democrats, beginning in 1976. And I just recently re-registered to vote here in Mass so I can vote for Elizabeth Warren.
What say you, pedo-fantasist?
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Kolon the Barbarian NAMBLA Lobbyist:
FOAD PEDO troll.
Kolon the Barbarian NAMBLA Lobbyist is the locopedo of this thread.
Kola Noscopy
Pot. Kettle.
Villago Delenda Est
Asbestos blog reading outfits on aisle two have been sold out! Quick! Put in an emergency restock order!
@Yutsano: Good call.
In other news, fuck the Bruins!
@Kola Noscopy: Fuck off pedo.
@JenJen: Puppeh pics. Also. Too. :)
@Villago Delenda Est: ROTFLLMAO.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Kolon the Barbarian NAMBLA Lobbyist:
You have never voted for a Republican? Wow! I really believe you! Really!! I’m impressed at your internet proof and am humbled to be in the presence of an untainted and pure Democrat!! You must be the only one left! What a rarity!! Call the press and spread the news!!
Hey, while we’re at it… wanna buy some gold?
Kola Noscopy
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Well, we do know you’re King Pedo-Smut Fantasist, which is close, I suppose…
As far as me getting lost, not gonna happen. Cole isn’t nearly as clubby/cliquish, thin-skinned psycho as some of his sycophants. I think he likes having a few dissenting voices around.
Kola Noscopy
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
That’s some weak bullshit. You’re really rather frail, aren’t you, King Pedo-Smut?
@Kola Noscopy:
So what’s showing in your projection booth tonight, Twilight or The Muppets?
@Kola Noscopy:
True. But pedos? Not so much.
@Yutsano: Owe you puppeh pics!
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Kolon the Barbarian NAMBLA Lobbyist:
Hey asswipe, your words are posted here proving what a sick pedo fuck you are. We can link and quote them whenever we want.
Got something to back up your bullshit? Nope. Get lost you whiny little shithead, I’ve trashed your ass enough in this thread and I’m done smearing your ass all over the place.
Do everyone a favor; jump in a toilet and flush yourself down it. Don’t wipe, it would be a waste of paper.
@Nellcote: I don’t understand how they can be on the ballot in 50 states without a candidate.
That probably helps, since it means you aren’t a real threat. It’s the third parties that can actually run that often find they need to jump through elaborate hoops to get on the ballot.
Kola Noscopy
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
“Hey asswipe, your words are posted here proving what a sick pedo fuck you are. We can link and quote them whenever we want. Got something to back up your bullshit? Nope. Get lost you whiny little shithead, I’ve trashed your ass enough in this thread and I’m done smearing your ass all over the place. Do everyone a favor; jump in a toilet and flush yourself down it. Don’t wipe, it would be a waste of paper.”
You’re quite the BJ tough guy commenter stud, in your own mind now, aren’t you? How sad.
And anally fixated, to boot.
A Humble Lurker
@Kola Noscopy:
Uh…>points to your user name<
Odie Hugh Manatee
@A Humble Lurker:
Yup. He’s had a fixation with anal references here, defends Sandusky by saying that he had a coach that he wish had raped him so the 10 year old boy may have been enjoying being raped in the shower…
and he says I have an anal fixation?!
He’s nothing more than an in-the-closet ratfucking Republican who is out to make gay people look like pedos and sow division. Problem is that he’s horrible at it and is only showing his true nature; he’s a conservative NAMBLA lobbyist trying his hand at ratfucking.
And failing.
Kola Noscopy
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
I think you may be drunk.
Lots of alcohol probably makes it a little easier to live with yourself and your self loathing.
A Humble Lurker
@Kola Noscopy:
What’s that saying?
“Sir, you’re drunk!”
“And you sir, are a miserable, venomous pedophile. But tomorrow I will be sober.”*
*Paraphrased to fit the situation.
Kola Noscopy
@A Humble Lurker:
And you, creature, are a fucker of child corpses.
Anyone can play this game…
@Kola Noscopy:
That’s nice. You still advocate for the sexualization of children. And also feel like you’re repressed for the world disagreeing. NAMBLA couldn’t be prouder of you.
Now that we’ve gotten all that out of our systems….all this “yearning for a less extremist candidate” on the part of these jerks is nothing more than waking up to the hangover caused by thirty years of partying down by mainlining fear, hatred and paranoia right into the minds of Republican voters. Which was all just fine until they nominated Thurston Howell’s idiot son and handed him the keys to a Corvette loaded with whiskey and machine guns, which – predictably – he ran over the high side while maintaining all along it was somebody else’s fault. Oops.
So what to do? Why, double down on the crazy – it being the sense of the Republican base that their electoral problems in 2006 and 2008 were caused by not being conservative (i.e.; crazy) enough.
Now, of course, the end result is visible in the ongoing freak show known as the Republican presidential candidate debates. When your least crazy (and of course, most “Serious” – mustn’t forget that essential Brooksian accolade) is Mitt fucking Romney, you’ve got a problem. Which can only be solved by a third party candidate, meaning a slightly less noxious Republican.
All this has been chronicled by many commentators, probably most vividly by Driftglass in more than one post:
And – if readers of this blog really need to be told – the Republicans’ goals and objectives are really pretty straightforward, once all the horseshit is washed away. Laid out neatly, straight from the belly of the beast:
Unfortunately or fortunately, this ploy may prove attractive to those voters who want to believe that there really is a “centrist” alternative. There ain’t – refer to link 2 above. Repeat after me – Michael Bloomberg is a Republican. As are Guiliani, Bayh (in spirit) and all the rest.
It does get depressing sometimes, when reflecting that your alternatives are a) utterly, horribly corrupt and b) deeply corrupt, with both parties acquiesing in the ever more authoritarian rules. The 4th Amendment is dead, the 1st Amendment is on life support, and this is all just fine with both Republicans and Democrats, at least at the national level. Must keep the dirty fucking hippies in their place, no matter how often they turn out to be right.
A Humble Lurker
@Kola Noscopy:
See, the difference is that nowhere on this site will you find me advocating fucking child corpses. (And my my, your showing off your obsession with children again.)
But your weird little issues are on display for all to see. So while I have evidence to back up my accusations you do not. Oh well, that’s too bad for you, isn’t it?
Kola Noscopy
Tell your mother thank you for last night. The best part was when she took out her dentures…
Kola Noscopy
@A Humble Lurker:
Could you provide a link to where I ADVOCATE for pedophilia? Thanks.
Oh, and your dad was hot last night. A little saggy in the ass, but we made do.
@Kola Noscopy: come on, we all read the thread where you said there was a good chance the 10 year old rape victim was asking for it.
no wait, perhaps the nutter is sane and every single other person on this blog is crazy. that’s it!
i know, more frothing at the mouth and foot-stamping. that will turn the tide!